Feb. 8, 2023

False Prophets, Revival and Bakersfield! Mario Murillo says "It's Our Turn Now!"

False Prophets, Revival and Bakersfield! Mario Murillo says
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Charisma News

Evangelist Mario Murillo explains why he stepped away from "Flashpoint" and is speaking out against "False Prophets". He names Kat Kerr and Robin D Bullock as dangerous voices inside the camp. Mario believes that it is more important to focus on soul-winning and not seeking a daily prophetic word. The harvest is ripe and he is begging for workers to get out and reap the harvest!


Get Mario's new book!

It's Our Time Now!

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Well, I have the privilege of having the Mario Murillo with me here on the Charisma News

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show and Mario, your blog post recently that really you just posed the question,

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Mario, where have you been? Has really caused quite a bit of a stir because you're dealing

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with some issues within the body of Christ that you believe really need to be addressed and

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it's something that we want to talk about today and let's talk about that first because you did

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a follow-up blog where you actually named names and so let's kind of talk about that. What inspired

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you to number one take a break from just kind of being publicly on certain TV shows? Let's just

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get into the mind of Mario Marillo and take us into that quiet place where the Lord was telling

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you what to do. Well, first of all, I obeyed the Holy Spirit and prayed and read the Word of God.

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There's a secret to telling the truth and that is the truth telling, which is what I did,

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is an act of faith. It's not so much courage as it is faith because you have to believe that if

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you tell the truth, no matter what, it's going to create the ultimate and best outcome. There'll

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be an immediate firestorm. Winston Churchill said, panic will reject it and those who are

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in the deception will rail against it. But he said, in the end, there it is and there it is.

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The fact is there were things that were going on in some of the shows that I was associated with

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and I went personally to the individuals that were responsible for my concern about two prophets.

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And I'm going to name names, Kat Kerr and Robin Bullock. And they were identified with this

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gentleman in his church and he was a regular guest alongside of me. And I went to him privately

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on four occasions and implored him to disassociate himself with false prophets. And in not a lot of

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the shows, I was involved with a lot of people, not only him, but also other people in the show.

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One individual that I'm going to mention that is a great man of God and we're teaming up together

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to do rallies is Lance Walnau. And Lance is a true man of God who studies the Word of God and

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understands. So after a while, it became clear that the Spirit of God was grieved by this program,

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yes. Effective, yes. Powerful, yes. Am I grateful for it? Absolutely. I've got nothing to say

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negative about that part. But the part that was an issue was the association, which has now even

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become a closer association with false prophets that I've named. And so I had to bow out.

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The second reason I left is because so many people are getting saved. There is a massive

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American soul winning situation on our hands. Right now we're in the middle of a crisis and

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that crisis led me to write the book, It's Our Turn Now, to talk about an undercurrent of millions

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of Americans who are ready right now to be born again, if we'll go and get them. We can't be

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playing with Jell-O Mountains in Heaven or Elvis. We need to be winning souls. And if that gets me

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in trouble with someone, then that someone needs to look deep in their own soul and say,

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why would that statement offend me? You know, we live in a day where we don't know male or female.

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And so what happens is a group is labeled as being oppressed. And so once they're labeled as

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oppressed or marginal, and then they say something totally insane. I'm a cat. I'm not a person. I

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self-identify as a five-year-old Mexican when I'm really a 45-year-old Norwegian. And we are then

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put in the position where the individual who says, well, that's nuts, is suddenly labeled

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and given all these names and accusations. The same thing is going on right here. When you question

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the outlandish statements of these prophets, suddenly you're called divisive. When it's just

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plain sanity and biblical reality. So let's talk about sanity and biblical reality, because

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that is something that I've always learned is really, really important. Whenever I've received

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a prophetic word or a word of knowledge, what I do is I either have it recorded or written down.

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Exactly. I take it to the Bible, and I take it to maybe my pastor or some spiritual leader who is

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doing life with me. Who's not just coming alongside for a moment, but somebody that's walking with me.

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And I will ask them, hey, take a listen to this. Or what do you think this means? Or let's look at

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the word of God and compare to what it actually says. So I'm just going to throw this out there.

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Do you think that part of the reason we are having such an issue with some of these

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interesting prophecies is because of a lack of biblical literacy?

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It is totally the problem. And you know what's interesting is that you bring that up, because I

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got to say this real fast. It began in the seeker sensitive model. And that model, for those that

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aren't familiar with church marketing ideologies, is to leave out the offensive aspects of the Bible

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in order to get a wider hearing and people in. The problem is they're really not brought in.

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Their bodies are there, but their conversion isn't. So what we have here is pastors who began to leave

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the Bible out. And we have individuals who today say things like we need to uncouple Christianity

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from the Old Testament. Well, Paul said to Timothy, you've learned the scriptures since you were a

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child, and they are able to correct you and give you life. Well, since the New Testament hadn't

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been written yet, what was he referring to? The Old Testament. So that biblical illiteracy is a

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major issue in the church. But it came from all directions. From one section of the church was

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the marketing scheme. We need a mega church and we need to leave out the offensive part. But on

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the other side, in the charismatic movement, came people that had out of Bible experiences.

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And they began to feel and get a hearing for the exotic nature of things they said were happening

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to them. And there was no way to corroborate that. There was no way to say, well, that didn't happen

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except from the Bible. And since the Bible was not being taught, it opened the door for these

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prophets that are false to rise up and feel what was a condition of malnutrition in the body of

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Christ. Yeah, I know through my work in Christian media and just being able to interview a lot of

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people that have had either near death experiences or they've come back from the dead. I found one

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thing that is pretty much a commonality between those people is that they are very reluctant to

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share the secrets that God has revealed to them during that time. And it's almost that they need

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to, it's years later oftentimes that this finally kind of slips out. But I've been able to look in

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people's eyes and say like, oh, there's something that's different there. But this is not what we're

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talking about. This is we're talking about prophetic visions or things that are just,

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it's hard to, I don't see a Bible verse or chapter verse to go with some of these things.

