July 8, 2019

Healed from Autism - Dr. Reg Morais’ Journey AlongTheWay 13

Healed from Autism - Dr. Reg Morais’ Journey AlongTheWay 13

Dr. Reg Morais was healed from autism as a child through the ministry of David Yonggi Cho. He tells the story of his adventure into prophetic ministry and a powerful prophecy about the unexpected Prime Minister of Australia.
 His AlongTheWay moments include 

  • Healed of Autism
  • Encounter with Jesus at the Perth Airport
  • Australian PM prophecy 
  • Almost in the Navy
  • Proverbs 17:22 - A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.

 Get to know more about Dr. Reg Morais…



Watch Dr. Reg’s interview on RealLife

Books Recommend

“4th Dimensional Living in a 3 Dimensional World” - David Yonggi Cho

“The Fourth Dimension” - Dr. David Yonggi Cho

“How You Can Be Led By The Spirit Of God” - Kenneth Hagen

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Reg Morais :

They took my bags out of my hands. And then all of a sudden the entire border customs office became hazy, and more clouds came in. And eventually, I could not see anyone. Not Listen, a voice comes like turn back. It was the first time I saw the Holy Spirit face to face.

John Matarazzo :

Welcome to along the way. I'm John Matarazzo, your host and fellow traveler, thank you for joining me along my way as I try to become more like Jesus every day. I love when I have the opportunity to talk with fascinating people and learn how God has met them along their way. Everyone has a story and I believe that we can all learn from each other's journey. In this episode of along the way. My journey connects me with a pastor who was healed from autism as a child. Dr. Reggie Miller is pastors living faith Community Church near Perth, Australia. If you want to find out how Dr. Raj learned how to operate in the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, then you'll want to hear what he has to say in my conversation with him. Before we get to the interview, I always enjoy getting feedback about how my along the way journey is helping you. If you would like to connect with me, you can find along the way on Facebook and Instagram. You can always email me at John along the way at gmail. com. And my social links and web address are in the show notes. I'd love to hear from you. And now here's my along the way conversation with Dr. Raj Marinus.

Dr. Reggie, it's a pleasure to be with you. You're in Australia right now. And I'm in my home studio, actually my bedroom? Could you just tell me exactly where you are? And what you've been doing just recently? Because it's, it's pretty cool. Okay.

Reg Morais :

First of all, I want to thank you, John, for having me on your podcast. And I just appreciate that you've given me some time for me to speak to your audience and to your group of people. I am based in a place called third. And it's a great and in a great state called Western Australia and I am coming directly from Australia. After two or three days of intense CS conference that we had, we broke all the records, input all the people who came and joined. And so you are right earlier on in our, in our talk with each other, that I'm at the tail end of the conference.

Tired, but I'm in a very happy, tired?

John Matarazzo :

Yes. Could you use you just said that it's the seniors conference? Before we go any further? Yes. Some people don't know what a seer is, what is some? What does that mean? That's kind of a strange term that might be foreign to some people.

Reg Morais :

Okay, I'll go all, to all the audience I wrote, the way that God has spoken to me in the way goddess taught me. In the Old Testament, there are two kinds of prophets, one kind of a prophet, you will hear, they will take they're able to hear God by audibly. In other words, there's an audio revelation that God speaks to them. Then another kind of prophets, they can they they have an audio, but then they also have a regulatory, but whereby the eyes are open, and they can see things ahead of 10 days ahead, or 30 days ahead, or 40 days ahead of what God is going to do in their in their personal life. For instance, John, I just want to let you know, we just had a general election or what we had what we had is the federal election, just for about two weeks ago, the current sitting Prime Minister's Scott Morrison, who was elected last year 24th of August, and he had only eight months to prepare himself before he was about to be reelected. 56 opinion polls this said that he will never win this election 56 opinion polls said the Labour Party will have a brand new prime minister call those shorten. But God said to me from August to from August to now he said to me, do not listen to me everything you will tell in front of all my people, I've decided to bring Prime Minister so I'm the only lonely Voice in the Wilderness. God has been saying to me, I will bring in I said to God, God, I don't want to have tomatoes, potatoes. And you know, and eggs on my face. And if you're saying what you're saying, but I saw the realm of the spirit that Scott Morrison is going to come through. And eventually lo and behold, two weeks ago now they call it the miracle election, that Scott Morrison Not only is not only got reelected, but he's got a majority government to run the country. The first, the first evangelical Pentecost, Bible believing and speaking Christian, we have gotten this country and that was something that something came up out of completely out of being a seer more than anything else.

John Matarazzo :

Yeah. So since you already touched on this topic, I want to go back a little bit because when I first met you, yes, you told me the story about how Scott Morrison became you. God showed you something about Scott Morrison. Well, before he ever became the Prime Minister of

Reg Morais :

2017. Jesus appeared to me on the 31st of December. And he said to me, I want you to tell your people on the sixth of January SU, it is it is the custom, that I've asked you to reveal and release prophetic words over the nation, so we are country or state. He said to me, I said to me in, in heaven, the Senate of all my saints have decided to turn out or decide to remove the current sitting Prime Minister, none other than Malcolm Turnbull. Now remember, challenging and arguing with God? And I said, God, that man is extremely, extremely popular among all these. I don't think so laughing. He said, it's not your job to think and it's not your job for you to have an opinion about what I think. But rather, it's my job for me to know when I I will, I will elevate kings, and I will depose kings. And that's how I do what I do. You tell your people that I'm going to, I'm going to do this. Remember coming out in the front end, he was he was a den treasure. He was not a prime minister, just a treasure to the country to the Prime Minister. Somewhere along the line. early August, there was a leadership spill called out and the leadership spill called out even then at that moment, no one thought that Scott Morrison will become the PM. Some others actually said Julie Bishop is going to become the Prime Minister. But I kept on saying over the Facebook, and obviously to number churches and across the country that Scott Morrison will become the Prime Minister. Eventually on the 24th of August, there were three. There were three people were contesting for this contesting for the PM stop. Eventually, God miraculously God God Himself brought Scott Morrison and that's how he became a prime minister. Now he is yes, got the moral authority. 56 opinion polls told him that he will never make it a prime minister with all the muzzle which went through last year, in spite of the muzzle, the Australian people thought he will be a better Prime Minister for the country, then the new prime minister was about then the Labour Day Labour Party Prime Minister and today we are very privileged to have him. So people are saying right now at this moment is almost a Trump of Australia. So people, yet people said that Trump will never make it in 2016. I think you would know remember, John, that your polls also said the same thing about Hillary Clinton was gonna become the next president. And he cannot and God just came through for that.

