Journey to Mount Sinai Pt 2 with Tim Mahoney 128

Tim Mahoney's quest to discover @PatternsOfEvidence that confirms the Bible continues with his Journey to Mount Sinai. In this interview, he discusses strange rock formations that could be the split rock where God caused water to come from when Moses hit the rock, strange rock carvings and even getting his film taken by Saudi police. Tim's 20-year saga of exploration is coming to a conclusion but he's only just beginning...
Originally recorded as a Charisma News Interview View Here
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And I think that when God calls us to do certain things, we don't always know how, you know, it looks pretty dangerous, you know, for me going to Saudi Arabia, right after 911 You know, in certain places, it was very, very scary. And you wonder, Lord, did you bring me out in the wilderness to die because, you know, they actually threatened to kill us, you know, times, you know,
John Matarazzo:
welcome to along the way, I'm drawn matter as your host and fellow traveler, thank you for joining me along my way as I try to become more like Jesus every day. The goal of along the way is to identify the moments in life that Jesus really is walking with us and trying to get our attention. But just like the disciples along the way to amaze us, we are missing those moments that our hearts are burning within us. I want us to be able to identify those moments, learn from others and apply those lessons to our lives so that we don't miss the blessings that God has for us along the way in our life journey. Along the way, has provided some great connections for me, one of my favorites is Tim Mahoney, the filmmaker of the series, patterns of evidence. I'll get to our conversation in just a moment. But as always, I want to thank you for listening to a longer way, I hope that you like what you hear and that you subscribe, please rate and review along the way on Apple podcasts or wherever you're listening. All of my contact information is in the show notes. And you can check out all of my episodes, and please join my email list through my website along the way dot media, I would love to hear from you. Also, I have a Patreon page if you'd like to help me to continue to put out these along the way episodes. If you'd like to become a patreon supporter, simply go to the way and select the level, the link to become a supporter is also in my show notes. And now here's my interview with Tim Mahoney about his film The journey to Mount Sinai. Tim Mahoney it's great to have you here to talk about your latest installment of the patterns of evidence films. This one is the journey to Sinai part two, because the previous version of the previous installment we covered three of the six possible places where Mount Sinai actually is. And now we're covering the remaining three which are actually further away from Egypt. And so I'm really excited to talk about this because I love archaeology, I love the whole patterns of evidence that you've been searching for, for this has been a 20 year journey for you. And so it's it's great to hear that some of this is coming to fruition, it's coming to some completion. And we're getting some some answers, which is really, really cool. So I'm glad to be able to talk with you again about this.
Tim Mahoney:
Well, thank you, John. And as always, I'm always glad to talk with you. And this is going to be an exciting program per day, because there's an awful lot that I think people are going to be interested in. It's things are coming together at this time in history, that and people say, Well, why why are we finding more evidence for this? And I think it's to wake people up, there's a lot of people that are, well, there's a lot of practical people out there, in a sense, they they might have wrote, you know, grew up in, in, you know, hearing about the Bible, or their parents or Christians or whatever. And they just don't know if any of this is true, you know, and I think that these films are really important, because we're starting to show that God is you know, there's a pattern of evidence that guy's acting in history, and history, as many people say, you know, repeats itself. We know that the story of the Exodus is the story of God delivering and calling up people and delivering them to himself. And he brings them to this mountain, through a miraculous Sea crossing and all these different things. And I've covered that in these early films. I've covered the promise from Abraham, through, you know, with the first film and the excess film, and then the next film I wasn't even planning on which was the most controversy. And and that was, well, people said, Moses didn't write the Bible, there's been so much criticism about the Bible. And what we show is that Moses actually had the ability to write the Bible, excuse me. And also that there there was actually this early form of writing, which is, which turns out to be somebody took Egyptian hieroglyphs and modify them into what we now call the alphabet, an Egyptian symbol it's yeah, go like that. This was the bull's head. And eventually it becomes the letter a you know, and and so it's amazing. And this alphabet shows up right where the Israelites are and it migrates. And that's,
John Matarazzo:
that's one of the things that is so interesting about your films is that you have not just come to this with thinking, I'm going to prove what I already believe. You've really come to this whole experience as a student trying to find a really as an explorer trying to find the truth wherever it leads you and you're looking for this is what the Bible says, Where do we see this happening? The even though people might say it's happening in a different time, or at a different location, but where do we see these things happening. And I'll never forget the first time that I came across the patterns of evidence, the Exodus, which was your first film, that I got to know, I literally saw it on a Facebook ad. And I was just blown away by what I saw. And I immediately purchased a digital copy of it so that I could watch it. And then then that group, I reached out because I wanted to do an interview, and we've become friends. And this has been a really cool thing that we've talked about. The the next film was the Moses controversy, which is what you were just talking about here, and how if God is going to have a covenant with the people of Israel, that he's calling his chosen people, it's important that they know the Word of God. And before this alphabet that you were just talking about, people really just had to rely on the the words of the leaders to see what God was saying. But if if you're able to write down something and communicate it, then you can share that to generations and generations. And the fact that you, you've met people, and you've been able to see some of these things in in your own life. That is really, it's really proof that God cares about people, not just in getting things rolling and starting this process, but he really wants to have a relationship with us. So yeah, that's I love these films, and then you go into the Red Sea crossing, and there's so much for that, that you had to do break that up into two films as well. And now we're going to Mount Sinai, part one and part two. So wow, this is this is really great stuff. And so yeah, absolutely. This
