Feb. 14, 2024

70K People See πŸ‘€ UFO πŸ›Έ- CAUGHT ON CAMERA

70K People See πŸ‘€ UFO πŸ›Έ- CAUGHT ON CAMERA
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Charisma News

In this eye-opening video, we delve deep into the mysterious events of Fatima in 1917. Join us as we explore the astonishing encounters of three young children with an enigmatic entity that was traditionally associated with Mary from the Bible. But is there more to the story than meets the eye?

Discover the intriguing details of these encounters, where the entity communicated telepathically, offering food and drink to the children. Uncover the complexities of the witnesses' testimonies, the strange aerial phenomena, and the shocking aftermath that left people with radiation burns.

We'll also examine the original 1917 photographs and handwritten records that challenge the conventional narrative surrounding Fatima. Could this event be a harbinger of deception, as some suggest?

Get ready to question your preconceptions and dive into the enigma of Fatima like never before. Don't miss this thought-provoking exploration of one of history's most intriguing mysteries. Subscribe, like, and share this video to join the discussion and uncover the hidden truth of Fatima.

0:00 Angels can Shapeshift

3:35 Fatima

11:32 Kings photographer is there

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Angels have the ability to shape-shift. We know that. They can appear as male or female,

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both the good guys and the bad guys. They can appear as human beings.

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The Greek word is meniscus modus ae. I got this from Mr. Dysdar. Meniscus modus ae,

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the ability to shape-shift and appear as anything that they want to, male or female, whatever.

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This is why with the Greek pantheon, we have both male and female. This is what's going on.

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And so, somehow, the enemyβ€”and I wrote about this in Countermove,

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how the Nephilim returned after the flood. Eve is not taken aback by the fact that the serpent isβ€”

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she's just conversing with him like it's normal. Now, how long did this go on, we're not told.

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I don't think it was the first time. Adam's not around. I think this was normal on some level,

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where she had this ongoing discourse with this character who appears as the shining one,

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as the shining one. That's his true form. And so, because he's kind of impersonating this,

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then the curse comes out. This is what's going to happen to you, which is what we see now.

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But there's a lot of mystery in Genesis. We're left scratching our heads more than not.

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Right, right.

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But it's important that we understand that that statement from the pre-incarnate Christ in the

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garden sets up, in my opinion, sets up the rest of the narrative, because the Antichrist is the

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Antichrist is the son of perdition. He literallyβ€”it's Rosemary's baby. He is the seed of the dragon.

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That's who he is. He doesn't go to Antichrist school to become the Antichrist. He is just like

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Jesus was born of a woman. There's DNA that's mixed there. Don't ask me how that works, but

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there's DNA. There's some sort of exchange in her womb of genetic material, and, you know, Messiah

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is born. There he is. And like us, he's a baby. I mean, give me a break. It's unbelievable. How

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does that work? You know? But it does. And so, the Antichrist is the seed of the dragon,

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the son of perdition, literally. And I think he will boast some sort of an alien connection,

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because this is a great deception. If this wasn't what's manifesting, I'd be looking for what was.

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And late Jim Tentlil used to think it would be Marian apparitions that would bring him great

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deception. And we used to discuss this on the phone, and it's part of it, but it's not the

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spearβ€”the tip of the spear. The tip of the spear is the whole UFO-UAP connection.

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Yeah. So, you were talking about these Marian apparitions. Could you explain a little bit

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about that? Because I remember hearing about the Fatima and the, like, theseβ€”there were these kids

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thatβ€”there's three kids that seem to have this encounter regularly. Whatβ€”I mean, what was theyβ€”what

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was that kind of stuff? I don't know how much time we have, but I created two films on this. So, it's

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2017. It's 2017. Peggy's in the bathroom putting on her makeup, getting ready to go to church. This is

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a Sunday morning. So, I mean, I'm trying to be as patient as possible, which for me is an impossibility.

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And I'm just minding my own business in the bedroom. And the Holy Spirit taps me on the shoulder,

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gives me one word, Fatima. And I go, I go, Fatima, oh my gosh, it's 2017. It's a hundred-year

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anniversary. You've got to be kidding me. This is unbelievable. I go into the bathroom and I go,

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we're going to Portugal. The Lord just told me to make films on Fatima. I don't believe this.

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So, like, we start the process. And you want to talk about favor. You know, when the Lord gives

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us an assignment like this, it's just everything just like, it's like, weee! We got this donation

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out of the blue from people we didn't even know that paid for the trip. We got hooked up with

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Francisco Carrera, who's the head of Expo Politics, and was immersed up to his eyeballs

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in the Fatima apparitions. And so, we went there, and Francisco was our guide, and we got to Fatima

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on one of the days. So, the backstory to this whole thing is there are three children. They

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are illiterate. They are Lucia, or Lucia. Most people know her as Lucia, but the Portuguese

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pronunciation is Lucia. Anyway, so she's ten, Francisco, the cousin is nine, and Jacinta is

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seven. These are illiterate young children, all prepubescent. They're out there in the fields

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with their sheep and their shepherds. They're not going to school. They're taking care of the sheep.

