Dec. 6, 2022

How Five Red Heifers In Israel Are One Puzzle Piece to End Times Prophecy with Michael Snyder

How Five Red Heifers In Israel Are One Puzzle Piece to End Times Prophecy with Michael Snyder
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Charisma News

Learn how the recent arrival of five red heifers to Israel from the U.S. is one of the many puzzle pieces leading to the End Times. Guest Michael Snyder returns to Charisma News to discuss this and his new book "End Times." He includes the story about his dream of Putin and more trends you should look for in 2023.

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Five red heifers have been delivered to Israel. Is this a sign of the end times coming to life?

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Listen to this interview with Michael Snyder as he discusses the significance of this event

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and many more end times biblical prophecy fulfillment after this sponsor break.

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Read more stories on Spirit-Led Living when you subscribe to Charisma Magazine.

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Thank you, Michael, for joining us again on Charisma News. We're excited to have you and

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to talk to you about your new book, End Times. Thank you for having me on, Atalie. I think we're

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going to talk about some very exciting things today. Yes, we are. But first, tell our listeners

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a little bit of why you were inspired to write this book. Yeah, Adélie, you know, every day,

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and people mostly know me from my websites. And every day I spend countless hours researching

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and writing and digging into the news and everything that's going on in the world today.

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And, you know, and sometimes I get frustrated because I get in so much into the details,

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but I feel like people are missing out on the bigger picture. And really, there's a theme,

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a bigger picture that connects everything that you all talk about, that I talk about, that

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everything really that's going on in the headlines today. And it's the fact that we are at this time

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in all of human history, when the great battle between good and evil is building up to a grand

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crescendo, that all of human history has been kind of building up to this moment, and that we are in

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the period of time, just before Jesus comes back to this planet, the end times, the last days,

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that the Bible talks about this period of time so much. And I think it's so important for people

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to realize that all the crazy things going on in the world, well, it's because that we're at this

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moment in history, this unique moment in history, that and Jesus said, there's never been a time

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like it before, there'll never be a time like it ever again. And God and His sovereignty and His

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divine wisdom decided to put each one of us, you, me, every single person that's listening

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at this specific moment in all of human history, for a purpose, for a reason, He's got a job for

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each one of us to do. Now, what He has for me to do is gonna be different from what He has to you

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to do or someone else to do. But each one of us, He put us here for a reason. And so instead of

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looking at all the crazy things going on in the world and saying, oh, woe is me, I'm so depressed,

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let me take some pills, I'm gonna curl up in a corner and cry. No, we need to say, okay,

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things are going crazy. God put us here for a reason. He has something for us to do. What does

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God want me to do in this hour? And so my hope, you know, people say, oh, the book is about end

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times. It's gonna be a book about doom and gloom. No, the book is designed to inspire you in this

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hour to figure out if the number one help you realize where we're at, what's going on, and

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what's ahead of us. And then number two, help you inspire you to get excited for what God's purpose

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is for you in this hour. Because yeah, things are gonna get a whole lot crazier than they are now.

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But in the midst of that, God has something for you to do. Is there a specific now moment or event

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that happened that you said, I have to get this book out, or I'm gonna miss my chance, or I'm gonna

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miss being able to inform people what they're looking at or what they're seeing? Because you've

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written a lot of articles on events on the economy, volcanoes happening across the world with

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explosions. You even recently wrote one about how animals are starting to circle around and make

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circles around their walking around that they've had on Fox News and different reporting, like

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very strange different events happening around the world. Was there just one certain moment where

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you're like, I have to get this all down the book, everything that I've written on the most

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important and other writings? Well, yeah, I felt like an urgency to get this book out. But

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then also, I've been conflicted this whole time, Adelie, because I knew how to get this book out.

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But I knew that more things were gonna keep happening because things are happening so quickly

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now. So I knew if I got the book out that well, then more things would happen afterwards. And I

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would miss out on that in the book. But then if I didn't get the book out, then people would never

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be able to read it if it never came out. So I was praying, what is the right time? What is the right

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time? And it kept getting delayed a little bit. And you know, and because it just wasn't right yet,

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it just wasn't right yet. And and the war with with Russia and Ukraine started. And that was

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tied in with so much of what I put in my last couple books and, and so much is happening.

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And so I knew I had to get this out. But then the Lord kind of brought all the pieces together,

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kind of in through the fall season, and we were able to get it out in November. And I think it's

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come out at just the right time. But of course, more things are going to continue to happen. So

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I'm telling my readers, I want to get more books out more frequently to give people the bigger

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picture. And of course, I'm updating the websites on a daily basis. But we're at a time, you know,

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for decades, the met, you know, we've been hearing Jesus is coming back, the end times are coming,

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you know, well, you know, of course, Jesus hasn't come back yet. But I believe the message now needs

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to change and people we need to be saying, hey, the end times are here, the times that the Bible

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referred to, it's happening all around us. And so many of the pieces of the puzzle, in fact,

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almost called the book pieces of the end times puzzle, because but it was a little long, so I

