July 27, 2024

Prophecy About Taiwan You Must Hear - Charlie Shamp

Prophecy About Taiwan You Must Hear - Charlie Shamp
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Charisma News

This episode was released on July 12, 2024.

Prophet Charlie Shamp shares a powerful prophetic word he received about the nation of Taiwan while visiting the country. He describes sensing the peace and presence of God over Taiwan. Charlie details three things he saw prophetically - Taiwan gaining UN recognition as an independent country, pressure mounting against Chinese President Xi Jinping, and economic issues arising in China's housing market. Charlie and John discuss how prophets pray through the words God gives them, covering nations and their people in prayer. This segment provides insight into how prophets steward and pray for prophetic revelations about current events and global geopolitics.


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How do we prophetically prepare for what you see God unfolding?

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One of the keys in the coming days, I believe, strategically is prayer, of course, fasting,

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and really being grounded in the Word of God.

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And for those that are within the Christian community, being involved in your local church,

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being involved in the community that is surrounding the church that you're a part of,

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the government aspects, the schools, all of these things are vitally important.

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I think for a generation, we really just kind of went behind the four walls of our churches.

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We had great meetings, and God moved, and it was powerful.

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But there wasn't that real push into the different mountains of society that we need to see now,

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where people are taking initiative to not just to vote, but to get involved in government,

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to get into school boards, to get into their community through businesses,

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and really begin to reach out to their local, regional governments and different aspects of their communities

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and begin to share the gospel.

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I don't necessarily believe that we're going to see America come back just because we have righteous leaders

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that are put in office.

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I believe that it's going to take a grassroots effort of Christians getting outside of the church walls

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and beginning to engage in society, seeing souls saved, beginning to win our neighbors to the Lord,

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and really authentically preaching the gospel with signs and wonders.

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The Bible says that those that believe will cast out devils, heal the sick.

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And so we need to begin to see people activated, believers activated to do the work of God in their local communities.

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So the church needs to get outside of the four walls.

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That's one of the biggest things.

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We need to be the church outside of the church building.

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And if we can do that, we're going to be prepared for this next great awakening that God has coming.

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You know, Prophet Charlie, I really appreciate the fact that you've been able to explain more,

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to give it a little bit of an exposition about some of the things that people have had prophetic questions about the prophetic,

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especially regarding the 2020 election and things not going the way that we all thought that they were.

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So now we're in a new season. We are in a new political season.

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There is wars and rumors of wars.

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And you were just in a place that is rumored to be on the brink of war or not rumored.

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It is literally on the brink of war. And that's in Taiwan.

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Can you tell me about that experience there, what you felt and what you heard God say during that time?

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Well, I like to go to the places where the spirit of the Lord has given me specific prophetic words for.

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And I went immediately to the nation of Ukraine when Russia invaded and began to pray there.

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And then and then recently, just this last week, I was in the nation of Taiwan and doing some powerful meetings

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with leaders, equipping them for church planting, but also praying in the city of Taipei

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regarding the protection of those islands, of that island.

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And the spirit of the Lord was just so evident when I was there, the hand of God, I felt over that island.

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It was just the peace of God, the presence of the Lord.

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And the spirit of the Lord began to speak to me regarding things that are coming

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into this conflict between China and Taiwan.

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And the spirit of the Lord spoke to me.

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And it was really interesting because I saw this connection between the Taiwanese and Israel.

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And the Lord said, because of the seeds that were sown from the Taiwanese

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and they're standing with the nation of Israel, God said, my hand of peace is going to cause

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the prosperity and blessing to come upon the island of Taiwan.

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And that there would be a situation that would come where China would push too heavily against the Taiwanese.

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And it would cause a backlash across other nations against the government of China.

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That there would be, there is going to come a situation where they will push too heavily against the island.

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And it's going to cause a backlash.

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And this will even, from what I have been praying about, seeing a couple of different things are going to happen.

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Number one, the UN will begin to recognize Taiwan as an independent country.

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That's one of the things that I saw that's coming.

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Secondly, I saw that as a result of this, President Chi would have a backlash against him.