John Matarazzo :

Everyone was surprised. Yeah. You just used a term that I haven't heard before. Sure. Maazel? Yes. Yes, you explain that I'm kind of confused. Is it? Or is it a legal term? I don't know.

Reg Morais :

It is a local term. Sure. Mazel means simply means, you know, the whole place was chaotic. The whole place was confused. It was in a state of disrepair. And it was a state of not being able to really bring something good out of it. And when you know it, because I am sorry to tell you this, John. But over the last number of years, within seven years, eight years, I think there's a revolving door in this country. within seven years, we had about four or five prime ministers, the so the door just revolves. And I think, yeah, it's not good. And they there is a joke, which is going on. And I pray that they your audience, if there are if there are Italians, I don't pray that you will not that you will not take any offense, but they are saying that Australia has become as become the Italy of the Pacific. Because as you realized, after post World War with Italy, Italy had pretty much one prime minister for every particular year. From right, and so the joke here is basically we have become the Italy of the Pacific. And over the last seven years, we had about four or five prime ministers, like a revolving door. And so we have become a laughingstock in this part of the world.

John Matarazzo :

Well, I'm Italian and I'm not really offended by that. So don't worry, brother, I still love you. John it about but I've been to Italy. It's a beautiful place. And I'm sure Australia is the is the same. So Dr. Raj, you have a bit of an accent. And so I listeners don't have the seeing you. But you haven't always lived in Australia. And could you just tell me about some of your upbringing and some of the things that God brought you through in your in your childhood?

Reg Morais :

First of all, I'm a first class pedigree mongrel. And another one that I have got half Indian and how Portuguese ancestry and ancestry. I live. I was born, raised educated in Singapore, second generation Singaporean, but God called me at the age of 20 to leave Singapore and I'm 51 years of age currently, I've lived in this there in this great country for the last 30 years. And so I've got this Singaporean Portuguese and then the Australian combined pedigree accent right now at this moment, I've got our never the was never normal. I was born as an autistic kid. For the first 13 years of life, plus Aspergers plus obsessive compulsive disorder behavior, at OCD, all of these three above my life, my life was not the same. I tried to commit suicide, the age of 789. My mom used to give me a tumbler of cardio drink, and I used to put a rat poison into it. And I drank the right poison with the call to drink. I tried to kill myself. I couldn't. I couldn't I couldn't die. So your mom gave you juice and you added rat poison to it? Yes.

John Matarazzo :

And oh my gosh.

Reg Morais :

And then on top of it, I have tried to stand in front of taxis, buses, lorries, trucks are every other moving vehicle so that there is someone can actually drive over me and they can just run over me so I can die as soon as possible. So that would have been possibly about 910 11 years of age. But someone else on the line, I think, you know, just to cut the story short, I think the entire Morris clan, were in a real real difficult spot a bother. And I think at that point in time, a young South Korean evangelist game, his name was none other than young GI Joe. Now, I believe he's got 1.1 million people in his church in Seoul, South Korea. That's the

John Matarazzo :

from the prayer mountain. And that's a David Young and show.

Reg Morais :

Okay. David Young, good job. So he decided to he decided to put a massive Crusade for seven days in Singapore. So mom and dad dragged us for this huge Crusade, which was running the biggest stadium I think about 80 to 90,000 people were packed in and he ran seven days, Mom and Dad gave their hearts to Jesus on the very first day, putting my brother gave his heart to Jesus. On the second day, I gave my heart to Jesus on the seventh day. I told God, if he would heal me from an autism within a year, I will surrender my heart and I will serve you for the rest of my life. And it was a prayer that I made. But yet I did not know what I was making a private press Iraq, I was rather confused, not in a state of right frame framework of my own mind. Lo and behold, sometime 1983 seventh of June, one year down the track, I was in a geography class, and all of a sudden, I felt in the presence of God, they there was a dark cloud passing over my head. Then I stood up in front of the paintings in front of the classroom. 42 kids in front of the teacher, I just said, I'm okay, I'm okay. I'm okay. I got suspended, because apparently I disrupted the entire class.

John Matarazzo :

So you were saying that you were okay. But they were saying you're? You're not okay. No,

Reg Morais :

of course. Yes. According to my geography teacher, I have really, really, you know, I disrupted the class, and I think remove every focus intention of every other child. And she was rather annoyed and upset with me.

John Matarazzo :

Sure, but you knew something happened to you that day?

Reg Morais :

Yes, sir. Yes, yes.

The next thing I just realized that I said to myself, you know, something has happened, I feel there's no more fear. One of the things I found that when I was when I had autism, OCD. And last, but just one of the greatest thing I found is fear ran through 1314 years of my life, John, and it's not a pretty thing, because every single day, you're only taught in every single day, while you're walking on this earth, you want to die, you want to die quickly. And you want to leave this miserable earth because of you know, because of because you get bullied, because you're not scoring well in your subjects. And you're not doing well. You're not intelligent, not smart, not clever enough. And all of the above, and I think coming down coming from Singapore, it's all about education. It's all about paper, it's all about qualifications. And if you cannot mold yourself into the society, then you pretty much everything, I'm a loser. And if you become a loser, then it's it's no point of you living anymore on this earth, you rather my soul die. And so on the basis of it on the seventh of June 1983, when God touched me and when God started to heal me, I knew that there was no longer fear in me went back home, I laughed, and I laughed, and a lot, mom and dad, my mom and dad were concerned because they thought I've gone literally I've lost my marbles, I've become terribly, hysterically crazy, I just love. But the following day, there was another period was another period of geography class, I decided in my own heart, not that God spoke to me, in my own heart, I will make the biggest noise in this class. And I will I will give a such a hard time to my teacher. And I will make sure I'll get suspended from the classroom to test my own test the healing that Jesus has given me. And to test everything what God has done loan, the whole, I did the most know, the more, you know, the disasters, things I could do. I got suspended my teacher says the rich that I knew three days ago was far better rich, and the rich that I know I am really, really scared and fearful of this new rich. And so for me when I stood outside of the classroom, I was not said I was not upset have tested the healing, and no longer no longer being hunted, but now become the hunter. And then from that day onwards, I decided to preach the gospel in my high school. And I decided to win a lot of a lot of kids in my own classroom outside of my classroom openly spoke about about the scripture in you know, in our in our in the soccer field basketball arena. And men, young kids who are giving their hearts to Jesus dragging them to the church sat on the inside of the form of fellowship call CFPB called club fellowship, we start to have a fellowship. And you know, guys like me started to praise and thank God during recess period, we used to bring 2345 Kids inside the and in the club fellowship will get them to give their hearts to Jesus. That's how my life started change. Wow.

