

Unexpected moments and conversations enhance growth as we learn to be more like Jesus "AlongTheWay". Host and Fellow Traveler John Matarazzo, shares his journey to learn something from everyone he can. Pulling his experience from 8 years as a missionary in 15 countries, then producing a daily TV pro...

Recent Episodes

Dec. 4, 2023

From Prison to Pulpit: Juan Martinez's Story of Redemption AlongTheWay #130

Juan Martinez brings his remarkable transformation from a drug dealer to pastor. Growing up fatherless and entangled in a life of crime and substance abuse, Martinez faced multiple incarcerations. He candidly shares the gritt...
July 31, 2023

“A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World” Ken Harrison AlongTheWay 129

From LA Police Officer to Successful Business Owner, to Promise Keepers and Author, Ken Harrison shares his life story of growing up with a strong faith, struggling to find authenticity in the church, and how God led him thro...
May 15, 2023

Journey to Mount Sinai Pt 2 with Tim Mahoney 128

Tim Mahoney's quest to discover @PatternsOfEvidence that confirms the Bible continues with his Journey to Mount Sinai. In this interview, he discusses strange rock formations that could be the split rock where God caused wate...
May 8, 2023

Accessing Heavenly Portals - Dr. Candice Smithyman AlongTheWay 127

You can access Heavenly Portals and it may be your best defense against what is coming your way! Dr. Candice Smithyman shares her journey with Christ and how he prepared her for what was coming at her... Plus how memorizing s...
March 20, 2023

Jesus Revolution Making a Worldwide Impact - Jon Erwin AlongTheWay 126

John Erwin recently appeared on Charisma News to talk about the success of his faith-based film Jesus Revolution, which has earned close to $40 million in revenue over its three weeks of release. In 2015, when he bought a mag...
March 6, 2023

"Miracles in Making Jesus Revolution" - Andy Erwin AlongTheWay 125

The Block Buster film, Jesus Revolution tells the story of a young Greg Laurie crossing paths with Calvery Chapel Pastor Chuck Smith and Hippie Evangelist, Lonnie Frisbee. In its first week in theaters, it has more than doubl...
Nov. 14, 2022

"Lessons From a Wandering Prophet" - Hubie Synn AlongTheWay 124

If you’ve ever had that sick feeling in your stomach, it might be God trying to get your attention. That’s what happens for the “Wandering Prophet” Hubie Synn. His wandering has led him on a journey crossing paths with many f...
Oct. 17, 2022

Journey to Mount Sinai - Tim Mahoney AlongTheWay 123

This special episode of AlongTheWay/Charisma News features my friend and filmmaker, Tim Mahoney. I've loved his Patterns of Evidence series and in this interview, we talk about his upcoming film "Journey to Mount Sinai" Ticke...
Oct. 10, 2022

"Still Rockin 4 Jesus" - Benny DiChiara - AlongTheWay 122

Benny DiChiara is back to update on how he's still rocking 4 Jesus and the opportunities that God has recently opened up for him to share his relationship with Jesus to a new audience. Benny's Info
Sept. 13, 2022

“Making His LifeMark” Kirk Cameron AlongTheWay Special Edition

Kirk Cameron is known for his roles in Growing Pains, Left Behind, Fireproof, and more. He discusses his latest project with the Kendrick Brother’s team to make the film “LifeMark”. In this episode, the Executive Producer and...
Sept. 12, 2022

“Positive Self Talk” - Dr. Ray Self - AlongTheWay 121

From sailboats to business to ministry to college founder, when Dr. Ray Self encountered the Holy Spirit, his life drastically changed and he has never turned back. HIs wisdom is shared through his “Self Talk” podcast and the...
Aug. 22, 2022

“Spiritual Growth Through The Witness of James” - Robin T Jennings - AlongTheWay 120

Robin T Jennings’ desire to grow spiritually led him to look to Jesus’ little brother, James as an example. In his book, “A Letter to the Church and the Next Generation”, he shares his guided reflections from his biblical stu...
Aug. 1, 2022

I Am Unconquered - Adam Davis AlongTheWay 119

Former Police Officer, Adam Davis was prepared to comment suicide and end it all when he was dramatically saved in the front seat of his patrol car. In this interview, you will hear how God's call on his life has now helped t...
July 18, 2022

“Engaging Heaven” - James Levesque - AlongTheWay 118

James Levesque’s life was a tragedy. His father was in prison and his mother didn’t want him, she even paid to abort him before he was born but God had a call on his life stronger than the Devil’s desire to take him out. He c...
July 4, 2022

“The Most Reluctant Convert” Max McLean and Norman Stone AlongTheWay Special Edition

