Rosalinda Rivera's Faith-Fuel Podcast

Unlock Your Faith

Faith is our key to success, to happiness and so much more.
Pastor Rosalinda has her own story and her own Faith that Fuels her. I know some of her story because i was completely Blessed one day and was able to meet her father and hear his testimony! What Pastor Rosalinda talks about in her podcasts is real you guys. It’s life being lived with each word that she speaks. And those words are 100% guided from God because before each podcast she Prays and asks Him for His help, to be able to open up the hearts of the people that are listening to her so that they can receive His word, His living word, His infallible word and that word is God. Pastors Faith Fuels everything she does in life and that’s because she believes in things without being able to actually see them!

Listen to Pastor Rosalinda every chance you get. If i were you i would Subscribe to her podcast right now! She speaks truth and facts and she is a wonderful women of God!

Aug. 20, 2020 by Castro Matt on Apple Podcasts

Rosalinda Rivera's Faith-Fuel Podcast

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