John Matarazzo :

So I'm just curious, why did you choose to test your healing and the way that you did it rather than rather than being disruptive? You could have done a lot of other things what what made you want to do it that way?

Reg Morais :

Okay, so first of all, John, you do realize way back when I was born in 1968, by the time I in the in the early 70s. We are talking about Singapore, we are talking about you know, Singapore says coming from a fishing village to come to a metropolitan a metropolitan city. Look what we've got right now. Singapore is not a Singapore, like what you and I see today. Back in those days, we were classified as a third world, we weren't even a First of all, I remember my dad dragging me, my dad, my mom, dad and my brother dragging me to the doctors and even when they did certain things I know my doctors never gave you know, and they didn't give a term. But they gave a term to my dad, they said, if your son continues to go the way he's going right now, or the age of 1718, he will end up in a mental asylum. And so my point is, it was very hard in back in those days for me to go and see a doctor because the doctors back in those years, did not want to brand a child like I am who have got an autism. Like today you would agree with me, John, that you know, I think doctors are so quick enough fast enough. And they brand a child you've got ADHD, or you got autism, or you got a bipolar in my day and age, they didn't the doctors were more cautious in particularly in Singapore, they were more cautious. They didn't want to throw the name at you. They didn't want to brand you at all. But they they said to my parents, they definitely recognize OCD, they definitely recognize autism, but they weren't fought in the one forthright about it. And so I know I knew in 1983 that in my heart If I were to go and see a doctor, and they will not say anything, either. And so the best let me know even before I go and see a doctor, the best way for me to do is to test my own healing that God has given to me. And to see whether I have fear to see whether OCD but I've asked. And that's how I tested what I did test.

John Matarazzo :

So before that healing, you were kind of a recluse like you were. Yes. So talk with anybody you weren't, you were just kind of in the room but trapped within your own mind. Is that correct? So this would this would have been a complete departure from what you had been.

Reg Morais :

Yes, the, the, the best way for me to really, really give you an example Johnny, it would be if you've got a if you've got a boat, and you're traveling, you're traveling in the boat, over the ocean over the river. And as a boat is traveling, if you decide to jump in into the water, you could hear the boat, outboard motor buzzing through even though you can't see but inside the water, you can hear the buzzing noise going on. Okay. So it's so that you here the entire time for 1314 years, my life, my both of my canals of my year or my year drums had this buzzing noise of a like an outboard motor all to 24 hours just keeps on going. So everything that you say everything you speak, I do hear it. But I hear it with a real real difficulty because it's a buzzing noise. And I because of the buzzing noise, I became very reclusive. Always isolated, I'm with my friends. But whatever they say it, it never enters into my mind. And I don't know how to process it because of the buzzing noise I have.

John Matarazzo :

Wow. Well, so that that's a major challenge. But thank God that Jesus healed you. Yep.

Reg Morais :

Yeah. And I did. And I think what happened John was basically when the dark cloud left in 1983 83, seventh of June, that buzzing noise in my ear drums stopped. It just just totally stopped. For the first time I could hear in our, in our, in our so clear, so precise. I could hear the leaves, I could hear, you know, the cars, I could hear everything I realize I'm not the same rich I used to be. Wow,

John Matarazzo :

that's that's amazing. Dr. Reggie, that God has changed you and he's healed you and he didn't just heal you to heal you. He has a purpose and a call on your life. Now, I want to talk about that in just a moment. But I like hearing about the the times when God speaks to us and the first time that you recognize that God was speaking to you, in a personal way. Could you tell me a little bit about that? Do you remember the first thing that God spoke to you?

Reg Morais :

I think that's a lot of times God actually spoke to me in relation to the moment I would say, when God healed me, he said to me, I want to take you back to the seventh of June 1982. When you gave your heart to Jesus, and he made joy, he reminded that he said to me, I've healed you. And I do not want you to deviate your ways. And I did not want you to detour your ways. I want you to observe the words that you actually gave me. And I said, What would that be God, he said to me, I want you to come into full time ministry for me. And you've got a powerful testimony. And I just want you to come and I want you to serve me. I remember saying to God, I said God, yes, I gave my word to you. Yes, I'm going to serve you. But still that are you know, you know, there are still issues I'm grappling with. I don't know whether I could speak in front of hundreds of people, I do not know whether my language and the way that I put words into it and all the above. I'm not trying to make excuses, John, but um, I was trying to tell God, that and I'm telling my god that you know, that off, you know, that our foibles of me that are some things needs to be done. God kept on saying to me, the early days when he started speak to me, that's not your issue, your issue is, you come and serve me, I will, I will repair our men job backyard, I will take care of your speech impediment, and I will do all the above all you need to do is come and serve me. So I think from the age of 14, right up to the age of 21 thing that God kept on resonating me in my heart whenever you want to speak, it was always the call of God, the call of God, the call of God, he kept on telling me, you have to own up, you know, you have to you know, you know, you you know you you have to own the end of your bargain, because you said to me, you want to serve me and I wanted to come into ministry. And I think that was one and only persistent voice of God I kept on hearing over the years.

John Matarazzo :

So you kind of knew your purpose was to be in ministry. What was the first practical step that you took to start down that path?

Reg Morais :

Okay, John, that's a good question.