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just called it end times. But so many of the pieces are coming together all at once. And we're going

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to touch on some of them today. But I have 43 chapters in the book, basically, 43 different

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pieces of the puzzle I talked about in the book. And you know, because so many of them are happening

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all at once, you know, it's not just wars and rumors of wars, it's not just pestilences,

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it's not just famine, it's not just red heifers, which we're going to talk about today, you know,

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but literally, dozens of pieces of puzzle are all coming into place all at once. And that's because

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we really are in the end times. When I was looking through some of your book, I haven't been able to

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read all of it, I found it very interesting, the different topics you're talking about. And I really

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do appreciate you went into this with research, not just you went through biblical research,

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prophetic research, I mean, you even went through all the different writings you've done, and what

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was going on in the world and different news sources. So I really appreciate that you didn't

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just put this together just to say there's another prophecy out there to look for the end times,

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you're really giving us different facts that's going on in the world, and different stories to

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look for. And like you said, when the puzzle pieces we're about to talk about right now are the red

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heifers that in September, everybody was reporting that have arrived to Israel, and that a year for

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now, we're going to see them sacrificed in their dust for purity for the priest, and different

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things. And what was even more interesting, they were found by cattlemen in the US. So tell us more

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about that. What can we expect to see by watching how the red heifers are in Israel now? Yeah, this

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is very exciting, Adélie, because we've been, you know, ever since Israel retook Jerusalem in 1967,

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you know, people that preach about the end times is saying, hey, there's going to be another temple,

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there's going to be another temple, but Israel needs a red heifer, a perfect red heifer to sacrifice

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before they can have a temple. So we've heard this all this time. And, and once in a while over the

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years, there's been rumor, oh, they might have found a red heifer. And then later, we hear, oh,

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that one didn't work out. But basically, there hasn't been a red heifer in Israel for 2000 years.

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And so if you go all the way back to Numbers 19, and we're not going to read it today, because we

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don't have that much time, but that was, you could read about the first time that a red heifer was

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sacrificed in Numbers 19. And it was for the purification of sin, it had to be a perfect

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red heifer without spot, without blemish. And this, this all foreshadowed, basically, the sacrifice

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of Christ, the sacrifice of the red heifer, because Yeshua, the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua in Hebrew,

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he was a perfect without blemish, he had no sin. Now the red heifer had the red hair and Yeshua,

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through the, the, the, the, the, the kingly line of King David, many believe had at least partly

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red hair. In fact, John Paul Jackson once had an experience where he went back and he saw King David

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and he was like, Oh, he had red hair, you know, but that's a whole nother story, which I'm not

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going to get into. But many believe, and I believe that Jesus had at least partly red hair.

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And so, and that would tie in with the red heifer. And then also, the red heifer was sacrificed

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outside of the camp, outside of the city. And even today, the ceremony would happen outside of the

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city of Jerusalem, and where Jesus was died on the cross outside the city of Jerusalem. So it all ties

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into the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. But all this time, they've been searching for this red

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heifer. And throughout all of history, Natalie, only nine red heifers have ever been sacrificed

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since the time of Moses and none in the last 2000 years. So they need this red heifer for Israel.

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And so, but there's a problem because, you know, all around the world, particularly here in the

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United States, when whenever, you know, cows are born, they're tagged in the ear, which creates a

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blemish and but the red heifer needs to be without blemish. So even if a red heifer was born somewhere

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in the United States or elsewhere around the world, if they tagged the ear, that would create a

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blemish, which would disqualified it automatically from being a perfect red heifer needed for the

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sacrifice. So, but fortunately, there was a cattle rancher here in the United States, tied in with a

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group of Christians in the West known as Bonnet Israel, but you know, and they started they were

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searching and promoting the search for this red heifer and this rancher in Texas, when he would

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have a red heifer born, he wouldn't tag the ear because he was aware of this and he wanted to

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help find a red heifer. So that so that was a really good thing. So ultimately, several red

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heifers were born and but they have to be perfect because according to Jewish tradition, there can't

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be any more than two non red hairs on the on the entire heifer and the rabbi literally goes over

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every inch of the red heifer with a magnifying glass to search for non red hairs. So there and

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sometimes a red heifer is born and they develop non red hairs later on. So so that's that's part

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of the deal too. So so they have to be watched as they grow up. But basically, what happened is five

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perfect red heifers were identified. And then they were flown over to Israel, they arrived on

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September 15. They landed at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel and the Temple Institute held a modest

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ceremony while they were being unloaded. They took video you can find video of it on my websites

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online. You can find videos of it. And unfortunately, it didn't make a huge amount of news

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here in the Western world. So a lot of people still haven't heard about it. But but this is a

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really big deal in terms of the people that are preparing things for the temple over in Israel,

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because now they have five perfect red heifers now. These red heifers, you know, they have to be

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sacrificed at a specific age. In fact, it's two years and one day old. Okay, so when they were

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brought over, they were in September, they were all five of them were between five and eight months

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old. So that means that they are going to be the appropriate age sometime in 2024, when they'll be

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the appropriate age two years and one day old, according to Jewish tradition. And so at that

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point, once they reach that age, they either have to be used or they won't be able to be used at all

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according to Jewish tradition. So I think I believe that it is very, very likely that we will see a

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red heifer ceremony in 2024. And then at that point, you know, not only, you know, will that

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kind of open the door for the reconstruction of the temple, but some people, there's speculation

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over there in Israel, that they might just begin sacrifices even before the full construction of a

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temple. And they might have a tabernacle that, you know, and so forth. And there's a lot of

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speculation about what that could look like. Could it be like a tabernacle of David? Could the

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tabernacle David, has the tabernacle David already been discovered? Do they know where it is? I

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believe they do. And that's a whole nother rabbit hole, which we won't go down today.

