May 16, 2024

Pentecost: What Is Pentecost?

Pentecost: What Is Pentecost?

What is Pentecost? Why is it important to us today? Rabbi Schneider shares that the Jewish people had already been celebrating Shavuot for 1500 years. But when the Spirit of God came, it fulfilled Shavuot as it had been prophesied 1500 years prior. J...

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Discovering The Jewish Jesus Audio Podcast

What is Pentecost? Why is it important to us today? Rabbi Schneider shares that the Jewish people had already been celebrating Shavuot for 1500 years. But when the Spirit of God came, it fulfilled Shavuot as it had been prophesied 1500 years prior. Jesus didn't come to create a separate religion, but to fulfill through the Jews as had been promised. Christianity is not a different belief. Jesus fulfills the Jewish expectation of the Messiah. Pentecost is the birthday of the living church with access to God through the Holy Spirit. When we celebrate Shavuot and Pentecost, we joyfully acknowledge that God gave us His Spirit. The Holy Spirit will help you through any trial and tribulation. The Holy Spirit is a gift that lives within us for our enjoyment, to experience God, and to be the power to obey Him and be His witnesses. Make Jesus relevant to the people around you.


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