I think being healed from autism and Aspergers an OCD is one thing I think by the kingdom of God, it's fantastic, obviously, by Jesus will be fantastic. However, john, you know that if you do come from a background like that, sometimes your own leaders do not feel in their heart, they are good that you are good enough to do what you want to do. And so there was some negative aspect of my personal life. And I think I want to let your audience know, especially when you're coming out of this sort of disease, or humans if you allow me to use that word. And I remember, you know, coming out of it and getting healed, you know, been to a great church and fantastic. But every single every single moment of my life in I'm living in staying in the church breathing of what God is doing great pastors, great leaders, great friends, great group of people, they kept on putting me aside, in other words, they kept on they did not want to recognize me, they didn't want to open up an opportunity for me to serve. They didn't want me to do anything. Simply I which I did said to you earlier to you, John, that because of my speech, because of the way I speak, because of the day I did in class, they know my background, my history that God has healed. And so I then said to God, your eyes, I said to God, that you told me to serve I'm trying to serve, but the Church of Jesus Christ is rejecting me. And so and God one day said to me, Well, it seems like they don't want you to, they don't want you to allow you to play now to you know, allow you to worship late. They don't want you to take they don't want you to have you to run Bible study groups all the above. I said, Yes, my lord, and they hurting me. God says to me, you see, that is easy. There's a vetting, taking taking place every pretty much every weekend. I said, Yeah, they're struggling. They're struggling to get people to roll the red carpets. And I I knew of this particular instance. So God said to me, why not you roll the red carpets for every single wedding. Why not? You put daisies and flowers, pasting daisies and flower flowers, Daisy flowers, and roses, flowers and all those on you know, on Chair of the chair, vacuum the entire church mop the entire church that is serving for me. I went to the pastor and I said, Hey, Pastor, I just want to let you know, I'm available for this, or you should see his face. He's smiling, he started really be happy. You said, You be committed about it. Yes, I'm very, very committed about it. And I will be there. And I will be there two hours, three hours before the wedding. And I was there all the time. And so every marriage, everybody needs to take place. And I became a wedding planner, in terms of arranging the chairs, mopping, vacuuming, rolling the red carpets, all the above. And the couple of comments, sit down with this is what we want. This is what we want. And I did that, you know, I did that faithfully for good three, four years. And that became my ministry. And that became, that's where the grass roots ministry started. And I just serve God in that way. And eventually, then God decided to tell me, now Your time is up for you to leave Singapore. And then I want you to come to Australia. And I want you to get yourself down and study the Word of God for four years to get a bachelor's and ministry degree. That's how I ended up ministry.

John Matarazzo :

So you went from there to Australia, and you've got to take it. You've got to take a plane to get there. There was something that happened at an airport. That was that was at this time that

Reg Morais :

happened. No, that happened. 10 years later, do you want to tell me? Do you want me to share that 10 years later story, John?

John Matarazzo :

realist a little bit about talking about your life. Okay, let's let's talk about that. Because that is a fascinating encounter, that I think I would be very sad if I missed bringing.

Reg Morais :

So John, you know, after you know, serving that beautiful church in Singapore, and God said to me get an airline ticket, got a ticket and went into Australia, studied in a Bible College, Bible College for four years and got my obtain my bachelor's in ministry degree came out. And I taught, I can take the world and I thought I was invincible, bulletproof. I thought I could take the whole world for God. However, I realized reality hits me hard. No church was opening up and no ministry was opening up. I think I went to different pastors, they said to me, they said to me, do you ever do you have a baby? I said, No, I don't have a baby. Every change diapers for a baby. I said, No, I haven't changed diapers. So they said, you know, have a baby first change your change the first baby's diaper, come back and see us maybe we can open some doors for you. So I had a lot of rejections coming out that through. And then eventually God said to me, Listen, I don't want you to serve in Australia. But I said, Then God said to me, I have called you for Australia. But the time is possibly not not. Now. I told God, I want to get back to Singapore. Because you know, Singapore was offering me a real lucrative contract to serve in a church over there with all the you know, with all the fringe benefits I could get. But God said to me, No, I do not want to leave Australia. Singapore is no longer your home, but Australia will become your home. So I said, Okay, that's fine. And so lo and behold, to cut the story short, I started God said to me, I wanted to become an icon, traveling evangelist, I then started serve God for 10 years. But out of the 10 years of serving God, I didn't see demons coming out, I did not see. I didn't see people getting healed. people. People encouraged me, people praise me, the way that I spoke the word and all the above. And but I, I became very discouraged. John, I became very discouraged, became very upset with myself also an upset with God, because I could not see anything happening. I just want to let your audience know, I'm one of those guys, I don't I don't believe in the contemporary gospel. I believe in the Gospel of supernatural. The reason is, because if you were to go through the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and john, even the book of Acts, you will see there are supernatural things always happens in that, that influence my own. That includes my own life with my with the healing that God is done for me. I should not be an astronaut when he launched him and dead and gone. I should not even have an interview with you today this morning of the year. But eventually, I met my parents, I did some ministry in the United summit in Asia. And then I saw my parents and I told my I told me, Mom and Dad said, I'm going to call it quits. Not that God said to me that you can quit from a ministry, I've decided that Colonel rich Mullins decided that I'm going to call the quits from the Ministry. And I'm not going to be involved in the ministry. And I'm going to go into business world where I can make an earn more money. And the simple reason I told my dad in particular, I said, I don't see demons, sleep dead. I don't see healings taking place. And I'm very discouraged. Because I don't see the same Jesus of Matthew, Mark, you can join. It's not that I said, I will always fellowship with God, I'll always thank God for the healing is done, I'll do all the things, I will go back into a church, I'll just become a lead preacher. And I'll just do what God's called. So this was changing International Airport, and I left took a Singapore Airlines Flight got down into Perth International Airport that took my bags out of my hands. And then all of a sudden, the entire border customs office became hazy, white, cloud, hazy, and more clouds came in. And eventually I could not see anyone. So I'm in the midst of this trick mix. And in the midst of the midst, I could you know this, you know, this heavenly cloud has come and I could not see anyone. Now listen, a voice comes in the first thing it says, Eric, we are here. And I could not see anyone I turned back. It was the first time I saw the Holy Spirit face to face. Rich, we and then he keeps on saying he is not saying I heard your conversation, or I heard this. I heard that. He didn't say that all he said, we heard your conversation. We heard what you say to your mom and dad, we heard you everything. And I realized there must be another person. So finally, the Holy Spirit says there is another person who's waiting to see you. So he held my hands, we walked in the midst of the in the midst of the cloud, for the first time I saw Jesus face to face. So one has to be honest, John, I did not know whether to cry, laugh hysterically, have gone mad, or have I entered into heaven. I it was a combination of all those emotions, including my body is perspiring, my hands is perspiring all the above, because now you are for the first time you're seeing the divine. For all this years, I was taught in a Bible College for this year's God healed me all these years, I could not see for the first time I saw him face to face. But I just want to let your audience know you people think when you see Jesus face to face, it's easy, but it's not the case. So your eyes get blinded. So it's like a billion voltage of fluorescent lamps, fluorescent light, it's you. And you could only see his base, or rather on top of a way on top of his face, but you can hear his voice and start to say, he says great, I've heard you saying everything to your parents. He finally said to me, what will what will it take from my side to change your mind to change your perspective that you will work for me for the rest of your life in my kingdom. I cried a broke down on the cry, my sister God, I said, All I want is the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. That's all I'm asking. And I want you to come and teach me how to see in the realm of supernatural. I want to see demons leaving, I want to see healings taking place all of the above. And I just went on it was a 15 minutes, powerful conversation he had. And at the end of it just to cut the story short, Don, he had a scroll, the Holy Spirit of scroll, there were points after points of the points that I have really, that I've really netted out. And at the end of the point, there are two dotted lines. One was rich fries. The other one was Jesus. He said I will harder all of the above. I will sign over a year and your sign over this side. He signed on this side and I signed on my on my right hand side on the dotted line. He said you'll go back and I'll appear to you for the next 15 months. And I'll teach you all the gift things. According to his word. All the above came to pass. And I'm today sitting with you and speaking to you about those experience.

