June 10, 2019

The Secret to a Long and Healthy Life from a 102 Year Old Preacher - Beatrice Lamonte's Journey AlongTheWay 09

The Secret to a Long and Healthy Life from a 102 Year Old Preacher - Beatrice Lamonte's Journey AlongTheWay 09

102 (almost 103) year old Rev. Beatrice Lamonte tells her story of healing from Tuberculosis, starting a church, adopting a baby at 58 years old and her secrets for a long and healthy life. 

Discover how Sister Bea learned God’s AlongTheWay

Her AlongTheWay moments include 

  • Being Healed from Tuberculosis
  • Starting a church with 7 young people
  • Adopting a baby boy when she was 58 years of age
  • The secret to a long healthy life and finishing well

Beatrice’s Website


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Beatrice Lamonte :

I know I know a lot of Scripture. I believe that's what keeps people in a sound mind, the Word of God. I think that's where my why my mind is sharp and alert because of the Word of God.

John Matarazzo :

Welcome to along the way. I'm John Matarazzo, your host and fellow traveler. Thank you for joining me along my way as I try to become more like Jesus every day. I love when I have the opportunity to talk with fascinating people and learn how God has met them along their way. Everyone has a story and I believe that we can all learn from each other's journey. Through my work as a television producer, I get to interact with some of the most amazing people making an incredible impact for God's kingdom. In this episode of along the way, my journey connects me with Reverend Beatrice Lamott. She is 102 years old and still preaching. She is proud to let you know that she will be 103 in October, sister be can still drive and doesn't need any assistance to get around. No walkers, no canes. She's amazing. This woman of God has a passion for the Lord and she challenges me and I am so glad that I got to spend time with her at her house. If you want to know the secret to a long and healthy life, then you want to hear what she has to say in this interview. Before we get to the interview with sister be I have a couple things I want to talk about. In my last episode with Andrew Greer, he was gracious enough to offer a DVD copy of his TV series dinner conversations with Mark Lowery and Andrew Greer to someone who would email me at John along the way at gmail. com. Noah from Waltham, Massachusetts, you're the lucky one this week. Thank you so much for listening, and I hope you enjoyed your signed DVD. Also, I have been receiving some great feedback from you and other listeners from around the US and even around the world. It really blesses me to hear how this podcast is positively affecting your lives. Recently at church I had Gabe pulled me aside because he wanted to share with me the notes that he took from an earlier episode as he was listening. He was excited to tell me about his along the way moments from what he heard in that episode and what he learned. I am blown away that God is using this podcast to encourage others. Thank you for all of you who have left messages and talk with me in person. If you would like to connect with me, you can find along the way on Facebook and Instagram. And you can always email me at John along the way at gmail. com. My social links will be in the show notes. I'd love to hear your feedback. And now here's my along the way conversation with the Reverend Beatrice Lamont. Thank you so much for being on my podcast along the way.

Beatrice Lamonte :

It's just a privilege

John Matarazzo :

just as a way of introducing you to the audience. Could you tell us what year you were born?

Beatrice Lamonte :

I was born in October 29 1916 1916.

John Matarazzo :

Wow. That's a long life. Yeah. And you've been serving the Lord. For how many years?

Beatrice Lamonte :

Well, God called me to preach when I was seven years old.

Unknown Speaker :

You're seven years old. Wow.

Beatrice Lamonte :

And here I am today's still done the same. That's that's,

John Matarazzo :

that's remarkable. So Beatrice, could you tell me about your journey? Tell me about your life story. I know there's a lot to cover. But just tell me a little bit about your life.

Beatrice Lamonte :

It's so full. Yeah. And so much has happened. That really, it's it's, it's something just even think about all of it. You know, God saved me when I was seven. And I grew up all the time having faith in but and I believe that God put a spirit of faith in me back there at that seven years old. And I was born and raised in the Pentecostal church. We went to the church and God, very strict church, and very wonderful church. And, and during my lifetime, I saw many signs and wonders and miracles, which we're not seeing today. Back there, it was just a normal thing. To see God just move and heal and miracles. And many times I just tell people over and over the miracles that I seen. And there was a time in my life that I failed God. And I when I grew up and became a teenager, you know, you always change. And my sister went to New York and I went to New York to and I met my husband theory Catholic and I married him and and then and I lived in New York and then New York City and I was working in and one day I found with my girlfriend to the Bellevue Hospital and for no reason. I had some tests steak and because they some x rays, because they were only playing descent. And so I decided to have someone. When I went back to find out they told me I had tuberculosis and I was dying out of the blue. And so I screamed and cried and didn't help any. They sent me sent to a sanitarium. And there I continued to really realize how sick I was. Some lady down in South Carolina, prayed for me. I put my request for prayer in our church of god PayPal. It some of you older people like me. Remember the church got a Banjul, a got it every week. And we will put our requests for prayer in there. And I put my request for prayer. And this lady, sister Patrick, I hope some of her relatives are listening. Some of her children choose the most precious person out of all the ministries that I've known. She was just ordinary housewife. But she prayed for seven people that was raised from the day. Wow. And she prayed for me, sent me a letter and said, she saw my requests for prayer. And she said on Tuesday nights, we have prayer meeting. And we pray for these requests. And she said, I prayed for you. And I saw you getting out of bed and straightening your bed, picking up your Bible and going out the door. She said the Lord has healed. I hadn't been out of bed for three months. I was taught to believe God when the Word of God came. You were to believe it. It was the word. You don't sit there and try to figure out who gave it. Where did it come from? I believe that word that she wrote me. That night I got out of bed. I quit taking all the medicine. And I was discharged from the hospital. under percent. Well, wow.

