Jan. 24, 2024

REVIVAL to REVOLUTION: What We Must Do in 2024 | Tony Suarez

REVIVAL to REVOLUTION: What We Must Do in 2024 | Tony Suarez
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Charisma News

Tony Suarez reveals the prophetic words God is speaking about the year 2024. Discover what God has in store for us and how we can prepare as the body of Christ. From a season of revival to a call for revolution, Tony passionately unfolds the divine message he received just 48 hours before this conversation.

@pastortonysuarez has declared that "Revival is not coming; revival is here," and now he unveils the next phase: a revolutionary movement that transcends the church walls. Tony reveals the significance of this shift, drawing parallels to historical victories and emphasizing the need for tangible impact beyond the spiritual realm.

#TonySuarez #GodsPlan2024 #RevivalToRevolution #CharismaNews #PropheticInsights #JesusRevolution #VictoriesIn2024

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We're going to get some wins in 2024.

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Tony Suarez, it's great to have you here on Charisma News,

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and we are gathering prophetic words that God is speaking about the year 2024.

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And so today we ask you, what is God saying about 2024, and what do we need to do about it as the

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body of Christ? So welcome to Charisma News, Tony.

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Well, John, thank you for having me. I'm thankful for you, thankful for Steve and Charisma,

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and the opportunity to share what the Spirit is saying to me. And it was interesting when you

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texted me, I had just heard from the Lord, maybe 48 hours before you got in touch with me. And

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it was interesting because I wasn't seeking a word for 2024 just yet. This has been our busiest

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year ever, been traveling. God's blessed. I mean, we're in the middle of a blessing as we speak

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right now. And so I was focused on the right now. And what happened was I woke up that morning and

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decided I was going to go live, but I didn't know what to share. I just felt like I needed to go

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live, but I didn't know what I was going to share. And then in the car from my house to the office,

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this is what I heard the Lord say. He said, from revival to revolution. That's all he said.

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And that just got in me. And then it just kind of got like a hook in my heart, my spirit, my mind.

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It wouldn't let go. And I started, as I started, as I would say, getting into the word and just

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exploring that word for what that would mean. And I mean, this is all within 20 minutes. I mean,

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it's not that far from my house to the office. I just really started understanding that this is

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the purpose of the Lord for the body of Christ in this season going into 2024 and 2024. So this is

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how I contextualize it. Our ministry has been declaring, prophesying and decreeing since 2020

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that revival is not coming. Revival is here. Again, the context for that context is that all our

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lives we've heard revival is coming. There would be a great move of God. And someone would say,

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you haven't seen anything yet. Or someone else would get up and say, one day, oh, just wait for

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that one day. And we've been waiting for that one day since the day of Pentecost, or at least in

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modern terms, since, uh, since Topeka and Azusa, we've been hearing about this one day. Well, I

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don't believe one day is coming. I believe that today is that one day that we were longing for.

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Revival is here. We have to step into the current move of God. I'm no longer longing, seeking,

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expecting another move. This is that move. This is the day that was spoken of by the Prophet Joel.

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It's backed up in the revivals that we're seeing, um, all over the nation and the world,

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the mass baptisms in California, the college campus revivals that have broken out, broken out,

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churches or, or moves of God that are sparking throughout the land were, um, a year ago, there

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was nothing. And now this year, there's thousands or hundreds gathering or supernatural finances

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that are coming into ministries and they're acquiring land or buildings and real estate. And

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you just see the hand of the Lord. These are the days that are, that are poor,

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Pentecostal founders were dreaming of when they were called the people of the other side of the

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tracks were no longer that these are those days. But the Lord impressed on me that we must go from

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revival to revolution. So the church has been revived. I prophesied in 2020 that the American

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church was going to see that the fire never died. We just had to fan the flame a little bit second

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10th, chapter one. So the, the flame was fanned through a pandemic, uh, through whatever you

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believe about the election, the upheaval in our nation, um, woke agendas. We've seen that flame

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of, of revival fanned and it's, it's strong. The church is as strong as I've known it to be

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in many years. Um, the seeker sensitive movement is no longer, it's no longer something we're

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having to look at and say it's taken over the church. Revival has taken over the seeker sensitive

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movement. A lot of those that had left have now come back to their roots. They're coming back to

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Pentecost. You're hearing about outpourings of the Holy ghost and, uh, major revivals taking place

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everywhere. So I said, well, Lord, what does that mean? I mean, we're, our ministry's called

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revival makers. We preach revival everywhere we go. We say revival's not coming. Revival is here.