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KS And taking note though.

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RG Yeah, but just for a future program, if they come out and announce, hey, we discovered the

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tabernacle David. And by the way, the Jewish authorities know where the Ark of the Covenant

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is under Jerusalem in a cave right now. They know where it is, but that hasn't been publicly

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announced. Once that's publicly announced, we could probably do another show about that. But

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all this is kind of all these pieces are coming together for ultimately the resumption of sacrifices,

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which is something that we've been anticipating, looking forward to those of us that have studied

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Bible prophecy for decades. You know, I remember hearing about this back in the 80s and 90s, and

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you know, many decades ago. So this is very exciting, Adélie, and it's coming together.

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And the red heifers, five red heifers are now in Israel. And probably what we're looking at 2024,

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as the time when we could actually see a red heifer ceremony.

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KS Is there any significance though, them coming from America, and from the US with like US Israel

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always supporting each other or being friends with heifers coming from there here?

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RG Well, I think it's a wonderful thing. And I think, you know, it speaks to the partnership

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between evangelical Christians here in the United States and, and, and our brothers in Israel. And

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ultimately, I think that spiritually, there, there's a more of a connection than people even

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realize, because we truly are, you know, connected in more ways than people realize that's another

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rabbit hole, which we could go down someday. But I think that the Lord having having the

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American Christians, people that be involved in this and partnering with the Jewish people that

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are living in Israel, you know, now that you mentioned it, I think that is highly significant.

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But once again, that could take us down another very deep rabbit hole.

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KS We're all about the rabbit holes today. We're putting the puzzle pieces together at the end

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time. So we can go anywhere the Lord will lead us somewhere else that we plan to go. Okay, the

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next thing I found very interesting in your book is you have a chapter about where you had a dream

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about Vladimir Putin. And speak a little bit into this, like, what was the dream about? What are you

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seeing? And do you see any significance to what's happening today? Because we just recently heard

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in the news that he fell, there's still the war going on in the Ukraine, there's always something

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where Putin is in the news. Yeah, you know, and because of the war in Ukraine, Vladimir Putin,

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you know, is one of the big figures in the world today. And of course, in in previous books,

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Lost Prophecies of the Future of America, which I wrote in 2020, I warned, hey, that war with Russia

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is going to be coming. And as we covered on a previous program, when I first put that out,

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a lot of people said, Oh, Michael, you're nuts, we're not gonna have a war with Russia, there's

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not gonna be a conflict. Well, you know, now there is a war with Russia. And in fact, the United

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States is providing far more of the money for the war than anyone else, far more of the equipment,

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far more of the ammunition, we're actually flying Ukrainians over here, as I documented in an article

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yesterday, training them in Kansas, other places around the country. And, you know, we're providing

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most of the high level intelligence. So we're very, very deeply involved already in this conflict,

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which is very alarming to me, personally, but this dream I had, which happened on the morning of

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February 23 2022, this was just before the Russians launched their full blown invasion of Ukraine.

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But but I had this this experience this, you know, I call it a dream, but it's qualitatively and

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quantitatively different from a normal dream. If people have similar experiences, they know what

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I'm talking about, where the everything is so much more vibrant and vivid. And, you know, and it's

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just a very unusual experience. And I have these ones while I've had these for since I've very

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a very young child. And, you know, and sometimes they're, you know, about important world events,

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but most of the time is for me, my family or, you know, just personal things, which I wouldn't share

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with the public. And then, you know, I'll see something and later on, it actually happens and,

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and so forth. But this this was one of those times. And so I was, I was sleeping, and then

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the Lord showed me that Vladimir Putin was in danger. And he wasn't in the Kremlin at the time.

