Feb. 14, 2022

“Engaging the Supernatural” - Shaun Tabatt AlongTheWay 110

“Engaging the Supernatural” - Shaun Tabatt AlongTheWay 110

If you want to Engage the Supernatural then Shaun Tabatt’s new tv program will help you take steps to engage the supernatural in your life. Podcasting has opened doors to amazing, life-changing relationships that have led him to his own journey with the supernatural. Now he’s digging deeper to help others in their ability to engage the supernatural!





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Shaun Tabatt:

really the heart is like what what would have benefited me 1012 years ago? And can't can we tell supernatural stories in a way that's winsome, but not hokey? And I feel like that can be a weird balance of it. Like sometimes we over sensationalize it, where it's like, wow, you people are whacked and crazy. Can we do it in a way that is winsome, and just really expresses God's heart and that the supernatural in the Christian life can just be normal and should be normal as we're growing closer to God.

John Matarazzo:

Welcome to along the way. I'm John Matarazzo, your host and fellow traveler, thank you for joining me along my way as I tried to become more like Jesus every day. The goal of along the way is to identify the moments in life that Jesus really is walking with us and trying to get our attention. But just like the disciples along the way to Emmaus, we are missing those moments that our hearts are burning within us. I want us to be able to identify those moments, learn from others, and apply those lessons to our lives so that we don't miss the blessings that God has for us along the way in our life journey. Podcasting has changed my life in ways that have been very unexpected, and wonderful. My friend, Sean Tabet, has a similar experience. And he's back again for another conversation with me to share how our lives have been changed over this last year by the conversations that we've recorded. At the same time I moved from Pittsburgh to Orlando, he moved from Illinois to South Carolina, podcasting made a way for both of us. Shawn is expanding into a TV program called Engaging the supernatural. And I hope that this conversation between two virtual friends encourages you to check it out, as well as take steps to engage the supernatural yourself. I'll get to our conversation in just a moment. But I want to thank you for listening to along the way. All of my episodes and social links are available on my website along the way, dot media. All of the links from this episode will be in the show notes. And now here's my along the way conversation with Sean Tabet. Well, Sean Tabet, it is great to have you back on along the way. It said, Gosh, I had you on for episode 87. And now I'm over 100 episodes 109, I think prove it before this one. But last time, we were talking about searching for shiny objects, which is something that always intrigues you. But my podcast intro Exactly, exactly. But now we're talking about this new thing that you've have, which is engaging the supernatural. And I'm excited about this brand new TV show that you have out on the PTL network. And I know whenever you and I talk, we talk about helping other people tell their stories and supernatural stories, there's something that it's difficult for people to communicate because it's hard for people to sometimes understand as a listener. And so you just got to say first and foremost that you do a good job of helping the people that you work with your authors and podcasters to be able to kind of communicate about the supernatural in a way that is accessible for people to understand. So it's good to have you back on along the way. And we've got some catching up to do. I'm looking forward to this conversation.


Yeah, honored to be back. And you know, like you I interview a lot of people, but I don't always get to be interviewed. So it's it's funny to like, reverse roles and be interviewed by somebody else. And men storytelling, it's what you and I have done for years and with the different hats we've worn and the different content related pursuits that we've had. And it all comes down to, to storytelling, like we're actually going through like a rehashing of story brand with some of the stuff we're working on behind the scenes. David Hutchins has some great storytelling books I've been going through recently, I'm really getting into visual storytelling, like David's process has like a poster you can print with cards that you can answer certain questions, depending on the type of story. And so I'm going to be using that with some of my authors. So yeah, story, getting better at storytelling never goes away. It's something I returned to every year to try to improve my craft.

John Matarazzo:

Absolutely. I do that as well. And one of the ways that I do that is through a book that I highly recommend story worthy by Matthew Dix just be it's just a great resource to learn how to tell better stories, but also as you learn how to tell better stories. If you are listening with the ears of the Holy Spirit, you will learn how to help other people tell their stories by asking good questions. And looking for those those quick five second moments that are those are the that's the life changing moment in a conversation in somebody's life. That leaves them changed forever. And those are the things that we're always looking for. And a lot of those are supernatural. But before we get into that, in the previous thing that you said, Shawn, you just kind of dropped a whole lot of names and just things about books and authors and all All these different people, you got to explain who these people are and how you are working with them. Because no, I'm not going to assume that people haven't necessarily heard the first episode. Where, right you know, you've been in book publishing for a long time, started your podcasts. And then God's use that to open up doors for you in in podcasting. And I, you have to tell me how many podcasts you actually have. I've lost count, not just episodes, but podcasts, different shows and things like that. But kind of give you a summary of yourself.