What year was that? In 1940 1940. And

John Matarazzo :

you were How old? I was

Beatrice Lamonte :

in my 20s in your 20s. Wow.

John Matarazzo :

Wow. So you were given a death sentence at?

Beatrice Lamonte :

You're in your mid 20s? Yes, I was given my death sentence. They told me that night. I was unconscious, but I could hear them talking. And they you know, people think that when you're unconscious, I learned that you can hear people but you can you can answer or do anything. It's just like in your brain. And and the doctor said, I had vomited, and it was on my pillow and I was kind of out of it. And the doctor came in and he lifted my wrist and he said to the nurse, the nurse should said Shall I wash your and cleaner? And the doctor said No, she will not be here till morning. Oh my goodness. And I heard that. And that's when I said to the Lord, if you will heal me, and forgive me, I'll serve you the rest of my life. When they came back in the morning, he lifted up my wrist it was just around daylight. And he said wash drink cleaner up I think she's going to make it. And that day later in the day I came to and I began to bed I didn't get better. They took me back to the other hospital. I didn't get better. But when that lady sister Patrick, and prayed for me, the Lord completely healed a miracle.

John Matarazzo :

So how long were you in the hospital? Or the sanitary nine months? Nine months,

Beatrice Lamonte :

nine months?

John Matarazzo :

So let me let me understand this. You went with a friend to take an X ray for one,

Beatrice Lamonte :


John Matarazzo :

Yes, it was you weren't expecting

Beatrice Lamonte :

and wasn't even sick. There was nothing wrong with me. In fact, I was joking about taking the X rays. Wow. But you know, what I always tell people I want to hear this. You know, God spoke to me at Christmas time. And this was in February. And when I came home for on vacation at Christmas time. And there was a revival going on in the church. And God really, really spoke to me. But I didn't obey God. You know, when God speaks to us, if we would just obey God, he knows where that bridges washed out. He knows what lays in front of us. He knows what's there. And if we'll come to Him, He loves us. And he wants to forgive you. And he wants to pick you up. He wants to spare you from what lays ahead. But you see, we have a mindset where I'm not gonna do that. I had a mindset, I can't go back to New York, and be all around my friends and be a Christian, they were all Catholic. I can't do it. I can't do it. But you see, had I done it, I don't believe I ever would have spent nine months in a sanitary. You see, when we obey God, we would be spared a lot of problems. If when God speaks to us, we would obeyed. You know, we go to church, and we'd feel such a call to step up there, and Giga hearts to the Lord. And you know, we that it just burns within us. And we know that we should do it. But we can't do it. Because we're married, our husband doesn't believe our wives don't believe our friends don't believe and we leave the church, never answering that call of God. And then many things happen to us. And then we blame God, why did God let this happen? And he says, if you would have heard me when I called you this never would have. You see, we need to hear when God talks to us. And I'm 103. And I really believe that God lets me live, to show people what God can really do. He has put within me a spirit of faith. And I believe God, don't take me. I'm not I don't have any me. I don't take medicine. I don't have a high blood pressure. I don't have this, I don't have that, wow. The Lord is given I believe he wants us to live. And I always tell people, there's only one reason why you need to die. Because the wages of sin are death. But the gift of God is eternal life. And he wants you to live. He wants you to enjoy life. And this is why I believe the Lord has let me live. And I'll be 103 in October. But I believe the Lord is let me live, that I can continue to stand before the people and say it's because of God at because I'm a witness of what God can do. And he wants to do it for you. If you will hear him and believe God, you know, he gave you every reason to leave.

John Matarazzo :

So you made you made this covenant with the Lord that if he would heal you, he would serve from the rest of your life. Yes. What happened after you got out of the hospital?

Beatrice Lamonte :

Well, it was very hard after being there for nine months. When I got out of the hospital, you know, you you you live like you've been in another world. And then my husband and I moved back to Pennsylvania. And it wasn't long till I got back in and going to the churches. And it wasn't long till then. I went out to South Dakota, my sister was out there. And this was the time of latter rain. People don't believe there was a latter rain. But there was a real revival over the land. It was just absolutely tremendous. The latter rain movement. And God really spoke to my heart. And that's another place where my life changed. During that latter rain movement, it will step in when in the times that God calls us. There's a continual progress in the Lord, if we hear the Lord and I came back, and not long after that, I opened a church, a little church down on Fifth Avenue. So there were seven young people. And we didn't know what to do. So we went out on a hillside on Sunday night. And we would pray. We would pray on that hillside. And our young people got filled with the Holy Ghost. And there was no prophecy back there. There was only messages in tongues. Prophecy wasn't released, really released until latter rain. That's when prophecy began to really flow. Before that there was in prophecy. Our young people began to prophesied and God began to move.

