July 21, 2023

The Domino Revival - Showcasing Miracles and Prophecies in the Current Revival with Mike Signorelli

The Domino Revival - Showcasing Miracles and Prophecies in the Current Revival with Mike Signorelli
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Charisma News

Join us for an extraordinary journey into the heart of a powerful revival sweeping the nation! "The Domino Revival" is a groundbreaking documentary film that captures the awe-inspiring moments of medically verifiable miracles, prophecies, and deliverances taking place across the United States. Pastor Mike Signorelli, a visionary leader of V1 Church, takes us on an eye-opening exploration of the modern-day move of God. With a passion for spreading the message of revival, Pastor Mike embarked on a quest to document the diverse manifestations of God's glory in the lives of people. In this captivating movie, you'll witness the incredible testimonies of individuals touched by the hand of God. From miraculous healings to life-changing prophecies, this film showcases how God's power transcends boundaries and transforms lives. Prepare to be moved as "The Domino Revival" brings together some of the most renowned revivalists, preachers, and ministers from all over the country, united in their passion for sharing God's love and grace. This documentary is not just a captivating cinematic experience; it is a revelation of God's ongoing work in our world. As we navigate the advancements of AI and technology, Pastor Mike Signorelli cautions against seeking counsel solely from computers, emphasizing the importance of seeking God's guidance through Christ. Get ready for an extraordinary cinematic experience that will challenge your faith, stir your heart, and leave you in awe of God's infinite power. Don't miss this chance to witness a spiritual awakening that is transforming lives and bringing hope to countless souls. "The Domino Revival" is coming to theaters nationwide on October 24th. Secure your tickets now and be part of this momentous event. Share this trailer with your friends and family and join us on October 24th as we celebrate God's miracles and embark on an unforgettable journey of revival! Subscribe to our channel for more updates, behind-the-scenes content, and exclusive interviews with the cast and crew. Let's spread the message of revival and bring hope to a world in need! #TheDominoRevival #RevivalDocumentary #MiraclesAndProphecies #SpiritualAwakening #GodsPower #PastorMikeSignorelli https://www.charismanews.com/culture/92874-10-year-old-prophecy-leads-to-powerful-mike-signorelli-film

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So in my estimation, as AI continues, we're going to see way more of just people looking for a

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solution and then they're going to find their counsel in the computer, not through Christ.

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And that's going to be a problem. Pastor Mike Signorelli, it's always a pleasure to be able

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to have you here on Charisma News. And before we get started recording, you and I were just

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catching up a little bit. Man, there's so much that we're going to talk about today. You need

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to make sure that you watch this to the very end, because Mike has a very special message that he's

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got to share. And you know, you need to share this with friends and family because you do not want

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to miss what God is going to be saying here. Pastor Mike is going to be releasing. It's inspiring

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and it's going to change your life. So Mike, welcome back to Charisma News.

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Thanks for having me. Yeah, it's a viral prophetic word already, and I can't wait for people to hear

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it at the end of the video, but we're going to jump into all kinds of fun stuff because revival

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is truly happening right now. Amen. Amen. You know, Mike, one of the things that I love about

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this world, you know, social media is a it's it can be a time suck and it can, you know, pull us

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away from the things of God. But man, it also lets us know what's happening in the body of Christ.

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And I saw this poster of your film, your movie coming out that is the Domino revival. And I

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immediately took a screenshot of it. And I think I texted you like right away, say, bro, we got to

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talk about this. Tell me about it. Give me some inside scoops. Yes. OK, so theaters across the

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United States, October 24th are going to be filled with a movie about revival that shows medically

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verifiable miracles and prophecies and deliverances and healings all happening on film. I mean, it's

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unlike any movie you've ever seen before. And imagine some of your favorite revivalist and

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preachers and ministers from all over the United States, all in one movie about revival. And so

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October 24th, I mean, it's going to be in a theater close to you, most likely, if you're hearing this

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right now. The biggest thing is get tickets before they sell out. Because as we know, these

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opportunities are not given by Hollywood often. Yeah. And as soon as the trailer released, I mean,

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America started talking. And I believe that Jesus Revolution, for example, was awesome, totally

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broke the box office. But imagine Jesus Revolution, part two, the documentary, because God's doing a

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new thing. He's doing there's another Jesus movement. And this film is basically showing

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America, hey, don't believe everything you see in the news. It's not all darkness. God is also