Before we go for Yeah, we'll do the elevator pitch up a couple floors for the shot have an origin story. So I actually met my wife working in Christian retail back in the late 90s. So did all the jobs in a bookstore, including helping to run the coffee shop. And so that was a great experience, just fell in love with the industry. Then because I got married and had kids, I had this whole other career where I did really well in tech and software. And then about 10 years ago, I just felt God pushing me back into publishing. So in the past eight years, I've worked for three different trade publishers have had probably about four or five different roles. And at this stage, I'm an executive at Destiny image and do a range of things from content content creation, acquisitions, author marketing, support, travel a lot, just supporting our authors. So this age, I kind of get to have the dream job of doing the things that I really like, in our industry. And so yeah, that that's, that's me in a nutshell, married 10 Kids, in terms of episodes, come on my third or fourth podcast iteration through the last decade, then collectively, probably around 1000 episodes at this point, my main show right now it was up to 737 700. And something I don't remember what number we just released, so, but I average anywhere from, you know, 60 to 100 episodes a year, I think that'll slow down in 2022, just because I have my hands and three book projects I'm a part of, and the new TV show and everything else. But everything I do is around creating content and helping people tell their stories. And hopefully those stories inspire people help them encounter Jesus. Yeah, deliver the gospel to them. That's really what my heart is, and all the content that I create. That's really

John Matarazzo:

cool. Yeah, and it's me telling stories is such a big part of our lives. And just the ability to help other people with that, and kind of pull those stories out and dig for the for the deeper treasure is really, really interesting. And it's been life changing for me. So then this last year, you know, since the last time we talked, you and I have both moved, like 1000 miles just in different directions. Alright, you know, started start our lives kind of in new cities, and but we're seeing God do some amazing things. You know, what, how did God move you and what are you doing? And North Carolina is that we're North, South Carolina,


South Carolina, when you have prophetic author friends, you never know what's going to happen. Yeah. So I actually I came down to Greenville last February, met with Chad Norris, who's a longtime friend of mine, actually met him on a podcast, but eight and a half years ago, and that was how we met. And then we've just we've had prophetic words about that we would move to Greenville eventually. And just, you know, didn't have the right timing. Chad and I had been circling each other for years, so to speak, just knowing there was something there. But never the timing is right. And when I was here last February, Chad was like, I think you're supposed to move here. I actually had dinner with him and his team last Friday. He was like, man, right? When God told me to tell you guys like I did not want to tell you that because like we were looking to move to Dallas, like we're moving in a direction. And anyways, he challenged me, my wife and I prayed about it. That was in February, and we moved into the house we're in now in early May of last year. So it all came together. Really quick. So a word from a prophetic author friend got me to Greenville. And so here I am. That's how I made it here.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah, and similar to me. I mean, January, I had an offer to move to Orlando and work with charisma. And I moved at the end of April. I mean, so I just did it like, like half a step ahead of you. But it totally different directions. And we still have not met in person, we're gonna have to figure out no, this Sunday point.


I often wonder if my internet friends are real. Are they just bots on the web? I don't know. So exactly. I'm pretty sure you're real. But I can't confirm.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah, that's true. I could be totally fake. I could be, you know, just a figment of your imagination. But I hope not because I still have a lot of things that I want to do when you're not thinking about right. So. But yeah, so it's it's been an interesting season in life to talk about transitions, and I moved as a single person you moved as a husband and father of 10 kids. Yep. So what were Some of the challenges that you had to go through with that process and how was everybody?


Yeah, I mean, just finding a house in the real estate market last summer was insane. I mean, Greenville is one of the hottest cities in the States right now that people are trying to buy in. So we actually bought this property we're on now sight unseen, we did a virtual walkthrough, over FaceTime, and put in an offer. And then like a month later, we came down to see it. And let's just say some of my children cried. And so they didn't want to move to this house. And it was the worst, commit a really beautiful new house in Illinois. And that was perfect. And we'll just say this property was a bit of a fixer upper, that's probably going to be in process for a few years. So that that was interesting. And I always with kids leaving friends behind, and the whole nine yards, my wife's family all lived very close to us in Illinois, so you know, all those challenges, but on this side of it, we feel pretty settled, we got 11.4 acres. And so we love that, and just it's a pretty peaceful place and a place I think we can put down roots and be here for a long time. But I mean, with with kids, you know, that transition is hard with 10 kids, it's even harder. So we're, I think we're starting to feel settled. But you know, regardless of the transition, whether it's job transition, family, marriage, moving whatever, I always say you have to go through like a year, all the seasons, all the things for 12 months, really to, to just find a rhythm and settle in. So, you know, I really want to try to have grace for my family. And just everything just, you know, we're not even here 12 months. So, Nick, that later this summer, I think that'll be fully fully settled,

John Matarazzo:

I wish you would have told me that that whole thing about you got to go through all the seasons, you know, in a full year. I wish he would have told me that before I moved here, just so I would be more prepared for that. Because that is so true. Like, you do have to go through the different seasons. And even though Florida just kind of seems to have one season and then a few cold days, in winter, that's about it. But still, there's different seasons of life that you kind of have to navigate and go through. So how do


you feel about the loss of seasons, because like, we lived in Florida for 10 months back in the day, and we're from Minnesota, where you have like three there was gonna be four, I'm thinking publishing seasons, not not the same as regular seasons, right? You know, there's four distinct seasons. And that was the weirdest thing being in Florida, where it was always kind of sort of a spring fall vibe, winter where you had to water your grass, so you could keep mowing it and then summer when everything melted. And obviously you've not maybe been there long enough to think through that. But compared to Pennsylvania, your seasons in Florida are gonna be very different.