John Matarazzo :

Do you remember any of those prophecies specifically,

Beatrice Lamonte :

prophecies came out God with things that was going to happen? God was going to move. And we moved into this little church. They came from all over for a word from the Lord. And one day, and another pastor came and was with me. And he met this woman, she was a spiritualist, he began to tell her about Jesus. And she said, I don't want to hear anything about that. I don't believe that. So he said, Well, you come to church, and let the Lord speak to you. So she came to church. And so he is those that would come and pray for and this young man went up there 16 years old. And he prophesied over immediately nice it, though, though, has been a dealer in familiar spirits. And if you don't, step out, and believe me, it will be cast into outer darkness. And she and she said it was told she'd serve the Lord. She got up and left the church. And you know, God is real. And the prophetic word is real. So we need to really hear from God, especially in these days, the way things are. That's how real the prophetic word was with our little seven young people. It was they were miracles, every one of them. And we had healings in that little church. And that little church was filled to overflowing every night.

John Matarazzo :

Your church was just down the street. Yeah.

Beatrice Lamonte :

And then is it those seven young people, one of the lead song service, and one of them played the piano and, and the other the seven people, we started that church, and they were all living today, all seven of them. Wow, our church was built on prayer. Day in night we fasted, you know, we used to face back in those days, like nothing, somebody would come and say, The Lord spoke to me we to go on in 19 days fast, we would just start fast. We would face 19 days, we would face 21 days. And then we then that Lord spoke to us we wish to have prayer meeting. at five o'clock in the morning, we got up and we would go to five o'clock prayer meeting. And sometimes it would be snow and ice and we would make there and wait on the Lord. And when you people today You can't even get them to come to church. And we would fast and prayed. God moved in. We had that church was filled all the time and and then after all this, the church grew and and we multiplied and just had great things. And then one day I went to New York and my niece the one that was my biggest help opened it camphor young people and she met this couple and two guys. They were jockeys. And she took them back like

John Matarazzo :

horse riders.

Beatrice Lamonte :

Okay. She took them back to New York and and she made her future husband there. He was in an addict and saved. And we met sister Rosato. She had a place out there for addicts. And she had these addicts and I mean, God just used it was a miracle. She had like hundreds of these. And they were delivered like that. Not like you see him today like this

John Matarazzo :

as the deliverance from a day

Beatrice Lamonte :

then and they formed a group and they put on a play. So when I went out to visit my with my Nice to meet this young future, her future husband, I met John gym in his, okay, he has the church in the Rock Church, Rock Church show, I met john. And there he was with about 789 of the addicts. So he said to me says to be Can we come and put this play on at your church? And I said, Well, I'll think about it. When I came home, he called me up. says to begin, we come. And he called me again. I said, Okay, finally I said, Okay, he came brought these addicts, there was nine, and they had a car that was practically put together with coat hangers. So our church bought them shoes and brought them close. They put on this play, and I became their secretary. And they went all over, all over putting on this play for Gus, but men even sent them to England to put on the play. It became so popular what was the play called? The addicts It was called the and, and I still have a lot of them with material here. And this was a big time in our lives. They were known all over the country everywhere. John Geminids and then he opened, then he left. And then he went back, and he married in Germany and Netherlands. A met her at our church, they got married, and they opened the church and Rock Church, it Rock Church in Virginia Beach. And they're still there. And that church is moving on. So I when I go down there, and John, they used to you know, he passed away about five years ago. And he was it was tremendous. And so my life has been one after another.

John Matarazzo :

Yeah. God's connected you with some interesting people?

Beatrice Lamonte :

Yes, yes. Very, very, very interesting. My life has been a real, real blessing from beginning to finish. And

John Matarazzo :

you've done some missionary work to

Beatrice Lamonte :

correct yes, we we have three churches in Africa. And I went over for all three of the dedications in Wow. Wow. Yeah. That's remarkable. is and then I took the whole group to Israel, took a group to Israel for 12 days. Wow.

John Matarazzo :

Did you have any children of your own? No, no. But you adopted Samuel, Samuel, and how old were you when you adopted two months?

Beatrice Lamonte :

So I was 58. And my family were so upset with me, because why would I adopt a baby 58 years old. But it's a real miracle, the way the Lord gave me a set. And then I had three foster children. I had a little girl that her mother had surgery. And she asked me to watch the little girl while she was in the hospital. And I took her she was three years old. And she never came back for her job. She was 13. So I had her all her life. But I mean, she didn't leave her. She is me. But I'll get her next week. I'll get it next week. And that was the end the years past. And that little girl was with me all them years. And then I had got two other children foster children. Wow. And so I was blessed in many ways in my lifetime. Yeah. And then the Lord gave me Samuel, which the other day a couple years ago. You know, I got him when I was 58. And he was only two months old. And now and today and today, in that I began to preach the message of life. And I told the people, the Lord promised me I said to the Lord, that's another thing. And I told the Lord that I'm going to live to see Samuel grow up. My family kept telling me, what are you going to do if something happen? What's going to become same if something happens to you and your husband and my husband? And the Lord told me, I prophesied to myself, you're going to live to see Samuel grow up. And you're going to live perhaps to see his children. So Samuel is now 44 years old. And he's still here, and I'm still here. And I bet they don't have any children that we believe in God. So yeah, got a these now? The book isn't finished yet. Absolutely. So your son Samuel

John Matarazzo :

is now the pastor at

Beatrice Lamonte :

at the church that you started him and Leah, he met this girl. She's a wonderful, wonderful wife. She's a blessing. She's a real blessing. And between the two of them, they're a real blessing. I don't know what I would do without them. One day, I said to the Lord, in my secret place. The Lord really gave me a message on the secret place. And I said to the Lord, how much do you really love me? And he said to me, I gave you Samuel when you was when he was 3038 years ago. And you see God gave me into me. Yeah. And he's a blessing today. What would I do without him and Lee it today?