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Well, yeah, yeah, go ahead. A three year old knows better than this stuff. There's no cows driving

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tractors in heaven. There's no, it's not happening. There's no chocolate milk waterfall bigger than

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Niagara. Well, can you imagine you're sitting in the glory of God, you're seeing the face of Christ,

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you're absolutely in a resurrection body in the act of worship and glorification. And the Bible

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tells us what we're going to do in heaven. A lot of people don't understand because they don't read

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the book of Ephesians, which in the third chapter says that God is hidden, the manifold wisdom of

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God has been hidden and will be revealed through the church. We're going to have a role in the

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kingdom of the universe where the educational process goes on. And it's certainly not going to

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be mundane or anything of this earth. As Peter said, everything of the earth, the works of man

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will be burned up. So you're in heaven, the four and 20 elders are crying, holy glory to God in the

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highest and to him that sits on the throne. And somebody hits you in the elbow and say, how'd you

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like to eat some jello right now? That would be the most impossibly absurd statement that anyone

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can make. And the defense of it is, well, Mara, you don't know, you haven't been to heaven. Well,

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I haven't stuck my head in the dryer either while it was operating, but I have a pretty good

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scientific prediction of what it would be like. The fact is that, and I'm not meaning to be

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sarcastic, it's just that it's almost like the church needs electrode paddles on its chest to

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get the heart beating again and simple logic and simple understanding. Some of these individuals

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that I'm referencing, you need to know this. They believe that we have the power to create things

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that we, whatever is loosed in heaven will be loosed on earth. Whatever is loosed on earth

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will be loosed in heaven. In one conversation between these prophets, they were talking about,

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well, you mentioned a jello mountain, but I like pudding. And said, what about a pudding pond?

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Is that in heaven? And she said, well, there is now. And I'm thinking audiences listen to this,

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and they're going, wow, that's really spiritual. That is absolutely a psycho drama from every

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conceivable perspective that is not only not in the Bible, but against the Bible. When we get to

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heaven, Christ is going to be the entire glory and obsession of everyone that's there. And every

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thing we learn, everything we do will come and emanate out of that glory. Amen. Amen. Well,

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Mario, I understand what you're talking about, but I just feel like I have to ask this question

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for people that are watching and listening. Why say anything? Why is this an important thing to

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why can't we just let them, if you're saying that these are just fantasies, why can't we just let

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these fantasies happen over to the side? What is the point of this? Why can't we just let these

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fantasies happen over to the side? What is the real reason that you felt the need to address this?

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Well, because it crosses the line into something extremely dangerous,

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distraction. What we've developed is we, and there are other prophets that I could name

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that are also dangerously to be avoided that are giving daily prophetic words to people

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every single day. Now, why is that dangerous? Because I have a rule that I live by. I don't

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ask God to speak to me directly until after I've studied His word. Because if I want messages from

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God and I'm avoiding the Bible as the standard, I'm liable to hear anything. Sometimes when a

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person says, well, we need to trust the Spirit more than the Bible, there's individuals that

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have said that. That's the crowbar for the Spiritism to enter the church. But here's the problem.

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I'm not really trusting the Holy Spirit at that point. I'm taking the word of that prophet,

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that that's what the Spirit said. Now, if I go to the owner's manual, I'm going to see the patented

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absurdity of that statement, because Jesus said, the Spirit of God would take what I have said

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and reveal it to you. He won't contradict the word of God. So that is an essential truth.

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So why is it dangerous? Well, one person commented in my blog, well, you've blasted these prophets.

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So please tell us who are the true prophets. And I said to them, listen to yourself. When

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did your Christian faith become dependent on needing a prophet? Who created this new

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and improved dependency of the church on a prophetic word? Other generations never had this.

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My generation never had it. We had the Jesus movement without daily prophetic words. I wonder

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how we made it. The fact is that we are now in a setting where the issue becomes, are we going

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to face the uncomfortable thing? Why are so many people angry with me? Well, because you received

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the prophetic word, and I'm going to give you an example of one that's very dangerous.

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One of the people infers that you can get a second chance after you die to be saved.

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Well, that doesn't sound like whatever what I've read in the Bible. No. And what it does is someone

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that has a loved one that has passed on, this lady has said this to them. Well, I prayed. And when I

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visited heaven, I saw that Christ pulled them out and gave them a second chance. Now, what does that

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do if I believe, do I need to repent if I can get a second chance? And is this not the indulgences

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of the Middle Ages in the Catholic Church? And I'll show you another indulgence of the Middle Ages

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of the Catholic Church is to say whenever a prophet stands there and says, you cannot understand the

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Bible, I have a code that God has given. And they've said this. I have a code that God has given me

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to interpret the Bible. So unless you trust the prophets, you're not going to get this deeper

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understanding. The next thing they've done is they've threatened people saying, if you doubt us,

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what what are the one of the questions was asked on a certain show, a streaming show?

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Well, will Mario lose his salvation for questioning your Jello mountains? And I'm sitting there.

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Well, okay. Well, at what point do we finally say this is this and it is uncomfortable and it is

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cringy. And people will look at me and say, Mario, why do you want to talk about all this stuff?

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The question is answered with another question. Why didn't we early on, as men and women of God,

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as pastors in fivefold ministry, when this fantasy show started, why didn't we stop it?

