Exploring the Marketplace


Can’t thank you enough for doing this podcast 🙌🏼 I grew up in the church but it wasn’t until a year ago that I experienced God on a whole new level that I didn’t even know existed. God downloaded some crazy-life altering things to me that at first was pretty awesome, but because it was so new to hear God so directly, it also came with a mix of emotions and changes. God has taken me on a wild ride over the last year, but as we’ve walked this new relationship out, it’s so awesome to hear other God stories from all genres and people. God stories are literally THE BEST! They are more than entertainment ; but truly build your faith to believe in the impossible and also confirms the prophetic words in our own lives. I usually listen on my lunch break, and I can say I look forward to more than just a good sandwich, but time spent getting my mind blown by how cool our God is! So again, THANK YOU! Keep up the awesomeness 😎

Oct. 30, 2018 by Beloved Britt on Apple Podcasts

Exploring the Marketplace

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