Feb. 21, 2024

Breaking the Chains of Astral Projection with Divine Angelic Support

Breaking the Chains of Astral Projection with Divine Angelic Support
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Charisma News

Delve into the realm of spiritual warfare and divine protection with renowned speaker and author, L.A. Marzulli, as he unveils essential insights in combating astral projection. In this enlightening video, Marzulli shares seven powerful steps to equip believers in safeguarding their spiritual well-being against the allure and dangers of astral projection. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical wisdom, he guides viewers through acknowledging the reality of astral projection, understanding the enemy's tactics, and cultivating spiritual discernment. Discover how to embrace divine authority, call upon angelic assistance, and engage in effective spiritual warfare to overcome spiritual darkness. With practical guidance and scriptural foundations, this video empowers believers to navigate the spiritual realm with confidence, assurance, and divine protection.

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0:00 Intro

1:30 What is Astral Projection?

7:50 Under demonic attack

11:18 Next film

13:43 Roswell films

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We'd ask for projection is real and shamans and Satanists and everybody else.

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This is what they used to get around. This is how they listen. This is how they look.

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This is why it's important for us as Christians.

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I never be afraid to call the angels, call the angels.

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Something that people that are involved in new age and they open themselves up to

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these interactions in a lot more ways than people realize.

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And I know that you in your previous life, not a reincarnation thing,

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but before you met Jesus, before your life was changed, you were involved in that.

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And you talked earlier in our previous conversation that you knew about astral projection.

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And that's something that a lot of people just don't understand.

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I recently watched a YouTube video of a pastor friend of mine sharing that he does a lot of work in the Amazon jungle

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and rescuing children. And he said that there was a shaman that showed up in his bedroom

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and only lasted a few seconds, but he recognized that person.

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And it's just definitely something that has made me want to ask questions.

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And I know that since I have you here, I'd like to hear about that.

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And if there's a false, if there's a fake thing that the devil is using,

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then there's normally, like God has an original design for something that has just been manipulated by the devil.

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So I'd just like to hear about your understanding of astral projection and things like that.

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Well, the astral projection that you're talking about, that shamans and witch-talkers and medicine men,

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they all go to the same place. They get their power from the second heaven.

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They get their power from the dragon. It's an occult technique.

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And they learn how to use it. We are forbidden to do that.

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People with familiar spirits sometimes will ask to project.

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In my previous incarnation of a new age, I did astral project.

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Some people also call it lucid dreaming.

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As a Christian, I had several instances where I was lucid dreaming, and I shut it down.

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While I was lucid dreaming, I said, Lord, if this isn't from you, in Jesus' name, let's stop this right now.

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Just like that, gone. Just like that, gone.

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It's very pleasurable because you're flying, and you're flying through rooms and walls and everything else.

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Because we're spirits, soul, and body, and what leaves is your spirit.

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But that's not supposed to happen.

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Now, if God takes us out and shows us something, that's a whole different deal.

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I've been taken twice, but I was fully awake.

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I wasn't asleep, and I wasn't trying to do anything.

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The Lord just took me once in Revelation 19, where the armies of heaven are riding down with the rider on the white horse as Jesus.

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I was a brand new Christian. I had no idea where I was, what I was looking at, or anything else.

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And it's Revelation 19. Forbate them.

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I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse whose rider is faithful and true.

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With justice, he judges and make war. His eyes are like flaming fire.

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On his head, as many crowns he's, you know, on and on it goes. I could do the rest of the thing.

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The armies of heaven rode with him on white horses.

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So I'm there for three seconds. Second one, I'm holding the horse.

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There's no bridle. There's no saddle. I'm on this horse. I don't like horses.

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By the way, I'm going, what am I doing here? I'm holding onto the horse's mane with both hands.

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And I'm riding like this, sort of leaning forward, holding the horse's mane.

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And I instantly got the feeling, you know, a lot happens in three seconds, instantly got the feeling that this horse would never let me fall,

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and that I could communicate with him. That didn't happen.

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But all that hit me. Second one, second two, I look to my left and below me in the distance is the rider on the white horse.

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All the horses are staggered. So no matter where you are in this retinue, you can see the rider on the white horse.

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And it's not like this. It's not a flat plane like you would think of because we're flying.