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In my experience, he had traveled somewhere unusual. And, you know, I had the impression that

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the purpose of his visit may have been to visit troops near the conflict zone. But, but I didn't

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know the exact location, where where Vladimir Putin was, but I saw that something had happened, and

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Vladimir Putin had been knocked down to the ground, of course, in an experience like that,

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knockdown could mean a number of different things. But I had the purpose, but I had the

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impression that he was physically affected by whatever had happened. And I saw this multiple

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times. And when you see something in an experience multiple times, that means, that means something

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that can mean that it's definitely going to happen, or it can mean that God is kind of putting an

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exclamation point on it. But I saw it happen multiple times. Now in this experience, I didn't,

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I was shown that Vladimir Putin did not immediately die as a result of what had happened, that he had

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been knocked down. But I clearly had the impression that Western powers were behind whatever happened,

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you know, to him that had caused him to kind of fall over. And in the experience, Putin seemed to

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understand this as well. In fact, in my experience, I had the impression that the attack had made

00:19:02,480 --> 00:19:08,240
Putin and the other Russian leaders more paranoid than ever before. And so that experience ended,

00:19:08,240 --> 00:19:12,800
but immediately after, I did not wake up immediately after I had another experience,

00:19:12,800 --> 00:19:17,680
which really shook me up. In this experience, Adélie, I was shown a computer screen and on the

00:19:17,680 --> 00:19:22,880
computer screen, the screen was was white. But then there was a little rectangular box, which you would

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often see, you know, if you it's like a typical search box that search engines even use. But

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inside the little search box, I saw the word dead, it was just the word dead, D-E-A-D in all capital

00:19:35,920 --> 00:19:43,360
letters. And it was followed by a period, by a period. And so I also saw I saw that multiple

00:19:43,360 --> 00:19:49,360
times. And so I didn't know what that was referring to. But I, you know, I thought, well, is this going

00:19:49,360 --> 00:19:54,800
to refer to, does this refer to Vladimir Putin since I saw this immediately after the other

00:19:54,800 --> 00:20:01,120
experience? So that's a good question. So let me give you and then that experience ended. But let

00:20:01,120 --> 00:20:07,040
me give you kind of give you some of my thoughts on this. Because later on, many months later,

00:20:07,040 --> 00:20:13,040
at long after the invasion of Ukraine, we learned it was reported in the Daily Mail, other other

00:20:13,040 --> 00:20:19,200
sources where it was reported that Ukraine's intelligence chief, and I'll probably butcher his

00:20:19,200 --> 00:20:27,920
name, Kyrgyzstan Budanov, I probably butchered his name. But anyway, he, he was saying that Vladimir

00:20:27,920 --> 00:20:32,880
Putin was there was an assassination attempt. And at the time, he was saying that happened two months

00:20:32,880 --> 00:20:36,880
ago. So it would have happened very early in the war. But this is the first we're hearing about it

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months later, he was hearing about it, that there was an assassination attempt. And that, that he

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he had that they had almost got him, that he had been that he had been apparently hurt, it was

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unsuccessful, but he didn't die, but that they had tried to get him now. And he was saying that, oh,

00:21:01,680 --> 00:21:07,120
that these were some some people from the Caucasus that had tried to assassinate him, I think,

00:21:07,120 --> 00:21:13,520
probably more likely Western intelligence was ultimately behind it. That that that had been

00:21:13,520 --> 00:21:19,040
that had been been funding and trying the attempt. But anyway, but so there had been an

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assassination attempt on Putin, he had been knocked down and hurt, but but it was not successful,

00:21:26,800 --> 00:21:33,760
he did not die. So does that tie in with what I was shown? I don't know. I think maybe it's likely,

00:21:33,760 --> 00:21:38,160
you know, of course, then it was just in the news this week, Putin fell down, he, you know,

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he had that episode where, you know, it's being reported in the in the mainstream media where he

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was, he thought he fell down. Does that have anything to do with it? I don't know. Now,

00:21:47,840 --> 00:21:54,160
ultimately, in the second experience I had, where where I think that it is likely that it does

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refer to Vladimir Putin being dead, eventually, I do believe that Putin will die. In fact,

00:22:01,200 --> 00:22:05,600
john Paul Jackson once saw that Putin will ultimately be replaced by someone that's even

00:22:05,600 --> 00:22:11,200
worse. So a lot of people out there, Adily think, oh, Vladimir Putin dies, and he goes away. Well,

00:22:11,200 --> 00:22:17,280
then whoever replaces him that things could get better. No, actually, john Paul Jackson was shown

00:22:17,280 --> 00:22:24,480
it's going to be even worse. So, you know, when Vladimir Putin ultimately dies, and it appears he

00:22:24,480 --> 00:22:31,200
does have major health problems, I do believe that he will die. That that a lot of people will cheer.

00:22:31,200 --> 00:22:34,560
But ultimately, Adily, I don't think it'll be anything to cheer about.

00:22:35,120 --> 00:22:39,840
Well, Russia kind of has a history of that with some of the leaders where when one dies, it seems

00:22:39,840 --> 00:22:46,400
like another one that took over was even worse than the one before. And from just even my era of

00:22:46,400 --> 00:22:51,040
growing up when it was the Soviet Union, it didn't seem like every one of them when you had like even

00:22:51,040 --> 00:22:55,600
prior to Stalin, one was worse than one wasn't. It just seems like in history, it just follows

00:22:56,240 --> 00:23:02,800
a lot of the dictators in Russia have never always been the best after following another one. So I

00:23:02,800 --> 00:23:09,040
can understand where you would say that. And also just my mom has a saying like why trade the devil,

00:23:09,040 --> 00:23:15,440
you know, for the devil, you don't. Russia would be like, if Putin dies, you might be trading it for

00:23:15,440 --> 00:23:20,800
an even higher level of a spiritual devil we don't even know about. We would have to fight.