John Matarazzo :

So what are some of the things what are some of the things that Jesus taught you

Reg Morais :

one of the first things he said to me, john was, once you leave over a year, I will appear to you at every service for the next 15 months. About private to that John one side met Jesus in the Holy Spirit at the Perth International Airport. And then I finally got my bags and back home. I cried for three days, just profusely cried just, I was driving in a car, I was crying. I was in the kitchen, I was crying, I was in the bathroom, I was crying. It's just the overwhelming of the presence of Jesus just made me the cry that last three days. Lo and behold, on the very first week after his visitation, I went to a church decided to preach, I started to preach the word. And as soon as I started preach the word, man about 3035 minutes later, I see Jesus walking right at the back of the congregation, he tells me close your Bible, I wanted to close a word of prayer. And I'm going to stand with different people whose congregation my right hand will come on the right hand side of shoulders. And as it comes, I will also show you a screen with relation to the screen the screen used to pop on the right hand side of shoulder per each person when I pray and then you give me the entire screen of the of the person's past present future. So you know, you know the entire story they were they have been what they have been, who was their first girlfriend who was their first boyfriend. Which cafes they went in where and why did the boss fight? Or why did the employer fired him of fired a wise his back is not God is not good wise His heart is not good, every single detail from from detailed screen to screen to show to me. And he did this for 14 months. And at the end of the 14 months, he finally said to me, you've got the entire nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. Now I'm going to depart with from you, I will see you from time to time which he has kept his word, I will send you now the Holy Spirit no longer I shall be my job, my contract, afforded my job have honored my contract in the scroll I signed with you, I will now send the Holy Spirit with you. And then ever since from that day onwards, maybe every two three years, Jesus will come and we'll start this like I said you earlier earlier on John, I think 31st of December 2017, Jesus appeared to me for Scott Morrison when he said I'm going to change the Prime Minister. And so every so often he does appears but not on a regular basis. So ever since that day onwards, it's me and the Holy Spirit with me directing, leading, guiding us all the way through to ministry what God has given to us. Wow.

John Matarazzo :

Now I just want to say that, you know, whenever you were with us in studio a couple months ago, you spent a good bit of time after we were done recording the interview, we did several interviews with you that you spent a good bit of time praying for just about everybody that you came encounter with. And you you shared, you know up to that 25% that God was allowing you to share of what he was showing you. And I know some of those people decently well, I know, I know most of the people that you were praying for and sharing with. And brother it was, it was amazing to know that God does use you that way. For people that don't understand the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I am a witness to see that the things that Dr. Read was saying about people's life, the what God wanted to share with them through Dr. Read, it was very accurate. And it was very cool to be around that. So I want to thank you for that. Number one, but I want to learn from you. Okay, that's one of the things with this podcast is I want to learn from your journey, because I'm on a journey myself with the Lord. And the Bible says in Second Timothy two, Paul said, you know, to Timothy to find faithful men that you know, to teach the things that I taught to you to faithful men so they can teach others. So what I want to learn from you about some of the detours in life, and more specifically, how I can avoid some of the details that you have encountered.

Reg Morais :

Ride. Do you mean John, when you say detours, you mean

John Matarazzo :

things? Yeah, things that have tried to sidetrack you distract you from God's purpose in life? How do you stay focused? And how do you stay walking in the path towards where God has you going?

Reg Morais :

John, I have to be honest with you, john, I am I'm not as innocent as you think I might be. I just got to be very upfront honest with you and your audience. I also want to just make it you know, you know, playing reality. And I think when the rubber hits the road, that's where the reality hits you hard. And I would say categorically to you that I have done some detours and some detours, as cost me dearly, in my own personal life with the journey of God started with the journey with God. And I also realize that, you know, there are times I've also kind of become Judas. After what God has done in my personal life, I think I will share a couple of my own painful journey and testimony of a detour that I've done two detours I'll actually share with you it's okay with the John.

