Awaken Podcast with Michael Lombardo

Awaken Podcast with Michael Lombardo

Do you want to walk in the supernatural glory of His kingdom? The Awaken Podcast is for listeners that are longing for more of God! Encounter the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit in each episode with host, Michael Lombardo. Michael went through a radical encounter with Jesus that trans...

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Conversation with Adam LiVecchi: How can I be a healthy Christian? (Ep. 256)

Recent Episodes

March 24, 2025

Conversation with Adam LiVecchi: How can I be a healthy Christian? (Ep. 256)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks to pastor Adam LiVecchi on Christian discipleship within the church context. Together, they explore why some Christians become healthy in their walk with God and why ...
March 10, 2025

Conversation with Mark Chironna: Why Many Leaders Fall and the Path of True Transformation (Ep. 255)

On this episode, Michael Lombardo speaks to Dr. Mark Chironna about the reality of “the Shadow Self” in every person's life, even the believer. He breaks that down masterfully and explains how refusing to embrace the shadow s...
Feb. 24, 2025

What is true Fasting? (Ep. 254)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo opens up the Scriptures and unveils the true heart of fasting. It’s evident in the Scriptures that fasting is a spiritual practice for believers but over the years many have...
Feb. 17, 2025

Conversation with Mark Turner: Right and Wrong Uses For Social Media as Believers (Ep. 253)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks to Evangelist Mark Turner about the benefits and dangers of using social media as believers. Many use it as a tool to glorify Jesus and the kingdom while countless ot...
Feb. 10, 2025

The Glory of Silent Prayer (Ep. 252)

On this episode, Michael Lombardo continues teaching on the practice of the Presence of God. Here, he emphasizes the importance on silent contemplative prayer as the pathway to hearing God and living empowered by the Spirit. ...
Feb. 3, 2025

Conversation with Eric Gilmour: Christianity without the Presence of Christ? (Ep. 251)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks to Eric Gilmour about our absolute need for God's presence in our daily lives. In this talk, both Michael and Eric truly get to the heart of things and help us unders...
Jan. 27, 2025

Keys to Practicing God's Presence (Ep. 250)

Michael Lombardo continues his series on the practice of God's presence. On top of growing in our private devotion to God, this must spill over into a life of praying without ceasing. Here Michael shares keys on how to begin...
Jan. 20, 2025

How to Engage the Scriptures (Ep. 249)

Michael Lombardo continues his series on the practice of God's presence. On top of growing in our prayer life, we are to grow in engaging the Scriptures. Do you want to be transformed daily? Do you long to think and live like...
Jan. 13, 2025

Encountering Jesus Through Daily Private Prayer (Ep. 248)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo begins unpacking the importance of daily prayer. If we follow the biblical model from the Old Testament to the New Testament, believers had set hours of prayer that their da...
Jan. 6, 2025

Arise and Shine! (Ep. 247)

Awaken Podcast with Michael Lombardo is BACK in 2025. This show exists to awaken the body of Christ to walk in the fullness of her identity and purpose in Christ! Here, revelatory truths and meaningful conversations are had t...
Dec. 7, 2023

Conversation with Chris Garcia "Difference Between the Presence and the Anointing" (Ep. 246)

Have you ever wondered about the difference between the Presence of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit? Why have many ministers operated in the power of God but they seemed to lack the character of God? How can we are c...
Nov. 27, 2023

Prophetic Word: Living in the Last Days (Ep. 245)

This is a prophetic word for YOU and for the worldwide body of Christ. In this video, Michael Lombardo unpacks the words of Jesus in the book of Revelation to the church of Sardis that have a striking resemblance to the churc...
Oct. 23, 2023

Conversation with Tauren Wells "Take It All Back" (Ep. 244)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks with internationally known songwriter, worshiper, preacher and pastor, Tauren Wells. In this conversation, they discuss Tauren's latest EP entitled "Take It All Back....
Sept. 26, 2023

Conversation with James Levesque "10 Prophetic Values For Today" (Ep.243)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks with author and church planter James Levesque on 10 vital prophetic values for us to possess as believers in Jesus. From hearing the voice of God and following His wi...
Sept. 11, 2023

