March 15, 2021

“Ishmael Before Isaac” - Sydni Goldman AlongTheWay 88

“Ishmael Before Isaac” - Sydni Goldman AlongTheWay 88

When it comes to relationships, Sydni Goldman has dealt with her fair share of fakes, but a prophetic word from a stranger shifted Sydni’s direction and helped her spot the counterfeits in dating and the waiting.

Sydni’s Book - “Ishmael Before Isaac”

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Sydni Goldman:

Okay, so you dream too big is actually something a guy said to me. And it was in high school. So it was like my first the first guy were told I loved I thought I was going to be married, I was gonna be in this relationship. And my dream was like, I really wanted to be in television. I wanted to, you know, go to temple university, and go out and do study broadcast journalism. And in that moment, I had to make a decision Am I going to be you know, confined to what your viewpoint an image of me is, or I know who I am in Christ. I know who I'm called to be.

John Matarazzo:

Welcome to along the way. I'm John Matarazzo. Your host and fellow traveler, thank you for joining me along my way is to try to become more like Jesus everyday. I'm so excited to have my friend Sydni Goldman back on along the way. She recently released a book called "Ishmael before Isaac how I spotted counterfeits in dating in the waiting", Sydni and I had been friends for quite a while now working together at Cornerstone network, where she is one of the main hosts of the hope today program. I was so excited whenever she released her book that I wanted to have her on along the way to talk about it, you are going to enjoy this conversation. I'll get to that in just a moment. But as always, I want to thank you for listening to along the way. I hope that you like what you hear and you subscribe. Please rate and review along the way on Apple podcasts or wherever you're listening. All of my socials and contact links are in the show notes. And you can check out all of my episodes and join my email list at my website along the way dot media, I would love to hear from you. I also have a Patreon page if you'd like to help me to continue to put out these along the way episodes. If you'd like to become a Patreon supporter, simply go to slash along the way and select the level the link to become a Patreon supporter is also in my show notes. And now here's my along the way conversation with Sydni Goldman and her. Ishmael before Isaac. All right Sydni Goldman, it's good to have you back on along the way. Thanks so much for being here and giving me some time. You recently told me that you have a brand new book an E book. That's that's out right now. And it's called Ishmael before Isaac is that I get that right


You did get it right. First time say thank you so much, john, for just inviting me on along the way. It's such an honor, you know, such a joy, we're friends and just to talk about the book. And so yeah, it's called Ishmael before Isaac how I spotted counterfeits and dating, the waiting.

John Matarazzo:

Yes, that's something that we all can definitely improve and and learn from those those along the way moments in your dating journey too. Because last time we were together we talked about your along the way journey of how God has brought you to it to where you are and how you met Jake and work at Cornerstone television with me and you know, we kind of shared that journey but you you really honed in on your dating journey during this during this book and you kept this book a secret until it was ready to come out what was going on we could have been praying with you and like encouraging you and but you kept it a secret what was going on during that?

Sydni Goldman:

Okay, so um, it's like well, it's it's funny because he says a secret like very under wraps. So I will just share that. You know, sometimes, you know, when it comes to like the prophetic, right that God will speak to a word and say like, do this it's not like think about it's do it. So when the first prophetic words I ever received was write the book. So I actually I'm just like a quick story. I remember so I was actually dating a guy that I was obviously no longer with Ishmael, right, the counterfeit. And I remember going to this church, and this pastor was like preaching everything. He was saying, I'd been reading my Bible. And I was, I was one of those that I wasn't really. I didn't grow up in a Pentecostal upbringing. I didn't grow up in that. So I was just really kind of exploring what it means like prophecy is deliverance, all those certain things. And I remember I was in Philadelphia, and I was with this man who had prophesied to me on the street, and then I build a relationship was kind of like a mordekaiser. And I remember he told me, he says, we got to go to this church, okay, they go roll up on this church in Philadelphia, we're straight up in the hood. There's barbells on it. I'm like, What is going on? And I remember this pastor, I can't remember it. Pastor Smith, thank you, Holy Spirit just came back. And I remember he was like preaching and saying everything that I had been reading in my Bible, everything that God had been speaking to me about. And I even remember on the back of the church, while it said, write the vision and make it plain, and those who read it may run with it. I mean, that had been my scripture holding on to in that season. And I remember when he was talking, and he was pastoring. And he was sharing this word and this message I'll never forget. He looked at me and he said, You come up here, and I said, Oh, shoot, here we go. I was like, I've never been I've never I mean, here I am. I've never been to like did an altar call never been, you know, called out to be prophesied. Like, I just I had no idea what's happening.