John Matarazzo:

Oh, yeah, they definitely are like, I mean, also in Pittsburgh, everything is very hilly. We've got, you know, hills and three rivers, and 446 bridges actually 445 Because one just collapsed. That made national news, thank God that nobody got seriously hurt. You know, now I'm in an area where it's completely flat. And if you go, if you go into an overpass, I could actually see downtown, which is like 10 miles away. And I can see down to almost the the Kissimmee area, like almost where Disney is, and it's like, oh, this is just different. I'm not used to the flat so much. But the seasons thing hasn't quite hit me yet. I did get to go home for Christmas, that backup to my family in Pittsburgh. And so I kind of experienced a little bit of that. And I'm like, I'm good. I'm heading back down to Orlando where it's nice and warm. And, you know, I just have to put on a jacket, less snow, clearly less less snow. Yeah, we have to we have to manufacture our own snow through through the special effects and things like that. But, you know, I had an interesting thing happened to me where I had to go to Dallas for something work related. This was back in December, I found myself just thinking on the flight back to Orlando, I said, I'm so glad I get to go home. And I was like, Oh wow, I'm now referring to this new place that God has called me as my home. Like for 36 years, my home had been Pittsburgh. And now my home is in Orlando. This was a five second moment when we were talking about storytelling like this is a five second moment where I that I had with God on the airplane, like I am going I feel at home in the place that God's called me which I'm grateful that that's that that's really starting to take roots and I've got a great, great church here and great families that I'm getting to know I've got my Florida family now which is great. Yeah, so transitions are really interesting in life and the different seasons that we have to go through and I wish I would have just known about your you're just not it wouldn't have changed anything. It would just help me process it differently. But I like that I like that you got to give a year and go through the seasons.


And honestly I learned that I mean during my my tech and software days I managed a lot of people I hired a lot of people in AI constantly had to remind people like give it a year you know, go through, go through all the things and just do life this for a year. And then you'll feel like you're in a good place. It's it's hard any no matter what starting out and change and you know, in the top 10 list of stressors you get when you're reading like a depression or psychology handbook moving is very high on that list up there with death, divorce, and all the other crazy stressors that you're going to have so, and just think how many people not just you and me how many people transitioned all over the country last year, because so many people started working at home permanently, all of a sudden, there was freedom of location so many people had never ever had before. And so, I mean, Chris was actually in Florida where you are, I mean, for me, Destiny image is in Pennsylvania, I've actually been to our home office fewer than 10 times in the almost three years I've worked there. And so it is it is funny to be in a day and age where you can do life and ministry with your colleagues every day over zoom or Skype or what have you. And you know, you only go to the home office a few times a year, I mean, that's far different than how it was when I started out back in the day.

John Matarazzo:

Sure, sure. And one of those things that you can't really just phone it in or do remotely his TV production. You know, you have I mean there's aspects that you can do but you're you're starting this new thing because you've been doing podcasting for a while like you said you've got probably about 1000 episodes or so you know corporately you've got the with the two cool dudes podcast you've done


a lot of to to Christian dude to Christian dudes. I think both cool, though. Yeah, we should be too cool Christian dudes, but we just went with a shorter title. Yeah,

John Matarazzo:

that's, that's still good. But you're doing that podcast, you're doing it, you know, different video things that I see on social media all the time. And so you're starting a TV show now?


Yeah. Why? Why that I asked myself that when I was editing late last night. Um, you know, I actually I went to Morningside with some of my authors, the whole Jim Baker, network facilities, they're about an hour outside of Branson. And I sat down and had lunch with some of their people and just got an idea in my head. Hey, man, we should we should do a TV show for me on the PTL network. So I just literally started walking down the path of what does it look like to get a contract? And how much does this cost and and all the things and pitched it to my boss who said yes, to, you know, executing that? It helps here in green? Yes, who has the money to pay for this? Thank you. Because unlike podcasting, podcasting, you can do it all really proud of the just privacy of your own office or wherever it happens to be. But with TV production, there's going to be some cost involved in different places. So but fortunately, here in Greenville, I go to the garden Greenville, where my good friend Chad Norris is the senior pastor. We've got multiple studios in there, and all the things and a team. That's really awesome. And so we actually shot the first six episodes back in December. And we're working on scheduling the next 1516 and like a bolt kind of shoot coming up. But yeah, so that was really just I had a random, I had a shiny object, and I chased it. And unfortunately, or fortunately, everybody said yes. And I'm like, wow, why do why do I get myself into these situations? But you know, it's, I think it's part of the season. I'm in honestly, for 2022 In the season, I've had so many people, you mean prophetic words about doors opening in my reach transitioning into something different. And you know, podcasting, YouTube reaches a certain audience and broadcast TV reaches a completely different audience. And so I don't always understand why God opens doors that he does. And at the time, they're opening. And usually in hindsight, I'm like, oh, that's, that's what you were doing. And so, you know, it's getting me outside of my comfort zone. I've really enjoyed the process. As a longtime geek, I've enjoyed the process of learning about what do I need to do editing and production wise to get everything ready. So that's really been cool. I enjoy the technical aspects. But it's a different skill set, you know, three cameras, all the people and people in studio, it's, it's different from doing podcasts, interviews, podcasts, interviews, like riding a bicycle at this point. But, you know, I probably, you know, in the same way, it takes a year to settle on a new place, I always say with like a show, give yourself 10, at least 10 episodes, and then you'll find your rhythm kind of find your voice. And we're not quite there yet. And they completely change the studio. We're going to be shooting it since we last shot. So that'll be interesting to get used to. But yeah, that's how it got started. You know, connecting back to the shiny object, I find something I'm excited about, and I go after it. And so here we are with a TV show, like literally the first episode aired this past Tuesday. And, you know, I just finished editing episode two last night. So yeah, it's up and running.