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And it's 1917. 1917, World War I is raging. The Bolshevik Revolution has just happened.

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Europe is terrified that communism is going to spread in Europe. This is where we are.

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The men are sent off to the front. There's no communication. In Portugal, there's no aerial

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phenomenon at all. People have never seen a blimp or an airplane. There might have been one

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bi-wing plane in Lisbon, maybe, but even that's like, eh, they're just not there in 1917. They're

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just not. You know, the Wright brothers, when did that happen, right? So, this is all very new.

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So, there's a group of psychics, and this is all in our films, there's a group of psychics who get

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together and through the occult technique of automatic writing, where you write like Michelangelo,

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or Da Vinci used to, from right to left, and you hold it up into a mirror, there was a message that

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came through. So, all these psychics in a circle, they're calling down the spirit guy, one guy,

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calling down the spirit guy, one guy, the spirit comes in, the demon comes in, it's called automatic

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writing. Madame Blavatsky, the mother of the new age, this is how she wrote all of her vitals.

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She would go in the room, lock herself in, three days later, she comes out with ISIS unveiled.

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You know, that's how it works, because the spirit's just going like this, just writing as fast as it

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can. She's in a trance. So, this guy writes this thing, and he says, something wondrous will happen

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on May 13th, 1917, signed Stella Matutina, the bright morning star.

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Check number one. And so, it's automatic writing. They published this in Oseculo,

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which is the Portuguese newspaper. I've actually been to, not the original site, but they have this

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huge building where the actual original letter is kept behind glass, and I got to photograph that

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and see that. Or not letter, but the automatic writing, Stella Matutina. So, this goes out,

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people aren't thinking anything about it. So, on May 13th, 1917, the three children, Lucia,

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excuse me, Francisco, and Jacinta, are tending sheep, all of a sudden, bam, there she is above

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the treetops. It's not Mary the Bible. And we took Mary off the table. And I even say this at the

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beginning of the film, people have a right to believe what they want to believe. If you believe

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it's Mary the Bible, I'm not going to argue that with you, but I'm not going to believe it's Mary

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the Bible, because, you know, not what was seen. The children are looking at this thing, where are

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you from? She never said from heaven, she never said her name was Mary. She pointed to the sky.

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She communicated with them telepathically. Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta could, they all saw her,

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but only Lucia and Jacinta could hear her. The entity gave them something to eat and drink,

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very typical for UFO encounters, by the way. Lucia and Jacinta ate and drank, but Francisco

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only ate. So, Francisco could see her, but never heard her. So, now you got two of the girls,

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that's it. And it's mostly Lucia who's telling everybody what she's seen. So, the entity goes,

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I'll be back next month. So, it's May 13th. So, it's now June 13th. They've told their parents,

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there's a small group of people that are there. The entity appears again, only the kids can see

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her. And this goes on by this time. So, it's May, June. By the time it gets to July, the clergy's

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heard it, the magistrate, the mayor of the town, all this stuff is going on. In our film, there was

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the parish priest and Father Fierro. And all of our source material comes from his writing, comes

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from the 1917 handwritten, handwritten testimonies. So, Father Fierro is interviewing people who were

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there, including Lucia and Jacinta and Francisco, trying to get to the bottom of this. Father Fierro,

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right from the get-go, believed it was demonic, bully for him, because I do. So, by August, the

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kids are incarcerated. So, they're not there for August 13th, but the crowd has squalled to

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thousands of people. All right? Thousands of people were there. People were seeing weird

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aerial phenomena, flying hats. What does a flying hat remind you of? If you saw a flying hat, what

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would you say? I saw a UFO. Remember, 1917, there's nothing in the vernacular like flying

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saucer, UFO, none of that's there. So, September comes, they go, the magistrate, the priest,

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the monsignor, there's all bevy of people up there, and Father Fierro writing everything down,

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the handwritten documents. This time, we're going to let you go see the entity, ask her, tell her

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that we need a sign. So, the kids go back, sure enough, the entity appears. She is about three

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feet tall. She's wearing a skirt that went right below her knees. Mary, the Bible, would not wear

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a skirt like that. Women in 1917 in Portugal wore dresses all the way down to the tops of their

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shoes. So, the fact that she's wearing a skirt that's showing part of her legs is way outside

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the paradigm. This is not Mary, the Bible, this is something else with all due respect.