John Matarazzo:

So you didn't grow up in that happening in your church?


No, I grew up in a Methodist Church. I have my own glory encounters by myself. But I didn't know about Pentecost. So I didn't know how to perfect I didn't know about any of that. Right? And so here's pastor Smith calls me up, he points his finger is going I'm like, What is going on? I remember this one girl. She was like manifest and deep in the church and bring it down to the basement. I mean, it was it was a lot going on. But in that moment, I remember I was standing there and he said you're pregnant with purpose. And I said, Okay, amen. And then he said, you're gonna write a book. And then we're gonna when the women are gonna say, that's my story, and then I fell out, he didn't touch me. I didn't get fallen out met. So that was like, fell out in the Holy Spirit. You fell on the ground on the ground. And, and I remember in that church service even so the guy was with he got a prophetic word, right. And they were because he was going to nursing school. And they didn't know this. And they said, you're going to finish. I mean, it was crazy. They had tambourines. We're all dance. And I'm like, but I remember john in that moment being like, if this man is speaking about my future, and speaking about his future, why isn't he not prophesying about us getting married?

John Matarazzo:

That's a good question.

Sydni Goldman:

Yeah. So that was like, I always had a desire to write I love writing. But it was in that moment, that like, God just started birthing something in me that was so much deeper. And so I have always had the desire to write always had a desire to share my dating journey, because I didn't grow in a conservative Christian home. I dated a lot of dudes, I had a lot of experiences, some are Christian, somewhere agnostic and a little bit in between, and had some crazy stories. And what ended up happening. Fast forward, this is like, I believe in 2014, I was going to a healing service in Pittsburgh with my best friend I call my glory sister named Rebecca. And I remember going, and we think people get healed and all these sorts of things. And we met these group of women after the conference was over. And there was this older season group of women I started telling them about my relationship because I thought I was gonna marry this dude, I went to premarital counseling with them not engaged,

John Matarazzo:

not engaged, but doing premarital counseling.

Sydni Goldman:


John Matarazzo:

You kinda skipped a step there Syd,

Sydni Goldman:

didn't even understand the step, right. That happened. And I'll never forget, this woman looked at me and she said, Ishmael comes before Isaac. And that stuck with me. And that changed my perspective forever. So the book is actually birthed out of its you know, being a, you know, I wrote the book out of obedience, because God told me to write this book. But it's birthed out of a prophetic warning that a woman told me about Ishmael before Isaac. Israel comes before Isaac. And so I actually ran into the woman and 2019 like years later, and I saw her at a community event in the west end here in Pittsburgh. And I looked at her and I said, Oh, my gosh, milk becomes before Isaac like I just seeing her like it was a spirit to spirit connection. And from that, God just really birthed the book in my heart, and it was the time. And so the book is based on really my my encounter with five ish males, I break it down. This is based on true things that men said to me. And I just shared that this is the red flags that I saw. But this is what I've learned. And my hope and my heart is is for women that are struggling with dating, struggling, holding out hope for the one that they will look inside themselves and just see, okay, this is where you can spot a red flag. And I'm not saying it smells, it's not a male bashing book, not at all. It's really just to look spiritual, like, are you? Are you really supposed to walk out your life with this person? I don't know, as women a lot of times if, you know, it may be meant to. Yeah, but I just focused towards you know, right, is that if we really take the time to sit with Jesus and listen to him, if that person is the one for you, is this who God wants for you is are you supposed to go into this journey and your purpose and your calling your destiny is for that person? Because I know a lot of times as women, we're so caught up in being married and it becomes becomes an idol that you forget about the blind spots, because you're just so about getting the ring and walking down the aisle and saying I do and that's not God's. And he gave me a lot of warning signs along the way.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah. So your book title and that prophetic word is Ishmael comes before Isaac

Sydni Goldman:

The prophetic words Ishmael comes before

John Matarazzo:

it comes before Isaac. So there is a Bible story about that. Could you just kind of summarize that for people that are just like, what does that phrase mean? Why is this an important thing? Can you just kind of summarize that story? And what that kind of means?