John Matarazzo:

So tell me about these first two episodes. What do people expect when they tune into engaging the supernatural?


You know, I think the heart behind this show is I'm thinking, what would I have been helped by? Or what would I have benefited from when I first started dipping my toe into the charismatic side of the church. So I grew up Lutheran, very reformed, married a Baptist girl went to John Piper's church for a bunch of years. And then my brother in law became a vineyard pastor. And we're like, Man, are they in a call? They're doing crazy stuff? And what is that about? And so God just led me down this crazy road of coming into the charismatic side of the church. And obviously, I do my professional work now amongst charismatic Christians. And some really, really my heart is, can I produce content that had I encountered this 1012 years ago would have been a blessing to me and what it helped me maybe get past some of all the crazy things as hyper reformed, conservative folks were warned about, from the charismatic side of the church. And then as as we're sharing stories and encounters and ways that people have been touched by God, often in a very supernatural or out of the box way, can can we deliver it in a way where you're really going to get not only God's heart for that person or their situation, but how God has His heart, like tied into your situation to and how he wants to bring those same things healing, restoration, whatever it might be in your life as well. So it's a lot of stuff to try to fit into. That's what a minute and 30 seconds story. That's an interesting time constraint to fit it all in. But really, the heart is like what what would have benefited me 1012 years ago? And can can we tell supernatural stories in a way that's winsome, but not hokey? And I feel like that can be a weird balance a bit like sometimes we over sensationalize it, where it's like, by you, people are whacked and crazy, can we do it in a way that is winsome, and just really expresses God's heart and that the supernatural in the Christian life can just be normal and should be normal as we're growing closer to God. And so trying to find that balance, you know, being sensational click Beatty enough at times to get the viewers and to draw people in. But at the same time, just, you know, it can be to normal people having a conversation about just how God's moving in their lives. And it doesn't have to be odd. I got a funny content or comments on some YouTube content. The other week where I think we were I was talking to somebody about exorcisms. And the comment was like, wow, you're just, you're so not excited about this, Sean. And the thing is, like, I you know, I well read, I'm so immersed in this space. I'm just having normal conversations with people are doing who are doing ministry and crazy stuff. And yeah, it's fantastic. But at the same time, in my world, this is like normal Christianity at this stage. And so, you know, I've just like I am here, I'm, I'm very normal and having a conversation. And so people sometimes maybe are a little underwhelmed by my enthusiasm. But like, literally, I'm just a very chill guy. So I just tried to have a normal conversation. Even if we're talking about crazy stuff.

John Matarazzo:

That's awesome that you said so much in that in his last minutes or so. But then I want to tune in on a few different things. You know, you want to make this success. You want to make the supernatural accessible. You want a basically you want this show to kind of be like a handbook for somebody that is trying to understand this, the whole supernatural realm. But you You lead off with talking about prophecy, and you've had a lot of prophetic words. And, you know, sometimes people can say, you know, I've received a prophetic word, or, you know, I got a word from God about this thing in my life for this direction. You know, that's probably one of the most accessible things that people do when it comes to encountering engaging the supernatural is through prophetic words. Now, obviously, you had to weigh those you had to say, Okay, God, is this really you that you want us to move across the country away from our family and friends, and all this and all these things, and start a new life in a new city? I had to do the same thing with this opportunity to move here. How do you weigh those things and really kind of test that out and kind of see, Okay, God, where are you in this? Where is this prophetic, this prophetic word? Or is this a word from somebody? That's just meaning? Well, how do you go about engaging the supernatural in in testing those things?