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The armies of heaven are stacked like floors in an apartment building. One, two, three, four.

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And we're in a horseshoe shape like this. So we're in a horseshoe shape, right?

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And the rider on the white horse is here. And the armies of heaven, these dead center, we can all see them because all the horses are staggered because this is the deal.

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I'm up on the right flank about eight rows back. So it's second one, second two, second three.

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And second three, as I'm looking in front of me at the front row, there's some really big guys up there, really big guys.

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They're not human, as we would know it. And then I'm back and I'm going like, what was that?

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That's when the Lord takes us and does something. I'm not initiating it. I'm not looking for it.

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It's a gift. But the shaman, because first of all, to become a shaman, and I got this from a Navajo elder who became a pastor,

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and he was studying to become a shaman, studying to become a medicine man. And in order to get the power, you have to kill a family member.

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That's how you get the power. You have to kill a family. Yeah. And he couldn't do it.

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So he left the reservation, became a raging alcoholic, and then because he was trying, he couldn't deal with it.

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This is it. This is what I'm, and he became born again in spirit filled. He became a pastor.

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And I don't know whether he's still alive. What a wonderful man. What a wonderful testimony.

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Just filled with the peace of the Lord and the goodness of the Lord. I mean, he's a human like the rest of us.

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But just being with this guy was really, really cool. So that's what shamans do to get the power.

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I mean, you kill a family member in order to get the power. Now you're on the dark side.

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And the power is there, and you come from the dark side. So this guy who's in the Amazon, saw the witch doctor, whatever,

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I had a shadow figure appear in our bedroom once, and I knew exactly what it was.

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I knew someone was astral projecting and coming into the house. I knew that.

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This is probably before the fire, about six, seven years ago. And I immediately went to warfare, prayed against it,

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and just did what I had to do. But astral projection is real, and shamans and Satanists and everybody else,

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this is what they use to get around. This is how they listen. This is how they listen.

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This is why it's important for us as Christians, never be afraid to call on the angels.

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The angels are ministering spirits under the command of those who will inherit.

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Are not angels ministering spirits sent to those who will inherit salvation? That's us.

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Call the angels. Call the angels. We have the authority to call on the angels. Call on the angels.

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Angels, draw your sword and kick it. I'll tell you a story real quick.

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About a month ago, yeah, I know you. Oh, you got too many stories here.

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But about a month ago, I'm being hit. I mean, I'm really being hit. I'm being hit really hard.

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It's not the typical warfare. This is the principality. How do I know that?

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Because I've had it one over time in Portugal while we were filming the Fatima films.

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And I got hit with a principality there. And let me tell you, nothing worked.

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I lay in bed at three o'clock in the morning in a fetal position going, I'm out of here, Lord. I'm gone.

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In the morning, I can't do this film. I'm gone. Holy Spirit goes, trust the process.

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Next morning, I'm interviewing this guy who's a philosopher and a historian. I'm just, I'm punch drunk.

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What was here before the Christian era, before the Romans and the Greeks? Oh, the goddess Mora.

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She would appear as a beautiful woman. There's that meniscus monicae again.

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Appear as a beautiful woman, have her way with the men, seduce the men, and then turn into a serpent and eat them. Hello?

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And he goes, yeah, and there's still serpent cults up in northern Portugal. I'm just going like, oh my gosh.

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And people go, well, LA, why would the Lord allow that? Read Ezekiel 8. You tell me.

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Why does the Lord allow Ezekiel to go in and see all the abominations and then write about that?

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Because this is, we need to understand what the enemy is up to. Anyway, here's the kicker with the angels.

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So about a month ago, maybe a little longer, I'm really getting hit, and I realize this isn't normal warfare.

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You know, I can put on the armor, I can go through the whole, nothing's working here again.

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And I just cry out to the Lord, I said, I can't handle this. I need you to do something.

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And then the Holy Spirit goes, call on the angels. I'm just kind of going, okay.

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So out loud I say, in the name of Jesus, I command you to draw your swords and push the darkness away.

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John, I'm not exaggerating. And people go, LA, are you sure this happens? You know, were you on something?

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Maybe it was the pizza that you ate the night before. No, it wasn't. I'm being hit. I'm paralyzed.

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I called on the angels, and I mean overwhelmingly. It was the darkness, just like, oh my gosh.