00:23:21,440 --> 00:23:27,760
Yeah. And Vladimir Putin is surrounded by people that are very hawkish, you know, that, that are,

00:23:27,760 --> 00:23:33,360
you know, so many people around him are urging him to take things up even more to hit Ukraine even

00:23:33,360 --> 00:23:39,920
harder to be even tougher with NATO. So the people around him right now are very, very hawkish. And

00:23:39,920 --> 00:23:46,560
ultimately, it'll be from that crowd around him that the next leader comes. And so and we see an

00:23:46,560 --> 00:23:53,360
escalation since we, you know, since we, you know, last talked, things have escalated even more with

00:23:53,360 --> 00:23:58,240
Russia specifically targeting the power and water systems of Ukraine, which they didn't do early in

00:23:58,240 --> 00:24:02,960
the war. But now they're specifically trying to take out the power and the water. So just imagine

00:24:02,960 --> 00:24:07,680
being in freezing cold Ukraine in the middle of winter, and there's no power indefinitely, you

00:24:07,680 --> 00:24:12,720
know, if things are gonna get really, really cold over there, Ukraine would just this week has been

00:24:12,720 --> 00:24:19,040
striking military targets deep inside of Russia, you know, and so that's another escalation, you

00:24:19,040 --> 00:24:23,520
know, which, which is probably going to prompt even more of a response from Russia, but both sides just

00:24:23,520 --> 00:24:28,240
keep escalating matters, even more can keep conscripting more troops, keep hiring more

00:24:28,240 --> 00:24:34,560
mercenaries, both sides. And so that we're seeing an escalation and escalation, and that should

00:24:34,560 --> 00:24:41,600
deeply alarm all of us. Does this have any reflection off what Revelation says about Russia, or when

00:24:41,600 --> 00:24:48,160
they refer to the bear or anything, or Russia may be partnering with China in as a superpower,

00:24:48,160 --> 00:24:54,800
or anything like that? Well, ultimately, I believe that the places that specifically

00:24:54,800 --> 00:24:59,680
refer to this period, we're in Matthew 24, where Jesus talks about wars and rumors of wars,

00:24:59,680 --> 00:25:05,360
along with a whole bunch of other signs which are coming. And then I believe that the relevant

00:25:05,360 --> 00:25:12,800
part of Revelation is Revelation chapter six, where we're talking about the seals, and because

00:25:12,800 --> 00:25:21,920
one of the seals brings war. And so I believe that when this war in Ukraine and with Russia,

00:25:21,920 --> 00:25:27,040
and this whole thing coming together is only one of the wars we're watching. But because ultimately,

00:25:27,040 --> 00:25:31,520
as we've talked about before, as I've warned about for years, as I've written about in previous books,

00:25:31,520 --> 00:25:36,800
there's going to be war with China. And a lot of people said, and when I first started writing

00:25:36,800 --> 00:25:40,000
about that, a lot of people said, Michael, no, you're wrong. There's never going to be a war

00:25:40,000 --> 00:25:44,880
with China. And it's okay for people to disagree with me, because I don't know anyone that agrees

00:25:44,880 --> 00:25:49,920
with me 100% out of it. So it's okay. When we're talking about Bible prophecy, if you hear something

00:25:49,920 --> 00:25:55,360
I say that you don't agree with, that's okay. We can disagree. We're all believers. We're all brothers

00:25:55,360 --> 00:26:00,960
and sisters in Christ. It's called good debating. Yeah. So if you don't agree with me 100% about

00:26:00,960 --> 00:26:09,680
everything, that's okay. I want people to understand that. But as I've documented in my books,

00:26:09,680 --> 00:26:14,480
God has been showing people for decades, so many people, that there would be war with Russia.

00:26:14,480 --> 00:26:18,800
He's shown so many people that there would be war with China. And ultimately down the road,

00:26:18,800 --> 00:26:25,120
Adélie, the United States is going to be fighting Russia and China at the same time.

00:26:28,080 --> 00:26:33,840
So that's unfortunately the future we're headed for, because of the judgment of God that's coming

00:26:33,840 --> 00:26:39,120
upon this nation in many different ways. But war is going to be one of them, unfortunately.

00:26:41,280 --> 00:26:45,840
And then we're also watching Israel and Iran, which I think could erupt at any time,

00:26:45,840 --> 00:26:52,560
because just this week, Benjamin Netanyahu, he held an interview. He said, I'm going to stop Iran,

00:26:53,520 --> 00:26:59,680
period. Now, how is he going to stop Iran? Because the Iranians aren't going to stop their nuclear

00:26:59,680 --> 00:27:07,040
program on their own. The only way that can happen is by military force. And Netanyahu,

00:27:07,040 --> 00:27:12,080
and Netanyahu years ago, he said, I'm never going to allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon. Now the

00:27:12,080 --> 00:27:18,080
IAEA says, Iran has enough nuclear material to create a nuclear weapon. So it's put up or shut

00:27:18,080 --> 00:27:22,720
up time, Netanyahu is about to come into power. He says, I'm going to stop Iran. The only way that

00:27:22,720 --> 00:27:29,360
can be done is by military force. And if Israel directly uses military force against Iran itself,

00:27:29,360 --> 00:27:34,880
against their nuclear program, well, that's going to start the war between Israel and Iran that we've

00:27:34,880 --> 00:27:39,360
all been anticipating and waiting for, and that God has warned people in advance that's coming.

