Feb. 21, 2024

Insider Perspective on the Israel-Hamas Conflict with Ex-Ambassador David Friedman

Insider Perspective on the Israel-Hamas Conflict with Ex-Ambassador David Friedman
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Charisma News

Former US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas from his perspective in Jerusalem. He describes the initial Hamas attacks that shocked Israel and sparked the military response. Ambassador Friedman also talks about the Abraham Accords, anti-Semitism on college campuses, Israel's unity government, and advises standing firmly with Israel. This insightful conversation provides valuable context on the current situation.


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Former Ambassador David Friedman is in Jerusalem right now as we're recording this and as Israel is at war with Hamas and

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Ambassador, it's a great privilege to be able to talk with you right now and we pray for your safety and your protection and your family and everybody that that's close to you.

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Could you tell us what is going on from your perspective in Israel here?

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Well, I think the country went into shock about 10 days ago with the, you know, the most barbaric

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kind of almost, you know, inhuman assault on anyone on the Jewish, certainly the most barbaric assault on the Jewish people since the Holocaust, but

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not even, you know, limiting it to the Jewish people. I just, no one is, no one I know has ever seen anything like this where, you know, this rampage of about 2500 terrorists

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surprised the state of Israel, entered about 22 different communities and committed extraordinary acts of just barbarity,

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decapitating babies, killing families, slaughtering families, forcing children to watch their parents being killed and vice versa.

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Rape and abuse of women, parading women naked through the streets after being raped. I mean, it's just almost, it's just almost impossible to

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talk about it because it's so unpleasant, but it really something which has never happened to Israel before.

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It certainly wasn't on the scope of the Holocaust, but it was a day in the Holocaust. It was what a day in the Holocaust looked like.

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And of course, as a result, Israel is fighting back. And this is a war, you know, in the past with, you know, Israel has, I would say, tried to manage its conflict with Hamas.

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I mean, they were a brutal repressive terrorist group, but, you know, rather than have a total, you know, full conflict, they have, you know, they fought back, but ultimately tried to degrade Hamas and to,

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you know, kind of push them back into their hole for a few years, which they've done, but they keep coming back stronger. And this was just, you know, so despicable. And people were so upset and so many families are destroyed.

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And of course, there's 200 people being held hostage and who knows what kind of abominable conditions in Gaza right now.

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So Israel's fighting back and we have to pray that they succeed. Of course, at the same time, another terrorist organization on the north, you know, Hezbollah, which is just a proxy for Iran, as is Hamas, they are engaging in sort of a low intensity battle with Israel right now, but threatening to expand it in a way where if it does fully expand them, Israel will be at war on two fronts in Hezbollah.

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So there's a lot going on here and a lot to be concerned about and a lot to pray for.

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Absolutely. And we are praying for Israel and for her protection, her people's protection as well.

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You know, one of the things that you're best known for is the fact that you are the former ambassador to Israel from the United States under the leadership of the Israeli ambassador to Israel.

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And the other thing that you're best known for is the fact that you are the former ambassador to Israel from the United States under the Trump administration and the work that you did on the Abraham Accords to help bring peace into this area.

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Are you are you?

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Are you hopeful that we will see peace again with these things, that these agreements that have been made or have these agreements been have they been just basically torn up?

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How does the Abraham Accords move forward at this point?

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So I think, you know, to understand the Abraham Accords is you really need to understand that the Arab world really can be can be can be put into two different categories.

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They're the moderates and I would put in that category all the countries that signed the Abraham Accords agreements.

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And then they are the extremists and the extremists, primarily led by Iran with satellite terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.

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All the Abraham Accords countries understand the risk that Israel is going through.

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They understand the enemy that Israel is facing because it's largely the same enemy that they face.

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So I don't think that any of this is going to tear up the Abraham Accords, because in fact, I think all the Abraham Accord countries, if not publicly, are certainly privately rooted for Israel to defeat this enemy because it's everybody's enemy.

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While this battle is raging, it will be awfully difficult to expand the Abraham Accords.

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We know there's talk about adding Saudi Arabia to the discussion, but it's just too hard to do that because you got to understand people are getting their news from different places and much of the Arab world gets their news from Al Jazeera.