John Matarazzo :

I know. They're remarkable.

Beatrice Lamonte :

Even though I have my own apartment. They have theirs upstairs. But still, he takes make sure that I'm okay if I need anything, but I still drive.

John Matarazzo :

You still drive? Yeah, that's amazing. Yeah.

Beatrice Lamonte :

You can do everything I cook. I do everything I clean. I do everything.

John Matarazzo :

Yeah, you. I mean, my listeners can't see you. But you just went up and you know, got your own glass of water. There's you don't have a cane? You don't have a walker? No, you know, you get around just

Beatrice Lamonte :

just from sitting. So yeah, I got this vertigo. And sometimes it's really, really bad. And sometimes it's good. But no, I don't need no walk or anything.

John Matarazzo :

That's amazing.

Beatrice Lamonte :

But when I sit a long time, you think a little warm, like for a minute or two.

John Matarazzo :

I'm in 34. And I feel that way to the interest. There's a lot that I feel that I can learn from you. And one of the questions that I love asking people, especially to have a rich history with the Lord is, do you remember the first thing that you heard God speak to you?

Beatrice Lamonte :

I think when I was seven years old, this was such a miracle. I have a book did you have a limit my books? I I don't think so. I would love that. To make sure I give you one. And if anyone on the air would like to one of my books, they could call the our website.

John Matarazzo :

Okay, I'll make sure to put that website in the show notes so that people can can click that again.

Beatrice Lamonte :

You know, I sell them for $5 a month for the money. But if people get stuff for nothing, they don't read it. But these are true if they paid $5 just want their money's worth. So that's the only reason why I charge. But when I was seven years old, my sister died. She was 10 years old from appendicitis. Oh, wow. I think it was one of the worst days ever in my life. And she, it was terrible. I had a little brother two years, two years old and need to convulsions and, and we all had the chicken pox. And she died with appendicitis take birch digitas, my mother passed down all the time, it was just horrible. And two weeks after my sister died, that we'd lived over in Somerset, and we had a big farmhouse. We had a summer kitchen and we had an upstairs kitchen in the winter. And we were in we would end down in the summer kitchen on the port. There was a big hickory nut tree right by the corner like that tree. And we kids used to lay underneath that he created that tree. And we'd say now if we get up above this sacred tree will be in heaven. As this tree goes to heaven. We would land and meet and we don't see that this tree goes to heaven. If we go past this would be in heaven. So there was not it woke me in my dream or vision or whatever. And I ran downstairs and opened the door and there was my sister. She had a long dress. And she was standing there and I said, Paulie, what do you do? And she said, I'm with Jesus. And I come to take you. And I said, That's wonderful. And she took my hair. She was so beautiful. She had this long white dress on in a in and she up up up. When we got past the hit goodnight tree. I knew something was happening. I said were you take it me. She said to be with Jesus. And I said, I don't want to go yet. I want to go work for Jesus. And she said, Okay, I can see her today. She let go my hand and I woke up a bit. And the next morning at breakfast, we always had breakfast together. That was one of the rules. And I said to my mother, Pauline was I'm only seven years old. Okay, I really believed she was there. It was so real to me. I said Pauline with her last night. And my mother said no, no. She said, don't you women know this? She said, Pauline is indeed with us anymore. She died. I said no, no, she was here. Even if she died mom, she was here. I know, she would say and I'm going to be a preacher now. And I'm going to be a preacher. And from then on everything my mother if he's buy me a dress or add or anything, I'd say Can I preach in this? Can I preaching this? Because I'm going to preach God's word. from seven

Unknown Speaker :

years. I'm seven years old and you never deviated I never deviated from Wow. Wow. So that really changed you.

Beatrice Lamonte :

It's the it's the thing of my life. And I believe that seven years old God put something in me that is still there today. Wow. I really believe that.

John Matarazzo :

Sister be what is the first practical step that you took to become a preacher?

Beatrice Lamonte :

Well, like I said, when I was a kid, From then on, I just believed God for everything. And to this day, my faith is the same way. I couldn't understand people that didn't want to get saved. Even at seven years old. I couldn't understand people that didn't want to walk with God. But then when I came back from New York, and I went to this church is Assembly of God church. And then when I went to South Dakota, and latter rain fail. And when I came back from South Dakota, to my sister's, the preacher at the disassembly God church, he, he was afraid of me, when I began to tell how God was moving, and how the miracles that were starting to happen. Like my sisters, my brother in law's sister had a house. And they were trying to sell it, they wanted to move to the coast and open a laundromat, which was never heard of. And they couldn't sell their house for No way.

So a preacher came

prophesied, he said, Put the sign out tomorrow, when latter rain fail, said put the put the sign out. And you'll sell the house. And you'll do what God tells you to do and you will prosper. And they put the sign other than the next day they sold it for more than they asked for it. Wow. That's how God began to move. See, people don't really believe that was the latter rain. It happened in Canada. They went to church that morning. And everything was just an ordinary morning. And they said around 11 o'clock. God just begin to move. And a young lady went up to the piano who never ever played the piano began to play the piano. Wow. And that's how things and the kids none of them went to the bathroom. See? Nobody talks about these so publishes in and nobody believes it was the latter rain movement. And there was a mighty latter rain movement.

