Oct. 11, 2021

“Crisis of Faith to Clinically Dead” - Randy Kay AlongTheWay 101

“Crisis of Faith to Clinically Dead” - Randy Kay AlongTheWay 101

Randy Kay was clinically dead for 30 minutes, but what he experienced on the other side has taken him a lifetime to explain. Randy shares glimpses from his “Revelations From Heaven: A True Account of Death, the Afterlife, and 31 Supernatural Discoveries” in his AlongTheWay journey. 


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John Matarazzo:

Well, Randy Kay, it is wonderful to finally get to do this with you, I had the privilege of getting to meet you back in Pittsburgh when I was producing the real life program. And then that turned into the hope today program. And you're one of those people that I really just appreciated our out of office studio out, you know, outside of after we were all done, just being able to talk with you about your, your book dying to meet Jesus. And this was, it was really cool to be able to talk with you, because you're one of the handful of people that I've had the opportunity to meet that has a real, some people would say, a near death experience, but you have a experience of being in in heaven. That is really, really cool. So I'm glad that we get to talk about your, your latest book and the things that God has spoken to you. revelations from heaven. So Randy, thank you so much for being on along the way.


Thank you for having me, john, I've been looking forward to this for such a long time. with you in particular, I love your I love your show and your podcast, and it's just an honor to be with you.

John Matarazzo:

Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, that's I've been looking forward to this for a while because I love the things of God, I love thinking and dreaming about heaven. And I, as I just said a second ago, I've had the opportunity to meet several people that have had stories, where they've died, and Gods brought them back. But they get to share some of those things that that they've experienced. And I've noticed something that is really interesting as a commonality across pretty much everybody that has stories like that, there is a weightiness and a holiness, that there's like there's a true reverence for the things that happened in that in those secret places. And it's not just a, I have to write this book, because I need to get this out there. There's almost like this, this reluctancy to share until God says Now is the time. And I you're one of those people also that when I look in your eye, I can just see Jesus in there. And it's not something that you that you're making up, it's I totally believe what it is that you're saying, as you are talking about these revelations from heaven. And so I just want to say that as a clarification as a vote of confidence into what you're saying here and what you said in the past. And so I'm looking forward to hearing your story of how God has brought you to where you are today. So if you don't mind, Randy, let's talk about how God has led you to where you are today. Let's kind of go back to the beginning.


Yes. Well, to your point, john, I was very reluctant in sharing this experience. As a matter of fact, I I refuse to share this experience with only a handful of people, including my wife, and my pastor. So the pastor happened to be interviewing me for another book I had written, which was a business book. And he said, I'd like to ask you about your afterlife experience. And I say afterlife, because there are those who have near death experiences where their heart doesn't stop, which is clinical death, death, and there are those who have afterlife, or near death experiences where their heart stops, and I call those afterlife experiences. And that was my case, right? in particular. So I felt that these were my pearls. The sacredness that you talk about was something that I felt very deeply. This was my experience with the Lord Jesus. So I waited 14 years. I'd finished the interview with the pastor and I was flying back and I heard the Holy Spirit speaking to me, and saying, I want you to share our special time together. And I just closed my eyes and I sighed, and my head was bowed and I and I, and I just was in that reverent moment where I realized that the Lord was going to release my pearls. I didn't want to do that, john, you know, I might, my death was a little over 30 minutes that was caused by blood clots that came from a long flight trip. We don't know exactly what precipitated this. But I had gone to the doctor, we were planning a long trip, I thought I'd get an anti inflammatory because my leg was inflamed to about one and a half times that size. From the blood clots in my calf That's called deep vein thrombosis. Because I left it, I left to go for quite a time. As matter of fact, we live close to the ocean and I cycled up the coast. And so by the time they got into the doctor's office trying to get an anti inflammatory, having been in the clinical field and led clinical teams, I should have known better, because we discovered in his office that this was not just a muscle strain, it was in fact, blood clot in the calf. So by the time I got to the hospital rushed to the emergency room, the ultrasound was done, it was determined that because I had left it go for so long, that now five, and eventually, six blood clots had traveled from my calf all the way to my lung, and because the blood vessels grow in size, from the base of the leg to the, to the lung, and the hidden, fully occluded pulmonary artery, which is the sole blood flow to the lungs. Well, that alone, the doctor said I was a Walking Dead Man, that alone was about to kill me because a surfer came in prior to me with a similar condition and died that day. And then they they hustled a patient out of the room very quickly, with gear on that. That just confounded me. I wasn't an I was disoriented to begin with. But what I eventually learned is when the doctor came in to try to draw blood from my arm, he was unable to do so the the blood had quagga, elated, that is clotted throughout my body now, because of the patient that was next to me, had what was called mersa, which is a drug resistant bacterial strain. So now I was I had that infection coursing through systemic infection coursing through my body, causing clotting throughout my body. And that's what precipitated my, my death. My heart stopped.

