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April 10, 2024

Dispelling Fear Around the Red Heifer Sacrifice

Dispelling Fear Around the Red Heifer Sacrifice
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Charisma Connection

Join Phil Hotsenpiller on a journey to conquer fear of the end times as we explore the importance of the red heifer in relation to the rebuilding of the Temple. Unveil the fascinating details surrounding the rare red heifers and their symbolic significance in providing hope amidst chaos. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion - subscribe for more empowering content!

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Charisma Magazine:

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Courage is a foundational character trait of all other character traits.

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How big is your God?

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Your God always has to be bigger than your problem and your fears.

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It's midnight in America and we are going to be talking about some amazing prophetic things

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that are happening right now as the clock is getting closer and closer to midnight.

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And with me today, I have a powerful pastor, a friend of mine, Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller.

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Welcome to Charisma Connections and I am looking forward to having this conversation with you.

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Thank you for being here.

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Oh, thank you so much and thank you to Charisma for publishing the book.

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You've been nothing but excellent all along the journey and I'm excited to get this message out.

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I think you are too and it's relevant.

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It's hot right now in terms of the topics and we go right from the word of God

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so people can just be assured that you're going to be able to examine it yourself,

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take your Bible in one hand, take the Midnight in America book in the other and go for it.

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You know, some of the things that I have bookmarked already is this prophetic clock.

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And on this prophetic clock around the nine o'clock mark, you talk about the red heifers

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and I want to transition right now to talk about this red heifer sacrifice.

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There's a lot of things that are happening around this red heifer

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and a lot of people are questioning and really there's a lot of fear about anything and time related.

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Let's talk about the red heifer and a little bit later we're going to talk about fear and how to deal with that.

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It's so obscure in most people's minds that it doesn't even seem relevant and yet it's so relevant for end times.

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So if you can imagine the original temple that Solomon built and then you have the Herod temple.

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So it's up on a hill and there was what's called the heifer bridge that ran over to around the Mount of Olives.

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And right below the Mount of Olives was an altar and they would sacrifice a red heifer there

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and then they would burn it and they would transport in the ashes in order for the cleansing of the temple.

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Now why a red heifer? Well, because of Numbers chapter 19 verse 2 the instruction was to find a heifer

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that was without blemish, meaning no gray hair, black hair, white hair, and it didn't have any other blemishes

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and it could never have carried a yoke. So it had to be three years of years younger.

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But after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, basically the red heifer disappeared.

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It was an anomaly of nature and there was no reason for it because there was no temple.

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And so when you begin to study, okay, so if they don't have a temple they don't need the red heifer,

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but now they found the red heifer, a Texas rancher actually said, Shazam, I believe I have some down here.

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They examined them last year and then they transported them into Israel, into the airport.

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They had a special ceremony. In order to bypass all the customs they classified them as a pet.

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That way it wasn't livestock get held up and then they put him in isolation.

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And in isolation they were further watched by the rabbis to ensure that they were without blemish

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and indeed they found out they were. And just this month on the 27th of March, actually of last month,

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they had a conference in Shiloh with Orthodox Jews and they too were able to see and experience what was going on.

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So the thing that makes it so intriguing is that you cannot have the cleansing of the temple

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without the ashes of the red heifer. So they would burn them down until they were white

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and then they would mix them with pure water which was called living water.

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And you remember Jesus made a reference to the living water. He said water is not going to do it.

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You got to have living water and the cleansing that comes from the blood,

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and of course the red heifer symbolizing the blood of Christ, I believe for us today.

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Now let me take you back one more thing and then we can jump in. There's just so much here.

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This is one of the hottest topics right now, but I want to read something for you because it's so fascinating.

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It says here, Maimonides, the Jewish rabbi wrote, he lived about, I think he died in 1204 AD.

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Here's what he wrote, from the time of Moses until the destruction of the second temple in 70 AD,

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only nine red heifers have been used to prepare the purifying waters.

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The tenth red heifer was, when found, will be sacrificed when the king is ready to appear.

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So he wrote a thousand years ago, when the tenth heifer comes and is sacrificed, the Messiah will come.

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We know the Messiah is Jesus Christ himself.

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And so we see that not only is this part of Scripture, it's a part of Jewish writings,

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and it's so significant that we're living in a day when this happens.

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Now one more link and then we're going to jump into this.

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There's been a number of, and you can Google this very easily, legacy news has got it all over it,

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where they've actually got the testimony, the words from Hamas fighters saying,

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part of the reason for the attack was they call them the red cows, because they know what that means.

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That means that they're going to rebuild the temple.

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That means something that the Dome of the Rock has to be removed.

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The Jewish mosque has to be removed off the Temple Mount.

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This is war for them. This is the real deal.

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Yeah. So this is a big deal.

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And as you made mention to it, the attack on October 7th, one of the reasons was because of these red cows,

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these red heifers. And yes, the Dome of the Rock, that needs to be removed in order for the temple to be built there.

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And so that's basically, in a lot of ways, that's fighting words right there.

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Just everything that's just demonstrated, it's going to lead to war.

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And we know that in Revelation, there's big wars that are talked about.

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But there's also this peace as well that's going to come with the Antichrist as well.

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So let's just kind of bring these things together.

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Well, let's talk about, Jesus said, there will be wars and rumors of wars.

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So not every war is a biblical prophetic war. There are going to be a lot of them.

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Because why? Because man is inhumane and man is sinful.

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And those things just happen. Some of them, however, are tied to prophecy.

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So if we look at the Dome of the Rock has to be moved, and I believe it does, for the temple to be rebuilt,

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then how do we get rid of it? Well, we go to a prophetic event that I talk about, and that's in Ezekiel 38 and 39.