John Matarazzo :

You've mentioned the latter rain. But you mentioned the term latter rain.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah. Could you explain that? What what

John Matarazzo :

that? What was that? Like? What does it look like? What was that? What was the experience?

Beatrice Lamonte :

It was like a revival. Okay. I mean, it just swept the nation. And it's in the Bible, about the latter rain. And every time something happens here, something happens in Jerusalem, in Israel. And when we had the latter rain, it was in 1948. And that's when it was wrong.

And it was a mighty outpouring.

A Jewish man came to church. And it was in town in this one church that that rain film. And he he came to town in a is a stayed at the hotel, and it was not too far from the church. He was a Jew. He didn't believe in going to Protestant church. But it was Sunday and he didn't know what to do. So he walked down to the church. And he winning, a young man gave a message in tones. And another young man in the back interpreted a could not believe it, could not believe it. And he he went up to the young men that gave the message he said, Where did you learn to speak Hebrew? He said, I don't speak Hebrew. He said you spoke perfect a brew. And he went up to the young man that interpreted it. And he said, Where did you learn to speak Hebrew? Is it I don't speak Hebrew? Is it I don't understand what you're talking about, is that the word that you entered, that man interpreted from that man was perfect, a perfect, decent, not even ordinary brew, but from the high class. But anyway, the next Sunday, he was there, he came back to that church. And he went up to the preacher and he said, I don't understand this. This has bothered me all week. He said, I can't get away from him. And they said, Is this really true? Is this really God? Is this really Jesus, and he gave his heart to the Lord, wow, he came every Sunday of every time he wasn't dead. He came to that church, and he died a year later. And things like this happen. And this big old war drugs and he was like 300 pound. And a young couple was there. They were dentist, both him and his wife. They were married 11 years never had any children. And in the meeting, he said to them, nine months from today, you're going to have this and and then he began to tell what was going to happen with that. And nine months from bed day they had the baby. That's how things happen. Show show dramatics. I mean, it's hard to believe how there is no moving of God anymore in the churches. It's hard for me. Even the lady that prayed for me, I went down and it was in meetings with her and everybody was healed. It was it was just normal. Now somebody gets you the zone, the news? Yeah. But then it was. I mean, you never seen anything like it though. She prayed for me in the Lord.

John Matarazzo :

So why do you think that we don't see those things,

Beatrice Lamonte :

because people don't see God anymore. They don't have to. And I believe this phone just is taken the minds of the people who could be fasting and pray. When they have to see what's on their phone, morning, noon, the last thing at night, the first thing in the morning, where is their mind. Their minds aren't centered on God, or any part of it. Like I heard this preacher saved. The other day, he said 30% of 100 people are Christians. The other seven are in name only.

And that's true.

John Matarazzo :

So you're saying that 70% of people that call themselves Christians are Christians in name only. Wow.

Beatrice Lamonte :

That's, if you have any discernment, you can tell when you're around people. God is in the center of their lives. Their lives are centered on everything else. But But back then, when we got together, we talked about the Lord, we prayed together, we prayed about everything. We walked with the Lord. I mean, it was a different life than it is today. There was miracles all the time in the churches. And you know, we lived in Somerset and the brother petite came when I was around seven and opened, brought a tent and opened it and began to preach the Holy Ghost spirit filled people. And from that time on, my life has been filled with miracles and signs. I mean, I mean, it was amazing. Who had that what we had back then? Wow.

John Matarazzo :

One of the things that I like to ask people, from their experience is just for wisdom. And so there's difficulties that we face in life. There's I like to call them detours on the path that God has for us that we we run into detours, things that will try to take us away from that. What advice would you give to me about dealing with detours in life?

Beatrice Lamonte :

You know, I think the greatest thing we could really ever do, is really begin to seriously seek God about it. And I feel like I in fact, I just was telling somebody last night, if we've got the Holy Ghost, we've got the third part of heaven in our, our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. We are somebody I heard this one brother say the greatest force alert

is the whole the anointing of God.

In in the body of a Christian,

the greatest force on Earth, it can stop floods, it can stop fires, it can raise the dead, more than anything on Earth. That's how powerful a Christian is. If they believe in do it. But we don't live in it. See, we don't believe we never stopped to consider Who am I? That I that Jesus, lift and lift everything? I'm supposed to be the same as Mr.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, we are.

John Matarazzo :

We are supposed to do we are supposed to be. He said he's going to do greater things.

Beatrice Lamonte :

He said, I give you all power, all authority, all authority. And there wasn't a thing that Jesus couldn't do. Right.

John Matarazzo :

So how, what advice would you give me to walk in that power?

Beatrice Lamonte :

Look, I think like I think our faith need to be needs to be increased. You know, I always pray Lord, increase my faith helped me to really believe what the Word says. And that's what we need. We need we really believe what the Word says.

John Matarazzo :

Yeah. We just need to believe it. And say this is true. I believe it.

Beatrice Lamonte :

Yes, amen. Very true.

John Matarazzo :

One of my favorite questions that I like asking people is, if you could go into a time machine, and visit yourself in the past, when would you meet yourself? And what advice would you give yourself?