John Matarazzo :

Sure. But I also want to know, how did you get around it? Please tell me

Reg Morais :

by the age of 17, after my high school, I felt very strongly even though I gave my word to God, and I said, I will serve you in full time ministry. I said to God, but there was something in the back of my mind. God always knew about it. And that I don't know, John, I really love ships. I love ships. I love ocean. And I love to become a sailor. I want to travel the world for free of charge. You know, that's something I've always want to do. And I remembered after my high school studies, and God gave me some good grades, you know, by the grace of God, because I used to fail on all my subjects. And after God heals, healing me from an autism and OCD, no Aspergers, he finally gives me good grades. Somewhere the age of 17, there was a huge article in our local newspaper came out, they're saying the Singapore Navy wants a brand new sailors who can travel to Switzerland, Sweden, United States all over. And we are trying to get brand new sailors. And I felt very strongly that I'm a, you know, I'm a decent candidate to go through nine years of John, I did not go to God, I did not ask God's permission, I decided to go in my own bill. So my carnal man, my carnal nature takes over kicks it in, and I decided to take over this place. And on that morning, early in the morning, I decided to do my, you know, my quiet time, and you would know, John, that the Americans have been producing what they call a daily break, and associate little. And I remember, I've been following that since the age of 14. And on that morning, God speaks to me through the word, don't go to such a place because it's not going to use any profit or remember, but telling myself, Oh, God is trying to speak to me, and he's telling me not to go for this interview. And guess what John as like a prodigal son, I decided to say, Now God is trying to say something else, I need to go for this interview. So when for this interview, I sat down with a captain, he introduced me and I, you know, I smash the interview, I get offered a job. And I know, this is a lifelong dream of mine, I had, I think, out of 400 people at 400 people, 50 of them are selected, I was one of them got selected. And then he shakes his sense with me, congratulations come inside in the deep debrief. And then we then into the room, and they were debriefing us, and then they said you guys have been selected for Singapore Navy over here. And we just want to let you know, you guys are young, you guys are chosen to serve your country chosen to this. And I was really, really happy John. And right at this moment, Don, Singapore is going through a recession. And just jobs are really, really, really stressed. And I and I felt very strongly this would be you know, this would put a real mark for me in my personal life. However, I was sitting down that John, all of a sudden, I became death. And I could not hear any further and the colonel, I think it was a major or external. It starts to speak even more, and I can hear and all of a sudden God says to me, how are you? I was rather shocked, John, I said, I could hear you, but I can't hear the major. I'm giving you three minutes to get out of this debrief office, if you don't get out. You don't want to know what's going to happen to your life. And so there was a major threat from Jesus himself. And so you know, as a reluctant, Charles stubborn child like I am, and really, you know, being up himself arrogant. I stood right up through three minutes, I think two minutes and 40 seconds. He says, rich, are you going to get out or you're not going to get out because you're deafening? I've made your ears deaf and it can get worse. And the father you are be very quick enough, smart enough. Give yourself an excuse to get out. And then I will give you a hearing aid back again. Remember, I said our bed not go? I literally became like a Jonah. And so I told the major. I said, can I go? Can I go to the loo? He said yes, of course you can go to the loo. I came out out of the debrief office came out of the building stood in front of the building, and all of a sudden, both of my ears popped. And he says to me, I do not want you to go back in the debrief room, you see that? You see the bus. I wanted to take one way to get off the bus and I wanted to return back home. Never ever would you ever join Singapore Navy have called you into full time ministry? So that was one priceless. Have to

John Matarazzo :

go to extreme measures to get your attention? My goodness? Yes. Oh, thank you. You haven't done that to me.

Reg Morais :

So I say Can I can I say to your audience, John, I think don't become like rich rise, being stubborn, thinking himself herself. I know everything. And I'm not going to do is I made a pact I said to God, God give me seven years only seven years. It's kind of a contractual agreement between myself and the Singapore Navy for seven years. It means seven years to travel around the world seven years to enjoy being a sailor. After seven years, God I will come and serve God obviously in heaven is decided. I do not want your seven years. I want your years right now.

John Matarazzo :

So Dr. Raj, what advice can you give me about overcoming stubbornness?

Reg Morais :

I think John, one of the things is I tell I tell I tell my sons, I have a lot of spiritual sons and a lot of spiritual daughters. One key thing I often say in my church or when I disciple someone, I often say this, be always be teachable, obedient, and submissive submission, obedience, and having a spirit of teaching ability. I think if you carry this three ingredients of your personal life, and I can guarantee you right now you will avoid every single repeat, like the ones

John Matarazzo :

that I did, John. Oh, thank you very much for that advice. Dr. Reggie, what has happened in your life that showed you that Jesus was walking with you, but you weren't aware of that until much later, kind of like the road domain, his story that this podcast is based around,

Reg Morais :

I would say, I'm extremely blessed John, so blessed that, you know, a man who tried to commit suicide at a young age and, and then to go through all the above. And then Bible says to me in the book of Proverbs 17, verse 22, a merry heart does good like a medicine. But a broken spirit dries the bones. I think at an early age, God gave me that in my life, to fence of bullies, and I think ever seems that joy has been in my heart since 1982. And that joy has given me all the way through in my life. Now, you know, in hindsight, when I looked back, and when I read that scripture, I realized all through the years, including the years when I tried to try to die, I, God gave me the ability to laugh, and to laugh it off, and to have a joy and to just keep on laughing. Now, when I look back, I realized according to Proverbs, chapter 17, verse 22, God's somewhere along the line has been with me, and the one thing I can always said, is the you know, it's the joy that God has given to me. And I felt all this while jet that joy represents the name Jesus. Bible says in the book of John's, the book of john says, Jesus says, I, you know, the world can offer you the piece that they want. But I offer you a piece which will be with you for the rest of your life. And even though I never saw Jesus, in my early years of my life, even though I would have not seen him face to face and all the above, but the joy of God just to read the Scripture, just to worship him just to fall in love with him, just to know that you no longer for fear, just to know that everything that comes in your hands today, and all the blessings is given to me, I realized the joy is, you know, the joy that God's given to me. That's what represents that he has been with me all two of my personal life, I think people should not lose the joy of God.

John Matarazzo :

That's great. Dr. Raj, if you could talk to yourself in the past. Yes. Okay. And give yourself some advice. Where would you go and talk to yourself? Like what's happening in that situation? Like, Is there like a big decision that you need to make? You've kind of mentioned some of those in it already. But if you could go back into the past and talk to it an earlier version of yourself? What would you tell yourself? What advice do you give yourself?