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And Al Jazeera will will put Israel in the absolutely worst possible light.

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They will portray Israel, even though Israel, you know, Israel was surprised by this attack.

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Israel had no interest in attacking Hamas and Israel has no territorial aspirations on the Gaza Strip.

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Nonetheless, as Israel fights back, the framing of this conflict in a news outlet like Al Jazeera will be that this is all Israel's fault from the beginning, from the first day this is Israel's fault.

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And Israel is a, you know, commits acts of atrocities and they will take everything that Hamas has done and they will try to frame Israel as being the culprit with the same accusations.

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And this is going through the Arab world. When that's happening, Saudi Arabia is not in a position to overcome that media force and to move closer to Israel.

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But having said that, we've been through a couple of these fights in 2021. There was a Hamas attack. Israel responded. Al Jazeera did his thing.

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And now withstanding all of that, the Abraham Accords withstood all of that just fine.

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So I think I think we'll be able to hold the line and where we are, but we won't go any further until this is resolved.

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Yeah. You know, I just want to ask about what it's like in Jerusalem right now, because I've been there before and it's there's there's four quadrants of the old city, the Armenian, the Christian, the Jewish and the Muslim quarters.

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And everybody's, you know, the Arabs and the Jews are not Arabs in general, but the Hamas, the Palestinians are at war. How and everybody's living together in that one city.

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How are things in Jerusalem right now? I think Jerusalem is one of the quieter parts of the country right now.

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People are on edge. Everybody's on edge. I mean, it doesn't take much to to start a fire here and you have to start some kind of a conflagration.

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But it's it's I think people are generally speaking, not the I think the violence here is under control so far. And again, everything is can change on a dime.

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Jerusalem, the city is quiet. The tourists are almost entirely gone. The early on in the battle, like on last Saturday and Sunday and Monday, a lot of sirens in Jerusalem.

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Very harsh for me, by the way, because I had my children, I had some of my children and grandchildren visiting.

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And I had to explain to a 12 year old granddaughter, you know, as I rushed her into a into a bomb shelter.

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She wants to know why, why are we doing this? And I had to explain that, you know, there are there are people not far away who want to kill us.

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They want to kill us because we're Jewish. They've never met us. They've never met a single Jew.

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The guy known in the Gaza Strip has ever met a Jew. There are Jews in the Gaza Strip.

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You know, some people they haven't met people they don't know. But nonetheless, they want to kill us.

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They don't care if one of their rockets hits any family in the neighborhood that they've met.

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They have nothing against personally. They just want to kill us.

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You know, this is a message that's not really appropriate for somebody, you know, at that age.

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And that's the reality of living in Israel in these times. I mean, you know, how to explain it. I couldn't just rush into a shelter with sirens going off without explaining why.

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I mean, I'm a bright, bright little girl, but it's a shame. I mean, I thought that we were past this point in our history, but we're not.

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And as you as you see from looking at all the the protests along, you know, all these college campuses with one one would have thought, you know, reasonably intelligent kids.

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Anti-Semitism is at a level the likes of which we haven't seen in decades.

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And that's something that baffles me because, you know, just recently, you know, on social media, I think it was on Twitter or X, whatever it's called now, that, you know, people were I believe they were calling Elon Musk anti-Semitic.

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And like they were just claiming that. And, you know, so that was that's a bad thing to be anti-Semitic. But as soon as the you know, as soon as Israel defends itself, then those same people are blatantly anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian or not even pro-Palestinian pro-terrorists.

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And so it's the hypocrisy in this world is is really ridiculous to be able to see that and just to kind of look at it and see, I can't believe this is what this Orwellian world is looking like right now.

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It's stunning. Look, I went undergrad. I went to Columbia University and then and then I went to law school at NYU.

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And these two places over the last weeks have been so shameful. I mean, professors who have glorified the the attack, you know, they've glorified it. They said this was an incredible, awesome, you know, attack by Hamas.

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That was a Columbia and NYU, the student bar association put out something, you know, the first day, like before Israel even responded.

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All of this is Israel's fault. So, you know, imagine the pain on the parents of a, you know, there are people there, there are parents now of children who died.