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And he said revival has to turn into revolution. And so he likened it to me, the declaration of

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independence to winning the war. And this is the second word I heard. He said, the church will no

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longer be known for their fight, but they will be known for their victory. We have declared revival.

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We have prayed for revival. We have sought revival. And I believe that there are many that have done

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the right things to have revival, but now revival must bring about a true revolution. That means it

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must leave the four walls of the church. It can no longer be just Christians having revival. We

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can't just be rebaptizing people that have already been baptized, praying through those that have

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already been prayed through, preaching to those that have already received the gospel, having

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another altar call with those that have already had an opportunity to an altar call. But it's now

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time to have a revolution in the world. And that means take the land, take these strongholds,

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and claim them for the gospel of Jesus Christ. No longer tell the stories of how the revivals of old

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dried up the bars or closed this business or that illicit business or how the police used to report

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from Mariah Woodworth, Ed or them. There was no crime. Those can no longer be our stories. Those

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must be our current realities. That is a revolutionizing move of God. So that doesn't mean we're stepping

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away from revival because you have, if you don't keep fanning the flame, the flame will start to

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die down. Right, right. This is a twofold thing. You got to keep fanning the flame, but now it's

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time to cook. How about that analogy? Good cheap preacher analogy right now. Which one

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does have a flame? Now it's time to cook on it. It's time to produce something from that fire.

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And for me, that is saying souls saved, souls filled with the Holy Ghost, souls water baptized,

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seeing people come into the truth of the Word of God. I'm believing, you know, in Hebrews chapter 11,

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in that great chapter of faith, it talks about how nations were subdued because of the

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orperials of faith. It's time for us to subdue a nation. It's time for us real time to see God.

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Right now, I'm not prophesying. I'm just speaking in faith. How about right now, we see a nation known

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for its Islamic faith so overtaken by revival that a revolution takes place and now the national

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religion is no longer Islam, but it's Christianity. What about a revolution in the United States?

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A Jesus revolution. I think there was a movie about that. What about a Jesus revolution so great

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that it's not just Christians getting a touch, but it is we can see the evidence of California

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changing, Washington DC changing. What if revival broke out on the Capitol? I mean, I saw a picture

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not too long ago of congressmen and women kneeling down in prayer. But what if the fire of God

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swept into that room? And what if there was a manifestation of the glory of God? I'm just saying

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what if, but it happens when we go from revival to revolution. So I'm at this place now where I

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want to see the change. I don't want to just keep complaining about how bad the schools are. I want

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a revolution in the schools. I don't want to just keep complaining about how corrupt our government

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is. I want to see revolution take place. I don't want to keep hearing the polls about how bad it

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is with Gen Z or Gen Alpha. I want a revolution because if we have fire, if we have the oil,

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if we have the glory, if we have the manifest presence of God, but the sick aren't being healed

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and people aren't being saved and we don't see the change in the culture, then what did revival

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produce? It must go be, and I say that so cautiously because I love the move of God. I love the move

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of God. But the move of God has to do more than just make me feel good. It's got to be more than

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just coming out and saying, whoa, man, I got, what are some of the terms they use? Man, I got

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goosebumps. Yeah. Yeah, I got goosebumps. I got slammed in the glory. I got, you know, whatever

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the, man, I got hit so hard. I love that. I want to get hit by the glory. I love being, but it's

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got to do more than just, I got to turn it into a revolution because I believe that we're going to

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answer for this time in history before the throne. What did you do with my glory? What did you do

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with my fire? What did you do with the anointing I gave you? And if we say we kept it, we just kept it.