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Because now it's turned in to this insane psychodrama that is embarrassing to talk about.

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That's the point. You know, Mari, you said one of those one of those three areas was that the

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the the God is speaking in some sort of a code and you need people to explain that. You know,

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I think that goes directly against Acts chapter two, where you had the disciples and the hundred

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and twenty in the upper room. And then the Holy Spirit comes and fills them and they are speaking

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in other tongues. And people all from all over are hearing them in their own language. And it's

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something that they went from not understanding to understanding. So I as I read the word of God,

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that is something that I'm seeing that God is continually revealing himself, not for deeper

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different revelations, but is a deeper intimacy with him and bringing him bringing us to the

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knowledge of Christ as Lord and Savior. And not only that, but again, this is medieval

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Catholicism. The priest understands the Bible. You can't. Well, this goes part and parcel against

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the whole point of the Bible. You see, this is this is the important point that everyone has

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to understand. The Bible was written for the common man. It was written with the notion that

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any person that needs God could get in the word and understand what the Bible is saying. That's

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how it was written. You look at the audiences that Paul had. He said, not many of you are wise.

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Not many of you are educated or not. Many of you are powerful according to this world. But God has

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chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. How can we read that and not know that

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the Bible was written for the common person to be able to get it on their own, read it and have God

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open their heart to truth? So this idea of I know the word and you can't get it without me, that's

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cultic and that is false doctrine. Yeah. You know, Mario, I think one of the things that's

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that's dealing with division is also distraction. You know, like that we're being pulled away from

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what's really important. And you're you really are more of an evangelist that operates in the

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prophetic than somebody that is a in the office of a prophet. And so before we went on to this

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recording, you said that I have to ask about what's going on in Bakersfield because that is

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something that is really, I guess, marking what's happening in this in this world right now. So,

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Mario, I've been waiting till now to ask you what's going on in Bakersfield. So please fill us in.

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We're going to do a tent crusade on March the 12th through the 15th in Bakersfield. And it's a very

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needy city. But let me tell you what's going on there. It is a city that is trying to turn to God.

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It's a city where our workers are going door to door and masses are being born again.

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Now there are these conversions that are taking place. And the last time we were there, I want to

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give you a vivid example. I'm preaching in Bakersfield. We can't get the people in the

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tent. The temperature outside is 40 degrees. And people are shivering in the cold standing out there

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for hours. Lost souls, people that don't know God. My sermon is interrupted by one of the leading

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drug dealers of the city of Bakersfield who has in his possession a large bag of marijuana buds

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worth a lot of money. And he's holding it up and he runs to the front. And it's like something you'd

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read out of Finney. He's quaking. We have it on video. He's quaking. He throws it on the floor and

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he says, I cannot do this anymore. I cannot. Security came. They thought he was trying to

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attack me. But he said no. He said, give me Jesus right now. That's what Bakersfield is saying.

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Now we're going door to door giving thousands of boxes of food, groceries, clothing in the

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poorer sections of Bakersfield. And they literally want prayer more than groceries. They want God.

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And what our critical shortage is workers. We don't have nearly enough workers. That's what led me to

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the book that I wrote called It's Our Turn Now, where I describe the greatest undercurrent in

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American history is that souls are ripening because of wokeness. Americans have had the color of life,

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the innocence of life, the enjoyment of life has been drained out of them, suffocated by a mask,

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terrified by a vaccine, told that they're racist, told that they are incapable of anything decent

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and that their words have to be marked. Their employment has to be judged according to something

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they may have posted 10 years ago on social media. Americans are rebelling and revolted by this.

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And they're all ripening together. This is what I find 12 minutes into a sermon. I have to stop

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because the audience wants to get saved. This is why I sit there and I'm watching prostitutes,

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homeless people, drug addicts saved. I can't get enough workers. They're busy trying to get a prophetic

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word. They're sitting contemplating their navel, wanting to understand things that are truly

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irrelevant. And then they wonder why I get upset. It's because Jesus says, go to the pray to the

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Lord of the harvest to send laborers into the harvest fields because the harvest is white.

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It is ready to be picked. And that's this is this is what the Bible has been telling us about for

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for thousands of years is that the harvest is ready. And Mario is out there preaching the gospel

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and seeing this harvest coming in. And we can't be laying back and just being spectators and

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wondering how these things are going to affect us. We need to go be the ones that are making

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that change. And that's why it's our turn. It's our turn now. Like Mario, tell us about what is

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in this book, because right now I am feeling this passion. I am feeling the spirit of God rising up

00:22:27,920 --> 00:22:32,640
in me because I want to get out there and tell people about Jesus. And we haven't even gotten

00:22:32,640 --> 00:22:37,920
into the first chapter of your book yet. Tell me about what this is. What is going on here?

00:22:37,920 --> 00:22:40,880
I'm so excited about what happened in Bakersfield. This is amazing.

00:22:42,000 --> 00:22:48,400
Yeah. And it's it's going on even as we speak right now. And let me tell you, in the book,

00:22:49,040 --> 00:22:57,760
any pastor that will take and take this book, take it aside, seek God, you'll turn your church into

00:22:57,760 --> 00:23:04,400
a soul winning machine. There's no doubt in my mind. I can tell you that within 30 days of you

00:23:04,400 --> 00:23:10,880
finishing this book, that you will not only have a plan, but an understanding about what you're

00:23:10,880 --> 00:23:19,360
preaching right now versus what you might start to see in your content that'll change. This is also

00:23:19,920 --> 00:23:26,560
helping the parent to deal with public schools. This is helping the average Christian to understand

00:23:26,560 --> 00:23:34,240
that they are on this planet for a specific harvest. And here's what the verse it's in John

00:23:34,240 --> 00:23:39,120
435, one of the principal ones. And then we need to talk about Elijah a little bit. Yes, please.