Beatrice Lamonte :

I think my advice would be to be in the time of the latter rain movement.

John Matarazzo :

You go back to that time, I would love to

Beatrice Lamonte :

go back to that.

John Matarazzo :

What would you What advice would you give yourself in that time?

Beatrice Lamonte :

And, and I, I would give myself to have that anointing? Because there was such a presence of God, you could do so much. That's, I think that was my best time was during the latter rain movement, which people don't even remember

John Matarazzo :

that I was that was before my time. So I was I can't remember that. But again, I love hearing stories about that.

Beatrice Lamonte :

Yes. Yes.

And, and the worst part of it is a lot of that people that was in there, and lateral movement with me, we're all gone. All my friends are gone. Yeah. All that was in letter on the rain movement are gone. Wow. So

John Matarazzo :

obviously telling people about that. Yeah, is a good thing. And it helps it helps, at least whet the appetite for that. Yes. How do you continually be a student of the things of God?

Beatrice Lamonte :

I guess, just by talking about it.

But I want to see that in loyalty. Yeah. I want to see that annuity. I want to see, I'd love to see it come back. I don't know. I don't know if it ever will. Because people don't have a heart to seek God. We used to fast and pray. Like I said to you, and believe God to see these things. Nobody cares now. Maybe you find a couple families or a couple older people they seek and God like the brother said, Maybe 30% of them are really seeking God the risk. Like this, one couple goes to this church. And they have three services a day. So she always goes at eight o'clock. So her little girl said to her, Mom, why do we go at eight o'clock? Why can't we go at 11 o'clock? She said, Oh, shut up and get dressed. But we just go to get it over with.

John Matarazzo :

That's not the right attitude to have. No. But that's that's what a lot of people feel.

Beatrice Lamonte :

And then I believe that's why a lot of people just girls that date. I was in church today.

John Matarazzo :

You were

Beatrice Lamonte :

No, I mean, that's what Oh, yeah. It's it. I was in church today. So

John Matarazzo :

yeah. What does God teaching you right now?

Beatrice Lamonte :

Really, really, the Lord is really teaching me about life. And I ministered but I go out to Jersey, he has over 2000 in his church. And I really preached like, if you really had enough faith, you could live because Jesus gave us all the provision. He made sure that we is he made a way that all of our sickness was healed. He took the stripes for our LA, he was pierced in this side. for our sins, he made every provision for us that you might live. And he says in his word, that the wages of sin are death. But the gift of God is eternal life. And I preach that out there. And that brother says, We need you to come Sister BA said, I have a lot of work to do, and I need to live for the Lord.

John Matarazzo :

That's why I'm here. I know that I have a lot of work that I need to do for the Lord.

Beatrice Lamonte :

And that's why I want to learn from you. And he always says lay hands on me I wanna I want to live. There was a brother up in Countess port. About 20 years ago, he called me said I want you to lay hands on me. I have some work to do. And I have a very bad or they said I'm not gonna live. And I kept praying for him. He lived 20 years. She said I want to live 15 more years. Because there's things that I want to do live 20 years, he just died few weeks ago, a few months ago, the last 20 years. Wow. And I know that it's real. Because Second Timothy says in Second Timothy said that Jesus Christ abolish there and read the nine verse above it. That it says how Jesus came and said that this generation, that he abolished death, and he spoke life and immortality through the Gospels. So if you search the Gospels you find the most the life is the most important thing that he came to give us. Yeah, but nobody preaches it. Nobody believes it. We preach dying, getting ready to go to heaven. Just get saved and go to heaven. Get it over with, you know, I preach, I really preach like,

John Matarazzo :

and you you live life to live? I'm very much do. Yeah, one of the questions I've been really looking forward to asking you about, as I read the Bible, I see a lot of people that started living for the Lord very strongly, but they did not finish well. And you have been serving the Lord, since you were seven. You knew the call of God in your life from then. And you're going to be 103 in October. What advice can you give me to help me finish? Well,

Beatrice Lamonte :

I think the most important thing we get saved, but maybe this sounds stupid. But we never really seek the Lord to have a soul salvation. So we still are taunted by the world. And we never get rid of that. So we've got to get rid of that, and have our minds centered. So that, you know, like we can be praying, and they'll be thinking of that girl I was with the other night. And you know, and it's a continual thing. But when you really, really turn your mind over to the Lord, you'll be able to stand no matter what comes until this is done. It's hard to stand. Yeah. Because even though you think in the Lord, the enemy's working on this side, because he's still as he said, though the mind. And I believe that he said, we're to the head, the wash our minds with the Word of God. So get in the word, and have that mind cleansed. So that you'll be able to stand. And that's what it's going to take getting in. And people don't want to do that nowadays, because they got their mind on that phone. So they and so that's why they're in another church. No one's mind is really centered on him. They can't do it, because they've got their mind on that. That's why the churches are where they are now. That film became a real instrument of the enemy.

John Matarazzo :

It can also be used for some good things, but it for good thing. But there's a lot more distractions on there, then I'm distracted by my phone a lot more than I would like to admit. So I'll be honest about that. But I do use it for for good as well.

Beatrice Lamonte :

There's a lot of good in them, but but they put it first and they were on Facebook all the time, wanting to know everything and everything. And it's really big.

John Matarazzo :

Do you have a verse of the Bible that is that you would consider a life verse, something that has stuck with you forever? You hold on to that?