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And it's been dressed up with Mary and, excuse me, Catholic clothes, there is not much you can

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do about it. So, the kids go and they tell the entity that we've been told to ask you for a sign.

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So, the entity says, yes, on October 13th, I will be here, there will be a sign. The kids go back,

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they tell everybody, this spreads like wildfire. 1917, there is radio, but not many people have

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them. There's no television. So, it's all newspaper and lots of word of mouth. October 13th comes,

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1917, there are upwards of 70,000 people in the field. Wow. 70,000. They're waiting for the sign.

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It's been raining all night. Everyone is sopped to the bone. The ground is all wet. There's a sea

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of umbrellas. There's the, remember, Portugal now is a republic, but the king, from the monarchy that

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was deposed, the king's royal photographer, Joshua Bonolio, is there in the field. And Bonolio takes

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12 pictures, 12 pictures of the event. And so, the entity is supposed to be there at noon,

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and all of a sudden, it's been raining, it stops raining, the clouds part, and the sun comes out.

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But in front of the sun comes this cloud, and out of the cloud comes a disc-like object, which falls

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to the ground like this, and then spins and goes back up into the cloud, and then falls again.

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It does this, I love props, it does this three different times. Okay? And this, before it does

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what we call the flyby, where it comes right over the crowd like this. All sorts, we did two films,

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Harbingers of Deception is the title of one, Strange Phenomena is the second. Car windshields

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exploded. Automobiles suddenly burst into flames. The people who were underneath the flyby,

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their clothes suddenly dried. Days later, they had radiation burns, like sunburn, just like Richard

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Dorfus, when he leaves his head out of the car and looks up at the UFO, just like that. The radiation

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burns. This is high strangeness. And in our film, we show the only picture that's ever been published

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from Joshua Bernoulliol showing a disc-like object hovering right over the apparition site. Here's

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the apparition site right over it. And it's in the picture. And we actually interviewed Jose

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Machado, who's a professor of semiotics. This is what he does for a living. He studies photographs

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and all this. He was able to go into the sanctuary at Fatima. And they couldn't find the pictures.

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They couldn't find the glass plate. Oh yeah, it was just like Raiders of a Lost Ark, when they

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take the Ark and they make that left turn and it's see you later. Exactly what this is. No one knew

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where the original glass plates from Joshua Bernoulliol, who took these pictures in 1917.

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Well, they finally found them after three hours. And we have a picture where Jose is holding the

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glass plate. He's got the museum gloves on the whole deal. And we grilled them on this because,

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you know, Jose, are you sure? And people would say Jose, it's Jose in Portuguese. So Jose,

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are you sure this is not a scratch or a chemical burn? Nope. Whatever this is, is intrinsic. It's

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in the film itself. We published that in our film. We were allowed to publish that. But it's the only

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picture that shows that it was, in my opinion, a UFO event. And here's something else. People looked

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up eyewitness accounts that were in the field at Fatima that day, in October 13th, 1917. They looked

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up and in their own words, their own testimony, handwritten by Father Fiera, I looked up and saw

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a dull silver disc. It's like right there. I looked up and saw a dull silver disc. I saw a

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silver disc that was spinning. I mean, we hear this from the eyewitnesses over and over again.

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This is why we call it strange phenomena, harbinger of deception, because this sets this…

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70,000 people, for the most part, believe the malign. And there's a picture which I show in

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my presentation. There's about, it's taken by Joshua Bonoio, the crowd looking up during the

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miracle of the sun. They're looking like this. One guy is perplexed. Somebody else has their hands

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folded. They're praying. They're interpreting it religiously. There's a woman looking at it like

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very skeptical. There's somebody else with their face just blown away like that. The body language

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is incredible. There's so much to glean from just that one picture that Joshua Bonoio took.

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In my opinion, with all due respect to people who want to believe it was Mary the Bible,

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it was not Mary the Bible. When you do a deep study into Fatima from the original 1917 photographs

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and handwritten testimonies, there's no way this is Mary. There's no way. This is a harbinger of

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deception. And that when… What about the third secrets? Well, all these secrets came afterwards.

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There were no secrets in Father Fierro's handwritten testimonies. They're just not there.

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The word Russia is never mentioned at all in the handwritten testimonies. So,

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Francisco and Jacinta die in the flu, so now you only got Lucia. At 18, she's transported into a

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convent, and the Jesuits run the story, and this is where Lucia's memoirs begin to take place,

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including the third secret, including Consecrate Russia to My Sacred Heart. It's not in the 1917…

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It's not there. Russia's never mentioned none of it. It's all a construct. So, you know,

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you tell people this when they look at you, oh, you're just being anti-Catholic. No, I'm not. I'm

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just looking for the truth. If it's there, then why isn't it there in the 1917 handwritten records?