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And there would be a pushback against him, even within the nation of China.

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And there would be a market shaking that would happen within their economy,

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but primarily in the housing market as a result of this.

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So these are things that we can look to and see that are going to come.

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But I see the hand of the Lord upon the Taiwanese.

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I see the anointing upon that nation for reaching into other parts of Asia for the preaching of the gospel.

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And the Lord's hand is upon that island.

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And so we're going to see some very powerful things are going to be coming out of there in the days ahead.

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So you just laid out three major points to look for.

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How do we pray for those things? And what's your process with that?

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Because I really want to learn how God speaks to you prophetically.

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And what are the things that we as people that are aligning with what the Lord is speaking,

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what we can do with you in this?

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Again, one of the major things that we need to do is we begin to look at the different aspects of what the Lord,

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personally for me, what the Lord has shared with me.

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And I begin to take those into intercession.

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I begin to pray for those specific points.

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I begin to cover the Taiwanese.

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I begin to cover their government.

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I begin to cover the people, protect the people that the Lord would keep them safe,

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and that there would be a blessing that would continue to flow and that the Lord would protect the waterways,

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the different ports of entry into the country, pray against cyber attacks, all these different things.

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I just begin to bombard those points in prayer.

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And I take the prophetic words that God has given to me personally very seriously.

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So whatever the Lord has spoken to me about a nation, I hold those things very dear to me

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and begin to pray for them and watch what God has spoken come to pass.

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So it's a lot of steadfastness.

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When God speaks something, you hold on to it, you pray through it until you see it actually happen.

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Is that right?

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Absolutely, because you have to treat the word of the Lord very precious.

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I think that we need to look at prophecy and the prophetic as a treasure that God has given to us to Stuart.

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And for those that are wanting to grow into the prophetic, I will just say this.

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When God gives you something and you Stuart it well, the principle of the word of God is that he will make you a ruler over much.

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So when we look at the little things that God has given us prophetically to Stuart, and we pray through those things,

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then God begins to trust us with greater things.

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And so when I look at a word that God gives me, I treat it very precious.

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And we were talking, you know, we talked about this off air, John, like anything that God speaks that is really pivotal for a nation, we put it on our website.

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And these are words that both me and my team are praying over.

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You know, I may release like an edifying, exhorting, comforting prophecy that is what we would consider general prophecy on my social medias.

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But when it comes to very specific things that the Lord is speaking to me about regarding nations, we put those on the website.

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And our intercessory team is constantly bombarding those things.

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While I was in Taiwan, our our our intercessory team here in Moravian Falls was praying.

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And, you know, we pray, we start at 5 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, we pray from 5 to 10 a.m.

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Thursdays, we fast and pray every Thursday. And we do 24 hours.

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So there's 24 hour prayer that is happening.

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We're praying for people's needs that are emailing into the ministry.

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But we're also praying over the nations that God has called us to Stuart and the things that God has prophetically spoken

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through this ministry, where we take these things very, very, very seriously.

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And so my team and myself are constantly lifting these things up before the Lord.

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So this is not a I'm asking some questions based on like I want to help people that are watching this understand more about the prophetic.

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And there's a lot of things that are not well understood about the prophetic.

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In fact, there's a lot of people that say that there are no prophets today.

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It's all being made up. You can't trust it.

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It's just people with good intentions or people that are, you know, they're channeling into something different.

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And we stand on the fact that that prophecy is for today, you know, that that is, you know, we're so we're excited about that.

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So I'm glad that we can have this conversation where we can use it as a as a teaching moment.

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And I'm so encouraged that you are taking you are taking these words so seriously.

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How have you grown from things where you were?

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God spoke it, but you were looking at it a different way and you didn't see it come to pass the way that you thought it would.

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Well, you know, I've had a few times where there was a feel like it felt like time lapses.

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There's like, oh, man, that doesn't look like that's happening.

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The Bible says that in the Book of Psalms that that until the word of the Lord came to pass, it it tried Joseph.

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Because, you know, the word of the Lord was that, you know, that he would be a ruler.