00:23:39,920 --> 00:23:46,480
John 435 says, Do you not say there are yet three or four months and then comes the harvest?

00:23:46,480 --> 00:23:55,760
Here is what when we read stories and analysis of demographics like, say, Barna report or others,

00:23:55,760 --> 00:24:02,800
or they do a sociological profile on Americans and they say, well, they're not going to church.

00:24:03,920 --> 00:24:11,200
And we take that to mean that Christianity is in decline in America. No, it isn't. It means

00:24:11,760 --> 00:24:19,120
that I'm reevaluating my spiritual condition. I've left these traditional churches

00:24:19,120 --> 00:24:26,480
because I'm reevaluating my spiritual condition. And that is exactly what happened in the Jesus

00:24:26,480 --> 00:24:34,720
movement. When God saved millions of young people in the Jesus movement, church attendance by

00:24:34,720 --> 00:24:44,080
teenagers had dropped to 5%. So they didn't leave God, they left church. And when they left church,

00:24:44,080 --> 00:24:50,320
they became more aware of the voice of God and their experience with drugs, the death of Kennedy,

00:24:50,320 --> 00:24:59,600
the Beatles and several cultural factors rendered them spiritually devastated. And some turned to

00:24:59,600 --> 00:25:07,840
LSD, but others for the same reason, turned to the Spirit of God and became Christian. So here's the

00:25:07,840 --> 00:25:12,880
next part of that verse. And this is in the living Bible, which is an excellent rendering of this.

00:25:12,880 --> 00:25:17,920
Do you not say there are yet four or five months and then comes the harvest? But I say to you,

00:25:17,920 --> 00:25:28,720
look to the fields, vast fields of human souls are ripening all around you. And so I never heard

00:25:28,720 --> 00:25:37,280
that before. How does a soul ripen? How does a soul, a human soul ripen in the things of God?

00:25:37,280 --> 00:25:43,360
Well, we know in an orchard how it happens. You have nutrients, you have sunshine, you deal,

00:25:43,360 --> 00:25:49,600
you prune the plant and you do all kinds of things. But here's what the farmer understands.

00:25:49,600 --> 00:25:54,960
It's all going to ripen and near the same time. He knows when I planted this field,

00:25:54,960 --> 00:25:59,280
and it's all going to happen at the same time. They've gone through the same rain, the same

00:25:59,280 --> 00:26:05,120
sunshine, the same feeding and watering, and it's all going to happen. This is what I'm warning you

00:26:05,120 --> 00:26:11,360
about. Millions of Americans went through the same pandemic, the same disappointment in government,

00:26:11,360 --> 00:26:17,200
the same disillusionment and to question their genders and everything else. The reset button

00:26:17,200 --> 00:26:25,120
has been pressed. But what we don't get is that in a spiritual vacuum, the hurricane of God

00:26:25,120 --> 00:26:31,760
can occur and we're already watching it happen. But this book, I wrote it so that we wouldn't miss

00:26:31,760 --> 00:26:37,440
the harvest. We wouldn't be so preoccupied. The devil wouldn't lie to us and say, oh, you can't

00:26:37,440 --> 00:26:43,920
do it or America is unreachable or people don't want church and all these other myths and distractions.

00:26:44,800 --> 00:26:50,880
Suddenly we're ready and we're ready for the harvest. Yeah. I know one thing that's interesting

00:26:50,880 --> 00:26:57,200
about the harvest and whether it's wheat, which is often used in the Bible or fruit like apples,

00:26:57,200 --> 00:27:06,000
if it's not picked at the right time, it can rot on the vine and cause other issues.

00:27:07,040 --> 00:27:12,480
We need to be the ones that are going in at the right time, which by the way, the right time is

00:27:12,480 --> 00:27:20,080
now to go into the harvest fields. But we can't let these people, these souls, this harvest of souls

00:27:20,080 --> 00:27:26,240
rot on the vine. That is not a good thing. I don't want to go before the Lord and say, I was busy

00:27:26,240 --> 00:27:31,280
doing other things. So I let that rot on the vine. That's not the answers that we want to give.

00:27:32,640 --> 00:27:38,320
Mario, you mentioned about Elijah and he's one of my favorite characters in the Bible. I know that

00:27:38,320 --> 00:27:45,040
you have some very interesting revelation about the widow of Zarephath and Elijah. So let's talk

00:27:45,040 --> 00:27:53,360
about that. All right. So you understand that Elijah told Ahab, it's not going to rain until I

00:27:53,360 --> 00:27:58,080
say it's going to rain again. It's not going to rain. You know what that's called? That's called

00:27:58,080 --> 00:28:05,680
authority. That's called authority. And I think sometimes we think that Christianity has a bad

00:28:05,680 --> 00:28:13,760
reputation and therefore our posture and our tone should be very kind of apologetic and sweet.

00:28:14,400 --> 00:28:19,440
And that's not, I don't believe that's correct. I really believe that America is looking for

00:28:19,440 --> 00:28:26,080
clarity. America needs to be told. And let me see how I can say this to the audience.

00:28:26,960 --> 00:28:33,920
If you care about racism, then you have to bring Jesus to the table. If you care about equal rights

00:28:33,920 --> 00:28:39,840
or women's rights, you have to bring Christ to the table. I have the right to question

00:28:41,280 --> 00:28:48,880
your honesty, your intellectual honesty. If you can take the historical contribution that

00:28:48,880 --> 00:28:56,560
Christianity has made to mankind and claim you want to help mankind. I'll give you a simple example.