Beatrice Lamonte :

Well, I always tell people in James 417 to him that note to do good, you know, and do with it not to me this in. And I always think that enough, I'm to do good. And I don't do it. That's not right. And I always keep that in mind. That's scripture before me. Because it makes you to do right. Yeah.

And and I love no good thing will he withhold from him that walk upright?

John Matarazzo :

Those are very good are called

Beatrice Lamonte :

according to His purpose.

John Matarazzo :

That's a very good promise.

Beatrice Lamonte :

Yeah. Yeah. And then I know the whole mandate for song by heart. I know, I know a lot of scripts.

John Matarazzo :

I know you do.

Beatrice Lamonte :

I believe that's what keeps it. I believe that's what keeps people in a sound mind. The Word of God. I think that's where my why my mind is sharp and alert because

John Matarazzo :

of the Word of God. Can you tell me what your time with the Lord looks like?

Beatrice Lamonte :

I get a first thing I do is I thank the Lord for being alive. And will. And I thank you for the watch, go overseas and give us good night's sleep. That night, come down. And then I brush my teeth. And then I pray again, just short. And they might have coffee, and I watch the news. I'm a news person. I love the news. I don't watch all these other stations in it. I watch the news in the morning. And then after and then I turn on Christian stations. I turned on 700 club back to the news at nine o'clock. And while the news is on them, I pray before the Lord, the rest of my morning is spent in prayer. And then I just wait before the Lord and they need talks to me. Holy Ghost talks to me. I was opening one of these plastic containers and it broke and a little piece like this fail. And I couldn't find I couldn't find it anywhere. And it's sharp. You know, and me and I walk around my bare feet I always did. From little up. I'm a farm girl we raised on the farm. Yeah. And I will look around my bare feet. And so I couldn't find that piece. I searched all over. And about a month went by I ran the sweeper. And I didn't want to tell Samuel Haha, cuz if I told him he would risk to leave at the end the day the kitchen impart. So I didn't tell him. One morning I got up. And there was that piece. I always keep a bit with your curse. I put my feet up. There was that piece I saved laying on the pillow. I said oh, Samuel found. I wonder where you found it. So when he came down, I said to Sam, where did you find it? He said, What is it Mom? I said Don't you know? He said no. What is I said a piece that I lost? He said, I have no idea what it is. And he walked away and went back upstairs. So I said angels. I know that you put that piece there. They had to. So I said I don't only want you to do something like that. But I want to seize because I know you're here. And just like a fog. Like just like that, like that. beautiful blue.

It was so precious.

John Matarazzo :

Wow. So God, God opened your eyes and you could see the

Beatrice Lamonte :

do I know. So every morning that's what I'm saying here. So every morning I think my angels for watching over me keeping me and I tell the Holy Ghost I could never go up and down them steps sometimes twice a day. It wasn't that you were with me. And those steps are straight up.

John Matarazzo :

Yeah, they are. That's remarkable. And and I would have a difficult time going up and down those steps. Yeah.

Beatrice Lamonte :

So I always thank the Holy Ghost for helping me and I totally I say Holy Ghost you know, I could never go up down him steps if you didn't help me. You know that you know only go so you gotta help me every time. So I talked to their the angels and the Holy Ghost in the morning. And then I just wait before the Lord. Many times I cry on. I feel so humbled that God is so good. How he keeps me how he blesses me. I've been so blessed. Yeah.

And so I spend my mornings with the Lord.

Unknown Speaker :


John Matarazzo :

What are you reading currently in the Bible?

Beatrice Lamonte :

I started reading the whole New Testament over again. Uh huh. So I'm in Corinthians.

John Matarazzo :

Yeah, that's, that's great. What? What book do you think you'd recommend that? The Old Testament,

Beatrice Lamonte :

okay. You know, I love reading about David, Samuel and Joshua, you know, how they walked with God were didn't have the Holy Ghost like we had. Right. And yet they walked with God.

John Matarazzo :

Yeah, I love whenever I read the Old Testament, and I come across a passage where you it says the word of God was rare in those days, very rare. And then you would hear somebody speak for the Lord or God would speak to somebody. And when you know the word of God is rare, but you see somebody that God is speaking to. I look at that. And I say, I want to be like them. Yeah, I want to learn from them. Yeah. And that's why Samuel was one of my favorite people in the Bible, the prophet Samuel. Because the word of the Lord was was rare during those times. And then God spoke to this child. And he grew up to be the prophet Samuel, the king anointed.

Beatrice Lamonte :

Yeah. I just love it. I love the old system. I love it. You know?

John Matarazzo :

Yeah. I'm so grateful that that we have the Holy Spirit. Yeah. I don't know what I would do without him.