Yeah, so actually, in the book, like, because it is a biblical term, that actually like break it down in the book of what it means. So you know, Abraham and Sarah, they were together and God gave them a promise of a son.

John Matarazzo:

In the book of Genesis

Sydni Goldman:

In the book of Genesis, they have a promise of a son. And what ends up happening is, you know, a lot of us they have to wait, it doesn't come right away. And out of their frustrations there actually goes to Abraham, and says, Go sleep with my slave, which is Hagar, and they have Ishmael. So that's the counterfeit. That's when you hear. So when I'm talking about counterfeits, it's like in the you know, the body of Christ, we look at counterfeits we call like an Ishmael, because it wasn't what God promised is not what God said, this is your son that so they had to wait 25 years later, and then they gave birth to their long awaited son, Isaac. So just talking about that, you know, how to spot a fake how to spot a counterfeit and a lot of times what I've realized in my journey in my walk is the counterfeit is birthed out of frustration and a lack of faith. And yeah, that's the root of it. So that's why I might say that again, the counterfeit is birthed out of like, lack of faith, frustration, doubt, that's where it's birthed out of. And so I what happens all the time what I saw my walk and my journey, you know, I'm walking with, you know, Jesus when I was dating and encountering different men, no matter what their you know, their faith or their belief system was, but I was frustrated. There was a lack of faith in me because I knew God gave me a promise to wait until I was married. You know, when I was 14 years old, I was part of the silver ring thing. You know the purity movement about you making a vow and saving yourself for marriage. So, I was banked like I was banking on that I was standing on the Word of God, I was believing God that I'm saving myself. I'm consecrating myself to you, Jesus, that you're gonna give me a husband. But it was like, there was a lot of dudes along the way that were willing to take my virginity were willing to be with me. But I really had to sit and think like, are you really the one for me?

John Matarazzo:

Wow. So there's a lot to unpack in that. And so I just love the whole thing that you said that these counterfeits that come along the way in your life. without going into too many details. I don't want to give away everything. What are some of those counterfeits? What are some of those red flags that you say? That's a red flag and you're now helping other people recognize that in their life?

Sydni Goldman:

Thinking with the red flags because there's so there's so many and based off of my experience, and the one I'm like, says the Holy Spirit. What do you want me to share? Okay, so you dream too big is actually something a guy said to me.

John Matarazzo:

A guy told you that you dream too big?

Sydni Goldman:

Yes. Yeah. So it was in high school. So it was like my first the first guy were told I loved I thought I was going to be married, I was gonna be in this relationship. And my dream was I was like, I really wanted to be in television. I wanted to, you know, go to temple university, and go out and do study broadcast journalism. And I remember so this is taken away back, y'all like, y'all Understand? It was on AOL Instant Messenger. I know, take it away, back back to the early 2000's

John Matarazzo:

good old days,

Sydni Goldman:

