Exploring the Marketplace


I love listening to exploring the prophet podcasts each morning as part of my quiet time. Not sure what I’ll do when I run out of episodes, but it’s a great reminder that I am not alone. Since starting a new job, my greatest worry has been that the work seems greater than my abilities. I’m surrounded by people with PHDs and masters degrees and I never even finished college. I’m constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, but hearing this podcast is a reminder that I’m not in this alone.

I don’t need to know how to solve all the problems, I just need to be willing to rely on Jesus. I have Jesus on my side, literal access to the unfettered wisdom and knowledge of God, access to the Holy Spirit, angels waiting to be sent out, the ability to hear God through dreams and visions... I’m not inadequate or unqualified for this position. I’m over qualified because greater is Jesus in me than anyone or anything in the world.

The challenges I see at work, as big as they may seem, they are nothing to God so they need not be anything to me. Now if I can remember this when servers crash that would be awesome.

March 14, 2019 by shwanky on Apple Podcasts

Exploring the Marketplace

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