Discovering The Jewish Jesus Audio Podcast

Discovering The Jewish Jesus Audio Podcast

Discovering the Jewish Jesus’ mission is to equip the Body of Christ, mobilize the Church, and help evangelize the world. Rabbi Kirt Schneider, host of an international television show, has committed his life to a passionate pursuit of Jesus and to being used by God for His purpose. Rabbi Schneider...

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Discovering The Jewish Jesus Audio Podcast

Recent Episodes

July 3, 2024

Isaiah 41: Friends, Servants, and Victors in God: God Is Your Friend

In this episode, Rabbi outlines through Isaiah 41 how God views the Children of Israel as servants and friends, emboldening us as Believers in Yeshua today. Visit our website at
July 2, 2024

Isaiah and Messianic Prophecy Season 2: Messiah’s Exaltation

In the face of oppression and under the threat of death, Jesus remained silent. In today’s episode, Rabbi reveals how prophecy in Isaiah 53 points to Jesus’ death and how the Messiah’s exaltation still impacts believers toda…
July 1, 2024

Isaiah and Messianic Prophecy Season 2: Our Sorrows He Carried

During Jesus’ time on earth he was rejected, despised, and experienced grief. Join Rabbi as he dives into the book of Isaiah and reveals how Jesus cares about us and understands our deepest pain. Visit our website at Discove…
June 29, 2024

Claim Psalm 91 for Yourself!

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1
June 28, 2024

Isaiah and Messianic Prophecy Season 2: Behold, My Servant

Experience one of the most intense Messianic prophecies found in Isaiah's fourth servant song. In this episode, Rabbi will help you understand how Jesus is clearly revealed in the Hebrew scriptures. Visit our website at Disc…
June 27, 2024

Isaiah and Messianic Prophecy Season 1: Isaiah’s Servant Songs

When Jesus came into the world, He was different from how many people imagined a messiah would be. But Jesus' nature was foretold in the book of Isaiah, in verses known as the Servant Songs. In this episode, Rabbi shares wha…
June 26, 2024

Isaiah and Messianic Prophecy Season 1: Isaiah’s Prophecy Begins

Most Christians are familiar with the verse in Isaiah that proclaims that a virgin will be with child and bear a son. However, few remember that Isaiah not only prophesied when and how the Messiah would arrive, but where He …
June 25, 2024

Isaiah and Messianic Prophecy Season 1: The Subtleties of Messianic Prophesy

Messianic prophecies are not merely predictions of future events. Many prophecies that appear to refer simply to events in Israel's past have a much deeper meaning. In today's episode, learn how Jesus fulfilled the Messianic…
June 24, 2024

Isaiah and Messianic Prophecy Season 1: Israel Prophetic Destiny

God singled Israel out of all the nations for a special and important purpose. What is that purpose and has Israel fulfilled it? Rabbi Schneider answers these questions and more as he explores Messianic Prophecy in the Old…
June 21, 2024

Simple but Profound Truth: Train Yourself To Walk With God

God wants to share His reality with us. To achieve unity with God, we must become more like Him. In the conclusion of his series, Simple but Profound Truth, Rabbi Schneider summarizes his keys for walking with God, and how y…
June 21, 2024

He Died in Our Place

"All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being." John 1:3
June 20, 2024

Simple but Profound Truth: Achieve Unity With God

We are in a constant struggle against our flesh nature. In order to walk in greater unity with God, we need to be willing to resist the flesh. In this episode Rabbi Schneider continues to share simple but profound truths tha…
June 19, 2024

Simple but Profound Truth: Practice Hearing God

God is always speaking to us. Whether through dreams, visions, or the testimony of others; God has so many ways to impart His Word into our lives. But we need to listen for His voice in order to receive the revelation. Join …
June 18, 2024

Simple but Profound Truth: Walking With God

Enoch was a person who walked so closely with God that the Scriptures say God simply took him from the earth. We are all capable of walking as closely with God as Enoch did. In this important new series, Rabbi Schneider shar…
June 17, 2024

According to His Will: How Can You Learn To Be Wise?

What does it mean to be led by God? How can you feel close to God? How can you get beyond your past? Rabbi Schneider shares how God wants to heal you from past hurt and past mistakes. But how do you know what that means? In …
June 14, 2024

According to His Will: Why Do the Words You Speak Matter?