Reg Morais :

One of the things that I've done in my early years is I surrounded myself with eight fathers of faith, and eight mothers of faith, and they've been a constant, constant presence in my personal life, and I'll always check with them. Am I am I in the right place? Am I in the right space? Am I doing the will of God? Am I pleasing God? Am I doing all the above? But if I were to go back into my past, what else could I have actually said to myself? I would say this, John, I think we are living in a world everything is instant. John, you know that you can get instant coffee, you can get instant McDonald's instant. We're talking 12 hours ahead of you know, your your 12 hours in the future. I'm in the in the United States. We're so far away, and we're instantaneously talking. Yes, I get what you're talking. Yeah, yeah. I think the biggest thing is I would say to the audience, nothing happens overnight. Nothing happens instantaneously. Everything in the kingdom of God, there is a season for it. Maybe perhaps if I go back into my past, I would say, Hey, rich, I just don't want you to get frustrated with yourself. I don't need to get upset yourselves. If you were to wait a little bit more longer. God will come through for you. God will give you the best gift things for your life. God will allow you to walk in the pleasant places. Maybe perhaps, John, I think, you know, those things are the things I've spoken to myself because we like to do things. We want to get things done three days before. I'm one of those guys. I want to get things done. And some people I remember my senior pastor, Pastor MIMO once said to me, rich, are you all right? I said, Yes, I'm all right. I said, Why do you asked me that question? I sometimes wonder whether you've got ADHD. Because the things that you do, I can't do, you're writing a book, you're doing this, you're doing that you're doing that, as a dad, I don't think I'll be ADHD, I just say time is short. I want to take as many people in the kingdom of God as much as I can, because the kingdom of darkness taking more people than the people in the kingdom of God, I want to smash the demonic powers. And but one of the things that pastor Nima often thought, he says, Son, everything will happen in his time in his season, enjoy the day and enjoy the journey. And I think if I were to go back and say 1520 years down the track, I think I frustrated myself, I think I've frustrated, quite a number of loving people around myself, I've broken down and I've cried on many occasions, why things are not moving fast, why things are not taking place. Maybe that was my weakness. John, I would say to you right now. So to the to your audience, I would say, you know, enjoy every single day. And I think as you enjoy every single day, there are there's a battle but fight with, you know, fight in the battle and fight for what God is doing you. But at the same time, I think don't suspect yourself. Don't criticize yourself. Don't put yourself down, which I did. But now in hindsight, looking back, I realized that God was sharpening me God was molding me. God was knocking me and God was trying to take you know, God was trying to take the old man out of me. And I think when I look back, I realized God was doing a bigger job than what I thought and but in the process of it, I did, I did do some disservice to myself, the ministry that God has given

John Matarazzo :

Do you have a life verse?

Reg Morais :

I earlier on mentioned to you, this is this is my Bible, right in front of Bible. It's been imprinted, ingrained. And the one that I used it was proverbs 17, verse 22, a merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. Even today, even today, I have to tackle, I have to tackle issues I have to tackle with people and i the only way I disarm people when they are in a conflict, or when they are in conflict with their parents, with their spouses, with their children with themselves. The only way you disarm any conflicts, I would say for me on a personal note and a personal revelation. A merry heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries and bones. It's been the guiding scripture ever since I've known about myself since the age of 14, write down 51 that has been my guiding light and a guiding principle, something that God gave me a revelation, and that has put me in a you know, in a good step of faith where I am today what God has done.

John Matarazzo :

What is God teaching you right now? What is amazing you about God right now,

Reg Morais :

what amazes me of God?

There's a lot of things, John, a lot of things. But I think, I don't know, John, I don't know, I've been crying a lot. spontaneously.

I don't know me, you know, I mean, my wife says, maybe I'm getting on to my age.

But I have been crying a lot in the recent times, maybe perhaps the miracles I'm watching maybe perhaps a simple things that happens in my own personal life. You know, to see some of my daughters are doing extremely well, to see some of my sons are doing extremely well, that moves my heart. I think I've come to an age where I think I've got all this children and you know, in my in my responsibility, and to see them, you know, climbing up the ladder and getting promoted. I just see God's gracious and over and over and over in people's life. And I just see, his hand has been so, so precious, so priceless for me. Maybe even perhaps their dreams and visions that I'm getting, you know, one two days before something is about to take place about a person's life, God will speak to me in the middle of night. One of the one of the greatest shifts, which has taken place in the last two, three years is John is every morning, not every morning, every second day, or every third day, an angel of God will appear to me in my bedroom, say how fast two or three or flop or half past three or five o'clock, he will say today Today this morning as a lady or as a man is going to be wearing a jumper and it will come into your congregation will sit and his story. Her story will be like this. And I've been sent by Master Jesus and tell them this is what will be done. This is what's going to be done. And even over this year's conference, we had to you know of CS conferences, family for born again, believers born again Christians, we had number of non believers, even in this conference, non believers gave their hearts to Jesus for the first time as well. And so I when I stand in front of the congregation, and I see the person's, you know, outfit, and then all of a sudden God, the Holy Spirit said to me, You saw this person in your, in your bedroom this morning when I sent an angel now pick that person up, tell the person and I'll tell everything detail of the detail information what the angel upset. So I think that has been incredible journey because the last two, three years, I did inform you, John and to your audience that you know, nine GIFs The Holy Spirit is fantastic. It's still operating is still functioning. But then when you see someone like the angels of God who actually spoke to Joseph three times the father of Jesus, three different dreams, how then how Joseph was told to take Jesus from Israel into Jerusalem. So now God is taking me into a journey of brand new journey of really being led by angellist ministry. So this is the latest journey that God has given. And I think that has made me to cry more. I think that as made me to explore more a ministry that I've never come across a ministry that we all read through the Bible, but it's now becoming very tangible, very being really realistic, who they are, what they are, what they do, all they want to do is they want to be employed by you. So they can be used because they are right now, you know, they want to work under you. And they make your life that more easier for you to really get your ministry and your job description that much easier for you to handle people's life. And I think I'm in that journey right now discovering God's angels. were never meant to worship angels, we only meant to worship God. And I just want to make that very clear. But it's interesting to know how God's angels work, operate function. And so I'm right now I'm in that zone. And I'm in that space right now. And I think I'm enjoying the journey. That's,

John Matarazzo :

that's fascinating. I think I might have to set up another time to talk with you about that. I got a couple of short more short questions for you. Before we wrap

Unknown Speaker :


John Matarazzo :

This one is really important for me, what advice would you give me on how to apply the revelation that God has given you?