Testing words? Yeah. I mean, I always start by saying, it's got to line up with scripture. So if somebody is giving you stuff that's like way crazy, you know, it should align with what we see in God's word. You know, ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment if something's just kind of kind of off base and strange. As somebody who's a professional in the in the Christian publishing space, and who is a gatekeeper for all kinds of publishing and media, you know, I do try to discern is this just somebody trying to get my attention or win favor with me by giving me something you know, that's just more trying to manipulate me so I do pray through that and try to think through that anytime. Somebody gives me something, honestly some of the best, like prophetic words. or prayers or encouragement comes in very unlikely places from really normal people, you know, somebody you just happen to encounter at a conference or in a service, they'll ask to pray for you. They don't know who you are. Sometimes they come at the end of podcasts, you know, he's like, Hey, I feel like I have this thing I want to share with you. And so they come in lots of places. But you know, for me, keep track of them in a journal, try to be discerning and pray through them. In some ways, I'd contrast kind of two ends of the timeline. It's easier to receive them now. Because when I was starting out in the charismatic space, it was new. And you're kind of like, Yeah, well, we'll see this is kind of weird and hokey. Yet, like early on, I'd had some global awakening students give me they did like a prophetic courage, encouragement session that would add voice to the pot or voice of the prophets. And so we recorded those and like, two or three years later, I really listened to them. And you know, my, my posture at the time was a god bless your heart students learning how to give prophetic words. And then like the one I listened to a few years later, everything they pray over me came true. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, that dude was describing the house I live in right now. And I was planning on moving back then that was before we, we moved to Illinois. So I think early on, it was just so new, I really struggled with receiving stuff. And I was more skeptical. Now that I've seen stuff, you know, regularly come through, I'm much more open to it. On this side of the journey, God's asking for bigger things. And so you know, there tends to be more risk involved, or, you know, the the jumping off the faith Cliff involves my wife and my kids and all of us together doing crazier stuff. And so, you know, it's easier to accept, but I feel like the the risks God is asking us to take with some of the words we're getting are just a lot bigger, and so still apply. Does it fit with the broad scope of Scripture and sound theology and discerning? Is somebody trying to manipulate me? Or is this God and whatnot, but it's just easier now. But the risks are different. And I feel like that's just the journey of the Christian life as we go deeper with God. He's like, Oh, right, you're, you've been faithful here. There's these other five things down the road that I want you to do. And so, you know, God's just looking for a lot of people to say yes, and sometimes the way he gets our intention, or attention is through prophetic words. But it's something I think you grow into over time, especially if it was something that you didn't grow up with.

John Matarazzo:

Sure, sure. To test it with the Word of God, it should always line up with that. And that's like, that's the big thing. It needs to line up with the word of God. But, you know, you can look back and say, oh, yeah, that did actually happen. Yeah, like, I definitely suggest recording them keeping them organized. Yeah, whenever you have an opportunity to without your phone now, in this day, and age is a lot easier than you know, you have to get a recording from us from a, you know, from, you know, this little mini cassette things back in the day, or gray, or get the sermon recording where somebody gave this word, you can pull it out, now you can pull out your phones and just hit record. I kind of always had I actually now I have an Apple Watch. And I have an app that where I can literally just hit it and it's going to start recording. And so I'm like, I'm ready to go because I'm in that environment now where not that I wasn't in the past but like it's it's interesting to see how, how God is moving in the church that God's called me to now at nations church. And there's, there's words being given all the time, there's people we're moving in the Holy Spirit. And it's It's fun being in that environment perfectly for somebody that's not used to that, what are some tips that you can give for engaging the supernatural?


I guess, be open. Like in terms of like being able to weigh and wrestle and keep track, you definitely have a way of recording it. If recording it on a phone is awkward for you. Or if you do you sometimes things come in the moment and you can't all often quick send myself an email with like bullet points of what the person said so I can remember it and add it to my journal later. A lot of editing is just really being open to that God wants to speak to you God wants to move in your life God, God has a destination for you to reach and he wants to go on the journey with you. It has a lot to do with our worldview and how we process that sort of thing if we think the Holy Spirit's completely silent today and God's pretty much checked out and we're just going to finish thing the kind of last wind at the clock that's one perspective. If God is super alive and active today well that means he's got stuff for us to do places for us go people he wants us to help him reach and so you know, if I have to choose I'll I'll take that version of the of the Christian life where it's vibrant and alive and active. There's real restoration, healing and transformation by a if I had to contrast the two sides of the church that I've done life in love my reformed brothers and sisters, but man, I've got so many stories I can share where not believing the Holy Spirit was was active and alive today. You know, being a functional Cessationist that put a lot of ceilings on people's faith experiences. or that we get into circumstances where God just didn't seem big enough for the problems they're facing. And so, you know, worldview matters, how we how we process and respond to God is really important. So if I had to sum it up, I would say, just just be open and really trust that God wants to commune and speak with you, and has a path for you. And, yeah, I mean, the more the more I press into that, and just being open to wherever God wants to lead, the crazier this stuff gets, but also I see God move in ways I never would have dreamed of so. But yeah, if it's not how you grew up, I get it. It's uncomfortable. It's weird. It's all the things people warned you about. You know, I, you know, again, love my reformed brothers and sisters, but I ain't going back I'm, you know, this is where I'm going to do life until I go home to heaven.