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shining his light. Yeah. So Mike, what started this this whole movie? Because it's one thing to,

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you know, write a story and say, I got to, you know, film this and get actors and put things

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together and doing a documentary. You are doing a lot of research and pulling things together and

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trying to find the story in real life. How did you know where to get started? And just kind of how

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did this thing really come about? Yeah, well, over a decade ago, I was standing in a parking lot in

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Northwest Indiana. And this guy randomly approached me and said, I have a prophetic word for you,

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which I thought was just weird, you know, to get approached in a parking lot like that. And he said,

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I saw a vision of you doing film and you're going to be known for film, which at that point in my

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life, I didn't even own a camera, to be honest with you. And so then shortly after that, the Lord had

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spoke to me and said that there's going to be a second Jesus movement in my generation, and then

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I'm going to be a significant player in that Jesus movement, like round two. So I matter of fact,

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this is over a decade ago, long before the movie came out. And I started to call any figure from

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the first Jesus movement that was still alive and would give me the time. And we would talk on the

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phone and I would have them download to me what it was like. And so then coming into the pandemic,

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here in New York City, I'm pastoring a church called V1 church, which I founded, and I can't

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physically meet. And we had three campuses. And so immediately I started shifting into another

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strategy, which was reaching people online. And I started going viral almost on a daily basis,

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while I was just prophesying and casting out demons and preaching and teaching the scriptures.

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And that's when it hit me, whoa, this is the beginning of the second Jesus movement. This

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is that prophetic word. So I've been filming for the last several years, a documentary with

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Netflix approved cameras, behind the scenes, not telling anybody, because I felt like years down

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the line, this is going to be significant. And then it wasn't until after Come Out in Jesus Name

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came out that I found that I heard through the grapevine that there were some CEOs in the movie

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industry that listen to my sermons and that they enjoy my ministry. So I had my team reach back out

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to these people and said, Hey, we've heard these, these rumors. And can you confirm it's true?

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Because if so, Pastor Mike has a movie that he'd like to do. And so they got back to us and they

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said, Yes, it is true. We know we listen to his sermons, we love his preaching. And so I presented

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this movie idea and I said, I've got footage of me doing revival events all over the United States.

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And I also have friends who are revivalists who have this footage. And I'd like to put together a

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story. Forgive me if some people get offended by this, but like the, the Avengers end game of

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Christianity. We have all of the superheroes in one movie, but we all have different super powers.

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And kind of the idea of it was, we're here to lift the name of Jesus up. But when you do that,

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then the Holy Spirit will empower you with different gifts so that you can make Jesus known.

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And so I wanted to make an apostolic movie that shows all the diversity of gifts in the body of

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Christ and how revival is taking on many different forms. So anyways, we're, we're deep in it now.

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Tickets are already on sale. The trailer's out on my YouTube channel and you guys will probably

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feature it. But it's, and tickets are on sale now. So October 30th or 24th is going to be

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wild. If I could just say briefly something else that's going to be crazy on the 24th,

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is the movie company were like, Hey, if we let you simulcast after the movie's over and gave you

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30 minutes, so the movie ends and then you have 30 minutes to simulcast across every theater in

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America, what would you do? And I was like, I mean, you talk about a destiny encounter.

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I was like, I would preach the unapologetic gospel. Then from that point, I would give

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people a chance to surrender their addictions all across America. Then I would give people

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an opportunity to come out of the crowd and to cancel their suicides. And when I said that,

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even the movie people were weeping, just hearing that I'd said, we'd have thousands of people who

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make a decision to not in their life. And, and then after that, I said, you know, of course,

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we would pray for them and break demonic strongholds off their life and stuff. So,

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so that's what's happening. October 24th, after the movie airs, we're essentially going to be

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doing the largest simulcast church service in the history of America, just simulcasting everywhere,

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this 30 minute service. I honestly do not even understand the magnitude of this responsibility.

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And I can't, I have a feeling that it's gonna the night that this movie's released, it's gonna

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imagine Asbury, you know how Asbury just kept going and going, right? Right. It's truly believe

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that whatever happens in theaters across America is going to be like Asbury, but spread across

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America, there's going to be worship and parking lots, there's going to be people just experiencing

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the outpouring of God's spirit. It's like a release of God's glory. So I have a huge expectation for

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what God's going to do. I'm believing they're with you, you know, I films and movies have

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a very powerful effect. And it's not just because it's an emotional thing, the story and the truth

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behind that, especially when there is truth behind that. I remember I was watching the Jesus

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revolution and I just broke down. And like, and I started praying spontaneously, God use me like

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you did back then. Wow. And so you have like you're you're expecting a similar experience in parking

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lots and in places like that. And to kind of connect back to the Jesus revolution, you said

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something that I want to just ask about. You said that you reached out to personally, a lot of the

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people that were alive and involved with the Jesus revolution back in the 70s. Who were some of these

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people that you were able to talk to? And what are some things that you really learned from them?

