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We often think in our society that being “religious“ is somehow main stream. I don’t think it really is, and this podcast is aptly named “becoming outlaws“ because of the truly unique nature of being spiritual. Ken McMullen does a great job at allowing these stories to really tell themselves. There are some fascinating things that happen in our world that can’t be really explained by what some people would consider normal day-to-day and expected occurrences. What are UFOs? Do they really exist? What about divine intervention in someone’s life, or signs of direction that can only have occurred by a much higher power than ourselves?. I truly believe God exists, and that God manifests Himself sometimes in very unique ways. I personally believe His primary way of talking with us is through scripture, but even scripture describes the very unique ways in which God communicates to mankind, and many times it is supernatural. I recommend this show, take a fun ride and insightful look into the realm of the unexplained. -Tom Jordan

Can’t say I’ve heard a podcast like this before. I’ve shared it with others who love it. Thanks!