Exploring the Marketplace

I love this podcast and other topics

First of all, I want to say that I really do love this podcast. I think the way Shawn discussed prophecy is really important and necessary. But I am grieving today after I discovered Shawn prophesied the second term of Trump’s election. I did not support Trump. I thought there was/is a lot of deception in the church regarding politics. Trump hated Christians and exploited them for a vote. Even a Republican senator was recorded saying that Trump mocks believers behind their backs. Prophets need to stop prophesying with a political agenda. It needs to STOP. Shawn and Kris Vallotton and many others should repent for what they have done. This whole election with Trump proves that the body of Christ have so identified with a party politic that they have become blinded to what the kingdom of God actually is. I just can’t deal with this anymore. It’s manipulative and it’s not Jesus.

Nov. 7, 2020 by CreativeMystic on Apple Podcasts

Exploring the Marketplace

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