the good old days. And so I remember I was having a conversation with him. I was in my senior year of high school, he was a sophomore in college. And I was just, you know, messaging him back and forth, how things are going because we were dating, but we were kind of on and off again. And I told him that, you know, I wanted to go to temple university, major in broadcast journalism, this is my dream. And he said, You dream too big. And in that moment, I had to make a decision Am I going to be you know, confined to what your viewpoint an image of me is, or I know who I am in Christ, I know what I'm called to be. And so I say to that person who's listening, that's dating, I think that's a big red flag. If someone doesn't respect your calling, if someone doesn't respect what God has molded you and your destiny and what your purpose is supposed to be, you have to know that because you can get caught up in a relationship, well, someone will try to quench that. And that's not what's supposed to happen. And so somebody really needs to honor and respect what's inside of you what God has purpose in you. If you've dreams like john, I know you're missionary, to travel and you know, see other cultures and spread the gospel and somebody doesn't align with that. That's a red flag. Yeah, that's a huge red flag. And I don't know sometimes we look at those things. So I think it's so important to see that and that one thing I will say about my husband is you know, our callings were in alignment with our destiny, I'll share this other point about an issue, but it has to do with Okay, so I know my purpose and my calling, but even when you're with someone so I was dating this guy, and he was from Africa and he was a pastor but he knew there was a calling on his life to be a politician. And I really had to think about like for real I really, I really had to think about am I called to walk out this journey with you because I don't know if I have that mantle on my life like seriously to be a first lady I didn't know and so I sought the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit was very like saying like very clear like your your your callings don't match you don't go together. So out of respect for him and his calling, and where God is calling to be. I actually said you know what? Let's pump let's let's break this off. Because I know I'm not the one for you. And I had a I had to sit down it was actually a point state park here in Pittsburgh. I remember looking at you know, saying like, Hey, I prayed. Because he wanted to move forward. I saw like wife qualities in me which Amen. You know, I know, I was called to be a wife, but I wasn't called to be his wife. And so I think it's really important that you think of those things. It's not just in terms of myself, but that other person and recognizing the gifts the callings that are on their lives.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah, that's that's really good said. So you eventually did meet your husband, Jake, your Isaac I did. And along the way, how did these things affect your relationship with him? The words that had been said over you the you dream too big, like those carry weight into a relationship? How did you kind of break some of those things off? Or how did you deal with those so that you're not carrying some of those same things with with your Isaac with your Jacob?

Sydni Goldman:

Yeah. So that's a really good question. I think this is another point that I make in the book is that this is really you have to heal. You really have to take time. So even when I dealt with the issue, males, even up into the last one, that I just really sought out the Lord I spent time in his presence. You know, there was, although I'll share this with you, which is one of the most what was one of the hardest moments of when I was single, I was at point State Park during the Pittsburgh Arts Festival. And I remember, God just told me I want to spend this time alone with you. Now usually, you know what it's like to be at an arts festival with culture. There's people around there's food, but I'm walking out there by myself. Yeah, no friends, Jesus, I just you and me. And I felt so sad john, like I was it was like the lowest moment of my singleness where I hit rock bottom. And I remember sitting on the bench overlooking one of the three rivers and I was like about to cry like I can't believe I'm by myself. I'm just here like God, have you forgotten about me, I was just really struggling and wrestling. And the Holy Spirit just really, in that moment showed me that you're so caught up with wanting to be married and for a spouse that you're not even comfortable with yourself, or you're not even enjoying the presence in the time you have with me. And that was a turning point that I realized, like, wow, I just got so off kilter, I was so focused on being married, being in a relationship that I couldn't take time to really appreciate. First of all, being in the sunshine, just spending time with Jesus just being around people. I mean, there was even somebody was, I knew walk past me, and I saw with his family, I didn't even say hi, I was so embarrassed, and so full of shame that I was by myself and I was alone. And I think what's so important is, before you get into a relationship, you need to heal from that you need to seek God get counseling, that is something I'm big on, I'm a big advocate of counseling, get help, you know, if you had engaged with someone's like, sexually, you know, make sure those soul ties are broken off. Just make sure that you're healed and your whole and that your your love is all to God. You know, and I think that's so, so important.

John Matarazzo:

Yeah. Wow. So remind us how you met your, your Isaac, yes. You told that story in the previous time we got together and did it and along the way, but just kind of to help round out this story to this episode. How did you and Jake meet, and I know it involves a zoom meeting or a Skype or something like that.