John Matarazzo:

So how old were you when this happened?


So I was 48. At the time, we had younger children I had very late Yes. And that was something to john, because, you know, I was at the point at which I had been I had been a CEO of a biotech company, had to raise about 70 million we close that comp or basically divested that company. There were a series of things that kind of led up to my interviewing for a position out east with a major corporation.

John Matarazzo:

Okay, and that was the reason you were gonna fly.


That was the flight that I took back. Yeah. So we had two younger children. So I was in the hospital thinking, you know, Lord, just don't leave me as a vegetable. You know, I don't want to be, you know, because at that point, I was going to be on life support. And I didn't want that to happen. I want him to take him but but, you know, two weeks prior, because we had I had a crisis of faith because we had some financial crises because of the biotech company. And then we had a drug that was withdrawn by the FDA. And I challenged God. I said, God, you know, this time, you gotta show up. You know, I've been a church teacher, I've been ordained as, wow, you know, in the ministry. But I had a crisis of faith. And I said, this time you have to show about two weeks later, you know, I was clinically dead in the hospital.

John Matarazzo:

So how long were you in the hospital? Because you said that you the person in the bed next to you had this mersa. And so how long were you there that you were that you caught that from them?


Yeah, so I entered into the hospital immediately on anticoagulation That is right, we'll call blood thinning within a day, because the IV actually that was inserted and become infected with this bacterial infection infection. And then that was within a day, within slightly over 24 hours after being intubated is when I started convulsing. And that's when my heart stopped. It felt like john like almost a tugging at my shirt. You know, at the point at which I was just struggling to breathe, and knowing that I was on the cusp of, of losing my life, and it was the most freeing moment Writing experience in my life, and that's when I saw my body. As a third party, I could actually see my body in the distance. You're in recovery. I was in the hospital for weeks. But that's that's when I was was released from my body. And the initial experience was more kind of into intergalactic Tiger type of experience, you know, where there was, like a spiral galaxy, you know, nothing akin to heaven at that point. I was an ethereal space, and I could see these warring figures in the distance I could see. What I eventually came to know is angels on one side. So these were these otherworldly figures, huge, and gangly. And they have light that was shining from above and pulling me up, was shining against them. And they had what looked like just shiny coverings. And the other side, there were figures that were of equal measure or height. But they were looked more worn, they looked almost something like they had been out of Dawn of the Dead, if you will. And they were warring against these figures. On the other side, some of them were fallen. So I had this bizarre thing going on is always being pulled by the light. And this is one of the reasons I didn't share was because, yeah, people ask for these things they like okay, be careful what you ask for, because there are other worldly things going on.

John Matarazzo:

Right? Right. And there's a lot of things that we just don't understand. I mean, if you read through some of the like, easy Kiehl's vision, you know, you've got the wheel within a wheel, you've got these, these beings that he's describing that we just like, words just don't seem to do justice to it. And so I know that there's a lot of things out there that are human languages, whether they be English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, whatever, we just fall short, because there's so much more that we just can't understand. And so you've had, you've had more than a glimpse of this, you had an experience with it.