00:27:39,360 --> 00:27:44,640
So there's these three wars, big wars that we're watching for, which I believe ties in directly

00:27:44,640 --> 00:27:51,840
with Matthew 24 and with Revelation chapter six, and that God has warned us in advance,

00:27:51,840 --> 00:27:57,840
not only in the scriptures, but through prophetic experiences that people have been having,

00:27:57,840 --> 00:28:01,440
literally for decades, which all agree with one another, which I documented in my book,

00:28:01,440 --> 00:28:05,120
Lost Prophecies of the Future of America, which are now starting to come to pass right in front

00:28:05,120 --> 00:28:10,400
of our eyes. And Adélie, this is just one piece of the overall prophetic end times puzzle.

00:28:10,400 --> 00:28:16,880
What is the Lord showing you that could possibly be coming in 2023 that we need to watch out for?

00:28:16,880 --> 00:28:21,280
Or are you seeing signs out there with all the different news stories with what is happening in

00:28:21,280 --> 00:28:30,240
the US with the economy, with our politics, with even jobs and food, and this is just going on all

00:28:30,240 --> 00:28:34,720
around the world that has nothing to do with wars, are different, is there different things

00:28:34,720 --> 00:28:38,880
that we're not paying attention to that we need to be paying attention to that can lead up to a

00:28:38,880 --> 00:28:45,200
bigger? Yeah, if someone wants a roadmap for the trends for 2023, literally just turn to

00:28:45,200 --> 00:28:49,120
Matthew chapter 24, because we just talked about wars and rumors of wars, right? Right. Okay,

00:28:49,120 --> 00:28:55,840
now pestilences. Now Jesus said, you know, he and that's in the multiple that they're pestilences.

00:28:55,840 --> 00:29:01,280
Okay, because right now we of course, we've had COVID for the past couple of years. But then in

00:29:01,280 --> 00:29:07,840
this year, we had we added we had the monkeypox erupted, we had been the bird flu pandemic

00:29:07,840 --> 00:29:13,680
erupted, which up to this point in the United States and Europe alone, more than 100 million

00:29:14,320 --> 00:29:18,800
chickens and turkeys have been wiped out just in the United States and Europe alone now starting

00:29:18,800 --> 00:29:23,600
to spread like wildfire in Japan, other places. And there's a resurgence in the western world of

00:29:23,600 --> 00:29:28,480
this bird flu. And so chickens and turkeys and eggs are starting to become a lot more expensive.

00:29:28,480 --> 00:29:35,520
But that was another pestilence. Now we've they're telling us we have a triple DEMIC here in in all

00:29:35,520 --> 00:29:41,280
over the United States because of new strains of COVID are circulating. Plus, we have a massive

00:29:41,280 --> 00:29:47,920
resurgence of the flu. Plus, we've got RSV, which is filling up our hospitals like crazy. In fact,

00:29:47,920 --> 00:29:54,480
one recent month, it was either last month or the month before parents missed missed more days of

00:29:54,480 --> 00:29:59,520
work here in the United States than than ever before in a single month, even what we saw during

00:29:59,520 --> 00:30:05,120
the COVID pandemic, because so many kids were getting sick, filling up our hospitals, literally

00:30:05,120 --> 00:30:11,280
in some hospitals in this country, not only a sick kids filled up every single bed, every single bed

00:30:11,280 --> 00:30:15,840
in the hallways, but they're literally putting children in chairs and treating them in chairs,

00:30:15,840 --> 00:30:21,680
because so many kids have RSV now, which is a very serious respiratory illness, killing children,

00:30:21,680 --> 00:30:26,960
killing elderly adults. And so that's here. And these things are spreading like wildfire now,

00:30:26,960 --> 00:30:31,760
because we've got so many people with compromised immune systems, basically with with so many people

00:30:31,760 --> 00:30:35,200
having compromised immune systems, not only in the United States, but all over the world,

00:30:35,200 --> 00:30:40,000
because of everything that's happened. Basically, it's perfectly set the stage for pestilences to

00:30:40,000 --> 00:30:46,320
spread like wildfire all over the globe, in diseases that we are normally even be able to handle

00:30:46,320 --> 00:30:52,480
fairly well. Well, now we got a couple billion people with compromised immune systems. And that

00:30:52,480 --> 00:30:58,720
is just setting the stage for health nightmare. So pestilence is another trend to watch. Then third,

00:30:58,720 --> 00:31:04,480
thirdly, Jesus warned about famines coming in the last days, the global food supplies are getting

00:31:04,480 --> 00:31:09,200
tighter and tighter and tighter. Every single day, more people are dropping dead from starvation.