Tim Mahoney:
next film, I mean, you you have some imagery of it. But next next film is going to be in theaters, May 15. And 17th is a nationwide Fathom event. And I think this is we've heard from people who've seen the film. And we've you know, when we make these films, we're making them sometimes till the last minute when they have to go to the theater, so but the people have seen the earlier version of it. So they think it's possibly one of the best that we've ever made. This film is powerful. It's going to you're going to learn stuff that you never knew before. You and it's going to be an experience, I think that it's so important to see these films in the theater because, in fact, when I watch a film that I've made, from, you know, the edit suite into the theater, I never have seen the film like that before, because there's so much more detail in it. And the experience is immersive. And where you come to see this film may 15, as a Fathom event, it's going to be amazing, and people can get tickets at patterns of And they they'll see every you know information about that they can see a trailer. They can download the scorecard, you know, and this scorecard is literally a scorecard. We've
John Matarazzo:
got it. Let's talk about that. What is the purpose of this scorecard? Well, these
Tim Mahoney:
films are such that, that there's a lot of detail in them. And with every film that we make, we create a pattern. And this particular film has a pattern, which is we basically are looking at six different mountains. So the pattern starts with journey to the mountain. There are campsites and wildernesses that we're trying to map out what direction from from Egypt from where they would have left, what direction did they go? And what were the campsites because it said they traveled certain distances, so many days, and it took them between people say, between 50 and 60 days to get there. So or, you know, 45 to 60 days, depending upon how some people have interpreted this. But this scorecard has a lot of information that will help prepare you for the film, which is really fun. If you want to if you want to go on an investigation, then you get the scorecard, you prep, you can look at the verses we're going to look at well, where's the land of Midian? For example, all right, you know, Midian, is where Moses fled. And depending upon where Moses fled, it wasn't far from there, he went to the backside of the wilderness that where he encountered the burning bush, where God speaks to him, and tell him to go back to Egypt and to, you know, tell Pharaoh to let the people go with to come and worship Him. And this was a part of, of the promise to Abraham that God had had given Abraham, several occasions, this vision that through his seed, that God was going to create a people that would be his people, they would be holy people, they would be he would be their God. And he was going to bring them in bring them to a land that was promised Abraham, and that would be the promised land which today is is the area of Israel. And so these this back understanding this back backstory I think is also relevant for what's happening in the world. Because Israel, the Bible tells us in the last days, the whole world's attention is going to be on it. Right, right. And we need to pay attention to understand a lot more why things are happening, and what we should how we should respond to those things that are happening. So, so yeah, the land of Midian is where this mountain would be. And this mountain is was considered. I mean, the Lord said, this was a holy mountain. And Moses had to take his shoes off when he got to the burning bush. And not only that, when the Israelites came, they weren't allowed to go there. So yes, this this image here is we've we're looking at six different potential holy mountain sites that people have proposed. We've got the traditional view of, of in the Sinai Peninsula, then we've got Jebel sin Bichette, or we've got Jebel Signia. And that's over there in a mining area in the Sinai. And then we move up a little bit further to one in the Sinai Peninsula right near the Gulf of Accubond. Now it's called Hashem el tarif. Yeah, which some believe is a crossroads that the Israelites left from there. Another one then is in this film is hardcore coup, which is actually inside the boundaries of Israel. As I've looked at it, some people say, well, it's not quite in the boundary, it's, but that's another location. And then we're gonna go to look at Jebel laws and Djebel Hello, better. Jungle mountain, by the way, in Arabic, that's why okay. So when someone says jungle Signia, or jungle laws, general laws, they're basically saying mountain. Okay. And that makes sense. Yeah, it was actually means almonds. It's really called the almond mountain. Interesting. So 2003, I actually had seen information about about people that were getting photography out of there. And this Saina, the Saudi Arabia mountain has been of great interest to a lot of people. It's caused a lot of controversy. Right. Ron Wyatt went there, got arrested, and he went there twice and got arrested twice for things. And, and then later on other people like Bob Cornuke. And Larry Williams, I think it was they weren't there when they got caught. So there's a lot of things that happened that caused it to have publicity, cause things to become much more difficult because archaeologist couldn't go to the area and do any digging. Because the Bible at that, you know, I'm not sure where we're at now with that type of thing with archaeology in, in Saudi Arabia. But for a long time, that's been an area that's been off limits to investigate that time period. So when I would interview scholars, they would, they would pretty much tell me that. Yeah. So they couldn't do any archaeology concerning the time period of the Bible. Right.