John Matarazzo:

And that's why I believe that this is that you're the guy that God's called to do this, and to take this angle with this with this show. Because you can help people that were lovers of Jesus, but as far away from the Holy Spirit, being being active today as you can possibly be, to now you you've taken that journey. So, so far, that you're now finding people and searching for them, because they've got the stories and you got to help them get that out through books and podcasting. And like this has become basically what was what you didn't have, has become the thing that you've been searching for, and driving for. And what is causing you to continue to move forward in your walk with the Lord is the Holy Spirit. And he's just drawn you to this call in your life. And so it's interesting to see like, that's you, you are about as far away as that as possible. And now this is where God has you. But you can help me, you can help so many people, wherever they are along that spectrum in that journey as they come to know the Holy Spirit.


And for me, I was here early on, like I used podcasting as a vehicle to interview charismatic authors, I would read their books and ask all the questions I had about the charismatic side of the church. And so in my journey, that was the vehicle that I got to just ask the things you normally can't ask in Sunday school or church. And so that was a huge help for me. On this side of things, I'm still interviewing authors and leaders about a lot of the same things. It's just the focus is different. Do I get a lot out of every single conversation? Absolutely. But now, I'm kind of like I suggested earlier, I'm producing the content I wish I'd had 10 years ago. And it's a huge, huge blessing to me to be able to do that, you know, it's so many authors will say the same thing where, you know, they're often writing a book that they wish they'd had when they were a kid when they were young, adult, whatever, whatever have you. And so, in the same way, you know, I'm producing content for Sean 10 or 15 years ago, for the people who are at that stage of the journey like I was,

John Matarazzo:

that's great. So who, who do you have on your first episode of engaging with supernatural? did an interview first, like, Tell me Tell me about that?


Yeah, yep. Yep, interview format. Typically, we're going to be probably 80% will be talking with somebody about a book. Other times, we'll rip into other topics if they have more to share. First episode is my good friend, Chad Norris. He's a brand new book called goddess shaking his temple, talking about the kindness and severity of God restoring the fear of the Lord in the church, what's shifting in the church in this season. And then Episode Two that airs next week is with a very good friend of mine, Ryan Johnson, he's a pastor up in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, he's got a book called How to contend for your miracle that talks about this 40 day journey of fasting and really praying to see his mom healed of cancer and she was healed that she's still cancer free today. And then we also get into this video that's not book related. Episode Three, that'll be coming up soon. It's also Ryan Johnson. And we talk about when when he was in college, college age, he was doing alcohol and drugs and was an awful husband and just all the crazy you wouldn't know any about anything about this because he's a pastor with a family today. But when he was 1920 21, whatever the time frame was, things were really, really bad. He'd done so, so much abuse to his body, he had heart issues and all these crazy things. He encounters the Lord, he gets saved, God massively hills, his heart and all these things happen restored his marriage. And so it's, uh, it'll pull on your heartstrings in terms of the that it's very emotional episode. But, you know, that's one thing I really wanted to bring out from his story is, we don't all start out in this sanitized spot. You know, you see people, you know, 2020 30 years down the road in the Christian life and you're like, wow, you've always been on cloud nine. It's amazing. You're like, No, this guy had this. Everybody's got a story. And so, you know, if you that that's an important thing and I'm know you do this with telling stories on your show as well, you're helping other people relate to what they're in trying to press into what they're going through same reason why you write a book or anything else, but the message is, so they can see themselves in your story and hopefully experienced that same transformation that you've had. So she had Chad Episode One, Ryan is episodes two and three. And then episodes four is kind of squishy. So not sure where we're going for the last episode of month.

John Matarazzo:

Okay, but a lot of good stuff to look forward to. I mean, obviously, with along the way, this podcast, you know, I'm trying to learn from people's journeys. And I love that you are too. And that's, that's always a great thing, you know, because we learned so much from each other in our conversations, and just re checking up on each other throughout the year. Cuz we're both in this same space with, you know, with podcasting, and loving to tell other people's stories and help them with that. And this is where this is where God has us. But we all have our own journeys, getting to here as well, and how God's grown us, you know, you like pulling out other people's stories. But can you share any stories about how God has used you in the supernatural? Oh, man.


I mean, in terms of, I guess, one that comes to mind, and this would have been this is actually with one of my kids, he had scratched like his cornea or something with his eye, it was bad. And we just, we, this was probably about three, four years ago, and prayed for him. And it got healed, like instantly. And that was just, you know, in terms of ministry experiences, a lot of times things happen outside of your family. And so that was one that was a faith builder for me earlier in the journey, where we pray for him as I got healed, but we actually did a little video about it and posted on Facebook whenever that was a number of years back. And so that's one that's near and dear to my heart, just because it was with one of my kids. You know, I think in this year in 2022, you will probably see me just by circumstances, and I'm stepping into a lot more ministry situations. I'm a behind the scenes guy. I mean, I'm a networker. I'm helping authors. And funny thing. I was at a conference a number of weeks back, and I got to be a catcher for Patricia King, which I thought was hilarious because we were honoring her and praying for her like Sean southern drew get behind her in case she falls out. And you know, I just as I'm standing on the stage, like on a live TV broadcast and like, like, you know, if only the 10 year ago, Sean could have seen this moment when you're at a conference on the stage as a catcher for Patricia King, and just in case she gets hit by the Spirit and falls out it just it just made me laugh. And I was like, Man, how far I've come because 10 years ago, everything like that's wack. That's crazy. So yeah, you know, a lot of times, like I said, I'm the behind the scenes facilitator guy. Not that I don't seen miracles, see miracles. But that's sort of the season I'm in where, like you I'm a behind the scenes person and all kinds of stuff. God's shoving me out front and not in a negative way. It's just right, right, definitely getting me out of my comfort zone right now in a good way. So ask me a year and I'm sure we'll have more interesting stories for you.