Can God forgive me? Everyone else uses foul language, what does it matter? Rabbi Schneider shares the power of the words we say, why our words matter, and how to clean up our mouths. Changing our words will change our lives.…
June 13, 2024

According to His Will: What Is the Right Way To Pray?

Is there a right way to pray, David's prayers, what is God's will, Does God answer prayer, how to pray for others, how to pray intentionally, heart of prayer, Jewish believer, Jesus Messiah, what does according to God's will…
June 12, 2024

According to His Will: What Did Biblical Heroes Pray?

How do I learn to pray? How do I pray so God listens? Rabbi Schneider, a Jewish believer in Jeus the Messiah, shares how to pray deeply and move God's heart. This episode reveals what the term "grace" means while teaching wh…
June 11, 2024

Pentecost: Knowing God and Making Him Known

Pentecost is rooted in traditional Judaism. However, today we remember it as a Christian holiday, the day that God bestowed the Holy Spirit upon His disciples. Learn the true roots of this holy day and God's purpose for shar…
June 10, 2024

To Know Him by Name Season 2: The Beauty of Boundaries

Is anything too difficult for the Lord? Join Rabbi Schneider as he expounds on God’s name El Shaddai in Abraham and Sarah’s story.   Visit our website at
June 8, 2024

Love the Lord Your God With All Your Heart

"See to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. For if those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape who turn away from Him who warns from heaven. And His voice shook th…
June 7, 2024

To Know Him by Name Season 2: El Shaddai – God Almighty

In this episode, Rabbi Schneider continues the story of God’s promise to Abraham. Listen today to learn more about God’s covenant with you.   Visit our website at
June 6, 2024

To Know Him by Name Season 2: El Rohi – the God Who Sees

Through Hagar’s story in the Old Testament, Rabbi Schneider teaches on a special name of God: El Rohi. Join today and hear how God sees us and is with us when we are lonely.   Visit our website at DiscoveringTheJewishJesus.c…
June 5, 2024

To Know Him by Name Season 2: How Involved Is God?

It is easy to believe God reigns in heaven, but it is more difficult to believe God reigns on earth. In this episode, Rabbi Schneider elaborates on why God does not fully exert His sovereignty over the earth.   Visit our web…
June 4, 2024

Principles of Emunah: God’s Purpose for You

God wants to bless you more abundantly than you can imagine. In this episode, Rabbi Schneider shares three principles of true faith. By putting these principles into practice, you can receive the blessings that God wants to …
June 3, 2024

Principles of Emunah: God’s Gift of Faith

Faith is one of the primary foundations of our relationship with God. In Hebrew, the word for faith is Emunah. In this episode, Rabbi Schneider introduces the principles of Biblical Emunah and how you can put them into actio…
June 1, 2024

Entirely Dependent on God

"The God who girds me with strength and makes my way blameless?" Psalm 18:32
May 31, 2024

God’s Plan for Israel Now: The Power of Israel’s Salvation

Does Israel’s role in God’s plan diminish yours? Certainly not! In this episode Rabbi teaches us how God wants to use the church to aid in Israel’s journey to salvation.   Visit our website at
May 30, 2024

God’s Plan for Israel Now: How Does God Feel About Israel?

Has God’s purpose for Israel changed? In this episode, Rabbi reveals God’s unique perspective of Israel, and how we shouldn’t feel threatened by Israel’s past and present role in His plan of redemption.   Visit our website a…
May 29, 2024

God’s Plan for Israel Now: The Significance of Israel

Most of us recognize Israel’s importance in the Old Testament Scriptures, but we often fail to recognize Israel’s importance in God’s plans for today. In today’s episode, discover how God intends to use His covenant people i…
May 28, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: Faith in Jesus From a Jewish Perspective

Join Rabbi Schneider as he wraps up this crucial series on how the Old and New Testaments.  Learn how both Jews and Gentiles can experience God's love and power through salvation in Messiah Jesus.   Visit our website at Disc…
May 27, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: The Prophecy of Jesus’ Death

Did you know that there are many Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament that give revelation about Jesus Christ as the Son of God? How do those prophecies help bring healing and restoration to us today?  Rabbi Schneider t…
May 25, 2024

Do Not Harden Your Heart

"Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?" Romans 2:4
May 24, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: Is Jesus Mentioned in the Old Testament?