John Matarazzo:
So it's, it's very interesting, because if you know, geopolitically, in, you know, just the religion of that area is Islam. And so if all of a sudden a Jewish holy site happens to be in their territory, that's going to be very, a lot of international attention, that would, you know, we're trying to bring attention to it to bring focus to the Lord. But, you know, there could be a lot of difficult political tensions arise because of things like this, if that would come out. And all of a sudden, you have a whole bunch of Jewish archaeologist going to an Arab area and doing doing that which, which we're actually seeing a lot of difficulty in Israel, because some areas that they're doing archaeological digs are in Palestinian areas. And, you know, there's there's a lot of, there's a lot of politics going back and forth whenever it comes to archaeology, and this would be even a more holy place. What you're looking for, and it's in areas that are further away. And so, yeah, there's, there's some really interesting experiences there. And I've heard, I've heard a lot of these stories as well. But I want to hear about your stories, because you went in 2003. And you follow the path of the Exodus. And how long was this trip that you got all this footage from? And you did so much work? And what happened to to this footage? Where is it now and how have you been able to use that?
Tim Mahoney:
Well, what happened was that in 2003, after hearing about all these people who have or could not go there, Dr. Glenn Fritz found a connection and we were actually able to go to the area on a just an Arabian tour. He gave the coordinates and we were able to get permission from a person who did these types of tours and worked with us. Government of the Saudi government and it was a like to allow Western people to understand the Arabian culture. And so as a cultural tour that I was involved with, and this is the same area, for example, that T Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia, the movie, the British officer when he was in this area, so there's a lot of history that you could and you and I loved it. There's just an awful lot that was there. But so we got permission in 2003. In fact, it was almost this exact time of year, we actually may. And we went there. And it was great to begin with. But then once we got into that location with our, our guides, our guides were Saudis, but they were from the eastern part of Saudi Arabia. So on the eastern Saudis, they were excited to go to the western part. They never been there before. A lot of people have not been to this area. It's kind of like the wild west of Saudi Arabia. And when we got there, things were fine for a little bit. And we but when we came into that particular area, back in 2003, setup camp. A couple things interesting happened. One of them was that we we also had Jim and Penny Caldwell. So it was Dr. Leonard molar June Penny Caldwell, myself, Dr. Glenn Fritz, we had a person who is another plus US American who was the tour organizer, and then our Saudis. And then I brought a couple other people along to help. And so we decided to go for a climb, it was like sunset. And as Dr. Mohler was climbing up this hill, he physically got like something struck him from behind the weirdest thing. And he stumbled, it was like he was almost like, it's like hit. And, and later, we looked at it, and you could see it was like a weld that came across the back of his leg like he was hamstrung. And, you know, I'll be I'll tell you, I'm telling that story. Because it was supernatural. It wasn't natural. I was like, he pulled a hamstring or something, because of the way the, the Mark was on his leg. And he felt that it was a spiritual attack, because we were going to climb and go and look over this hill, to the area where many people believed was the area where the Israelites made the covenant with God. So we had a nice, you know, dinner that night, we actually had a meal that was similar to a Passover meal, someone had brought it a young, I think it was wasn't a landline, but a young coach. But and then we had the, I'm not sure if it was lamb or Coke, by the way, but it was. And then we had all the types of foods that you would have if you're having a Passover meal, which is Penny Caldwell brought that up. And as I'm thinking about these different interesting coincidences, and so there we are at the mountain, the next day, we go, we get permission to go into the area that many people know of right now. It's they call it the covenant site. And so we were able to go into that area, walk through what, there's this long L shaped Chevron shape, it's kind of like, it kind of goes like this, and then it goes. So it goes like this, and it comes back like that. So it's a corridor, and then it turns. And we went through that corridor. There's two, six or eight foot wide sections with a wall in the middle. And then at the end of it, there was a burning, LIKE ASHES kind of area. So people looked at that. And they said, Is this an altar? Is this some type of a cattle