Yeah, I consider myself to be a lover of words. And I've written for much of my life, you know, I started my career actually running for the Chicago Tribune. And I authored articles and such, but I struggle with the words. To explain this, it's bet I spent a lot of time with all these spirit just trying to script out, you know what this was like, because there are no words in the world's lexicons, to explain much of this. And then that couple that with the fact that when we do try to explain, you know, the wheel within the wheel, as you mentioned, then we start explaining things that reflect back on, you know, that the challenge to our own, you know, whether we're kind of bizarre, we've kind of, we're making it up, because it's just, you know, that's that old adage, you know, you can't make these things up, you really can't, when I was being pulled by the light, and I saw these warring figures in the distance, and there was a graduation of darkness to light. And that was because of the as I was getting closer to the light, the light was illuminating the background and the distance. So I went from this endless spiral galaxy type of environment to one where it was illuminating more and more this faded out and more clear vision of things that we are familiar with the rolling hills and but there was still a faded view of these things as though there was a screen or veil in front of my eyes. And I knew that I had to cry at the name of Jesus, I had to cry out the name of Jesus. And I did that. And it was at that instant that very instant that I was side by side with who I know instantly was Jesus. Wow. He leaned his face into my face. We were side by side, cheek to cheek and I could feel the bristles. Against my cheek, I could feel his soft robe and his he took his left arm and he wrapped it around my left side. And I know how he's in the presence of the Lord of lords, the King of kings, and I just, I just I fell down and all in adoration and I was sobbing I was sobbing. And the first thought I had was, this is love. This was consummate love. I had never experienced that in my entire lifetime. And then he took his left arm and he pulled me up gradually. And then he turned me face to face with himself. For the first time, I looked into the eyes of love, the eyes of love. There was light, just just illuminating or from him. And the first words, he spoke to me, two words, trust me. And his eyes, tumbles into every place within me, he totally into the darkness within me, and he illuminated it with his light. And then he showed me this, these vignettes that were a streaming vignette of my life with for me, both the good and the bad. But here's the irony of it, the bad did not convict me. It comforted me the things were, when I failed in life, they comforted me because they reflected the grace of God in those moments of my life. And then there were the times when he showed me the times of salvation, of sharing the truth of the living God. And there was a boy that he showed me in the hospital. When I was when I was a youth, I was an agnostic. And I came into this boy's room, and this is what I was saying, in heaven. And this was in my youth. And the boy was dying of cancer. I'd forgotten this in the world. And his I was emaciated His eyes were sunken, the veins were showing on his face. And the boy said to me, as I was viewing this as a vignette, he said, I'm going to heaven. And I said, Well, I don't believe in heaven. I was an agnostic at the time. And he said, Well, I'll pray for you. I said, thanks. And I left the room. I came back a couple of days later, and he wasn't in his bed. And I asked the nurse where he was, and they said, He's not here anymore. And I thought he would have been discharged. And so I said, Okay, well, and she said, No, he died. And that was what I was seeing. One of the vignettes. That's what I was seeing and having. And what struck me about this, john, is that the Lord was speaking to me, he was speaking to me, always everything is intentional. And what he was speaking to me at the time, is that that poise prayers from me, somebody I didn't know a stranger. They were heard and have never answered. And I, I became a believer in sort of a so called in great part to that little boy who I didn't know. And I was seeing him when he said, someday in that room, he'll be an avenue. And that's the moment that I saw. And I was in heaven. When I saw this. What was so gracious to me in revealing all of these things, and yet, john, the only thing I wanted to do is be in his presence. I was, as he turned and showed me, the VISTAs and heaven, and the granddaughter of heaven and everything was alive and nothing was dying. And the colors are more vibrant than there were varieties of colors, more glorious, and there were angels about and they looked otherworldly, but they weren't the warring figures I had seen rising up. They they saying glorious worshipful songs with one Angel singing with a magnitude that was the equivalent of several human voices. their arms were more like brass than they were flesh. They, their, their eyes were more like fire than they were pupils. And I looked at this as Jesus showed me this and all I wanted to do was be with Jesus. That's all that matters. You could have thrown me in a trash bin, and I would have been entirely entirely comfortable if it was only with ci And, and I said to I turn to Jesus and I said, Jesus, I, I don't know these beings, these angels, they are foreign to me and yet with you, it's like I've known you for eons. And he said, It is so because I'm closer than any other to you. And, and I felt a kinship with Jesus. I also also understood john for the first time how, you know, the angels in the very beginning of time when a third of them left heaven, and rebelling against God, because they were that spectacular looking how that could happen, because they almost commanded reverence themselves, and yet the only one that wow, could be revered in heaven was Jesus. And so, because he was familiar, he was he was, like me, and the angels were not. And yet everything in heaven bound down or was, was just, it. The The, the words that that God spoke that Jesus spoke, elicited a response from everything and having an every one in heaven. And one of the most amazing, amazing sites. Throughout heaven was I noticed the river that was running throughout heaven. It was pristine and fresh and everything it touched just sprouted fourth life, flowers and trees coming to life. The people drank from the water, these waters, and I looked at Jesus and I looked at his feet in the rivers, what what the Bible talks about the rivers of life, were emanating from his feet, and they were, they were coursing, the waters are coursing throughout heaven. And they were the most refreshing as I knelt down the most refreshing waters as I drank from this. I just that it was a taste. What

John Matarazzo:

did it taste like? Oh, my goodness, what does that water tastes like?