Sydni Goldman:

So I will share the story, because it's really what's really interesting, and I'll share this as part of my journey, my testimony. So what the one of the Ishmael is and how it all ties in about the counterfeit. So when I was in a relationship with a guy that I spoke about earlier that I was meant to premarital counseling that I was going to get married, moved down to Texas, right? God gave me a series of dreams seven nights in a row. And he spoke to me, I had the same dream of we were getting married. We never made it down the aisle, and I had this ugly see through wedding dress. And God was warning me like, this isn't who you're supposed to be with. But I didn't understand the interpretation of the dream. So I just went forward with that relationship. Well, fast forward, you know, that relationship is over. God spoke to me again, in a dream. So I just feel like for me, it was like, the confirmation was first in the spirit. I had a dream, where I was walking on the sandy Dune. And this girl named Hannah came up to me and I can still see it clear as day and she said, Your husband is white. And I'm like, okay, you know, maybe go up, but I'm African American, Caribbean, Jamaican, you know, it's like, I'm Eagle opportunity data. I'm cool. with anybody, I've dated, different colors. And so I remember having that dream, but it was deep was that it wasn't about my husband's skin color is about his family. My husband was born as Jake white. He was adopted by his Jewish stepfather. That's how we got the name Goldman. So God was giving me clues about my husband. And so what ended up happening so after it was actually I was about to go on this like, stupid dating. I was like, I'm done. I was like, I'm done. I'm not gonna Thank you, buddy. And it was until my father had extra one of our fellow co workers your quarter. So that's crazy. Don't do it. Like you need to just be open. My best friend Rebecca, that I like mentioned earlier, that she was with a guy at the time. That was friends with Jake, and thought like, Hey, I think you guys would be great. Yeah, I'll just sit up. Okay, so he sent him these random pictures of me from Facebook. And I looked at him and it's kind of cute. Okay, he sent me a little message. And then God opened the door for him to move to Pittsburgh. And it was so crazy, john, because before it like months before I met Jake, I kept on getting these prophetic words, your husband is coming, your husband is coming. You just need to wait. And I was at a point. I'm like, I'm tired of waiting. And don't nobody ever come up to me again and say my husband is sick of these prophecies. You know, Jesus, come on. So yeah, the word came to pass, I met Jake. And in my spirit, john, like, when I saw him, God started speaking to me about his purpose. I said, I never had this with no man before. And then we just talked in art, like our our purposes in our destinies were so in alignment, and it was like, what God was speaking to both of us early on. I mean, God spoke to me very quickly about Jake, like I was in a time of prayer and just said, opened up, I think, believe Genesis 2911. And it said, when Jacob saw Rachel and I heard the Holy Spirit, say, Jacob is your husband and I started weeping. And I started crying. And I said, I told my mom, I was like, Oh, my gosh, Mom, I think Jake's my husband, I had just met him a couple days ago. And God had already spoken to him about like, she's your wife. Like, he had a vision about me. So it was very, like God ordained and put it together. And, you know, to go back, you said about the we have the zoom call we have. So this is what's crazy, is during a prophetic conference in Ohio, I was with Rebecca. She was facetiming the guy she was with and she was Yeah, she was facetiming and Jake, it was like in the pictures that I don't remember seeing his face john at all. Come to find out we go into the you know, the meeting, and the man of God comes up to me, you know, when you're about to get a word and you're like, oh, shoot, what you don't say Yeah. And he came up and he just started speaking to me and he said, Your husband is coming as a right man for you and you put them right in front of you. God put like that man spoke like I had literally just saw Jake right in front of me had no idea but I thought then every time I when I came back, I was like, is it He's sitting right in front of me maybe that's what God say, you know, this, but honestly, it was like it was so God. And you know, it was even more beautiful is I remember we were at covenant Church of Pittsburgh with, you know, Bishop Garlington at a conference. And we had been together for a couple months. And I remember Denny Kramer came up to us and like, spoke a word over us. And he said, Are you to married? And I was like, oh, man is sort of prophesied about our purpose and our destiny calling and in the prophetic word, he says, and when you do get married, so isn't it interesting, that it's like, you know, as I start, we started out this conversation talking about being in a church talking about the prophetic word, that it wasn't prophesied that

John Matarazzo:

It was divergant prophetic wo

Sydni Goldman:

Yeah! And so just knew that I knew that I kn w God already spoke to me, but e was confirming it in the same logic that he was meant to be my husband, and that's my he rt is that for women, you know spot out that the ish males, t ey're not bad people, they're eally good people. They're ju t not good for you, in most case, you know, and to really seek o t the heart of God and think about like, not just rushin into something just so you ge your Mrs. degree right, just g t the missus title or the Mr. itle. But to really seek out G d and know like, you have the right person for me. And it' it's important. I think we don' talk about it a lot. I think hat's why there's divorce and a ot of things because people w ren't listening to God. I was lways putting people together. hat's he's a matchmaker. He s the ultimate matchmaker.

