Dec. 9, 2022

174 - Her Grandson Was Being Controlled By Demons

174 - Her Grandson Was Being Controlled By Demons
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Battle Plan with Steve Hemphill

Are you thinking demons don’t exist today? Do you believe demons were only active during the first century? This grandmother did, but her grandson’s declaration made her change her thinking... Join the MOVEMENT: Take the Stake Challenge #StakeTheLand

Episode Notes:

Welcome BACK to Battle Plan! A podcast focused on spiritual warfare! I am Steve Hemphill, & Battle Plan is an ongoing discussion of how we put our faith into ACTION.

Last time we did an overview of a recent our spiritual warfare ministry ( Is All About Spiritual Warfare

Today we discuss:

Her Grandson Was Hearing Demons

Ephesians 6:12 NLT

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

Who is WE? US! YOU & ME!

I don’t know if YOU are one of those who believe demons don’t exist in our modern world, but if you DO, the BIBLE teaches you are sadly deceived and mistaken… just re-read Ephesians 6…


So in light of TODAY’S thoughts, let me suggest that PART of your personal BATTLE PLAN might be to read the book of Ephesians, especially chapter 6, and then ask

God to help you see and understand how unseen evil beings are at work in the world around us today!

Maybe you could pray like this: Lord, give me understanding of the spiritual war all around me. Help me see how Satan and his fellow fallen angels are at work deceiving and misleading today… then show me how I can help in this important battle. In Jesus’ Name…

See you NEXT time on BATTLE PLAN:

Can Scripture Increase Corn Production?

 Keep Praying--Prayer Works! Love you!