Can someone be both a Jew and a Christian? Jesus taught from the Messianic Prophecies of the Old Testament to give His true disciples understanding of who He is and what He set out to do.  Join Rabbi Schneider as he continue…
May 23, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: Get Rid of Guilt and Shame

Did you know that baptism was practiced in the Old Testament? Learn how baptism, water, and the Holy Spirit draw us closer to God through Messiah Yeshua as Rabbi Schneider continues in this important series on Discovering Ho…
May 22, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: What Is True Worship

How do true grace and faith go together? Are we saved by works or God's unmerited favor on us? Rabbi Schneider gives an in-depth revelation using the Old and New Testaments and how we can experience God's grace on our lives …
May 21, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: The Principle of Covenant

What is the Principle of Covenant?  How is that related to Progressive Revelation?  As we study further on How the Old and New Testaments connect, Rabbi Schneider explains the meaning of these important principles.   Dive in…
May 20, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: God’s Promise to Abraham

What is the plan of salvation as revealed in the Hebrew Bible? How do the Jewish people play a role in the plan of salvation today? Join Rabbi Schneider as he teaches us important knowledge on how the Old and New Testaments …
May 18, 2024

God’s Glory is Rising Upon You

“For behold, darkness will cover the earth And deep darkness the peoples; But the LORD will rise upon you And His glory will appear upon you." Isaiah 60:2
May 17, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: What Is the Tanakh?

"What are the true roots of the Christian faith? Is the Old Testament obsolete in the Christian faith today? Find out the truth of who God is as Rabbi Schneider continues in this powerful series."   Visit our website at Disc…
May 16, 2024

Pentecost: What Is Pentecost?

What is Pentecost? Why is it important to us today? Rabbi Schneider shares that the Jewish people had already been celebrating Shavuot for 1500 years. But when the Spirit of God came, it fulfilled Shavuot as it had been prop…
May 15, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: Is the Old Testament Irrelevant?

Is God the same God of the New Testament as He is in the Old Testament? How does Anti-Semitism have an impact on Christian theology today? Join Rabbi Schneider as he continues on this series to help us shed light on the trut…
May 14, 2024

Discovering How the Old and New Testaments Connect: Old Testament, New Testament: One God

Was the God of the Old Testament a harsh lawgiver or a God of grace? Does God have two different personalities? Join Rabbi Schneider in this classic series as he discusses in depth how the Old and New Testaments connect.   V…
May 13, 2024

A Baptism of Love: Mountain of Spices

How is it possible to be unique and cherished by God? Rabbi Schneider shares that even though we each need to be deeply loved, unique, and cherished God made you and sees you as so special to Him. Learn how God builds you up…
May 11, 2024

Hang on and Cling to God

"After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you." 1 Peter 5:10
May 10, 2024

A Baptism of Love: The Jesus of Gethsemane

Why do Christians have to suffer if God is so powerful? Learn to walk by faith in love as God strengthens you through your worst trials. Rabbi Schneider shares how partnering with God, being in relationship with God, and tur…
May 9, 2024

A Baptism of Love: Out of the Wilderness

What happens when we put God first in our lives? Rabbi Schneider shares how God looks at us as beautiful, as those who bring Him pleasure, and that he desires a reciprocal relationship with us. God wants you as a partner who…
May 8, 2024

A Baptism of Love: Up the Mountain

How is it possible to be holy and blameless? God made you in His image. Rabbi Schneider shares how you can become holy, blameless, and beautiful. He'll help you learn how to get free of shame and condemnation through Jesus' …
May 7, 2024

A Baptism of Love: The Fragrance of Love

How do we experience a perfect God if we're not perfect? What do we do when the original emotions we felt for God fade? Sometimes God feels far away. Rabbi Schneider shares that God wants us to always pursue him, walk by fai…
May 6, 2024

A Baptism of Love: Draw Me After You

How does the Shulamite bride reveal an example of a healthy relationship with Jesus? The symbolism of being the bride of Christ is a mysterious and difficult concept, but Rabbi Schneider reveals how that symbolism means God …
May 4, 2024

Yeshua Within You

“But a voice from heaven answered a second time, ‘What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.’" – Acts 11:9
May 3, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 9: A Lesson Learned From Pharisees

In today’s episode, we join Rabbi Schneider as he examines how the Pharisees' rigid adherence to the law ultimately led to their rejection of Jesus as the Messiah.   Visit our website at
May 2, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 9: God’s Purpose in Everything