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Because I think as we're preparing for this next revival to spread, if we're expecting a Jesus

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revolution, part two, we need to be more prepared than we were for part one.

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That's such a great question. Yeah, unfortunately, a lot of the major figureheads had already passed

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away by this time. So I found myself actually getting phone numbers of people who led in the

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local churches that were started by Lonnie Frisbee and his team and people that were involved in

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and around that leadership team. And a lot of them, what they said was, it was a time of pioneering.

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It was a time of embracing new methods, new ways of doing things. Like, for example, people don't

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understand that before the Jesus movement of the late 60s into the 70s, you didn't have even these

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modern pulpits that really came out of the Brian Houston Hillsong infrastructure, like the

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really sleek, modern plastic pulpits. You had a lot of, like, hymnal singing, for example, was

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very normal. If there was a pulpit, it was typically like a big wooden structure. So a lot of the ways

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that we did church in the 60s and before that, you read out of a hymnal and you sing, or rather,

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you sing a song out of a hymnal, the music was actually, it was not contemporary. So maybe

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as modern as it got was like an organ or a piano. And so a lot of what the Jesus movement brought

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was this pioneering. That's when you have contemporary Christian music. That's when we

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throw out these big wooden pulpits and we have these more relatable tabletops and stands and

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things started getting reconfigured and it affected every denomination. So,

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I really believe that what's going to happen now is that there is going to be a new rev,

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like kind of a revolution. And it always has to do with technology. So my team, as we were making

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this movie, we were studying awakenings. So when do awakenings happen, especially in America? And

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we found that typically there's like 30 to 40 years between every like awakening, whether it's

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a minor awakening or a major awakening, and it almost always co-exists with

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a major technological advance. So for example, once the rail system in America got connected,

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trains could transport people and goods. And so that became the impetus for the gospel reaching

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places rapidly. You had the circuit riders who did it via horseback. Then all of a sudden you go,

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like I was just in Hollywood, and the Hollywood Walk of Fame has one true Christian that we

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could see fruit that remains, and it's Billy Graham. But Billy Graham's

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not on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for being a preacher. He was a massive radio personality.

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So there's even like the symbol of a radio on Billy Graham's Walk of Fame star, because of his

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accomplishment in that domain. So really, you don't have stadium Billy Graham, unless you have

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radio Billy Graham. So each one of these awakenings has always been connected to

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technological advances. So I believe that I made a movie that was a movie that was a

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movie that I made a movie to hopefully show the body of Christ. We are in another shift,

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we're in another awakening. And now it's the internet, it's social media, it's decentralizing

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and centralizing, it's global and it's local. And the movie is showing that. Because you know,

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you've got some of the biggest preachers in America that can't draw as much as me and my

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friends do for revival services. And it's like, we're turning away thousands of people at events.

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And it's because of the internet, it's because people are watching us do the work on video

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in a way that really didn't exist. You know, you go back 20, 30 years ago, and I was recently in

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TVN studios doing something. And I was thinking about how like that they were the gatekeepers,

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you know, like the television was, and there was actually a positive to that, by the way,

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you could vet a lot of bad theology. It's not a bad thing that they were gatekeepers. But now

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that it's like, I mean, I started my journey by putting my phone to my face and going live on

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Facebook walking around the streets of New York City. And I was reaching more people, I mean,

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because I was going viral every week, than old school Christian television could reach if you

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had your own paid segment. So I believe that the movie is going to show people like, hey,

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we need to be prepared for pioneering, trying new things, doing new things. And for those that hold

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on to the hymnals and to the organs, and to the old school pulpits, just like, you know, they were

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holding on to that. And they were making that the main issue, they were actually holding themselves

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back from doing something great for God. So one of those things that we always need to do,

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though, is we need to walk in discernment. Yeah, no, I think you recently had a video

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where you were talking about this AI service in Germany. I mean, I read articles about that as

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well. But, you know, AI can be used as a tool for good. And it can be used for something that's