00:31:09,200 --> 00:31:15,440
Right now, in Eastern Africa, children are dropping dead, more than 7 million. And this is actually

00:31:15,440 --> 00:31:21,440
an old number. Now I don't have a more updated number, but more than 7 million animals in Eastern

00:31:21,440 --> 00:31:25,360
Africa, most of them livestock have already dropped dead because of drought and famine.

00:31:25,360 --> 00:31:30,000
And global food supplies are getting tighter and tighter, tighter. Meanwhile, economic problems,

00:31:30,000 --> 00:31:36,000
which tie into famine and food supplies and so forth. Here in the United States, we're seeing

00:31:36,000 --> 00:31:47,440
41% of US small businesses couldn't pay rent last month. Manufacturing orders from China are down

00:31:47,440 --> 00:31:52,320
40%. I wrote about this this week as the holiday season is going to be extremely disappointing.

00:31:52,320 --> 00:31:58,880
We're seeing home prices start to crash. US homeowners lost $1.3 trillion in home equity

00:31:58,880 --> 00:32:02,880
during the third quarter alone, all time record. We didn't even see anything like that during the

00:32:02,880 --> 00:32:08,160
housing crash of 2008, 2009. And so we're seeing all these economic problems start to escalate

00:32:08,160 --> 00:32:12,960
in both here and all over the world. We've already seen cryptocurrencies, most of the tokens have

00:32:12,960 --> 00:32:20,000
crashed 60, 70, 80% FTX has gone under causing massive problems in the financial system. So

00:32:20,000 --> 00:32:26,400
that's another trend. And then lastly, Adelie, you know, another trend people to watch for

00:32:26,400 --> 00:32:31,520
natural disasters. Jesus warned there would be earthquakes in diverse places. Just

00:32:31,520 --> 00:32:36,080
since we had our last conversation, Adelie, I wrote an article about the earthquakes happening

00:32:36,080 --> 00:32:41,440
along the Ring of Fire off the coast of Alaska off the coat off several big ones off the

00:32:41,440 --> 00:32:45,840
off the coast of the west coast of the United States. So I wrote that article put it out there

00:32:45,840 --> 00:32:52,160
was picked up by the Drudge Report went mega viral got tons of views as the Drudge Report

00:32:52,160 --> 00:32:57,440
spread it all over the world. And so we've had all these earthquakes, but then the focus has

00:32:57,440 --> 00:33:06,000
shifted this week Adelie to volcanoes, where we've seen in Hawaii, Mount Kilauea and now Mount

00:33:07,280 --> 00:33:12,160
Mauna Loa Mauna Loa has erupted for the first time in decades. So the now for the first time

00:33:12,160 --> 00:33:18,800
since 1984, we've got Kilauea and Mauna Loa erupting at the same time, we just saw Mount

00:33:18,800 --> 00:33:25,360
Semeru violently erupt in Indonesia sending hot ash a mile into the sky. So now people,

00:33:25,360 --> 00:33:29,920
this focus has shifted to volcanoes. And I just wrote an article about the volcanoes how

00:33:30,640 --> 00:33:36,960
the you know, and our world is becoming more in unstable because of all the seismic activity.

00:33:36,960 --> 00:33:41,200
And I believe it's going to get a lot worse than also Meanwhile, global weather patterns are going

00:33:41,200 --> 00:33:48,160
crazy. In fact, right now, Adelie, in terms of the global in terms of the snow cover in the Northern

00:33:48,160 --> 00:33:53,120
Hemisphere, for this time of the year, it's the most snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere that

00:33:53,120 --> 00:33:58,000
we've ever seen at this time of the year ever recorded. So and we, you know, we're still two

00:33:58,000 --> 00:34:02,960
weeks away from the beginning of winter. So it's already extremely cold, extremely snowy, you know,

00:34:02,960 --> 00:34:07,680
so much for the whole global warming thing. But and we've got more snow cover than we've ever seen

00:34:07,680 --> 00:34:12,160
at this time of year. And now you know, what is the rest of winter going to look like? I don't know,

00:34:12,160 --> 00:34:17,200
but global weather patterns have just been going crazy for the last couple years, I expect that to

00:34:17,200 --> 00:34:22,080
continue. So all these things, people want to look for those those four trends. And then there's

00:34:22,080 --> 00:34:25,680
so many other things I talked about in the book, in terms of pieces of the end times puzzle that

00:34:25,680 --> 00:34:31,120
are falling into place. But if you want just a general roadmap for what's coming, look at Matthew

00:34:31,120 --> 00:34:36,400
24. And ultimately look at Revelation chapter six, because I believe those are the times we're

00:34:36,400 --> 00:34:41,760
moving into. These really are exciting times you have shared so much information with us today,

00:34:41,760 --> 00:34:46,400
Michael, I am so thankful that you joined us on this episode of Charisma News to share about your

00:34:46,400 --> 00:34:51,840
new book in times. Tell our listeners where they could get the book and where they can read it.