In today’s episode, Rabbi Schneider speaks about God’s divine plan, emphasizing how His will is intricately woven into every aspect of our lives.   Visit our website at
May 1, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 9: Believers, Followers and Disciples

In this episode, Rabbi Schneider breaks down the crucial distinction between being a believer in Christ and truly following Him.   Visit our website at
April 30, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 9: Finding the Truth

Join Rabbi Schneider as he leads us deeper into the Mysteries in the Gospel of John. With insightful guidance, he illuminates the path to discovering profound truths and attaining authentic freedom.   Visit our website at Di…
April 29, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 8: Hearing Gods Voice Over Personal Desires

We all have wondered if we are really hearing God or hearing the voice of our own desires. In this episode, Rabbi Schneider teaches about quieting the noise of our own impulses and learning to recognize and faithfully follow…
April 27, 2024

Through Jesus, Our Messiah

Passover/The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins at sunset on Monday, April 22 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, April 30.
April 26, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 8: The Pursuit of True Happiness

We all want to be happy, but achieving true happiness is not something we can achieve on our own. In today’s episode, Rabbi Schneider unveils the essential key to unlocking an unshakeable and profound joy that can only be at…
April 25, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 8: Pride's Toll on Faith

In this episode we explore the challenges of overcoming our pride and understanding its detrimental nature as Rabbi Schneider sheds light on the impact of a prideful spirit.   Visit our website at DiscoveringTheJewishJesus.c…
April 24, 2024

Passover: The Gospel in Primitive Form

Passover begins at sunset Monday, April 22nd and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, April 30th.   How do the great truths of ancient Israel affect us today? Rabbi Scheider shares the roots of Passover, how it's the foundation of …
April 23, 2024

Passover: Seder

Passover begins at sunset Monday, April 22nd and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, April 30th.   What is the Seder meal? How do you celebrate it properly? Rabbi Schneider shares the step-by-step experience and traditions of the …
April 22, 2024

Passover: A Blueprint of the End Times

Passover begins at sunset Monday, April 22nd and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, April 30th.   Discover how the Passover season can prepare us for the end times.   Visit our website at
April 20, 2024

Christ, our Passover Lamb

Passover/The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins at sunset on Monday, April 22 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, April 30.
April 19, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 8: God Sets the Time

Discovering our life's purpose is a universal quest, though many of us struggle for clarity. In this episode, Rabbi Schneider adeptly guides us towards relinquishing our limited perceptions of purpose and embracing God's div…
April 18, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 7: Tuning into God's Frequency

In this episode, Rabbi Schneider delves into the Mysteries in the Gospel of John, guiding us to understand what it means to be not of this world and how to face the hatred that comes from speaking the truth to those around u…
April 17, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 7: More Than Wafers and Wine

What does communion really mean? Is it more than a simple practice of our faith? Rabbi Schneider helps us answer these questions as we continue through the Mysteries in the Gospel of John.   Visit our website at DiscoveringT…
April 16, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 7: Divine Selection

Today Rabbi Schneider dives into the Mysteries in the Gospel of John, unraveling what it means to be chosen by God, and the revelation that comes with it.   Visit our website at
April 15, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 6: The True Food

Journey with Rabbi Schneider as he dissects Jesus’s words to the people and to the religious leaders in the Gospel of John and how we can apply them to our lives today.  Jesus explains he is the Bread of Life that satisfies,…
April 13, 2024

Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit

"Jesus answered and said to her, 'Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of …
April 12, 2024

Passover and the End Times

Many early church believers tried to erase Jewish culture from faith in Jesus, including the Passover. But Passover is critical in understanding not only our own salvation, but the state of the world in the end times. Join R…
April 11, 2024

The Blood of the Lamb

Passover begins at sunset Monday, April 22nd and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, April 30th. How does the Jewish celebration of Passover relate to the redemption we receive from Christ Jesus? Find out as Rabbi Schneider teache…
April 10, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 6: Fully Coming to Jesus

We are all seeking a sense of peace and contentment in our lives, but often times our search for these things come up lacking. Today, Rabbi explains to us the only real way to find true peace.   Visit our website at Discover…
April 9, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 6: Seeking Man Before God

Wondering why the world's approval has left you feeling unfulfilled? Join Rabbi Schneider as he answers that question and more as we continue to unravel The Mysteries in the Gospel of John.   Visit our website at Discovering…
April 8, 2024