John Matarazzo:

Well, I look forward to that year catch up, because that seems to be something that we should probably just do, maybe more than just once a year. But you know, it's kind of like Moses, you know, he was called by God. But God still had to have the burning bush experience, he still had to be somebody that says, you know, God, I, I stutter. I'm kind of a behind the scenes kind of guy. There's not I you know, can use my brother Aaron. And then but, you know, God really had him. Yes, Aaron became along along the side, and he did speak. But Moses, you know, the only time that we talk about his stuttering problem is whenever he's complaining to God about having this thing. Beyond that, there's I don't think there's any other reference of that. So it's just how he was thinking of himself. And you know, God, God obviously saw something greater, something different. And you know, Shawn, as we're talking here, I'm just excited for you because you have been a guy that's that's promoted other people, you've put other people in positions where they can tell their stories. And I'm excited to see how God is going to use you in a place where you're going to be recognized not just for your voice, but for your face, for your appearance for who God has made you to be. Sid Roth is doing the same as a similar type of thing. And, you know, you're you're coming from a different angle, but, you know, I just am excited to see how God's gonna start using this side of you, as he's calling forth this this next season, I guess.


Amen. I'm excited to I don't I don't quite know where the road ends at the end of 2022. So we'll watch together expected.

John Matarazzo:

Absolutely. Yeah, for sure. Man. I love how you shared a story from your family. You know, like that's a personal thing that we often kind of overlook, just because it happened close to home. And whenever we're thinking about the supernatural, people will often think about something that happens with Benny Hinn on the stage or something. But you know, you see big things that happen. You know, I've never seen the Red Sea part in person, I know it happened. But we're looking for those types of big supernatural things or somebody gets, you know, miraculously healed. And we kind of forget about the small things that God works in those everyday miracles, you know, as we're just seeking about the Holy Spirit and moving in the supernatural, how can somebody take their first step, and, and just being used by God in that way,


I mean, probably the easiest first step would just be to find a quiet place. Get alone. And this ask God to reveal Himself to you, you know, say, whether, whether you're in a moment where you're like you're praying, or you want God to reveal Himself to you in dreams, or, you know, ask him to show up in a circumstance that's coming up in your day, wherever it may be. I feel like when, when, when we are intentional about asking God to show up he will. And also that God cares, he's got things to pour into all kinds of things that we're facing. And if we're expected, and our eyes are ready to see it, our ears are ready to hear it, I think those things will become obvious. The reality is Gods moving all around us doing stuff every single day. Often in the hustle and bustle and crazy of life, we just miss it. Because not that we aren't even expected or trusting. We're just busy. And so you know, I feel like noticing things often involves slowing down, being quiet, and posturing yourself in a way where you're intentionally expecting to hear from God. And I think when he sees us, really pressing in like that, he's he's been waiting, he's more than happy and eager to communicate with us to, you know, even though he's been there before, now that our eyes are able to see it, it's so much more overtly obvious. So when you see her like, oh, duck has been moving, moving there all along. So the easiest thing you can do is just ask him, or, Hey, I work in Christian publishing and media, find a book, you know, to help help you here. Or if, honestly, if there's a supernatural, kind of charismatic topic, if you're interested in healing, or prophetic stuff, or exorcisms and deliverance, you know, I read widely and just things that fascinate me. And so, you know, that can be a good way to kind of go down the rabbit hole. Or if you really want to be crazy, like me and John, start a podcast and start entertaining charismatic authors. And and get all your questions answered. And, you know, use your podcast for spiritual formation. That's what I did. And look where I am today.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah, I was just gonna suggest that, you know, starting a podcast has really done some amazing things in my life. You know, it's one of the things that helped open up this opportunity for me to move to Orlando to work with the charisma media team that with charisma Podcast Network and trying to get video, our video team started and doing more things with that. But podcasting is what opened the door. And it became evident because of a time with the Lord that I had, where I mean, this, my podcast started after a 21 day fast. A few days after that, that ended, I was still just seeking the Lord because I was like, God, this, I didn't feel anything at that point, you know. And it was actually what we're recording this on Groundhog Day. So this is February 2 Right now, but it was literally four years ago today that I our vision for this podcast, it was from February 1 and over midnight to February 2, and I just had a download from the Lord about what this podcast was going to be. It was through obedience, and then just saying, okay, God's gonna, God's gonna bring the guests God's gonna bring the right people, these conversations that I've had, you know, I've done 109 Full Episodes before this one with with new people not not talking about like, follow up stuff. But I've, I've done a lot of conversations that have ended up really impacting my life in great ways. So yes, starting a podcast has definitely been a great way to facilitate that. But I encourage people, even if you're not going to start a podcast, find those people to have real deep conversations with and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in that other person. And listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit through I mean, allow the Holy Spirit to be your ears as well. You know, we want to we want to be able to see people the way that Jesus sees them, but we all should we also should try to hear people the way that Jesus hears them as well. And that ultimate opened up a lot of the supernatural for us as well. Shawn, this is always fun to connect with you, my friend. Any any closing thoughts that you have and tell us how to again watch the show? And yeah, your podcasts and all that all that good