You know, when? When you're thirsty, and you're really thirsty, and you want to quench your thirst with a cold, glass of water will this one clenched my spirit? It wasn't a physical quenching because I wasn't a spirit. I wasn't a physical body. That is right. I was a spirit. And so it was quenching my spirit, my soul. And my spirit mind was, was reigning over my entire personhood, my born again, okay, Christ mindset. So when I drank from these waters, it just enlivened me. And it gave me a more refreshment, that and there was no need for any recovery from any sadness, or anything of that nature in heaven, because everything was joyful. But the rivers of life just brought me closer, in the sense that I just felt like I was drinking from Jesus himself. And it was increasing my life. So I saw flowers that were continually blooming trees from from the river of life. And then when I drank them, I was like, I was blooming and i was growing, and I was increasing as a result of this. And Jesus never left my side, he never left my side. And he gave me a revelation of, of God, the Father, of the Holy Spirit, and of Jesus himself. And I never understood that fully john until, until he revealed that to me because there were so many revelations he was imparting to me because I was so in a quaint, inea relationship with him in heaven as they were showing me these things. You know, Jesus, as I mentioned, was the familiar kindred, kindred part of God, who traveled with me and we talked, and there was an audible speaking from Jesus. And then there was a sense of knowing, a sense of knowing that I had, I knew how others were feeling. I knew what Jesus was telling me always. I knew these things, because there was another Kindred person With me, and that was the Holy Spirit. And those were the impressions the sense of knowing I had, but he was as real as Jesus was, but in a different facet, a different characteristic to how he related to me. And then Jesus, you see him, I did not see the Holy Spirit. I felt okay. I felt him felt him, okay. You know, you know how we can be on the phone, you know, and we can be talking to a loved one, or you and I are speaking virtually, and I just write, I can read this with you. And I know that you're real. But you're, you're not somebody that I could see in person here. I could see you visually, but the Holy Spirit was really imparting his presence to me, in a way that was, and it was way that was ethereal. And what I mean by that is, when I looked at others within Heaven, I saw, I saw not their physical appearances, so much, I did see, you know, obviously, there was some outline of who they were and visage of who they were. What I was seeing is their characteristics, I was seeing who they were in terms of their, let's say, their character, have they, you know, they were outgoing. You know, we know introvert extrovert I could see them know what, what some of their talents were, I could see that innately and internally, by who they are, kind of the unwi of what what they were, from the very, very core, well, this was the, the revelation from the Holy Spirit to see things and to see people at the core of what they what they are. So for example, I could I had a different vantage point in heaven with my spirit body, I could see the VISTAs I could see on, you know, the hill top, and looking over the valleys, the luscious valleys, that looked like vineyards. And, and I could also see, with my spiritual eyes, the veins in a leaf. So I had this kind of this telescopic, if you will, kind of vantage point and these were the Holy Spirit's is revealing these things to me in a very ethereal way so that he was as real as Jesus. And yet he was, it was also revealing at the core of these impressions and knowings that that were not just no visions. They were as they were, and then and then Jesus motion me to the Father. And that was the part that the throne of God, and that was the part where we're having changed for me, wow. Wow, there was a rolling roar throughout all of heaven. And there was no darkness within heaven. But there was a reverb reverberation as Jesus had shown me the throne and by the way, when Jesus was by my side he was always on also on the throne I could see him with others as well. And that's another thing that can't be explained by any dynamic that we that we have here in this world. So when he revealed

John Matarazzo:

so you're saying that it wasn't you're saying that it wasn't like multiple Jesus's everywhere, you just knew that he was everywhere with everybody all at the same time. So you're not you're not seeing there's there's like a clone of Jesus in different places. Oh, yeah. Before you answer your Can you can you back up from your from your microphone, just a little bit. You're, you're really blowing into it. Sorry. Yeah, that's okay.


No, no, that wasn't like, there's like these. I knew that his presence because the Holy Spirit and Jesus were, were the same. So that Jesus, his presence was the same with them. There's a kindred ness to Jesus that was unlike anything else. He was closer to me in terms of my own relationship, and an appearance than any other and yet I knew that he was with others. At the same time, in that same way, so it was not like I saw him in a clone and here's, you know, Jesus here, Jesus there and so forth. It wasn't like that at all. So when he was motioned to the throne, and there was this reverberation throughout Heaven, and there was light all around. And then there was kind of like a thunderous, all that the permeated heaven. And what I saw was gone, the father speaking creations, speaking newness into this world, not into heaven, because everything in heaven was established as it was, it was nothing, everything was growing and but everything was established in perfection. And so it was no longer. You know, there were trees growing in, in creation, certainly from the god what he what he had established, but in this world, God from his throne, the father was, was declaring newness. And there was a there was a there was an awesomeness to that there was a reverence to what was going on that that was just different from the familiar aspect of being with Jesus. And so Jesus had opened my eyes to an appearance in this world, where I was seeing people bustling about, it looked like a city, where they're drinking their coffee, and so forth, going to work and conversing. And I realized that, that hear God from the throne, and God and Jesus were, were on the throne, that there were, there is desire for revelations to be imparted to the people in that world. And I didn't know because everything would add meaning to it an intention, as Jesus was showing me these things. And I didn't know why he was showing this to me, I didn't have that innate sense of its meaning. So I asked Jesus, you know, what, why are you showing me this appearance of this, these people? And, and he said, I'm looking for those who are wise. And I, and I asked him, What, who are those who are wise, and he said, Those who are listening to me. And I realized then that Jesus was What in God's speaking the father speaking from the throne, that those were revelations, and importations. To those in this world, those of us, let's say, who are going about the buisiness of life, and ignoring God, in he was imparting His Word is truth. And at the same time, the people that I was feeling, were ignoring that. And that was the only time in heaven, that I saw the sadness of Jesus, and it wasn't a sadness that we would have that, you know, a mourning or grief. It was a, it was a separation, and that grieved the Lord. And so that was that was another revelation that I had to mean. So Jesus turned to me. And he said, Do you remember when, when you as a child, when you fell on a wire fence, I fell on a wire fence in a strawberry patch had to be taken to the ER for stitching? He said, Do you remember that? And, and I and I had forgotten that before. So I knew there was a meaning behind that. That meaning was revealed to me when I turned to Jesus. And I said, Yes, I remember that not vividly here are not like a faded memory in the world. And I asked him if he felt my pain. And he said, something very interesting. He said, in, in the world, I felt others pain here, meaning in heaven, I feel other separation for me. And I realize the Epiphany for me and revelation for me was that all forms of grief, suffering, sadness, were a result of our separation from God. And that, and that the most, the earnest desire of Jesus of God was to have that that intimacy with his beloved. And that one that intimacy was broken. That that that saddened God and, and he was yearning to have that, that intimacy with his beloved. And that wisdom was the voice of God telling us what to do, and that we were about the business of life and not stealing our spirit, stealing ourselves that is to hear the voice. God telling us what to do. Wow.