00:28:57,280 --> 00:29:03,520
Over in California, where I do most of my ministry, Gavin Newsom is against faith-based

00:29:03,520 --> 00:29:09,200
ministries getting any money. So they have a program to get people off of heroin.

00:29:09,840 --> 00:29:18,240
We know it's been documented. Teen Challenge, Victory Outreach, faith-based ministries that

00:29:18,240 --> 00:29:27,600
deal with drug addicts have a manifold improvement on the stats that any government program shows.

00:29:27,600 --> 00:29:34,880
In some cases, compare this 7% cure in a government anti-drug program versus 80%

00:29:35,840 --> 00:29:39,600
when the baptism of the Holy Spirit is introduced there. So if you were saying-

00:29:39,600 --> 00:29:46,160
7% versus 80%. That is a drastic difference. One is absolute failure. The other one is

00:29:46,160 --> 00:29:49,360
success. It's remarkable. It's easy to see.

00:29:50,560 --> 00:29:55,920
And so the question becomes, why is the church embarrassed about the most significant thing

00:29:55,920 --> 00:30:01,040
that humanity's ever heard? The thing that will get people off of drugs, stop crime,

00:30:01,040 --> 00:30:08,000
bring equality and do it. So I tell you the left, in my opinion, is not interested in cures.

00:30:08,560 --> 00:30:15,440
They're interested in staying in power. And the Christian message, I can't get up there and talk

00:30:15,440 --> 00:30:24,000
like Christianity has done something wrong or it doesn't work. I'm standing before you today. I get

00:30:24,000 --> 00:30:31,760
up there and I say, I'm standing before you today to render you to be delivered from all the half cures

00:30:32,320 --> 00:30:39,360
that leave you worse off than before. And I promise you, you come to God, you will be transformed

00:30:39,360 --> 00:30:44,720
and the power to live, the power to raise your family, the power to marry the right person,

00:30:44,720 --> 00:30:52,320
the power to make money that doesn't give you disaster because the blessing of God makes rich

00:30:52,320 --> 00:30:58,480
and he adds no sorrow to it. All of that. And I can't believe that people don't get,

00:30:58,480 --> 00:31:02,960
that's what we need to be saying. Yeah. So Mario, you mentioned something about the

00:31:02,960 --> 00:31:07,760
widow of Zarephath in your book. Can you talk about that briefly?

00:31:07,760 --> 00:31:14,320
Okay. It is important for people watching to know that God may be hiding them on purpose.

00:31:15,200 --> 00:31:20,640
When, when Elijah went to the widow of Zarephath, there are two things to remember about that.

00:31:20,640 --> 00:31:28,160
Zarephath is in Sidon. And if you look at it and you study it, you realize, guess who came from

00:31:28,160 --> 00:31:38,640
there? Jezebel. So God sent the man of God to lay the acts at the root of where Jezebel's influence

00:31:38,640 --> 00:31:48,480
and evil in Israel started. There he was. And he was hiding. Now here's Ahab sending out every hired

00:31:48,480 --> 00:31:56,400
assassin that he can find to kill Elijah because they are blaming him for the problem. So the

00:31:56,400 --> 00:32:05,040
widow of Zarephath, according to the word of God, it said she had no food. So Elijah was told by God

00:32:05,040 --> 00:32:11,840
to ask her for food. Now that wasn't a, that wasn't his idea. It was God that told him to do it. She

00:32:11,840 --> 00:32:17,760
went through an anxiety and said, yeah, you know, either it's true that I heard from God to feed you

00:32:17,760 --> 00:32:24,560
or not, but she let fear get in the way. And he tenderly said to her, look, if you will just make

00:32:24,560 --> 00:32:33,040
me this meal, then I tell you the oil and the meat and the grain will not run out as long as there's

00:32:33,840 --> 00:32:42,160
any kind of famine. Now I'm going to tell you, imagine if in Orlando, Florida, a gas station

00:32:42,160 --> 00:32:50,880
were to open and it's selling gas for 50 cents a gallon. Hey, how do you hide that? It's impossible

00:32:50,880 --> 00:32:59,040
you can't know. No, the line of people coming to buy gas there would go off into Tampa.

00:33:00,800 --> 00:33:06,640
Hey, the line is already going about that long. So that's, yeah. So here you so imagine that.

00:33:07,600 --> 00:33:15,760
So everyone's trying to kill Elijah, but they can't find it. He creates an oil cartel that if her jar

00:33:15,760 --> 00:33:22,720
falls over, it's going to flood the county. But yet no one knows where Elijah is. Now compound that

00:33:22,720 --> 00:33:30,960
with the fact that he now raises the dead and still no one can find it. How do you raise the dead,

00:33:30,960 --> 00:33:37,760
multiply oil and grain in a famine and not have it get out? Because it wasn't God's time yet.

00:33:38,800 --> 00:33:45,360
And it said after two years with her, the word of the Lord came and said to him, go

00:33:45,360 --> 00:33:53,520
show yourself to Ab, I'm going to send rain on the earth. And that's where we lead to this moment.

00:33:53,520 --> 00:33:59,120
There are people watching that God is hidden. You've been through things that are undeniable.

00:33:59,760 --> 00:34:06,640
You think, man, I had a healing in my church, medically documented. It didn't lead to notoriety.

00:34:07,360 --> 00:34:15,120
I saw a powerful breakthrough in this city and it didn't have any legs or it didn't lead to

00:34:15,120 --> 00:34:21,440
anything major. Well, what's going on is God has kept you hidden, but that time will come.