Mysteries in the Gospel of John Season 6: Being Open To Receive Healing

On today's episode, Rabbi Schneider addresses how our personal sin and complacency affect our relationship with Christ and His plans for our lives.   Visit our website at
April 6, 2024

You Are Called to a Divine Purpose

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." –Jeremiah 1:5
April 5, 2024

Experiencing the Supernatural: Have a Supernatural Mindset

Rabbi finishes this enlightening series to encourage us as believers to seek out the revelation of God's love for us and refine our minds to be supernaturally oriented.   Visit our website at
April 4, 2024

Experiencing the Supernatural: The Mystery of the Supernatural

We see many powerful supernatural events unfold throughout the Tanach (Old Testament) and in the Br'it Haddesha (New Testament).  In this episode, Rabbi Schneider hones in on the ultimate reason behind the supernatural prese…
April 3, 2024

How To Receive the Father's Love: Getting Into Alignment

There is an inheritance that God has reserved for us in Heaven but many are living for the now.  In the final episode of this series, Rabbi teaches us how to get back into alignment with the Father and how to focus on what w…
April 2, 2024

How To Receive the Father's Love: The Origin of Our Identity

Many of us receive our identity through the lens of our earthly father, but maybe we should re-evaluate?  In this episode, Rabbi shows us how we can separate our identity with our earthly father from our Heavenly Father.   V…
April 1, 2024

How To Receive the Father's Love: The Destination of Christianity

As Christians we mostly focus on our relationship with Jesus, but where does God fit in and how should we make sense of that connection?  In this episode, Rabbi explains how we should relate to God and whether our destinatio…
March 30, 2024

Look up! Be Prepared.

"And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothi…
March 29, 2024

Freedom From Accusation: God's Plan of Justification

In this special episode on atonement, Rabbi shares how we can be acquitted of sin, how we become holy and set apart, and how we can resist the attacks of the enemy.   Visit our website at
March 28, 2024

Freedom From Accusation: Can I Just Believe in God?

Israel for hundreds of years sacrificed bulls goats and more on altar as atonement for their sin. In this episode, learn how Jesus's blood, shed through His death on the cross, is a blood atonement for all.   Visit our websi…
March 27, 2024

The Prayer Life of Jesus: Love's Resting Place

What is Heaven going to be like? Rabbi Schneider shares today on Discovering the Jewish Jesus that God loves you the same as He loves Jesus and wants to reveal Himself to us. As the Father's love is revealed to you, you will…
March 26, 2024

The Prayer Life of Jesus: Joy Made Full

What is the difference between happiness and joy? How do we change difficult relationships? Rabbi Schneider shares that Jesus wants you to be happy on the inside. Because circumstances are always changing, Jesus wants to giv…
March 25, 2024

Uncovering the Passover Roots of the Resurrection

In today's episode, Rabbi Schneider explores the transition of the early church from celebrating Passover to Easter, providing insights into the celebration of Christ's resurrection from a Jewish perspective.  Join him as he…
March 23, 2024

Seize God's Truth

"Then, when they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boat; and they were frightened." – John 6:19   "…that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, …
March 22, 2024

The Prayer Life of Jesus: On Their Behalf

Rabbi teaches us that we are a new creation chosen to glorify God through our lives for Him.   Visit our website at
March 21, 2024

The Prayer Life of Jesus: He Hears Me

What do you do when God feels far away? Can you really talk to God? Rabbi Schneider shares that God hears the faintest whisper of your heart. Where ever you go, God will be there. Learn how to know God hears you, that He lov…
March 20, 2024

The Prayer Life of Jesus: Into Thy Hands

Can we really be assured we are going to Heaven? Or do we just have to wait until we die to find out? Rabbi Schneider, of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, shares when we bring the areas of our life that we have not yet said yes…
March 19, 2024

The Prayer Life of Jesus: The Least of These

Why is the Bible so mysterious? Why do some people understand and others don't? Rabbi Schneider shares that God chooses to reveal Himself as a gift to you. Learn how God's standards are different than human standards. Watch …
March 18, 2024

Self Deliverance: Victory

How do demons attack? What can Jesus do to help you? Rabbi Schneider shares that when we walk in willful sin, we open the door to demons to operate in our lives. But, through the power and authority of Jesus, we can learn to…
March 16, 2024

I WILL NOT Be Afraid

"And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, 'Save us, Lord; we are perishing!' He said to them, 'Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?' Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm." …
March 15, 2024

Self Deliverance: If the Son Makes You Free

What does the term "spiritual warfare" mean? How can spiritual warfare help us? Rabbi Schneider shares how to reject Satan's attacks, how to protect our thoughts, and how to use Jesus name to drive out demons and the devil w…
March 14, 2024

Self Deliverance: Are Demons for Real?