chute or an altar? If they're gonna do sacrifices? Would this be the place where it happened? It looks like there was a stream bed there. And we actually, you could see where the water had washed out was looked very interesting. And previously, when Ron Wyatt was there, he found what appeared to be these large circular or stone areas that almost look like an area where if you had dug down, it would it would be a filtering system for well, it's like a well. And there's several of them. And he thought there was possibly more. So in this new film journey at Mount Sinai, part two, we're going to show you a lot of stuff you might not have seen, and we're going to organize it in the way that you're really going to understand. And the Jebel laws is one of the mountains that we look at. quite intensely. There pillars here. So we're looking at, as you know, in our films, John, we look at, well, what are the what, what does the Bible say, is what does the Scripture say? And then can we find a pattern in this at this location? So that's where we looked at all the different locations and said, Can we find an altar at home? Can we find it all pillars at Harker comb? Can we find you know, at the different mountains that we've been at? And some people find one thing or two things and they go, this is Mount Sinai, where we have is I think there's like, I don't know, just like 20 things that we're looking at in this list. And there's geographical components, there's, there's artifacts, there's attributes, there's the backside of wilderness and its definition, all those different things you would look for, that just helped to articulate this, and we put it into a film that took 20 years to put together. So when I, when I came back, you know, when I, when we got, after we came down, we went there, we looked at that day, we climbed the mountain, we got up to a place where there's a marble quarry, and then we worked our way back down. And then when we came down, that's when the local asylees told the Eastern Saudis that they needed to get out of there. And the problem was, the government said, we were supposed to be here, and here and here for so many days, we're supposed to follow this route. And every time we went to a place that that we were supposed to be at, we were then chased, you know, that area, so it was really stressful. Sure. And, and it was very unusual, is very a lot of tension there. And at the end of the day, I all my footage, I mean, I filmed amazing content. So this film was intended to be done 20 years ago. And all my footage was was taken. It was taken. Yeah. I would have taken more still photos.
John Matarazzo:
Yeah, so so your your film was your footage was taken. So the footage that we're going to see in this film, patterns of evidence, journey to Sinai, part one. And now part two, where are you getting this film from? Where are you getting this footage from?
Tim Mahoney:
Well, early on Joe and Penny Caldwell, we worked out that we would work with them. So I have some of their historical footage from the 90s. And and then I captured other footage from other people who now it's the doors have opened up in Saudi there allowing people to have tours there, you can actually go to this location now. And there's a huge development there. They're looking at creating, I think it's called Neo, it's, it's going to be like, you know, the super, you know, futuristic city. And at a ski resort, I believe even at that mountain, believe it or not, it gets cold enough for I think they can make snow or something, but it's gonna be a futuristic place to go. And I think they're open to this being a site for all people to come because of, of Moses, and because of the interest and and so that's how I've been able to get the footage to make this. And there are more significant things to learn. You know, to in this movie, one of the things that I came away from was that Moses tells Pharaoh that he wants to go in the wilderness so they can worship the Lord. And I think that John what has happened in my own life, on the Israelites on this journey, they were fearful. There's reasons for them to be fearful. But they, you know, they were fearful of the Egyptian army, right? They left Egypt. They saw all these plagues, but they were spared, but still, they were trying to escape. And then they get trapped at the sea, and then God, like they're gonna kill Moses at the sea. It's like, Why did you bring us out in the wilderness to die, you know, where they thought they're gonna die. Moses wasn't sure either what was going to happen? And I think when God calls us to do certain things, we don't always know how, you know, it looks pretty dangerous, you know, for me going to Saudi Arabia, right after 911. You know, in certain places, it was very, very scary. And you wonder, Lord, did you bring me out in the wilderness to die? Because, you know, they actually threatened to kill us, you know, times, you know, I when I was there, and, and you just have to trust the Lord. Okay. I believe I'm supposed to be here. I am talking to my wife