00:34:22,160 --> 00:34:28,800
And when that time arrives, you have to be ready. And what I'm telling you is that America has got

00:34:28,800 --> 00:34:37,200
Elijah's hidden everywhere. And yeah, the bozo, the clown prophetic has been with us, but the real is

00:34:37,200 --> 00:34:44,480
coming. And believe me, just like LSD was a counterfeit for the baptism of the Holy Spirit,

00:34:44,480 --> 00:34:51,760
we're watching a counterfeit right now. And the true prophets of God are coming. I'm telling you,

00:34:51,760 --> 00:34:57,920
they're coming and they will be holy. They'll be committed to a local church. They will lead people

00:34:57,920 --> 00:35:03,920
to Jesus and their words will be confirmed. They're not going to have a 50% prediction rate.

00:35:04,640 --> 00:35:09,680
They're going to have a hundred percent and they'll be powerful for God. Something's coming.

00:35:09,680 --> 00:35:16,080
That's big, my friend. I'm excited about that. Something that's coming. And just like the title

00:35:16,080 --> 00:35:23,440
of your book, it's our turn now. You know, it's not just our turn. It's our time now as God is,

00:35:23,440 --> 00:35:31,040
has been hiding those Elijah's getting ready for that moment. That time is now, what is it?

00:35:31,040 --> 00:35:37,840
Some of the things that we need to be doing right now to be prepared for when God then opens that

00:35:37,840 --> 00:35:44,080
up and we're able to really do what he's calling us to do. I want you to speak to that. And then

00:35:44,080 --> 00:35:49,840
actually Mario, I don't want to let this opportunity go without you sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ

00:35:49,840 --> 00:35:54,400
because you're an evangelist and I feel it rising and there's got to be somebody that's watching

00:35:54,400 --> 00:35:59,840
this that needs to hear that, that hasn't heard that before. So go ahead, Mario. Let's start with

00:35:59,840 --> 00:36:08,000
this. Step by step in the book, I talk about, I've got a chapter of you belong at the table of

00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:13,360
influence and I show you how to determine how you belong at the table of influence. You shouldn't be

00:36:13,360 --> 00:36:22,880
ashamed. And secondly, how the passion is itself, the promise of its fulfillment. Jesus said,

00:36:22,880 --> 00:36:29,760
blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. The fact

00:36:29,760 --> 00:36:36,480
is God wouldn't give you the hunger if he wasn't going to fulfill it. So the idea that I'm not

00:36:36,480 --> 00:36:43,680
qualified, I don't know how to take my turn. I don't know what to do. That education, that process

00:36:43,680 --> 00:36:52,640
of learning, the available knowledge. Listen, God threw me in the 20th year of my life. I was tossed

00:36:52,640 --> 00:36:58,560
into the white water of the University of California at Berkeley. I didn't understand what college was,

00:36:58,560 --> 00:37:06,800
let alone to witness and convert the literally 1% intellectual community of the world,

00:37:07,440 --> 00:37:13,600
the students at the University of California at Berkeley. During riots, during a revolution,

00:37:14,160 --> 00:37:20,240
I had no idea. I lived in a tool shed and I thought to myself, I am never going to be capable of doing

00:37:20,240 --> 00:37:29,680
this. Now listen, faithfulness is the key. Paul said, because God saw I was faithful, he made me able.

00:37:30,240 --> 00:37:36,800
Because I was faithful, he made me able. He said that to Timothy. I don't hire talent.

00:37:37,360 --> 00:37:43,840
I hire faithfulness because you can add talent to faithfulness, but you cannot necessarily

00:37:43,840 --> 00:37:52,160
add faithfulness to talent. And so here comes the reason. You're hungry, God's going to give you the

00:37:52,160 --> 00:38:00,320
skills. Secondly, you belong. Elijah understood. And like I want to read something real quick.

00:38:00,320 --> 00:38:11,840
Yes, please. So here comes Ahab. Ahab says what he sees, Elijah says, is that you, O troubler of

00:38:11,840 --> 00:38:19,200
Israel, and Elijah says, I'm not the one causing the trouble. You are. Well, I want to show you how

00:38:19,200 --> 00:38:26,640
that works. This is a quote, because I was accused of causing division and people that preach the

00:38:26,640 --> 00:38:32,720
gospel are accused of causing division. But with this prophetic thing, I was accused of causing

00:38:32,720 --> 00:38:40,800
division. This is an enormous quote. It's John Gresham Macon said this 100 years ago.

00:38:40,800 --> 00:38:47,600
It is often said that the divided condition of Christendom is evil, and it is. But the evil

00:38:47,600 --> 00:38:54,800
consists in the existence of the errors which cause the divisions and not at all in the

00:38:54,800 --> 00:39:03,280
recognition of those errors when once they exist. He's simply saying, I didn't cause the division.

00:39:03,280 --> 00:39:09,440
The false prophets did. Wow. The imbalance was caused by them. You can't blame. It's like

00:39:09,440 --> 00:39:17,760
in the NFL. It's the guy that throws the second punch that gets the yellow flag always. So I'm

00:39:17,760 --> 00:39:26,160
being penalized for introducing knowledge of an imbalance. But they divided the church when a

00:39:26,160 --> 00:39:32,560
prophet led you away from the Bible, when a prophet led you away from your church, when a prophet

00:39:32,560 --> 00:39:38,560
caused you to break up your marriage or relocate or to believe in fantasies that you were going to

00:39:38,560 --> 00:39:45,120
see that distract you until every day now, like a drug, you got to hear from that prophet. I'm not

00:39:45,120 --> 00:39:52,560
the one causing the division. They are. Similarly, that's how we answer woke. Don't call me a racist.