Conversation with Dr Brian Simmons "God's Immeasurable Love For Us" (Ep. 242)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks with Dr Brian Simmons of The Passion Translation. Here, they dive deeper into the reality of God's love for us. Not only does God love us, but God IS love. This love ...
Sept. 4, 2023

Conversation with Steven & Rene Springer "The Fire of Perfect Love" (Ep. 241)

God is love and when we receive and encounter His love we are transformed from the inside out. As we experience the burning heart of God for us, we continue to dwell in first love passion and we become love to the world aroun...
Aug. 28, 2023

The Book of Acts Pt. 3: Four Marks of the First Church (Ep. 240)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo continues his series on the book of Acts. Here specifically, Michael explores Acts 2 where he unveils the four marks of the first church and the importance of abiding in the...
Aug. 14, 2023

Interview with Teresa Yancy "Unveiled By God" (Ep. 239)

So many believers are living in frustration, unfruitfulness and defeat. God wants to heal our hearts and partner with us to renew our minds to His Word so we can thrive and overcome in this life. On this episode of Awaken Pod...
Aug. 7, 2023

Interview with Michael Miller "Following the Leadership of Jesus" (Ep. 238)

God is raising up churches around the world that lay aside the agenda of man and focus wholeheartedly on His presence and ministering to His heart. On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks with Michael Freel...
July 17, 2023

The Book of Acts Pt. 2: The New Covenant and Rejecting Mixture (Ep. 237)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo continues his latest series on foundation revelation from the book of Acts. Here, he addresses the journey of the first church when it came to the inclusion of the Gentiles,...
July 10, 2023

The Book of Acts Pt. 1: The Holy Spirit and Pentecost (Ep. 236)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo continues a new teaching series entitled "The Book of Acts" where he teaches from Acts and breaks down essential revelation for the church to grow in Christ. There are many ...
June 12, 2023

Interview with Julie Richardson "Raising Up The Next Generation" (Ep. 235)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks with his friend Julie Richardson about the importance of ministry to children in the church. They candidly speak about areas where the church needs to grow regarding ...
June 5, 2023

Interview with Dr. Michael Brown "Why So Many Christians Have Left The Faith" (Ep. 234)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo speaks with Dr. Michael Brown about how the faith of many is being shipwrecked in the body of Christ in this hour. Sadly, the Scriptures are under attack and the deconstruct...
May 15, 2023

Interview with Ryan LeStrange "The Need for Biblical Doctrine in the Charismatic Church" (Ep. 233)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo had a integral conversation with Ryan LeStrange about what he's seeing as he travels the world ministering the gospel. He sees the dire need for charismatic churches to not ...
May 8, 2023

Interview with Victory Boyd "The Glory Hour" (Ep. 232)

As believers, even in our darkest moments in life, we always have a hope of glory. We can believe that if their is a point of darkness taking place, their must be an even greater point of glory around the corner. On this epis...
April 17, 2023

Do Not Despise the Day of Small Beginnings (Ep. 231)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo breaks open Zechariah 4 and unpacks revelation on how the Lord wants to build His church corporately and build our hearts individually in this time. We know that you will wa...
April 10, 2023

Our Suffering and Victorious Savior: Isaiah 53 (Ep. 230)

As we take this past week and reflect even more deeply on the sufferings and victory of Christ, it is only fitting to break open Isaiah 53. On this episode, Michael Lombardo unpacks revelation from one of the clearest prophet...
April 3, 2023

Our Humble King: Hosanna! (Ep. 229)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo breaks down the passage of Scripture that describes Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on the donkey as the people cried out Hosanna. Jesus is a different kind of King than the Jew...
Feb. 27, 2023

Interview with Josh MacDonald "Partnering with Jesus to Impact This Next Generation" (Ep. 228)

What are some of the enemies strategies against Gen Z in this hour? How can we partner with the Holy Spirit to see transformation in this generation with the gospel of Christ? On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombar...
Feb. 20, 2023

Interview with John Bevere "Walking in the Awe of God" (Ep. 227)

On this episode of Awaken Podcast, Michael Lombardo has a conversation with world renowned author and minister John Bevere on the vital role of the fear of the Lord in the believer's life. As believer's aren't we not supposed...

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