stuff, all the things so all the things in terms of kind of a Final thought or word for 2022, I would say don't be in the posture where you're still being held back. I feel like the last two years, they were a gift to the church and that, and Christians in general, where it showed us some things that we really needed to shore up. I'm not saying all those problems are fixed right now. But don't let the things that may be kept you stuck, hold you back in 2022, you're probably going to have to say some hard things you're probably going to have to wrestle with, wow, does my faith really mean something, and actually, God's gonna ask you to live it out in a way you were maybe afraid to last year or the year before? And that's okay, I think you're gonna see a lot more people stepping out in faith doing some pretty crazy and radical things that they were too afraid to do. And it's a time to grow. Look, Church may look different, you know, if, you know, we're gathering in smaller situations, and you know, that's that's what we see in the early church. And there's still reason we can't do it today. The word I keep hearing from so many of my prophetic friends right now is some of the things God wants to do this year are going to come from unlikely unheard of people that you've never seen before. And but yet they've been toiling in their prayer closet for years and pressing it. And so I think some of the ways God's gonna move this year is gonna come through people that aren't on big stages, people you haven't read the book from before. And so just be watching and expecting to see God move in small places that have a really big impact in 2022, and it may be you that God's asking to be at the center of some of those things. In terms of my content, the new show engaging the supernatural, you can go to PTL network.com. We air on their various satellite and TV channels every Tuesday afternoon at 330. Eastern time, I am right after Joyce Meyers and right before the Jim Baker show, in that line application debate. I know I know, I was super psyched about that. Also available video on demand on their websites. For all my podcast related stuff. Sean Tabet comm is a good place to go search for my name on YouTube or search for my good friend, Randy Kay, on YouTube, a lot of my contents there as well. Or the Destiny image YouTube page, all my content ends up there as well. So Google me, whatever, you'll find me I'm all over the internet, hopefully, mostly good. So anyways, those those are the places you can find me and really, you know, just be encouraged. This year, I realized the last few years have been hard. So many of us have been sick, we've lost friends and family, and I get all that. Yet God is the God of restoration. And so be expected. And like we said earlier, keep your eyes looking out for where God is moving and step into the midst of that. And I think you'll be surprised and pretty amazed at what he wants to do through you in 2022. And beyond.

John Matarazzo:

Amen. Amen. I think one of the things that I'm taking away from this is that we need to stop and slow down and hear God moving, so that we can be attentive to what he's doing. And so that we can be, you know, aware of the supernatural things in our lives. And maybe that next person that God wants to use is you listening, because you are just as saved, healed, delivered, filled with the Holy Spirit, as people that you see on TV, people that write books, the same power that lives in them lives in you the same Jesus that lives in them, Listen, you, and I want to encourage you, just like Shawn and I have been talking about that. We just are two guys that had been obedient to the things that God has said. And he has taken that obedience and multiplied the fruit from that, and has allowed us to have some amazing opportunities to meet and get to know some amazing people. And, hey, God can use you to be amazing too. And you already are in the eyes of somebody that is looking up to you. Whether you are aware of it or not, God is using you. So I would encourage you to keep on being used by the Holy Spirit. Keep being sensitive to him. Slow down. Take a deep breath. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. And you're going to see how maybe you can engage in the supernatural to check out Shawn's show. And I'll be putting all of the links in the show notes as well. If you want to hear the first episode that I did with Shawn, that will be in the show notes as well. So you can click that and listen to that full story. It Shawn just gave a brief synopsis of that. But it is a great episode. I hope you check it out. Thanks again so much for listening. God bless you. And may you realize when Jesus is walking with you along your way. I hope you enjoyed my conversation with my friend Sean Tabet. Check out his TV show engaging the supernatural. I'll be providing his links as well as the link to our last conversation searching for shiny objects in the shownotes. Thank you for listening to along the way. If you've enjoyed joining me along my way, please share this with a friend who you think will be encouraged by this pod. gassed, also rate and review along the way on iTunes that helps more people discover along the way. And subscribe to this podcast wherever you're listening. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and on my website along the way dot media. If you want to support me in this podcast I also have a Patreon page. The link to become a supporter is in my show notes. I hope that you've enjoyed this part of my journey, and may you realize when Jesus is walking with you along your way. Along the way is honored to be part of the charisma Podcast Network. You can find tons of spirit filled content from their vast catalogue of podcasts, including my including my Monday through Friday news stories for the charisma news podcast. Go to CPN shows calm to see the full list. Go to CPN shows.com To see the full list and latest episodes.