Reg Morais :

The only thing I want, I want to encourage you, john is I think, you know, for you to live in the revelation is for you to walk in the revelation for you to apply the revelation in practical terms. And for you to claim the revelation in advance. Basically, you're thanking God, what God is about to do in two days time, three days time, or three years time, five years on down the track. And I think one of the things that I applied that, that that I was told to do is when God comes and speaks to you, either face to face or to the Word of God, or two visions or dreams, or either to a man or woman of God, one of the things I just want to let you know, john is, I think you need to enjoy the revelation of God, what God has spoken. But most important of all, you need to just keep on thanking God in bunch of the revelation that is given to you. And you're you and you are and you're claiming the inheritance of the revelation every single day, and walking into it and walking with it one day at a time. And I would say to you right now, whatever God has spoken in your destiny, that destiny will take place. That's because you are thanking him in advance what God has already done for you. I think that will keep anyone in the straight and narrow path that God has given for you.

John Matarazzo :

Do you have any books that you would recommend for me any books that you would recommend that would bless my life?

Reg Morais :

years ago, John on 16 years of age, I think one of the books which remarkably change was Dr. David Young, he chose book, he wrote a book called The third dimension. And then I believe he then wrote the fourth dimension. I remember very, very clearly those books were a great inspiration. And then you would also remember you are married John, you would remember someone like a man called brother Kenneth E. Agon, Kennedy again, was a great inspiration for me. And I think he wrote a book called How to be led by the Holy Spirit. It was it was an old book, it was written, I believe, in 1983, or 1984. This two books, the third dimension and how to be led by the Holy Spirit. By brother Kennedy again, had a huge remarkable influence on my life, as I think I was about 17 years of age, 1617 years of age. And I remember, you know, taking turn after turn reading between these two books, and this two men were giants, giants of God, I would say the generals of God. And this two books actually had a profound impact on my life. Kennedy again, had a profound impact. Obviously, David Young, he had a profound impact because I gave up his ministry. But Kennedy Reagan was one of those men who he was encouraging teacher and he was able to unpack the supernatural unpacked the Holy Spirit unpacked the nine gifs, unpack all of the above. And this two men were guiding me all the way through, although they never knew about it. They never had a personal relationship. I don't have a personal relationship, but their book had a personal relationship. And that led me to have a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit.

John Matarazzo :

Wow, I'm definitely have to look those up.

Unknown Speaker :

Dr. Read

John Matarazzo :

somebody's listening to this and they want to know more about you. You mentioned that you've written a couple books. You have the seniors conference, can you just tell us what's the best way to find out more about Dr. Read summarize,

Reg Morais :

right? I think if you want to know rich Morris, then you can go through www dot nine, the world.com. And then there is also ww dot, dot Rich rise.com, you would see John with my entire life history of how God healed me from all those from all those mental disorders I had. And there's something like I don't know, John, maybe 2530 books, that over the years that I've, that I've written as a brand new book I've just written was just released our two days ago, this year's conference, the unseen realm behind the enemy lines, the foreword was written by Dr. Steve green, our Vice President of the charisma group, he was so gracious and he was so gracious enough, he took I think, I would say about couple of weeks to read the entire book. And you read the book, he wrote a foreword. And he then wrote me an email, he said, He's now using the book as a daily devotion every single day. So I was moved by by by Dr. Steve green on the latest book that he wrote, and all those books are available. John, on my website, they can get in touch with me. I also want to let you know, John, to all your audiences. We are we are I am coming and we are coming in September, John, and I believe we have made I think, an appointment with you with Cornerstone TV. And so I will be in Louisiana again. I will be in Dallas, Texas, again, I believe I will be in Houston and possibly also Austin, Texas, maybe maybe not. And so I will be that in the United States for again for 14 days. And that will happen in September 2019. This year,

John Matarazzo :

I'm looking forward to seeing you in person again,

Reg Morais :

I can't wait again to come back in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and to spend time with you guys again.

John Matarazzo :

Dr. Rich has some amazing stories of his encounters with God. And his story of being healed of autism is pretty incredible. I don't understand why it took one year for his healing to happen. But it's still amazing. I know that God's ways are higher than our ways. So there are things that we just don't under stand. But that's still okay. God is sovereign. And he is good. Dr. Read said that nothing happens overnight. And that is so true, especially when it comes to the call of God in our lives. There is a season for it, and we need to be patient. While we were being patient, let's try to enjoy every single day that God has given us. Don't frustrate ourselves in the waiting. I do that all the time. Have faith that the word of God is true and will be true. Dr. Rich talks about his life being like Jonah at times trying to do things his own way, like joining the Navy or going away from ministry and trying to get into business. And God went to some extreme measures to get his attention and to keep him on the right path. I don't want God to need to be that extreme with me. I pray that I can stay teachable, obedient and submissive. That makes me think about my own life. What am I running from? How am I being stubborn and rebellious. He had some very practical advice to help stay on the right path. He said surround yourself with fathers and mothers of the faith. And he said that he had eight guys. He said that he had eight men that he considers Fathers of the faith for his own life. I have many people in my life that speak to me from their experience with the Lord. And it is vital for me as well. I encourage you to do the same. Find those people identify them and establish a relationship with them, that they can speak into your life and give you the last 10% you know the thing that most people don't want to say because they're afraid it will offend you be teachable, and be able to receive that last 10% from somebody because that 10% is where there will be change in your life for the better. I need to keep dr wretches verse in the forefront of my mind more often that proverbs 1722 a merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. My challenge is to find the joy of the Lord today and to be married. Let's restore some achy bones today. Dr. Reggie Mariah is mentioned a few books a couple by Dr. David junkie Joe and Kenneth Hagen, and I'll provide those links in the show notes. Also, I'm going to provide a link so you can watch Dr. wretches interview on real life that he did with us a few months ago. Thank you for listening to along the way. If you've enjoyed joining me along my way, please rate and subscribe to this podcast. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and at my website along the way dot media. You can also email me at John along the way@gmail.com if this podcast is making an impact in your life, please share it with a friend. That's one of the best ways to help this podcast grow. And I appreciate your help. I hope you've enjoyed this part of my journey and may you realize when Jesus is walking with you along your way.