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There's a, there's a parable about that. But if we say, Father, we spread it. We started preaching

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and teaching. We didn't use social media to attack one another. We used it as a vehicle to preach the

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gospel, to prophesy. And because of that, millions came into, then we will have used it and for his

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glory and turn the revival into a revolution. Amen. You know, Pastor Tony, as you were talking about

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this revolution thing, you brought up about the revolutionary war. And I find it very interesting

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that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776. And we celebrate the, you know,

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the founding of our nation as that day of the declaration. Right. But you look at when actually

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we've earned the deck, we earned that independence. It wasn't until September 3rd, 1783. Yeah. So

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more than six years, they had to fight for it. They had to continue to battle for what they had

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declared. Yeah. And I think so many times, I didn't know that number's off the top of my head. I had

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to look it up as you were talking, because I just felt the word say, go look that up. Because you,

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sometimes you can declare a thing and then you need to battle for it until you actually get it.

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And sometimes I think we get caught up in the, well, we declared it and it's just not happening.

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Yeah. You can't just declare something and you have to battle for it sometimes because

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there, the Bible says that the kingdom advances and the violent take it by force. Amen. And so

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if we're going to have this revolution that God's speaking to you about, then we need to do something

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about it. Pastor Tony, what is something, what are two or three things that we can do to put

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this in action right now in 2024? Yeah. And let, let, if I can add to that. Go for it. They say

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the, and again, I'm, this is, this is a quick Google search, right? Yeah. Revolutionary War

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technically began 1775, even before the declaration. So we begin fighting, we make a declaration,

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but we don't ultimately have the victory that you're talking about till 1783. So I would liken

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that to this time, there was a fight, there was a remnant that was holding on to the spirit of

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revival through this, through the last 30 years of the seeker sensitive movement. I mean, there was

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somebody holding on and fighting, but then a declaration came out. Phil Muncie told me in

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2021, he called me and he said, right now you are working to, you're, you're, you're working to

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persuade people. He's prophesied to me. He said, you're, you're, you're message, you're trying to

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persuade God's using you to persuade. He said, but you're going to live long enough to see the

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church convinced that revival is here. Now, when he said you're going to live long enough to see it,

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I, my mind, okay, this is going to take 50 years, 60 years. It took two years, two years. And now

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revival is in vogue. Everybody's talk. Everybody wants revival. Everybody's hungering for it.

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The church is convinced about revival. So now to get that ultimate victory, because remember,

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the Lord said the second word the Lord gave me this year is that for 2024 is we won't be known

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by our fight. We'll be known by our victories. We were known in the world for what we fight

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against or for, okay, whether it's marriage or life or this issue or that we're known for the

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fight. We're going to be known by our victories. So in 2024, keep an eye open for victory,

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significant victories that we're going to say these belong to the body of Christ. It's not

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going to be a fight. It's going to be a win. We're going to get some wins in 2024. We're also

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going to see restitution come our way because of the win. So we're not just going to restore what

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was lost. We're going to be given the spoils of war. And for those of you that have stood

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for revival, stood for the truth, you're going to see the spoils of war given to your,

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to your personal life, to your ministry. You're going to see that. So what do we do to turn this

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into a revolution? You cannot stay silent. We must practice preach holiness and we have to

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take it to the world. We need to pray for divine strategies on how to win. All right. Remember

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the Lord promised to win. How do you win? How do you win souls? How do you win over your neighborhood?

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How do we win over elected officials? We can't always fight. There is a season to fight against

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Jezebel and then there is a season to show the promise and the power of God to Nebuchadnezzar.

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There's a, there's a time when you need to be a Nehemiah and have enough favor with the King

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that you can rebuild the wall and then you got to be Elijah and rebuke the King and the Queen

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when you need to. This is a season I feel, okay, we've stood against tyranny. We've stood against

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Jezebel's. We've stood against these spirits, but we need some favor. We need some favor.

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And so we need to be praying for those divine strategies on how to expand the kingdom and see

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revolution lead to this victory that I believe is ours in 2024. Amen. Amen. Brother, that's a

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powerful word with action to back it up too. So thank you so much for taking the time to share

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with us at Charisma News. What God is speaking to you about 2024 and what we can do about it.

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Thank you, John.