Do you believe demons exist today? What changed from Jesus time? Can demons really affect how we think? Rabbi Schneider shares from scripture that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Learning effective spiritua…
March 13, 2024

Self Deliverance: Occupying Space

Where do dark thoughts come from? Rabbi Schneider shares that demons are squatters who must be driven out, the real definition of demons, the clear examples in scripture of demons afflicting people, and how you can take auth…
March 12, 2024

Self Deliverance: Unforgiveness, Woundedness, Trauma

What happens when you hold onto grudges? How does that unforgiveness affect you? Rabbi Schneider shares how unforgiveness opens the door for demons to torment us. Spirits that have no right to be in our space need to be conf…
March 11, 2024

Self Deliverance: How Demons Enter

Why does evil keep winning? How do we actually do battle with demons? Rabbi Schneider shares how to be victorious in Jesus by evicting familiar demons that have caused dysfunctional families, drug addiction, and fear. Learn …
March 9, 2024

There's a Blessing for Boldness

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again?It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. You are the light of the world. …
March 8, 2024

Self Deliverance: The Invisible Enemy

Can evil spirits or sin be passed generationally? How do demons enter our lives? Rabbi Schneider shares how to get free of generational sin and curses, what to do to fight real evil in your life, and how to overcome worry, f…

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Her God Story with Jodie Chiricosta

If you love a good story, you will love Her God Story! Join host, Jodie Chiricosta, as sh…

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Hope for Today with John Bates

John Bates is the Lead Pastor of Freedom Fellowship International Church in Waxahachie, T…

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Inspiration from Zion from Jonathan Fel…

Live from Israel, building bridges between Jews and Christians, sharing firsthand updates…

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Invested with Purpose

Invested with Purpose is a groundbreaking podcast that celebrates the power of Biblical P…

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Keep It 100 with Sean & Christa Smith

Relief can change your circumstances, but a revelation can change your life! Each week Se…

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Kingdom Conversations with Pastor Caleb…

"The kingdom" was the number one message Jesus would preach during the time of his earthl…

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Kingdom Living with Pastor Jason Hooper

Kingdom Living is a weekly podcast hosted by Pastor Jason Hooper, Senior Pastor of King’s…

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Live Your Best Life with Liz Wright

Live Your Best Life is hosted by Liz Wright! Each week Liz shares shares from her persona…

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Line of Fire Radio

Join your host, activist, author, international speaker, and biblical scholar, Dr. Michae…

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MAPS Global Podcast

Join R.A. Martinez and various guests as they discuss the convergence of the prayer and m…

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Manifest His Presence with Candice Smit…

Manifest His Presence everyday as you learn to access heavenly blessings, discern angels,…

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Mavericks & Misfits with Jeff Lyle

With all the mixed signals being sent out about God’s Kingdom, we need a spot to land and…

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Moms for America Podcast

Special guests will join us each week to share their personal stories and advice on how t…

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More Faith More Life

You were made for more than the status quo. So if you're ready to do more, tune in to "Mo…

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Next Level Leaders with Dr. Joseph Walk…

Next Level Leaders, hosted by Dr. Joseph Walker III, lead pastor Mt. Zion Nashville, prov…

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Nourish Your Biblical Roots with Yael E…

Explore the ancient Jewish roots of Christianity and their relevance to your life today w…

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Out by Fire with Chazdon and Emily Stri…

Out by fire is a show that speaks to and showcases the glory of God, deliverance and bein…

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Out of Zion with Susan Michael

Experience your Bible come alive with simple, clear, and powerful insights “Out of Zion.”…

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Paul Wilbur and Friends

Join Paul Wilbur and his friends as they share life's experiences and how God's word has …

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Preparing the Way: The Practical Prophe…

A unique combination of prophetic insight, practical teaching, impartation and activation…

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Prophecy Now With Liberty from Spirit M…