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There are parents of daughters who have been who have been sexually abused over and over again, by the way.

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And I mean, by these animals and then taken over into Gaza and held in hostage.

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And what these I for lack of a better word with these idiot college students and law students are saying is that she had a coming to her because she lives in Israel.

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It's her fault. You can imagine that. So in the parents have to have to be exposed to this.

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I mean, they're not suffering enough already without without seeing the the insanity that has become of the world.

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So, yeah, I mean, I have to tell you, it's it's almost Israel with all its problems. I mean, Jerusalem, you know, we're in a war zone here, but it's it's almost easier to be here because at least we're living in a place where, you know, my neighbors to the right and the left and, you know, and all the people I know who are politically to the right and the left and the center.

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But at least here, everybody agrees that these are barbarians who have to be defeated. I mean, at least we're not finding a a war of communications in Israel.

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So, well, on the one hand, I, you know, I it's a little bit unnerving to be in this kind of an environment.

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It's at least gratifying and somewhat. I feel somewhat secure that at least everybody here, you know, understands what's happened and what we have to do in response.

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Right. You know, it's just recently in the news that we're recording us on October 17th in the afternoon.

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And so the recently Israel has basically created a unity government during this war time.

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And it's I find it I find it very interesting that correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to I'd love your insight on this, but I know like Netanyahu and I believe Benny Gantz, they've basically kind of like dropped their their defenses against each other.

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And they're now everybody's all pulling together for the same effort.

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What what do you see with that in the country right now? And also, like, as they're moving forward, do you think they can keep this unity? And as they're focused on this?

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Well, I sure hope so. I mean, look, I think the unity is is really, really admirable. I think the unity government was essential because I think the world needs to understand that whatever actions Israel takes, those actions reflect the consensus of the entire

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population, not just one side or the other of the coalition. So so that's really important. And I think that I'm glad that that Benny Gantz joined the government. And he's one of the three members of the of the War Committee, which he's eminently qualified to serve in that capacity.

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So so that's good. Now, the country, as you know, had been divided politically for four months, almost a year. I'm happy to say that they're not anymore. I mean, even the soldiers who are criticizing the government and saying, you know, we might not we might not want to serve.

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They are they're all serving. There hasn't been a single person. As a matter of fact, you know, the government called up 300000 people, 300000 reserves. Israel is primarily a reserve, a reservist army. I mean, you know, the vast majority of the soldiers have done their three or four years in the army and now they're in the reserves.

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So they called the 300000 reserves and the largest call up in history and about 350000 reserves showed up. I mean, people showed up that weren't even called. And and you know, normally, you know, in a time of war, you know, all the flights that are leaving the country are full and the flights coming back are empty.

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Here, you know, the flights coming back are full because they're full of Israelis who are on vacation or out of the country. They're all flying back to serve their country. So, you know, this was a I refer to it sort of as a it was a never again moment.

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It was it was the moment, you know, when I think certainly the Israeli Jewish population and I think it's true of Jews elsewhere without the world, though, unfortunately, not all of them. But I think where these really said, you know, this is this is the time when we this is the reason the state of Israel exists to defend the Jewish people from from those who want to annihilate us.

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And look, this is the difference between two thousand twenty three and nineteen forty one. You know, there was no state of Israel during the days of the Holocaust. Six million Jews were slaughtered. The Israeli Defense Forces will protect the state of Israel and they will protect the Jewish people throughout the world at this difficult time.

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And so the country is united like never before. Unfortunately, we paid a massive price for that unity. Yeah, that is very sad. And, you know, I'm reminded of the historical wars that Israel's had, even just, you know, sixty seven and seventy three.

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Israel in I believe it was seventy three actually took the Sinai Peninsula and even had the Temple Mount for a moment. But then they gave it back.

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Why do you think that they did that? And why are we reaping the negative consequences of giving that land back right now?

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So let me just reorient you a little bit on the history. So nineteen sixty seven, the Six Day War is when was when the state of Israel reunified Jerusalem. Now they put a flag on the Temple Mount and Moshe Dayan said, take it down.

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He didn't want to have a religious war with the Muslim world at the time. We can debate whether that was a good idea or a bad idea. I mean, I think that right now we got we got bigger issues to debate.