Beatrice Lamonte :

You know, I really believe that I know that God reveals a lot of things to me. I know that. And when in many times, when I sit here and pray the Lord reveal Jimmy about life, and how that infected the Lord's really been talking to me about this spirit of death. And I, and I feel that is, when you when we're born, that spirit is there. We're born in sin and iniquity from our birth. And so that spirit of death works in us. And the Lord shows me how we need to cast that spirit out. So every one of these diseases, they might be small now, but they work on to death. If you didn't have a doctor, or that, and you didn't believe God, you probably were counted. But we need to cast out that spirit of death. And, and really believe that we have that spirit of life that raised Christ from the dead. In the Old Testament, God spoke to the people. He wasn't down there that didn't see the New Testament, Jesus really ministered and walked among the people. And now in the hole in this time, the third part of Heaven is on Earth, the Holy Ghost which is in it, and I believe, and I seriously believe this, that there's going to be a third book written about the people of today and the Holy Ghost, what they've gone through before us, with the Holy Ghost, like, Paul, and them was they were human beings like you and I. And they walked in the New Testament. And I believe there's a crime. I knew this one lady that she was very wealthy, she got saved. And, and her husband put her out. And she got lived in a red dress, at the little house beside the railroad tracks. And she lived there, and just what the people gave her. She said that God called her to be a scribe for him, so she used to write everything down that was going on in the churches, and all that God was doing way back there then. So I always I know, I know that there is being a third book written, because there's never only two with God, there's always three.

John Matarazzo :

Very interesting. Yeah,

Beatrice Lamonte :

there's always three. God never settled sweet to. He didn't settle with the old interview, there is a third Holy Ghost book.

Because the Holy Ghost is the third part of it, the

John Matarazzo :

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, that's interesting. I want I want to be used by God in a way that my life story is written in that book,

Beatrice Lamonte :

and I believe many of them are going to be used in them. Yeah, I believe someday in the future, will be you know, there's so much ahead of us that we just think the end of the world is coming, and we just, everything's good. But maybe, you know, I believe that God is calling a people that's going to live. And if destruction does come, you know, he had the children of Israel in the land of Goshen. And I believe today, that a distraction comes in some way someplace, God is going to take care of the me. Because in 94, sama thousands of all at your side 10,000 at your right in but it will come 90. And I believe that some way or their God is going to take care of its own at this time, like he did the children of Israel.

John Matarazzo :

Would you be willing to pray for people that are listening to this? This interview? I will, I will, yeah. And just pray, what God believes on your heart

Beatrice Lamonte :

for that. Praise God. Father, we just worship you today and praise you and and we just thank you so much for your goodness and your mercy and your love. And we father and we know that we are we have, we have the blessings of Abraham, way back there, then you promised us today. And so we just thank you and praise you. And we bring every one of these that would listen to this message. And somehow that you just take that veil off their eyes, Father, that they could begin to see what you are and who you are and what they are. And what you would really do Father, we just ask you to lift that veil Father, in the name of Jesus and open their ears, Father, you said we have ears that we don't hear. But Lord, we need to hear what the Word of God is saying and what the prophets of God are saying in this hour. So we're just going to thank you and believe you, Lord, for what you're going to do, and we're going to give you praise and glory, because that word so mighty, and EMI, we just love You, Lord, and we worship you. And we thank you for our brother today, Lord, and we just ask you to lay hands on him this morning, Lord Jesus and anoint his life, father in Jesus name, making my real blessing Lord everywhere that he goes, and you're just opened doors and open the hearts of the people and Lord, that we began to seek the Lord, you put a hungry, Lord, we'd feel like David that we'd be hungry, we'd be hungry, Lord, after to be after you, father. And we're asking you right now in this day, Lord, that You just anointed him and use him, Lord Jesus. And just and we just pray this spirit of life on him. Lord, we you know, you told me how there were those that are going to live. And they would be even those that would be here when Jesus comes back. And so Lord, we believe in you that we could even be one of them. So we're just thanking you and praising you for what you're going to do. We're going to give you the glory for we ask it in Jesus name.

John Matarazzo :

Amen. Amen. Beatrice, thank you so much for giving me your time to learn from you. But I really appreciate that. What a treasure sister b is, she is an incredible woman of God. And after we finished recording this interview, we talked for probably another hour. She is remarkable. I pray and believe in faith that I will be that healthy. When I'm an old man. I was challenged when we talked about the things that keep us from God, those distractions, especially like cell phones, Facebook, and other things like that. What is my life centered around? Am I seriously seeking God about those things and where I spend my time? I know I struggle with some anxiety. And I need to make sure that my thoughts and focus are centered on Jesus, and that I am seeking God about the anxiety rather than letting the anxious thoughts overwhelming. I'm challenged to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and trust that God will take care of the rest. A few times sister be said that nobody cares now. And we just don't see those miracles anymore. That breaks my heart. Why don't we see miracles like that? What can we do about it? We need to seek the Lord and be obedient to Him. obedience to God spares us from all sorts of harm, and there is a blessing. We have the power and authority from God, but our faith needs to be increased. Let's do what he says and believe for more of that latter rain to fall again, that will be awesome to see. Sister be said that James 417 was one of her favorite verses. Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it. To him it is sin. So let's do the right thing. She talked about another book that still to be written at is something I have to think about. And I'm not exactly sure what it means. But I know that if there is another book that God is writing, I want to live a life that is worthy of being written about. I was blessed by her prayer at the end of this interview, and I hope that you were to I pray that you will have a long and healthy life. Sister Beatrice gave me three copies of her book to give away. And if you would like me to send you a copy, please email me at John along the way at gmail. com. And I will get one to you as quickly as possible. But Supplies are limited, so don't delay. Thank you for joining me along the way. If you've enjoyed joining me along my way, please rate and subscribe to this podcast and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and at my website along the way dot media. I hope that you've enjoyed this part of my journey. And may you realize when Jesus is walking with you along your way