Have you questioned or ask God what you are doing right now? What is God doing in your li…

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Prophetic Perspective With Amanda Grace

Amanda Grace founded Ark of Grace Ministries following a call to walk out the commission …

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Quality Christian Living with David C. …

Quality Christian living should be the goal of every believer. Live the abundant life sta…

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Revealing The True Light with Mike Shre…

There are so many religions in the world. By studying their beliefs, we become stronger i…

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Revival Lifestyle with Isaiah Saldivar

Revival Lifestyle is a weekly podcast hosted by traveling preacher and evangelist, Isaiah…

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Rosalinda Rivera's Faith-Fuel Podcast

Receive whole-heart, wide-open, side-splitting, deep-diving, blow your heels off (or whee…

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Running Into the Fire

The United States is in great political turmoil. With the unending clash of ideas and bel…

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Sarah Bowling - Living Genuine Love

Sarah Bowling is on a mission to connect every one with the heart of God while living gen…

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Shatterproof with Pastor Todd Callahan

You may be pressed, but you will not be crushed because God has made you Shatterproof! P…

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Shift the Atmosphere with Philip Renner

Shift the atmosphere and walk out the life God is calling you toward! Philip Renner share…

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Strang Report

Hot topics affecting your Christian faith. Challenge your beliefs each week with topics o…

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Strong Tower Mental Health with Heidi M…

Strong Tower Mental Health is an authentic and encouraging podcast hosted by Licensed Mar…

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Supernatural Junkies

Dive into topics that seem to be off-limits in church. The Bible is full of the supernat…

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Supernatural Leadership Podcast - Shawn…

Welcome to the Supernatural Leadership Podcast with Shawn Gabie. We will be talking about…

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Take Ten With Jenn

Jennifer Eivaz takes ten minutes each week to teach and exhort you on how to step into Go…

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Taking It On with Paula Price

Host Paula Prices takes on significant issues within the Church and world. Each episode r…

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The Cost of Freedom with Georgian Banov

When the Son sets you free, you are free indeed! After my escape from communist Bulgaria,…

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The Curt Landry Podcast

Get the prophetic insight you need to apply God’s Word to your everyday life. Unlock the …

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The Influencers Podcast

Do you dream of ways to tangibly make the world around you better? Do you desire to be a …

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The Jaime Luce Podcast

Through teaching, discussions, and interviews, The Jaime Luce podcast offers strength and…

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The Prophetic Pour with John Veal

Welcome to The Prophetic Pour with John Veal, the podcast where prophecy will be poured o…

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The Prophetic Voice with Ken Bailey

In a world full of lies and propaganda, it can be difficult to determine who is telling y…

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The Purpose Project

It is the mission of this podcast to teach the listener how to pray, develop intimacy wit…

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The Romans 911 Project with Grant Berry

The Romans 911 Project is establishing a pathway for Restoration and Reconciliation to ta…

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The School of The Holy Spirit

Receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and gain the spiritual authority that Jesus inten…

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To Life From Israel with Nir Salomon

To Life From Israel focuses on life-affirming Israel. Host Nir Salomon is excited to shar…

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Today with Marilyn and Sarah

Watch Today with Marilyn and Sarah! Marilyn Hickey Ministri…

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Today's Mystery

Unlock secrets and treasures from the Bible with one-minute teachings from "The Book of M…

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Todd Coconato Show — Remnant News

The Remnant News / Todd Coconato Show is a Christian faith-based radio show for truth-see…

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Transformation Generation with Derek Sc…

If you’re someone who wants to go beyond just being inspired by another preaching, teachi…

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VIEWPOINT with Chuck Crismier

We're confronting the deepest issues of America's heart and home from God's eternal persp…

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You are a Dream wrapped in flesh! You are a Dream from the heart of The Father, propelled…

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Walking in the Spirit with Carlos Rivera

Galatians 5:16 says, if we walk in the Spirit, we will “not fulfill the desires of the fl…

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Wear Scriptures with Dionne Cameron

Encouraging faith messages to feed and strengthen the body of Christ.   The Bible says fa…

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What The Prophets Say with Emma Stark

Join Emma Stark and Sam Robertson for authentic, bold truth-telling as they tackle the bi…

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When You Love a Prodigal

Loving a prodigal is a long, desperate journey. Fear. Worry. Anger. Blame. But God intend…

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