John Matarazzo:

So it's, it's amazing. We think about our physical pain so much here. And we know that, you know, Jesus bore our sickness and infirmities, and you know, by His stripes we are healed and the pain and the suffering, he took all of the sin of the world upon himself on the cross. And you're telling me right now that the Jesus is joy in heaven, but whenever he feels the separation from us, it's it's like a two way thing. We feel separation from him, he feels separation from us. And he wants to fix that. Yeah, that's about the only way that I can describe it, my words are falling short, I'm just kind of getting caught up in what you're saying. Because I know what it's like to be away from people that I love. And if that's just a fraction of what Jesus feels, Oh, my gosh.


We think of we think in a very limited sense in terms of relationships, right? We think in terms of being physically in the presence with somebody or through a cell phone conversation, or whatever it is, means podcast, you know, we're connecting on some level. There, it's an intimacy that Jesus desires that the Lord desires, in a full sense of not just that word, but the meaning of that word, which is the Greek term I think, is Koinonia, which is, same thoughts, same feelings, you know, true empathy. That is an understanding. And, you know, we were created in God's image, it doesn't mean we're God. We're never God. And I never felt like God, obviously, I was, that would be a joke, in heaven. But I knew the thoughts in heaven, I knew the thoughts, unimpeded thoughts of God, I was doing the things that God willed me to do. I became, as I like to say, the person I always wanted to be in heaven, you know, perfected through Christ. So I never had those thoughts of sadness never was all joy, it was all, you know, the things that I had always desired to have. And but, but, as you said, the one thing that, that, and we can look at scriptures, and we can see how God has always found a way to fellowship and have that Queen and he and with his beloved, when there's been separation, you know, he always has desired that, and he desired it fully with the impartation. of the Holy Spirit to the born again, believer. So relationship is foremost, to to God. And when he doesn't have that relationship, the fullness of that relationship, you know, when we think of him as more of a hope than a belief, when we think of him as somebody who's not, not with us all the time, you know, just occasional when we go to church, or when we, you know, when we have our quiet time, or reading the Bible, if we just think that that's the time I spend with God, when his Word tells us that he will never leave us or forsake us that His Holy Spirit that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, that means that the whole God is resident within us and yet we, we go about our daily lives, like those people in that city scape, you know, thinking or those who were, were born a new through Christ, thinking, you know, I'll make God my part time You know, when I get alone, but, you know, in actuality, he's residing with us always. So that separation, that he felt that I realized in heaven, more than anything else, and not having that queen in a relationship. Again, sadness, it saddened him, but it wasn't a sadness that we would have. No, there was a fullness to God. There was joy, the consummate joy that God had, but his is paramount. A desire was to be with his beloved. Those he made to be in consummate relationship with him an intimate relationship.

John Matarazzo:

So Randy, your, your experience on all this while your heart has stopped beating, and you said that this is about a half an hour, but what you've just described seems like it would take days to experience Like, I mean, I want to hear more and more about this. But I also want to hear about how your life has changed since God sent you back because you said it took 14 years before us, you felt that you could talk about it. But you know, God, I don't think God would have sent you back just because for willy nilly reasons, I think there was a reason that God sent you that sent you back with this message. And so I mean, I, I don't want to miss that opportunity to talk about that. But tell me more. Tell me more.