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Right. But at the same time, all these other things were happening that seemingly looked like that was not the word of the Lord.

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So these words, they like they try us.

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And I continuously go back to the fact that for me, I'm going to have to stand before the Lord one day and give account for everything that I have spoken.

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And so if I believe that the Lord has spoken these things consistently to me and the voice of the Lord has come and I've watched it come to pass time and time again,

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then I then I need to stand even during the times where it seems like it's so dark.

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Like you get as a prophet, you face those times like Jeremiah where you're thrown into the pit.

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And in those times, you have to make the decision whether you're going to stand for the word of the Lord or you're going to bow your knee to what others would have you to do.

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And that's when you have to make the decision that you fear the spirit of the Lord more than you fear the opinion of man.

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And I've had it before. Honestly, John, I had something recently where Rolling Stone had written an article about me taking me completely out of context on something that I prophesied over.

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And that was something that I had to stand and face and face the head on and made the declaration that I would stand and see that word come to pass as well, even though they had taken it out of context.

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You can't stop people from manipulating, misrepresenting or misquoting you.

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But you can count on the spirit of the Lord's protection upon you, as well as those that know the word of the Lord.

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They feel it because they are born again.

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They hear the voice of the Lord and they know that's the word of the Lord.

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And so you just you believe that what God has spoken will happen and people will consistently see that what has been spoken comes to pass.

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I think that is the real reason that there is an attack against the prophetic, to be honest with you.

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They don't they wouldn't attack those that never have anything come to pass.

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The enemy looks for those that are authentically walking in the office of the prophet to try to discourage and try to make people believe that it's not true, because they know that the spirit knows that the spirit of the age knows

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that the word of the Lord is powerful.

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It will not return void.

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The Bible tells us that Samuel's words never fell to the ground.

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Amen. That's so good.

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I love that you referenced Psalm 105, 19 through 22 about the Joseph until the time of until the word of the Lord came to came to pass.

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The word the Lord tested Joseph's character and in a moment he became the second in command. And we just see that laid out beautifully in those in those three verses.

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That's actually something that Lord spoke to me several years ago, and I've been holding on to that.

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So that connects with my spirit as you were saying that.

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So that's one of those words that God uses to confirm things.

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You know, like God was speaking something to me.

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And then whenever you said it, it's it's it's kind of an obscure reference.

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Not many people will actually pull that one up very often.

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So that resonates with what God was speaking, what God has been speaking to me as well.

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So I know that in Isaiah 55, it says that the word of the Lord will go out and will accomplish what it has, what it's intended to do, and it will not return empty or void.

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And I just I'm grateful that you are one of those people that God is using to speak his word and that it's going to go out and it's going to accomplish what God says, not what Charlie says,

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but what God says through Charlie. You know, as we're wrapping up here, would you just pray for the people that are listening and just share what it is that God is put on your heart for what's coming up next?

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But just pray a blessing upon them as well.

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So, Father, I just thank you for every person that is watching this.

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And Lord, I ask you that you would anoint their eyes to see in a fresh way.

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Anoint their ears to hear. Father, I thank you that while we are in this world, we are not a part of this world.

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And as there are contrary winds, demonic winds that are blowing all around us, Lord, we thank you that the Prince of Peace is silencing the storms.

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And Lord, I thank you for the anointing that is coming upon every person that is listening and watching this broadcast.

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That you would release a spirit of an overcomer over them.

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And Father, they would begin to understand that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, that we have been put on the planet to occupy until you come.

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Lord, we thank you for the power of the Spirit of God moving upon each and every believer to begin to step outside of the box, outside of the church walls,

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to begin to speak to their neighbors, begin to speak to their coworkers, begin to speak to those at the supermarket about you.

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Lord, I thank you for equipping, anointing, releasing your power upon them to begin to testify, to begin to see transformation in their communities, in the cultures, the environments, the cities that they live in, God.

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Lord, we thank you for you are calling us back as a nation in America to serve you.

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Lord, we thank you that you, righteousness is going to reign over this country and a great outpouring and awakening is coming in Jesus' mighty name.

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We pray. Amen.