about this. You know, she says she had to know, is this something you really believe God is calling you to do? Because I need to know. Otherwise, I'll be really angry if something happens, you know, although, you know, she could accept that if it was truly the Lord. And so this this investigation, I'm trying to make sure I get back on target where I was, I was going with this but I started you know, long time ago. And just was was trying to figure out work, you know, the footage is gone. How am I going to do this? And sometimes we have callings that God puts on our lives and the calling is still there. But the timing is not quite right. I have some people I just saw Comments, someone said, hey, you know, this is this, this is, you know, this is old news or whatever? Well, not to everybody. This is a lot of people don't know anything about this. But there's a context that's never been told. And that is the context of this, all these different modes people are pointing out, but what mountain should we be looking at? You know, can we find that out? Because then there'll be more information, which we know in the next and films to come. But I was talking about this issue of praise, and worship, and fear. And I think that for me, that even this last year, John, and I think for a lot of us for the last several years, we're seeing things like when when COVID came and their lockdowns, people are fearful, their fear of dying, their fear of economic collapse, there's fear of, of now, like, people going crazy doing stuff like, mobs, you know, going into cities and just destroying things. You know, I'm from Minneapolis, we had a huge right here. And it's like things you never thought you would see. In America. It was craziness that's going on. And the issue of of God, and these Israelites, they left a culture where there are many gods, and I'm doing more studying about this. And we see that they're going to go into into the promised land where there are foreign gods to these, these gods, Moses tells us in Deuteronomy, that when you worship an idol, you're worshiping a demon. Yeah. So I mean, there's more than I've been setting and learning and researching, but we had demonic activity. In Egypt, we have it in, you know, the Promised Land, and it's not gone. And there's all these, you know, the Bible tells us there's principalities and powers, what we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities. Right? These are there. And so one of the things that happened to me just recently is I was, I was coming to the office, and I thought I would stop in our church as a coffee house, coffee shop. And I stopped in there, and one of the inner city pastors was sitting there doing a Bible study by himself, and he walked, walked past him. And he goes, Tim, he says, How's it going, and I'm in the middle of making this film and all this other stuff. And I said, I don't even know where to begin. And he looked at me, and I felt like the Holy Spirit was speaking through. And he says, Tim, you need to worship the Lord, the type of things that you're dealing with, you need to spend more time and worship and deeper time with the Lord and Ico out, I hear that, I hear what you're saying, because I need that. So I came home, I told my wife this, and I said, What do we do, and you know, I'm a musician. And I thought, you know, I'm playing the guitar or anything. So we got some worship books out from 30 years ago, that we had in this, you know, 90s, because we were a part of the Charismatic Renewal. And, and we opened them up. And we sat in the living room, and I just started singing these songs, worshiping God. And you know, the fear started to go. And I think that, I believe that we have so much power that is at our disposal. And yet, like the Israelites, you see, the Israelites were afraid at the sea, they were afraid at the mountain, and they're going to be afraid, again, taking on the promised land because of the giants. And you know what, we're all going to be facing the same thing. So we've got giants right now. Whatever they, however you want to interpret them. And we can be fearful. And I don't want to live a life wandering in the wilderness, because I'm afraid of the giants. So I believe the message of this film, is we need to praise the Lord, for you know, he's the one who's going to help us take the promised land. And if the Promised Land is someone's children, or the Promised Land is, is some kind of other thing that you're, you know, you're called to do. The message that I have at the end of this film is coming to the mountain to worship God is going to give you that mission. But then I believe we need to continue in praise because when we focus on Him, we're not focusing on the problem. If we're not, in a sense, sometimes we can worship the problem, in a sense by all of the time we spend looking at it the news, for example, and the news is just filled with all sorts of things that cause me to be unsettled. But if I keep my eyes on the things that Lord wants me to keep my eyes on, then I don't have that anxiety.