John Matarazzo:

Yes, he is. Yes, he is. And I'm still praying for that for myself. So I'm doing everything that I can you,

Sydni Goldman:

Rebecca, she comi g.

John Matarazzo:

I receive that ord, I received that. So you now, I'm really proud of use it s a friend as a co worker. But s a sister in the Lord, I'm uper proud of you. You know, e've been working together for everal years, and you become a ear friend of mine, really olving the world's problems in he office during those during hose late afternoon onversations and stuff. And ust to like, be able to see his part of your journey and be ble to see, I mean, I remember hen you told us about Jake for he first time, and it was super xciting. And I remember you aying I'm gonna go on this ating fast. And then I remember ur co worker saying, That's umb. Amen. And it was, you now, so I'm, it's really cool o be able to see that you've ut this story of what God has one in your life. And it's eally, as you know, this along he way conversation is podcast, hat whole theme really is laid ut in your book, because all hose things are things that ou've learned along the way. So s you look back at this right ow said, What's one thing that ou would say to yourself in one f those previous Ishmael ituations that you would say, ow to get out of that sooner? r whatever it is? What's one iece of advice that you would ive yourself? In? When you're ealing with one of those guys,

Sydni Goldman:

Girl, Do you know your worth? Do you know your worth? Do you know who God has called you to be? And that's honestly what I would say to myself, because there was times I didn't know my worth. And I would get caught up in situations because I, I almost settled. And so that's like, my heart is for, you know, a woman watching out there but a man like do you really know your worth? And do you really understand who God is formed and created you to be, and to wait for someone to see the light that's within you, because I didn't really understand who God created me. But like I was on my journey with Jesus. And I would read my Bible every day. And a lot of the stories are when I was in college and finding myself and searching myself and understanding my faith. But I think when it comes down to is, knowing your worth, you know, Jesus says that, you know, we are pearls of great price, he paid the ultimate price for me. And if you really think and sit about it, you know, and then the word I would read things about how he's our husband, Jesus is our husband and how He loves us, you know what I mean? That's so important to like, meditate and think about, because I think when you see it in light of how much Jesus loves you, you won't settle for things and you won't be so running into these situations thinking why just gotta get married, or even forming into the culture because I think, you know, john, I was 29 when I got married, and you're when you're going to be married, you know, it's like older, but there's something beautiful about really waiting on God and not trying to fall until what the culture is telling you to be, you know, be married by 25. and have your three kids and your cat your dog and have the house like, life doesn't look like that. And I think we need to, there's freedom in that. I think for me when I realized like, I am not, I don't have to be like whatever the world is telling me to be I don't I'm not her. And that's not what God has called me to be. And I'm confident in that. And I have to be confident and knowing that that's who I am. And a man is gonna love and honor respect me for who I am. And that's what I see what Jake, that's, you know that God has set him apart for me. But what I see but more so like Jake allows me to shine John,

John Matarazzo:

he really does.

Sydni Goldman:

And every woman I'm serious should have a man like that. That's my heart and desire is that a woman would have their own. You know, they're Isaac their own version of Jake, where he just sees the light that's within you. I didn't have that a lot. You know, that they would see me or value me or even respect the fact like of my valve purity check spec. Did that it didn't force me to have you don't I'm saying like, I mean, he was on, we both were very clear, like we're not having sex until marriage. But I just think that's what every woman deserves. And that's what God wants. For every woman, there is something about that just waiting, knowing who you are and knowing your worth,

John Matarazzo:

Knowing your worth is so important. Knowing your identity in Christ, who you are and the value. I think if more people would understand that, we would have a lot less problems in this world. There's so many things that I think that's the root of it, where people just don't know if they don't know who they are. They don't know their value, and they then they think everybody else isn't valuable either. And then you start treating other people poorly, in order to make yourself feel good. I think that I think that's the root of racism, sexism, any isms are out there. It's because we don't know who we are in Christ said would you please pray for people that are listening that feel connected to what you're saying that feel like I'm stuck with this Ishmael? I need God to bring my Isaac here. Adults that don't understand their worth right now? Yeah. Would you just pray for them right now?