00:39:54,240 --> 00:39:59,280
And we got to get rid of that idea. Oh, you know what? I'm sorry if you think I'm racist. I

00:39:59,280 --> 00:40:05,040
probably am. I just haven't searched my own legacy long enough and deep enough to understand all the

00:40:05,040 --> 00:40:11,040
evil that my people have done. That's all insanity. We have a right to be here. We have a right to.

00:40:11,040 --> 00:40:18,160
And Elijah said, I'm not causing the trouble. You are. Then he put a demand on society. This is where

00:40:18,160 --> 00:40:26,880
we're not doing the right thing. Most of all, we're not answering the culture. Who is Ben Shapiro is

00:40:26,880 --> 00:40:33,280
Jordan Peterson is and what's happening. Millions are listening to at first. They were totally

00:40:33,280 --> 00:40:39,600
rejected. They were called all kinds of names, but they withstood it because truth always leads

00:40:39,600 --> 00:40:46,880
to the right outcome. They stole our lightning and our thunder. I'm not going to stand up in California

00:40:46,880 --> 00:40:51,520
and tell them that wokeness works. I'm going to stand there and tell them, how long do you halt

00:40:51,520 --> 00:40:58,640
between two opinions? If bail is God, then serve him. And if God is God, then serve him. And America

00:40:58,640 --> 00:41:04,640
hasn't decided. They haven't rejected Christ. They haven't decided. And here's the thing.

00:41:04,640 --> 00:41:13,760
Here's the important part that God wants a bold voice. He will not anoint timidity. He does not

00:41:14,320 --> 00:41:21,600
favor the timid. He favors the bold. And he favors him from the sense that if I know

00:41:21,600 --> 00:41:28,160
that the Bible is the word of God and the Holy Spirit is real, then I can stand in any forum,

00:41:28,160 --> 00:41:35,600
in any place, whether it is the well of the Senate, whether it is on the news, CNN or an actual

00:41:35,600 --> 00:41:43,360
television station, I am going to be able to stand there. See, people will say, what about these

00:41:43,360 --> 00:41:49,520
preachers that get on the talk shows and all of a sudden they start him on around and apologizing.

00:41:49,520 --> 00:41:58,640
Is there a hell? Is there not a hell? Give me an example. I'm showing you a God of love would never

00:41:58,640 --> 00:42:04,320
create a hell. How could a God of love ever create a hell? And I look at them and I said,

00:42:04,320 --> 00:42:10,720
you know which commandment you just broke by just saying that? And they go, no, what is it? It said,

00:42:10,720 --> 00:42:17,120
you'll not have any graven images before me. How did I just create an idol? Because you just made

00:42:17,120 --> 00:42:25,360
God in your own image. You think because you are incapable of imagining an eternal hell that God

00:42:25,360 --> 00:42:31,520
is incapable of it. Well, you're not God and you don't think like God and you don't see sin the way

00:42:31,520 --> 00:42:38,640
God sees it. And you see, here's what happens. Billy Graham, ladies and gentlemen, Billy Graham

00:42:38,640 --> 00:42:47,280
knew what not to say. He also knew what to say and he knew how to say it. What was Billy Graham

00:42:47,280 --> 00:42:53,040
doing? You know, one of the important things about telling the truth is you're not, I'm not

00:42:53,040 --> 00:43:01,360
trying to convince you. I'm not trying to convince you. This is not my job. My job is to accurately

00:43:01,360 --> 00:43:12,240
reflect what God has told me to say. So in my book, I say, look, if you will obey God and say what

00:43:12,240 --> 00:43:19,040
the word of God is and nothing else, then it will have power. What Billy Graham did in what people

00:43:19,040 --> 00:43:27,040
thought was a simplicity is he gave the Holy Spirit something to work with. He said one time,

00:43:27,040 --> 00:43:35,520
it is a glorious mystery to me watching God take the gospel and drive it into the heart of people.

00:43:36,320 --> 00:43:41,920
But see, God's not going to drive apology into the heart of people. He's not going to drive

00:43:42,240 --> 00:43:52,480
mysticism into the heart of people or waffling or vagueness or long elongated justifications

00:43:52,480 --> 00:43:59,440
for the unjustifiable. It is the direct preaching of the word of God that God will honor with

00:43:59,440 --> 00:44:07,440
results. And that's, that's what I'm trying to say. Amen. Mario, would you invite people to come to

00:44:07,440 --> 00:44:13,520
the knowledge of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior? See, this is what I want to do. And I

00:44:13,520 --> 00:44:19,120
want every preacher listening to do this too, as well. I'm going to say a short prayer and then

00:44:19,120 --> 00:44:26,080
I'm going to do exactly what you asked. Now, Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask you now

00:44:27,360 --> 00:44:34,560
to let the words of my mouth honor you in their truth and in their life,

00:44:35,520 --> 00:44:42,960
in Jesus' name. If I had three minutes left in my life to preach the gospel, what would I say?

00:44:42,960 --> 00:44:49,520
First thing I would look at you and say is this. No one ever listened to be preached by accident.

00:44:50,000 --> 00:44:56,480
It's always prearranged. The only reason you are able to hear my voice, and this is being carried

00:44:56,480 --> 00:45:04,880
to you, is because God ordained it. And because of that, I have to be surgically accurate in what I

00:45:04,880 --> 00:45:12,080
say to you about your soul. You have a soul and it will not die. Your body will, but your soul will

00:45:12,080 --> 00:45:21,200
not. I do not know what it will be like to be separated from God for eternity. I don't know.