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And this is the invasion by some nations against Israel. And it says they got ancient names like Gog and Magog and Rosh and Tubal.

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And that's actually ancient. That would be modern day Russia.

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And then it's got another one called Persia. That's modern day Iran. Gomer is Germany. Togarmah is Turkey.

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And then it talks about Ethiopia. But this is Ethiopia, the north, the Saudi Arabian Peninsula.

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And all of those armies are Muslim. They're largely, Germany is a Muslim army because of immigration,

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because of Eastern bloc countries. Russia is largely their army as that as well.

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So imagine it says that God intervenes, he brings about victory, and four-fifths of all the soldiers, the foreign invaders, die.

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Now imagine that. And it says, and here's a little thing we don't want to miss. It says every wall in Jerusalem will fall.

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When God says every I believe in, okay, every wall, that means the wall that holds up the Dome of the Rock, the Wailing Wall,

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all those walls that surround it will fall down. And I believe it will slide down into the Kidron Valley.

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And now the entrance of the man of peace, the Antichrist. He will come and make a covenant with Israel.

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And he will say, look, you're going to rebuild your temple, okay, because you're not going to have the Islamic opposition.

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You're going to rebuild it. I'm going to make a covenant with you of peace.

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And that covenant of peace will be broken, we know according to scripture, 1st Thessalonians 2, 4,

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when he declares himself to be God and takes his seat in the temple of God.

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And this is how we know. John wrote the Revelation in 90 AD. So he wrote after the destruction of the temple.

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There was no temple. But he's envisioning a rebuilt temple and Antichrist taking over.

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And then the parallel verse would be Revelation 13 where he declares himself to be God, demands worship,

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and then institutes the mark of the beast, thus ushering in the great tribulation,

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the last three and a half year period of tribulation on the earth.

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Wow. There's a lot to digest there. And it all kind of starts with these red heifers.

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When do you think that this sacrifice might happen?

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You know, I don't have any thought on it, but it seems to be imminent. It seems to be,

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I can't imagine them not using it as a time where it's going to be significant on Jewish calendar.

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But remember, the most significant thing is not when they burn it, is the fact if they burn it and when they burn it.

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So they're going to have the ashes. Now, what a lot of people don't know, and I just want to go back,

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all the temple instruments are already built. Yeah. OK. All the temple furnishings are done.

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The building blueprints are completely done. And there's 500 priests that are genetically been identified

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from the tribe of Levi who have been trained to carry out the order of the temple.

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And the high priest has already been appointed by the Sanhedrin to be the high priest of the temple.

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So what remains? Well, building the temple is one thing and the Ark of the Covenant and the ashes, the red heifer.

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Well, we got one of those out of the way. Red heifer is here. You know, so now you've only got those two things that are coming.

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And I think they could come very quickly. The war in Gaza is, I think, is really a powder keg.

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It's something that could explode beyond what we are currently seeing. We'll watch it.

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We'll see what's going to happen. But I would keep my eye on Russia, Iran, Germany and Turkey mainly. Amen.

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So how are you as a pastor dealing with people that are afraid of this?

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Because obviously fear is a big part of the end times and a lot of people look at the end times and say, what do I do?

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I can't stop this. How do you help people that are stricken with fear?

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It's a little bit different than people that are just afraid but stricken with fear. They can't move.

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Well, let me go back. When I was a student at Oxford, my professor was at one time a part of the biological warfare department for Great Britain.

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And he would tell me some stories and some things that they had developed.

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And I looked at him one day and he was also an Anglican priest. And I said, Kerr, I don't understand how on earth do you sleep at night knowing what you know?

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He said, it's simple, my boy. I believe in a sovereign God. And I think we make our problems bigger than our God.

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Do we think somehow that the eclipse or do we think that the movement of a despotic ruler in the world or a nuclear attack is bigger than God?

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Are we going to trust in God? Are we going to trust in the circumstances that surround us?

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I always just push people back. How big is your God? Your God always has to be bigger than your problem and your fears.

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And remind everyone that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind.

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So fear is not just an emotion, it's also a spirit, a demonic spirit that brings about unrest in our soul so that we do not trust in the Lord himself.

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In terms of just answering people, I get all the time, you think the Lord's coming back, should I have children?

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I hear that from young couples. I said, yeah, have a lot of them. Why not?

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Trust in God. Raise up an army for Jesus. Live your life. You can't live your life wondering about what's going to happen.

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Is the sky going to fall in? What's going to take place?

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And I think if you can do that, if you can live with strength in your moment.

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You know, Winston Churchill said, courage is the foundational character trait of all other character traits.

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Because from it, every other character trait comes out of.

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If I have courage, then I don't worry about my future. If I have courage, I don't worry about my job.

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If I have courage, I don't worry about what I say and don't say and who I'm going to offend or anything else.

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I just live with courage. And courage is foundational for everything we do.

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And it's really the other side of the coin of faith. They work hand in hand together.

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Yeah. Pastor Phil, would you pray for our people that have been watching this, that they would have that courage, that faith over fear?

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Yeah. Amen. Father, I just pray for everyone listening to this program.

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I pray, God, that you will guard them with your with power and authority from on high, that you would break off every spirit of fear,

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that you would give strength from the inner man, that you would absolutely give them a voice in the midst of struggle and difficulty and challenges,

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and that you would give them hope beyond understanding and give them a peace beyond understanding. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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Amen. And Amen. Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller, thank you so much for joining us today here on Charisma Connections.

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And I just want to let everybody know you can get your copy of the book at

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And that's that's available for you now. You can get it anywhere books are sold, Amazon as well.

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And Pastor, thank you so much for joining us. I really appreciate it.

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And I look forward to our next time that we get to talk together. Thank you so much, John. God bless.