Yes. Well, you know, the Bible talks about a day is as 1000 years, 1000 years as a day, right? That's a confounding scripture, isn't it real? How is that? You know, but in heaven, I understood that more fully, because we think in the context of time, I was 30 minutes and 48 seconds, you know, where I'd flatlined. And the couple actually, the nurse had stepped away from the station and the nurses, and a couple had come into the room. saw that I had an ashen face, they were praying for me, and they alerted the staff. So all this time, he would think, okay, these experiences are sound almost like a lifetime in themselves. But uh, but what, what I realized was that when I was in heaven, it seemed like, there was a lifetime of experiences, that I was realizing that, that the Lord was revealing to me in heaven while I was there. And when I came back to my body when I was resuscitated, and then the the, the nurse or doctor said, Mr. Kay, can you hear me? All right, it seemed like a forever apart from God and heaven, it seemed like I was now back in my body in this world. And there was an eternity separating me from from heaven, I felt I had a dramatic. It was very traumatic, I felt the I smelled these beautiful fragrances and having more fragrant than anything, the presence of God just just a fused having with these beautiful fragrances, and I can't smell typically because I have nasal congestion. But here I was returned, and I could breathe freely in heaven. And I and I had difficulty breathing again when I was returned. And so I smelled the accurate smell of the disinfectant, you know, in the hospital that they use. Contrast No. and No, and here it was. But here's 10 years back, Lord, take me back. You know, you talk about a change in perspective, I was not what one would call probably a man of faith of deep faith. Because I wish I was a skeptic or I was an agnostic in my youth. I didn't believe in afterlife experiences near death experiences. I did not want to share all of these particulars about heaven, because I knew some who might respond. You know, like the Doubting Thomas that I was probably on my own for sure. experience. So obviously, I didn't want to share but I did have this love for others that I did not have before. Because I knew how deeply God loves his his children. And also I had a conviction. I knew that I knew there was no longer any doubt that I had no, no disbelief. There was a there was a couple by my side, the couple that discovered me, and they were praying, and there was a beautiful song that they were singing. And when the Lord told me I was it was time to come back Monday was that I had not fulfill my purpose. There was this beautiful worship song in heaven and it was the same worship song that I heard from this Kumble there. They had an anointing. Though I tell you what that they I've to this day. There two voices that were resonating in that hospital room were so much more beautiful properly, then most of worships worshipful songs I've had heard sung by choruses. But what I realize is that in the hallway of heaven, the prayers of the saints these two prayers and others were praying for me as well. They had they had been ushered into heaven enjoined in heaven so surely the angels are singing that same praise song. And pouring in God was pouring down that answer. And he had told me in heaven, there are others praying for you right now. I didn't want to leave. And I didn't want to leave. But I knew I had a purpose. And I asked God, you know, what is that purpose? And he said something to a type A personality, that would be an anathema. He said, moment by moment, I will reveal my purpose to you.

John Matarazzo:

Wow, okay.