00:34:51,840 --> 00:34:56,400
And read more about your writings and the different articles that you write and provide.

00:34:56,400 --> 00:35:01,040
Yeah, well, thank you for having me on, Natalie. If people want to follow my work on a regular

00:35:01,040 --> 00:35:04,720
basis, because so many things are happening every day. And I'm constantly updating the websites

00:35:04,720 --> 00:35:11,280
while you can find my websites. The website I'm most known for is the Economic Collapse Blog.

00:35:11,280 --> 00:35:18,160
It's the I also have end of the American And then the most

00:35:18,160 --> 00:35:24,880
important Now, if you go to any of those websites, you'll see big banner ads for the book.

00:35:24,880 --> 00:35:29,200
And you can just click on those. They'll take you straight over to Amazon, or you can go straight to

00:35:29,200 --> 00:35:36,400 and just type in end times and Michael Snyder, and they'll bring the book right up.

00:35:37,360 --> 00:35:42,640
And you can find it there in paperback and in Kindle format if you prefer to read it electronically.

00:35:43,360 --> 00:35:47,840
But I would encourage people to go and get the book and get the information. There's more

00:35:47,840 --> 00:35:52,800
information in there than I've ever put in any book I've ever written. But then just don't enjoy it

00:35:52,800 --> 00:35:57,840
for yourself. But these books are designed to be soul winning books. They're books designed to wake

00:35:57,840 --> 00:36:02,880
people up. And at this time of year, you know, people are accustomed to receiving gifts, you know,

00:36:02,880 --> 00:36:07,520
if you give someone a book, they'll say, Oh, yeah, thank you. You know, Happy Holidays to you as well,

00:36:07,520 --> 00:36:12,960
or whatever, you know, so get these books and use them as witnessing tools, give them to family,

00:36:12,960 --> 00:36:17,760
friends, whoever you want to wake up because once you're done reading this book, there'll be no doubt

00:36:17,760 --> 00:36:22,080
that we really are living in the end times. I'm excited to see what's going to happen

00:36:22,080 --> 00:36:28,080
next year. And in the following days, even leading up to 2023, as we were recording this like two

00:36:28,080 --> 00:36:33,600
weeks before Christmas. So I'm just excited. It just, I can't wait to see if what else is

00:36:33,600 --> 00:36:38,320
going to happen that we've been looking forward to that we've been taught through biblical prophecy

00:36:38,320 --> 00:36:43,840
to look for for the end times. So Michael, why don't you take us out in prayer and lead us on

00:36:43,840 --> 00:36:48,320
positive note that there is still hope and that there is God is still out there and he has his

00:36:48,320 --> 00:36:55,200
hand on us. Sure. Let's pray. Abba, Father, Heavenly Father, we come to you in the mighty name of Jesus.

00:36:55,200 --> 00:36:58,800
And Father, I pray that people would be blessed by what we have to share today. And I pray that

00:36:58,800 --> 00:37:04,000
people would have hope because Father, you warned us about all these things in advance. You put all

00:37:04,000 --> 00:37:09,040
this, all these warnings in scriptures, not to scare us, not so that we'd be afraid, but so that

00:37:09,040 --> 00:37:15,040
we can understand that you have all of history in your hands, that you are in control, that you are

00:37:15,040 --> 00:37:22,880
God, and that you see the end from the beginning and that you put out all of history in advance.

00:37:22,880 --> 00:37:28,560
You see all of history and you warned us, hey, these things are going to come. They have to come.

00:37:28,560 --> 00:37:34,640
But ultimately, at the end of all this, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back. And Father, we are

00:37:34,640 --> 00:37:38,640
going to get to be with you forever. We're going to get to be with the Lord Jesus Christ forever.

00:37:38,640 --> 00:37:43,680
And that's a hope and a future that is greater than anything that the world or anyone else could

00:37:43,680 --> 00:37:49,200
ever offer. And you've given to us the ultimate ending, the ultimate thing to look forward to.

00:37:49,200 --> 00:37:54,480
We get to be with you forever. And that's a hope we can share with the world. So help us

00:37:54,480 --> 00:37:59,680
to be witnesses, help us to be soul winners, help us to proclaim your truth and your gospel

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to the entire world. Help us to bring in the greatest harvest of souls in all of human history.

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And Father, we pray that you would empower us and that you would bring the greatest move of God the

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world has ever seen. And I pray that we could be part of it, that we could be part of your end times

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move, that you could show us what you want us to do in this hour, that we could be excited to be

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at this time when the great battle between good and evil is coming to a great conclusion.

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And you put us here and we get to be here for it. Help us to be absolutely thrilled and excited

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with the purposes that you've given to us, that you put us here for, the jobs that you've given

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us to do. Help us to fulfill the purposes that you put us here for, Father, and help us to do what you

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have placed us here to do. You put us here for such an hour as this and we want to do whatever you

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want us to do, Father. And we pray all this today in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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Amen and amen.

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And amen. You're listening to Charisma News on the Charisma Podcast Network. I'm your host, Atalie.