Sydni Goldman:

Heavenly Father, I just thank you so much, Lord God, for that one person that's listening right now. That's in this valley of decision trying to decide if they should move forward, or to stop and I pray Holy Spirit right now that you would speak to them that you would give them that peace. Lord God, I pray that they would know their word that they would know their purpose that they would know their identity, God, I pray that you even give them Dreams. I pray Father God, that you would speak to them prophetically, I pray Father God, that they would know that they would know that they would know within their spirit, when they have found the one the one that you have written, and their book before any day was ordained for me, God, he wrote it out on our books, Father, God, so Lord Jesus, I pray for that precious woman, that precious man of God that is still waiting on to you still holding on to that promise. And I pray, Lord Jesus, that they would walk with you every step of the way along the way that they would walk with you that they would talk with you god that you'd even heal that part. I didn't even hear now that trauma and that abuse, Father God, that you would get to the root of it, that you would pull it out, Father God, that you would deliver them, Father God, that your healing balm would reach so deep deep inside of them, that they would know who they are in you. They are a precious jewel, but there are pearl of great price by the God, and they're worth waiting for. So I thank you, Lord Jesus, for that man and that woman that are waiting, and I pray, Father, God, that in this season that you would just bring together You are the ultimate matchmaker that you'd bring together Kingdom marriages like never before, so that we could shine for you so we can burn for you, Father God, so we can manifest in the earth what families are supposed to look like Father God, that we can exude your love. And I pray Father God that you would just have your way. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

John Matarazzo:

Amen. Thank you very much Syd. Now, here's the question that everybody wants to know right now. How can we get your book?

Sydni Goldman:

Yay. So you can get my book right now it is on Amazon. So if you look at Ishmael before Isaac, how I spotted counterfeits in dating and the waiting it's 299 ebook, it's only 50 pages. It's simple, easy. I would love for you to read it to reach out to john, you know if you want to connect with me, but I just really want everyone to just be I want you to have hope. I pray that you laugh. I mean, I put some funny crazies on my dating disasters. Yeah, yeah. But I'm just like, thank you so much, john, for just giving this opportunity to share my heart, my passion. And yeah, so if you support my book, I appreciate it. I want to bless you. So yeah.

John Matarazzo:

And when you read Sydni's book, please write review, after you've read it. hat'll help more people iscover her book. And it'll elp that rise in the charts as ell. Just like, I'm always onna encourage you to rate and eview along the way, wherever ou're listening. I want you to o that same thing for Sydney. nd you can help her book reach ore people that way. And I'll e putting links for that in the how notes as well. So thank ou, Sydni, for allowing me to oin you along your way.

Sydni Goldman:

I'm glad to be along here way too, because this is great.

John Matarazzo:

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Sidney Goldman. If you want to know more about Sidney and how to get her book and how to watch her on hope today, I'll be providing all that info in the show notes. Again, thank you for listening to along the way. If you've enjoyed joining me along my way, please share this with a friend who you think will be encouraged by this podcast. Also, please rate and review along the way on iTunes. That helps more people discover along the way and subscribe to this podcast wherever you're listening so you don't miss an episode. You can follow me on Facebook, Instagram and at my website along the way dot media. I hope that you've enjoyed this part of my journey and may you realize when Jesus is walking with you along your way. Along the way is honored to be part of the charisma Podcast Network. You can find tons of spirit filled content from their vast catalogue of podcasts including my Monday through Friday news stories for the charisma news podcast. Go to CPN shows calm to see the full list and latest episodes.