Yeah. So moment by moment answer is a long winded answer, john. So that means that now I look for the moments. I look for acts of kindness. If I met at the store, I'll look for an opportunity. There was I went to get my hair cut. And the person cutting my hair said that there was a person sitting in another chair, I guess she was getting shampooed her hair dye whenever. And he said she just lost her husband. And so I just saw, that's my moment. I prayed for, prayed for this person. So those are the moments that God will reveal, like that little boy in the hospital room. You know, just pray for somebody, you know, and like that boy in the hospital room, you know who you know, to unbelievers sight? You know, if I see an unbeliever, and I'll say, well, I'll just pray for you, someday. Maybe they'll have me pray for them. I just the magnitude of our prayers. I know that every prayer is not just a hope. It's not just throwing up a prayer. I know that every prayer is heard in heaven, every prayer is answered. And, by the way, with a yes, and heaven. What I mean by that is when our spirit prays, when our spirit is constant communion, uninterrupted communion with God, and our spirit can be sublimated by worldly thoughts, and sure, thoughts. But when that happens, Jesus, you know, God is always saying yes, to our spirit. So when we're praying for a loved one, you know, please save this person. And people have asked me, you know, about healing, you know, why, okay, so why if somebody is dying, and I prayed for them, and or myself, you know, because I suffered from cancer subsequent to this, and, you know, why am I not healed? And you know, I don't have those, I don't have those answers. I don't have this epiphany that like, I can tell them, oh, is because of this, this and that. What I say to them is just draw closer to God, that's holy, wants to serve closer to God, because I know from somebody who has gone through, I've lost lots. I've lost my loved ones, my closest people, to me, with the exception of my wife, and children. I've lost loved ones I've suffered from cancer, obviously, I suffered from a disease that killed me. So I understand what it's like to feel abandoned by God. But if you draw closer to Him, He's faithful. And he will maybe not give you the answers to your questions. But he will be the answer to your questions. And that's what you need. He'll be that answer. Seek the answer the true answer, we're looking for words, we're looking for some cognitive response that we can understand. And yet when being in the presence of God, there is no need to ask the questions because we know that all of them have been answered in the way that God is in his perfect way. Establish them to be so I just pray now that you know that Lord's Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I pray first that the will is will be revealed to me and fullness. So I know how my spirit can pray. And then I pray for it. And then I have the absolute conviction that what I prayed for, will be done. So you know, we've seen miracles, we've seen that little boy, by the way, you know, we had a little boy in San Francisco, we were asked to go pray for him. He was five years old, about the same age as this boy in hospital. So this time, as a believer, I walked in, and we prayed and I said to the boy, I said, Do you know Jesus? He said, No. I said, you want to do one on one. So we prayed. And my wife is in the room and prayed with the mother to receive Jesus. And he was given like, you know, that week he was supposed to die. And I prayed for him. And I said, you know, okay. There was Kyle. And Kyle, do you know the Lord and I got this word from the Lord as well. God with all the spirit was saying, I'm, I'm healing him. He's, I'm healing you just declare that healing to him right now. So I said, well, you're heal, you know. So I went back to work. You know, my wife called me and said, yo, he went home. I said, Well, Jesus, you know, God always heals in heaven or on this earth, He always heals. And she's No, no, he was discharged from the hospital. He was, they found absolutely no cancer cells in his body. So we're seeing those things. Not all the time. But we're seeing those things. And that absolute conviction that comes from hearing the voice of God, and then declaring that because I think a prayer is a declaration more than it is a hope.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah, it's declaring God's Will over a situation. And we as we align with his will, then we come into alignment with it. And then we see the hand of God moving because it's we're not the ones trying to force something to happen. Randy, there's there's so many more questions that I have for you, I'm going to have to just invite you to come back on another episode, because there's so I'm just writing down things like I want to ask about this. I want to ask about this. But I know I can't finish this episode without asking you my key along the way questions, you know, the whole amaze road story. You know, the disciples were walking with Jesus, but had no clue that it was him until they look back. And they see until they sit him down at the table. Jesus blesses the food breaks the bread, and then their eyes are open for a moment, and then poof, he's gone. They turn to each other and say, weren't our hearts burning within us along the way, as he was revealing the scriptures to us? Like, duh, we should have realized this the whole time. But, you know, their lives were changed, they actually went and once they realized that they went and they told everybody, Randy, when you look back at your life right now, I mean, you had some amazing experiences. And I know that specifically the one in heaven. Let's, let's put that aside for right now let's talk about your experiences on this earth, where you look back now. And you see that Jesus really was there. But at the moment, it didn't feel like he, like he was, but you realize it now. Because I want to learn from those moments.


I think there's a certain limitation from not being in his presence in heaven, and then I realize God's constant voices with you now, and with you now. You know, I'm with you now. And so that separation, that is, always seems to haunt us in this world that you know, where it's God, you know, sort of question as to fairly like, we don't hear his voice in the Lord's cause their responses, I'm right here. I'm right with you. And so I, I can't say him in an absolute man of faith or person of faith, I just, what I can say is I have a deep appreciation for the Lord. And instead of, I wrote a poem where I was lamenting, not being with, with God, and then I realized, and God corrected me, admonished me Actually, he said, Are you listening? Are you listening to my voice, the voice of wisdom, the voice of wisdom is saying, I've got this and the first words he spoke to me were trust me, because he knew those were the words that I needed to carry into my life. And I think those are the words that we need to carry into our lives. You know, I think it is the appreciation that the disciples had, or lack thereof, while Jesus was with them before he parted. And then it was like, okay, you know, he was with us physically, and, and if we only listened, you know, if they only listen the first time, right, when they all abandoned him, you know, when he was I went to the cross. So there was this lack of faith that, you know, and, and he went, he left after 40 days, to impart the Holy Spirit. And that impartation of Holy Spirit was his presence. And so again, it was like, the disciples just didn't quite get it at that time that yeah, that's, that's it. That's what he wants, you know, because when you get to heaven, and this is this is kind of an epiphany for me as well. When you get to heaven. The question that I have now is why didn't I spend more time with you? Because you're with me all this time. While you were with me all this time. Why did I not spend that time with you? And based on that we have conversations now, you know, I joke about the time I went to the store, and, you know, deciding what pasta sauce to choose. And so I'm like, you know that and I couldn't I was gonna let you know that spiraling cotton degree is state of mind. And then I said okay well the Lord just please tell me this is wasting too much of my time. And I knew instantly the one and I'm thinking you know what this is silly and the Lord is is speaking to me that well, Randy what was my first miracle? While the wine you know he changed water into wine. Do you think that was my greatest miracle? No, it wasn't a great marriage miracle was resurrection, you know the impartation of life forever to those who believe in him and repent. He said, No, it wasn't, but it was to marry. I realized that the small things that we think are inconsequential to God are of great consequence to him. And so there's nothing too small, nothing too large. That would cause us to separate ourselves from God because He never wants to. To be feel that separateness from us.