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The moment I let that out of my mouth, one, two, bam, gone. Just like that.

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The oppression gone, out of here, and the peace of the Lord came over me. And I just sat there with my jaw on the ground.

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That's never happened before. I mean, it was astounding how quickly they pushed back the darkness.

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And it's another sign to me that we're in the latter days. I mean, this stuff is heating up in warfare.

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So when we call on the angels, remember we have all authority.

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We have the authority to trade on scorpions and snakes and scorpions and all the power of the enemy.

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We have the authority and nothing will harm us. We just have to use it. And one of our tools is to call on the angels.

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Yeah, we definitely need to do that. And that's something that maybe we can have another conversation about sometime is calling on the angels.

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Because I'm always looking for another opportunity to connect with you.

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And I'm glad that we did about this alien hoax, as we're calling it, as we're pretty certain that this is a hoax in Mexico.

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And it's really interesting to see all these opportunities for deception to arise.

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And all these opportunities for things to be counterfeiting what's real so that whenever the real comes, we don't take it for the value and for what it really is.

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So we'll be easily deceived or overlook it.

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So, LA, as we're wrapping up here, I know you've got a new film that's coming out.

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I just want to give you an opportunity to talk about that as we wrap up here.

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We're the only Christian ministry that has six films regarding the UAP UFO phenomenon.

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They're all available. You can go to our streaming site, Instant Gratification, streaming.lamarzulli.net, streaming.lamarzulli.net.

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Just download all six of them and binge watch them and get up to speed.

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Trust me, you will get up to speed if you watch it, the latest one.

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Or you go to our website and order the DVDs, lamarzulli.net.

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But this is the darkest film I've ever worked on. It's called Cata Mutilation, Calling Card of Darkness.

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That's exactly what it is. And at the very end of the film, when I do the close, I look at the camera and I say, you know, there's no happy ending here, folks.

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There's no feel good moment. There's no release.

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It is, we are in, it's a private tour in the Hell's Kitchen. And what we do is we sync up the grisly phenomena of the Cata Mutilations and we link it back into the abduction phenomena and then into Daniel 243.

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I'll send you a private link, John, when we're done. It's not for the faint of heart. You don't want to show it to your kids, for sure.

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I would say, in fact, you know, we put a warning in front of the film.

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It's for, you need to get prayed up before you, and this is not hype. You need to get prayed up before you watch it and get prayed up afterwards.

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And if it's too much to watch at the first time, turn it off, wait a day, get prayed up and continue the film.

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And I've had people, you know, email me and go, you know, you said all this and I kind of poo pooed it until I started to watch it.

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And now I get it. It's very disturbing. It's a very and it's not like this, you know, a graphic thing, hyper.

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We're not hyping anything. We're just delving into the phenomena for what it is.

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And at the end of the film, and we may be the only the only people that have actually linked it all together back into the breeding program.

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And what what we discovered, what what you'll see, I'm not going to give it away.

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But at the end of the film, we put a, you know, tie it all together, link it all together. It's very disturbing, extremely disturbing.

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And it links back into the seed war. It always goes back to the seed war.

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It ties into the properties and Daniel and what Jesus says days of Noah. It's all it's all part of the thing.

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So that's number six, number seven and eight are on Roswell one Roswell to I'll tease your audience with this.

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It's a completely different film and the Academy of Illusion. We went to the debris field, metal detectors, and we found something there.

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And that's that's all I'll say. When when did you find something as we were there about two months ago now, two and a half months ago.

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And yeah, and the June.

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So this so this has got to be something that people really need to need to get a hold of your your website and the materials that you have and be on the lookout for that.

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So, L.A., I just appreciate you being willing to take the time to talk with me about all these things that are unexplainable by the by the human by the human understanding.

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But we can understand these things through the through the Holy Spirit and to know that we have power over the darkness.

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Yes, we do. You know, as you called on those angels to to push back that darkness, that principality, we don't have to be afraid of these things.

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These apparitions that happen or those these crazy things that you're hearing about in the news, you didn't have you do not have to be afraid of it.

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You have the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is living inside of you.

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And we we can ask the angels to we can command the angels to do what God has commanded them to do, which is to protect us and help us.

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And thank you so much for being here today on Charismatize.

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My pleasure. Thank you.