John Matarazzo:
Yeah, so God's really helped you bring this film together through a lot of different ways, even though your your footage was taken originally, God has allowed you to get different pieces, different ways. But you're still telling this story of the patterns of evidence, I find it really interesting how you said something about, you know, searching for the mountains, you know, which Mountain is you know, the real Mount Sinai. And I'm kind of reminded of Jesus's conversation with the woman at the well in John chapter four, and how she says, you know, the Jews say that we need to worship at this mountain. And my Samaritan say we need to worship at this place. Where do you what do you say, And Jesus says, you know, the time is coming in is now here, that those who worship, it won't matter where you worship, but those who worship will worship in spirit and in truth. And I think what you're just talking about right now, Tim, and how you just went home and just worship God and just went back to that place of worship and an intimacy with Him. It doesn't matter which mountain you actually physically go to, but in the spirit you need to connect with, with God, who is the god of the mountains, the God who created the mountains, it's important for us to know, and to find these patterns of evidence, but the evidence needs to point us back to the One who created the evidence. And it's really, his fingerprints are all over this. And I love how you're continuing to search for these patterns of evidence. And you told me just before we we started to record this, that even though your 20 year saga is coming to a close, so to speak, but you're starting into the conquest of Israel, of the Promised Land, which you're talking about these giants that are, you know, fear, and things that are going to keep us from achieving that. And we don't want to be caught in the wilderness. Tim, this is this is great. And I love seeing this side of you coming out because this this is I've known you as a filmmaker, as somebody that's very analytical, but I'm seeing this amazing Spirit of God just pouring forth from you. And this is, this is not just a message that is from your dark night of the soul years ago, and you're searching for something, you know, searching for the truth for yourself. But now God is using you to be a vessel to share his message, which is going to help us so many people get into the promised land that God has for them. And so I'm looking forward to being able to see this on the big screen myself. So yeah,
Tim Mahoney:
I think the experience, you know, there's reasons why, you know, it's important for us to be in the theater. Part of it is, is that we're in a culture, that that is trying to keep messages and films up. But now look at the chosen how well, that's because there's such a hunger, and then his only Son that came out, I went and saw that and was like, so blessed and just moved. And we need to be able to be in the mainstream world. Journey. The Mount Sinai, part two is a mainstream film, it's, it's, it's excellent. And I believe you're going to experience something. And that's why it's so important to get the theater, we've got resources, get the message out, I need everyone to get the message out. And to get people to the theaters, we're in major theaters all across the country for just two nights, May 15 and may 17. And you can see the trailer there. This is a really important film for you, your family for your class, it's you need to, you know, pay attention to and I believe there's going to be I think there's gonna be a special experience with at the end of it, because I was trying to figure out, I've had panel discussions all the time. You know, after these films, you know, a lot, it's just talk more about it what you've seen two hours of talking anymore talking, I've built the case with, like 28 different interviews. Yeah, what I believed is that we end the film with a call to worship. And I actually sense that, you know, I don't feel like I'm there to entertain or anything, but I got my guitar. And I got a group of people that were available. And we call him the praise, choir. And we say, We will worship the Lord with three worship songs. And that's how we're closing this film is just to be in worship, and I'm going to be talking and in probably spending more time in worship. I don't know what that looks like in the future, but I feel that I'm supposed to do that. And so I, you know, recently just went and did the same thing. It doesn't I'm just going to continue to lead. I used to write quite a few songs. And that was a part of my earlier life. And now it's coming back again. So I'm going to, I'm going to blend that in, because I believe there's power that we need to have Buy, buy that worship. And I think that it's also going to go before us, you know, I think it was just it was a Joseph had a he had, you know, this armies coming into them. And then they called upon the Lord and they just went and worship the Lord. And the battle is the Lord's right now, all these battles are so huge. But what do we need to do? Well, we need to return away from the despair and turn towards the worship, and then start giving things to the Lord. And that's what we're missing, I believe. And that's the call to what the end of this film has asked, you know, bringing people to think about is to come to that place.
John Matarazzo:
Amen. Amen. And so I would encourage everybody to get to the theaters may 15, and may 17, you can go to patterns of, you can see the website there, oops, wrong one there, patterns of, to see where you can go to get there, get your tickets, get your scorecard and follow along, Tim, with his with his journey, as he's not telling you what to believe it is helping you to search for the truth, to search for these base patterns of evidence. And so, Tim, I love how God called the children of Israel out of Egypt to worship Him in the wilderness at this mountain. And God is calling you to do that. And God is calling us to worship Him in a new way and in spirit and in truth, and he's calling us to do that. So, Tim, I love how your films, show evidence of God's handiwork and show evidence of his workmanship, and how we are created to be a part of his workmanship. And so, keep up the good work, my friend. I'm looking forward to seeing this film on the big screen, and the next ones as well. So God bless you and I look forward to our next time together.
Tim Mahoney:
Thank you, John. God bless you, too.
John Matarazzo:
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