Sept. 6, 2021

What Not to Wear, Pt. 1

What Not to Wear, Pt. 1
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Empower Your Thinking with C.T. Johnson

How a person looks says a great deal about them. Did you realize that our appearance identifies the deity we serve? Unfortunately, the church has bought into the lie that says God doesn't care how I look because He looks on the heart. The statement is indeed evangelical and endearing; however, it isn't scriptural. Actually, the bible has much to say about dress and appearance concerning the Elect of God. In this episode, Prophet Johnson shares with podcast listeners his discussion/teaching with guest Prophet Tamira Alexander on Dress and Appearance: What Does the Bible Say? In this teaching, you'll discover how it became the attire of hell when God cursed nakedness and so much more. 

References: CTJM Website Partnership Give a Donation Follow on Facebook Follow on Instagram Visit our YouTube Channel Guest: Prophet Tamira Alexander