John Matarazzo:

Wow. Wow, that is. That's that paints a beautiful picture. Randy, thank you for sharing about that grocery store experience. You know, my follow up question. And we're running short on time right now. But my follow up question is always, you know, if you could go back in time and visit young Randy, somewhere in your timeline, and give your younger self some advice? What's going on in your life? Right, then that you would want to receive that piece of advice? And what would you say?


Yeah, I wouldn't tell young Randy that. You got to seek out the truth. But you're coming up with your own answers. And you've got a limited perspective on life. A 90 year old has a limited perspective. 90 year olds love his limited perspective on life. We all have a limited perspective on life, but you can't be your own truth. He can't be your own truth. You know, if you seek the john a 32. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. You got to be a true seeker. Because the ones that are in heaven, are truth finders. That's a capital T. So if you seek the small t truth, you know what Wu is God. If you really delve into it, you're not going to come up with the God of Buddha was he didn't claim to be God, you're not going to claim these other gods because they were either from one person or a fusion of beliefs, you're going to seek out the real God, like I did in Northwestern University. You know, I saw it, I saw it out. We were trying to disprove God through a research project. In the process, we determined that the only religion that we could validate was Judeo Christianity. But that alone did not convince me. And I would say to the young Randy, that you know what, if you had earnestly sought to know him, not just intellectually, but as a person, you would have found him. So seek him out. You seek him out earnestly? If you're mad, angry at God, go ahead and tell him, he's big enough. While you're honest with him, just be honest, transparent with God. Like different parents, if you're suffering from a drug problem, or you're suffering from some sexual addiction, you'll be honest with God. This is too much with for me, God, I need you tell me what to do? draw closer. Nothing is beyond his ability to forgive. And nothing is beyond his ability to to reveal Himself to us the answer in the personhood, not, not the intellectual, but in the personhood of God.

John Matarazzo:

Wow, you know, Randy, as you're talking about what you would say to the younger version of yourself, I just feel a holy moment right now. There's people that are listening to this that are in that place where they needed to hear what you just had to say. But they don't know what that next step is to respond to that. Would you pray for that person right now? and lead them in a prayer? introducing them to the answer Jesus Himself. Personally, not just things about Jesus, but him personally. Would you lead us And that right now,


my honor. pray this prayer with me. But you need you need you so much. Am I fallen short? I sinned. I've done wrong things. And I know you went to the cross. And I know you didn't do it because others convicted you and sentenced you, but because you willingly went to the cross for me, thank you, thank you, thank you for going to the cross for me. And he take all of my sins, all of my failures. And I put them at the cross, at the foot of your cross. Take them, take my burden. And fill me with your Holy Spirit, your presence. Make me a new person today. And then tie me with your Holy Spirit all the days of my life, so that I might honor you. That on the day, I see you face to face. It will be the best day of my life. I thank you The Lord, that You weren't Lord of my life. And I will never doubt you. Again. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. For those who went through that, john, there was a celebration in heaven, I saw that it is more grand than anything we might imagine party in heaven. You are celebrated and the angels are just shouting for it. With in joy for you.

John Matarazzo:

Wow. Amen. Randy, I as I said earlier, you know, there's so much more that I would like to talk to you about and I hope we can schedule another time to do that, but just you sharing your revelations from heaven and it's the name of your, your latest book, revelations from heaven, a true account of death, the afterlife and 31 supernatural discoveries. I kind of feel like we touched on like two, there's so much more that are that are there. I want to encourage everybody to go to Randy k.org that's that's his website. You can find out more information there. He's on Facebook, Randy k author, Instagram, Randy k author as well. And his Twitter Randolph K. He couldn't get Randy k that time. And I guess


it's Randy Hayden orders the site now. Yeah. So yeah, maybe there's a way but anyway,

John Matarazzo:

maybe there's a way anyway. Yeah, Randy, I definitely would love to have you back here to talk more about the things of heaven. There's, I want to I wrote down a lot of questions. I'm like, I just know that we just don't have enough time today. So I encourage people to look forward to the next time that Randy's back on along the way and we can find out more about his journey. But, Randy, it's been a pleasure getting to meet you in person several years ago, and to reconnect right now. And I know that this is just the beginning of what God has. So I want to thank you right now for allowing me to join you along your way.


Thank you, john. It's great and great being part of your way as well.