00:45:21,920 --> 00:45:27,280
But I get an idea. Sometimes the only way you can tell how horrible something is,

00:45:27,920 --> 00:45:34,880
is by observing the measures that someone will take to prevent them from experiencing that.

00:45:34,880 --> 00:45:42,480
John 3.16 says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son,

00:45:43,760 --> 00:45:51,600
so that we would not perish. What in the world are we being saved from that God the Father was

00:45:51,600 --> 00:45:57,360
willing to bankrupt heaven and give the most precious possession of his heart, devastate

00:45:57,360 --> 00:46:05,280
himself, the human race. So you see, then God did something in history that is equally powerful.

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He absolutely proved that Christ rose from the dead. That is singularly the most important

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Christian statement that will ever be made. In Acts 17, Paul said, and God furnished proof,

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furnished proof by raising him from the dead so that we are without excuse. The Bible is telling

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us that the act of Easter is so incontrovertible that he's capable of saying we are without excuse.

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We're without excuse. None. Now, you're not only without excuse, you're without a reason for

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delaying because today is the day of salvation. Look at me. Why would you wait? If you were told

00:46:54,000 --> 00:47:01,200
that you had a disease and your doctor says you must take immediate action to deal with this,

00:47:01,200 --> 00:47:06,480
why would you wait? You don't wait to get out from in front of a locomotive that's about to run over

00:47:06,480 --> 00:47:12,400
you. You don't wait to decide. There's nothing to think about here. There's nothing to go and say,

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well, you know, I'm going to consider Christianity. No. What you do is you decide now.

00:47:20,000 --> 00:47:27,040
You say, Mari, why are you so adamant? Why are you so adamant? Because of a word in the Bible,

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and I'm going to finish with this. It says the word compel. In the original language,

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that is the most intense form of attempting to exhort someone to do something. So one day you

00:47:42,800 --> 00:47:47,520
wake up and you look on your cell phone and there's an amber alert with a picture of a 10-year-old

00:47:47,520 --> 00:47:53,920
girl that's missing. So you're driving to the store to buy something. It's about sunset and you

00:47:53,920 --> 00:48:00,880
look and you see that girl that's on your phone sitting on a swing by herself. For some reason,

00:48:00,880 --> 00:48:07,760
her captor has left her alone just long enough for you to intervene. What are you going to do?

00:48:07,760 --> 00:48:13,040
You know, walk up to her and say, you need to think about going home. You need to think about

00:48:13,040 --> 00:48:20,160
being back in the safety of your parents' arms. You need to consider what I say. Hey, wouldn't it

00:48:20,160 --> 00:48:26,080
be nice? And you're not going to be polite. You're going to say, young lady, you are getting in my

00:48:26,080 --> 00:48:31,920
car right now. We're going directly to the police department and tonight you'll be back in your own

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bed. That's the way I feel about you. I feel that I need to tell you that you have been

00:48:38,560 --> 00:48:46,960
under the slavery of a captive that has caused you in ways to maybe develop habits, relationships,

00:48:46,960 --> 00:48:54,640
emotions, and destructive feelings that have allowed you not to know so much about yourself.

00:48:54,640 --> 00:49:02,000
You have to know someone that died for you on the cross and rose again. So you need to turn to him

00:49:02,000 --> 00:49:10,240
right now. And people love to complicate it. What do you do? You say, yes, Jesus. And you don't say,

00:49:10,240 --> 00:49:19,600
Jesus, please be my temporary cure, my kind of relief over what I'm going through. You say,

00:49:19,600 --> 00:49:26,960
Lord, this is it. I've come to reality. There's no option. You're the one. You're the one who can

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change me. You're the only one that can make me well and make me to do. And finally, you get to

00:49:34,080 --> 00:49:42,160
do what you were born to do. Imagine that. The greatest frustration of life is knowing why you're

00:49:42,160 --> 00:49:50,400
here. Why are you here? What are you here to do? You can't know that until you know the individual

00:49:50,400 --> 00:49:58,080
that instilled that purpose, the one who selected your plan, the one who hardwired you to live for

00:49:58,080 --> 00:50:07,280
a certain reason. And when you do, there's nothing like it. Amen. Amen. Amen. Mario, thank you so

00:50:07,280 --> 00:50:15,200
much. I'm almost speechless when it comes to just the vigor that I feel in my spirit as you were

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explaining about that little girl that needed to be saved. And we need to have that same way

00:50:22,240 --> 00:50:28,320
that we look at the loss that way. I mean, that really put flesh on that. I mean, obviously,

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there's already flesh on people that need to be saved. But Mario, I just want to encourage

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everybody that's watching that you need to get a copy of It's Our Turn Now. This book will

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inspire you. It will give you a good plan to take your next step to not only make a difference in

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the world, but to find your purpose. Because when you find your purpose and your identity in Christ,

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it's almost a foregone conclusion that you will start to making an impact in this world. Because

00:50:59,280 --> 00:51:05,280
when you put your identity in Christ and who he is, you match up your purpose with his purpose and

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call for your life. You will see America changed. You will see your country, your neighborhood,

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your family changed. And Mario, thank you so, so much for taking the time to... We've covered a

00:51:17,840 --> 00:51:23,760
lot of ground in this conversation. Everything from dealing with the prophetic distractions

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to dealing with how to change and go after our world today, because now is the time. Mario,

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thank you so much for writing this book. Thank you so much for standing for truth.

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And thank you so much for preaching the gospel unashamed. It's a pleasure to have you here on

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the Charisma News show. Thank you for the opportunity. It's an honor. God bless you.

00:51:47,840 --> 00:51:57,200
God bless you.