C.S. Lewis might be known as a great author and theologian but he was also “The Most Reluctant Convert.” Max McLean and Norman Stone have joined forces to take C.S. Lewis’ life story on the screen. The two overcame many chall...
June 27, 2022

“Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed” Jentezen Franklin AlongTheWay Special Edition

Pastor and Author Jentezen Franklin discusses discouragement, depression, and fear as his latest book “Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed” will help you learn how to guard your heart, mind, and family by focusing on what Go...
June 21, 2022

“The Post Modern Pilgrim’s Progress” Joel Berry AlongTheWay Special Edition

Best known for their satirical work for the Babylon Bee, Kyle Mann and Joel Berry have teamed up to write the story that they have dreamed about writing... a post-modern retelling of John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress". Fo...
June 13, 2022

“What To Say and How To Say It” - Nina Roesner - AlongTheWay 117

Do you’ve ever have trouble communicating? Maybe you know what you want to say but you don’t know how to say it? Nina Roesner is the Founder and Executive Director of “Greater Impact” which equips people to reach their full p...
May 23, 2022

Sean Feucht calls for Woke Disney Boycott - AlongTheWay Special Edition

Disney's public opposition to the Florida Parental Rights Bill has seen backlash from parents as they protest the Magic Kingdom. Sean Feucht, Hold The Line's Founder, started their boycott campaign, first, at Disney HQ in Bur...
May 16, 2022

“Finding the True Light” - Mike Shreve - AlongTheWay 116

When Mike Shreve was in his 20s he was a notable Guru and Yogi with a growing yoga school. His passion for New Age led him on a search for the True Light. One day while he was hitchhiking along the highway, The True light of ...
May 12, 2022

"Matter of Life" Tracy Robinson AlongTheWay Special Edition

With the U.S. Supreme Court expected to overturn Roe V. Wade, the fight for the lives of the unborn is far from over. It’s just the beginning. Filmmaker Tracy Robinson discusses her film “Matter of Life” with John Matarazzo o...
May 10, 2022

“The Harbingers of Things to Come" Behind The Scenes with Ken Peckett AlongTheWay Special Edition

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is releasing a special feature-length film that reveals even more secrets than his book “The Harbinger”. Go with him to the places where revelation unfolded and the patterns in the Bible expose what is hap...
May 2, 2022

“Dating Discovery” Michael & Lisa Kunz - AlongTheWay 115

Dating is difficult and relationships are hard, so after Michael and Lisa were tragically both widowed, they found themselves thrust into the dating scene, needing to navigate it with all the modern challenges… and this time ...
April 25, 2022

“Raising High His Signal” Paul Bixler - AlongTheWay 114

Paul Bixler knew that his purpose for life was to be in TV production but he didn’t want to work at the small start-up station that his parents were pioneering back in Pittsburgh, but God called him back to be part of a great...
April 11, 2022

“Voodoo Cannibals Transformed to Christian Evangelists ” Caleb Wampler AlongTheWay Special Edition

Thought working with Charisma Media and Charisma News I get to hear incredible testimonies and when one of my friends and fellow podcaster Caleb Wampler sent me a video of him sharing a story of what happened as a result of h...
April 4, 2022

“Pushing Boundaries” Tony Myers - AlongTheWay 113

Is your hair really BLUE? Tony Myers received a miraculous healing from ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease and then God told him to “wear the color of his healing”, he took that seriously and has been receiving puzzled looks ever si...
March 28, 2022

“God’s Got This!” Heidi Baker - AlongTheWay Special Edition

Even though there is currently a global pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine we need to remember that "God's Got This”. Recently for Charisma News, I had the opportunity to interview Heidi Baker, missionary, founde...
March 21, 2022

“In His Name” Tamryn Klintworth AlongTheWay Special Edition

Evangelist Tamryn Klintworth. She shares how she is preaching the gospel by hosting crusades in Ethiopia, South Africa, and more. God’s promised Revival is happening around the world and people are being delivered, healed, an...
March 15, 2022

“His Wonderful Works” Dee Barnes AlongTheWay Special Edition

For this particular episode, I had the honor to be a guest host on my mentor, Dr. Steve Greene’s Greenelines podcast. I had the privilege to talk with Dee Barnes and hear her story of walking out of same-sex attraction over 3...
March 7, 2022

“Healed from a Stroke” - Jon Shaffer AlongTheWay 112

A sudden medical emergency nearly ended his life, but God wasn’t done with his journey. Three days after his previous AlongTheWay interview, Jon Shaffer suffered a stroke in front of his family. His faith in Jesus and his wil...

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