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Certainly Jewish people should have free and unfettered access to pray on the Temple Mountain. And I hope we get to that point. You know, Sinai was it was an exchange for peace with with Egypt, which is not a not a warm peace, but it's been important to Israel's security.

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Thank God we're still holding biblical Israel. I mean, we're still holding today in Samaria. You and I talked about that when we put out our movie, which seems like a million years ago, but wasn't I know it was just like last month.

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Israel, you know, I think biblical Israel is really today in Samaria. That area is in dispute, but I think Israel at this point will have has no intention of ever relinquishing it. And I hope they don't.

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Look, every time Israel leaves territory, it creates a vacuum that is filled by terrorists. It's true in three places and Sinai when they left Sinai, ISIS moved in when they left Gaza in 2005 Hamas moved in when they left when they left Lebanon in the 1980s.

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Hezbollah moved in, you know, the experiments that they that they've tried in good faith to try to bring some some peace to this war torn area.

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The experiments they've tried to try to give, you know, give up some land that they don't really need, hoping that you know they'll have a quiet border with their neighbors.

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It doesn't work. It doesn't work primarily look I you know it's it's not politically correct in this day and age to you know to generalize about people and I'm not going to generalize about you know the Palestinian people but I'm going to tell you that a very large majority

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of them are taught by telling you that they're inherently bad there when they're born they're perfectly fine.

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But they are taught to hate the Jewish people over and over and over again in the United States gives money to some of these organizations like like under the United Nations Relief Works Agency which you know is kind of the educational arm in Gaza.

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Now you know in fourth grade in Gaza they'll put on a play where half the kids dress up as terrorists and have the kids dressed up as Jews and the terrorists will kill the Jews, the parents applaud.

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So, you know, like, where are we going here, I mean, we're not gonna, you know, these are people that are not constitutionally able to live side by side with Israel.

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It's heartbreaking, because the human beings, but you know that there is this, you know, ongoing drumbeat of, you know, don't hurt innocent civilians.

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And Israel should not send civilians they should do everything they can not to hurt any civilians, but understand that you know in these places you have 10s of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that really really hate the Jewish people refuse to accept the existence

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of the state of Israel, and they want to kill us.

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And some of them are armed and some of them are not armed yet, but it's a very dangerous environment and this is not about, you know, you know, no diplomats going to come in here and and change that reality just as the reality.

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You know, with your with your position as an ambassador to to Israel under Trump.

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I guess I'd like to just kind of role play a little bit here, because I'm sure you don't have the, you, I'm not sure if you have communication with the current ambassador.

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But what advice would you give to either the ambassador, or, you know, even to Prime Minister Netanyahu, what advice would you give.

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Sure. I should just tell you there is no ambassador right now the last one resigned and there hasn't been a replacement yet so, but, but the hypothetical ambassador when whenever he gets here.

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Look, I mean, look, we had, we had a lot of.

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We had episodes of violence in the four years that I was ambassador again nothing like this.

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I think the first most important thing first of all is the messaging.

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America has to message to Israel's enemies that America will not in any handcuff Israel in its defense of its territory in the defense of its citizens.

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And it's got to be clear on a cool now Biden was in Biden.

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You know I've been a huge critic of his policies and I think a lot of his policies leading up to this point got us into this mess I think is appeasement of Iran in particular has put us in a very weak place in the world.

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The last week or so, he has been, he's been strong he strongly stood with Israel. He has, he's coming to Israel tomorrow on the on the 18th for a one day visit which you know is deeply appreciated by the Israeli people.

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And he's moved you know to massive aircraft carriers off the coast of Israel to deter Iran and Hezbollah from entering the war. These are all good things which I give him credit for.

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The question is, you know, he's meeting tomorrow as well with Jordan with Egypt with the Palestinian Authority the Palestinian Authority by the way which pays stipends to terrorists to kill Jews, the more a lot of these people who, who raped and slaughtered families will be getting payments from the Palestinian Authority, because of their extraordinarily successful, you know atrocities.

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So, he's meeting with all of them and between them and the UN which is, you know reflexively against Israel they're going to try to push Israel into a premature ceasefire.

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They're going to point to casualties of war which every war has.

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And, and I think that, you know, I hope he resists because this is not a situation where Israel has to, you know, just the great Hamas if Hamas survives this at all, it will be a huge victory for them, they will come back even stronger.

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And the message to the state of Israel is you're not allowed to defend your citizens and it's going to happen again.

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And so, this is really a you know a pivotal point in Jewish history. And I hope Biden you know stands with Israel not just today when it's easy because we're all suffering, but over the next few days in the next week says Israel begins to fight back.

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And I have people you know I did a show recently with with a on BBC, or, yeah, I think it was BBC. And, and you know the, the reporter asked me about, you know, you know how important it was for Israel to stop before there were any, you know, civilian casualties.

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And I said to him, you know, the only reason that you're speaking English today, rather than German, is because your grandparents had the courage to stand up against Adolf Hitler.

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And when they did and they defended their nation against the Nazis.

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They killed 400,000 German civilians. And I don't see you racking yourself with guilt about killing those civilians I mean nobody wants to kill civilians, but everybody needs sometimes you have to win a war.

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And, and I think Israel will do everything it can to minimize civilian casualties, but they're going to be some I mean it's just not possible in that densely populated area.

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And of course you take a picture of a casualty as heartbreaking as it is you put it on a over the over social media over the web and a 24 seven news cycle, and all of a sudden, the pressure starts in Israel and Israel basically is in a position where America says I'm sorry you

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don't kill yourself anymore. So, you know, I've seen that movie before. I'm hoping we don't see it this time because, you know, it's in everybody's interest the entire world's interest for Hamas to be eliminated.

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I also point out that you know, as I was alluding to earlier I mean the population of Gaza is virulently anti semitic I mean when when they saw pictures because these terrorists gleefully took pictures of all the abuses they committed.

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They took these pictures home and they were rewarded with candies and sweets and people declared a holiday so you know this is not.

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This is far more nuanced than you know your typical civilian casualties and so and of course these many of these civilians embedded Hamas and provide them safe passage in a place to hide and aid and comfort so it's really complicated but look at the bottom line is this,

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and nobody Israel did not ask for this war is will do not start this war but Israel must finish this war for its ability to survive it's an existential risk to the state of Israel and I would say even to the Jewish people given all the, all the anti semitic activity

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around the globe right now. Yeah.

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Where do you see hope right now as we're wrapping up, where do you see some hope in this situation.

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I think we have a, I think, I think the entire world is really battling this.

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This, you know, and some of it some of the battle is is just you know philosophical and some of it is actually on the streets and some of it isn't in the wars, but you know the world the world is not getting extremely divided between the people who are moderates the people

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who believe in the sanctity of human life people who believe in God people who believe in freedom and liberty and democracy. Yeah, that's half the world and the other half the world is just, frankly, you know, you know, you know whether it's Russia, China,

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Iran, North Korea, Hamas, Hezbollah.

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The threats are massive from all of them. And the hope is that we prevail. We prevail from from our strength, not just our strength militarily but the strength of our ideas the strength of our faith the strength of our, our wisdom, and we're able to really kind

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of move this you know right now we're sort of an, you know, I would say equipoise you know it's like a tie, you know, and I think that you know we need to be stronger.

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We need to be compassionate but at the same time we need to be brutally honest about about how to lead a meaningful, you know, and, and legitimate and honest life. And I think more people need to be speaking about that and frankly, John I think faith plays an

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important part because I think faith has been kind of swept under the rug I think nobody wants to talk about it.

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And in my experience with talking to people right now, they are they are they are so thirsty for authentic values for the truth for God for for for his mercy.

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And that to me is the real hope that's the ultimate hope because I think it may be the only hope. But I think that's what will hopefully bring us out of this out of this morass.

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Absolutely. I just wanted to say that Israel charisma stands with Israel, we stand with you and we are going to continue to be praying for for you ambassador, your family, your friends all those people that are connected with you as well.

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Thank you for taking some time to share with us about what is going on from your perspective and we'll stay connected and we'll be making sure that you're covered in prayer for sure.

00:26:52,000 --> 00:27:08,000
Thank you so much. God bless you. God bless all your listeners and your viewers and let's hope we talk again on happier times.