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that's evil. I mean, if but where does an AI preacher come into the mix? And, you know, we

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need to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. So how do we have discernment as we are weighing

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through this new technology, getting ready for this wave of a new awakening? Yeah, it's more

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important than ever before that Christians enter into the spiritual life. You know, most of what we

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do satisfies our flesh and satisfies our soulish realm. And so we've got to enter into the spiritual

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realm. And the reason why I say that is because God creates and Satan counterfeits. So who is the

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Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is fully God. He's a member of the Trinity. And Jesus ascended to heaven

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and said, just wait, and I'll release my promise, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. And then now the

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Holy Spirit indwells all believers. And we know Acts chapter one, verse eight, after the Holy

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Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power to be witnesses. So look at what the Holy Spirit is.

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The Holy Spirit is the source of all knowledge. Another scripture says the Holy Spirit will teach

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you all things. So the Holy Spirit is both individual and ubiquitous. The Holy Spirit is

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the source of all knowledge, both and provides that knowledge and is able to teach all things

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to individuals. What is AI? Chat, GBT and AI, it's the same thing. It's a replica. And so it's like

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it's it'll teach you all things, it'll show you all things. And individually, you can ask AI questions.

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And as it gets better and better and better, I'm telling you, we're getting into a dark era,

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where instead of people being counseled by the Word of God, they're going to be counseled by AI.

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You know, even therapy, think about it, the more AI listens to all your phone calls and

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all sees all the content you consume and you gravitate towards it, it will become a

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a counterfeited demonic counterfeit to the Holy Spirit. I 100% believe that the way that think

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about when we pray, we pray to God in heaven. So we send information to a distant place

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through the Holy Spirit, we're communing with God, and then we get these prophetic downloads,

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there's going to be people having full blown conversations with AI, but treating it as a God,

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it's coming, it's, it's irrevocable. And they're going to because we live in a secular humanistic

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society, which means that most of them don't believe in the existence of God, they believe

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that they are essentially a God in the sense that they created all their problems, and they can solve

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all their problems, and they're going to elevate technology up to that point of a deity. And to me,

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I think that's when you see a lot of antichrist infrastructure even more. So it just, yeah,

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because at the end of the day, anything that solves somebody's problems, and this is why

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when you read the Old Testament, there was a strict prohibition against witchcraft,

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because Israel had neighboring countries. And so they would they would hear, oh, well, if you need

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help in your love life, we have this practice with this deity that helps. Oh, if you need,

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if your physical condition, you need something for your health, we have a form of worship, and

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you can do this thing that will help it. So Israel was constantly seeking solutions in the gods and

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the deities of these other nations. And then that caused them to get off and the Lord would severely

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judge them. And they would go through that. And you see that over and over and over again. So in my

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estimation, as AI continues, we're going to see way more of just people looking for a solution,

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and then they're going to find their counsel in the computer, not through Christ. And that's

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going to be a problem. Yeah, I find it interesting that, you know, the God is real. And then all

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these other things are counterfeit. I mean, literally, artificial is another word for counterfeit.

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It's counterfeit intelligence. And yeah, we can use it as a tool, we can use it as a way to get

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a start for something and kind of, you know, fill in some outlines and stuff like that. But,

00:18:03,040 --> 00:18:10,000
you know, if we're relying on that, it's going to deceive us. I mean, I know there's a, I read an

00:18:10,000 --> 00:18:20,320
article about a lawyer that just put up his legal case and wrote, used chat GPT to get his arguments.

00:18:20,320 --> 00:18:28,480
And the judge threw out the case. And basically, because this guy, chat GPT, I believe it was

00:18:29,280 --> 00:18:35,840
the article claimed that it was creating references that did not exist. And so, yeah,

00:18:35,840 --> 00:18:41,600
discernment, I think, is really, really important. But, I mean, I was, we kind of diverted a little

00:18:41,600 --> 00:18:47,600
bit from what we what the original context of our conversation is, which is the domino revival. But

00:18:47,600 --> 00:18:52,960
one of those dominoes that's going to fall is AI. Yeah, you know, it's going to affect a lot of

00:18:52,960 --> 00:19:00,160
different areas. And so tell us more about this domino revival and what what we can expect with

00:19:00,160 --> 00:19:04,720
that because I know you said, yeah, it from even before the pandemic, during the pandemic, and now

00:19:04,720 --> 00:19:09,600
after the pandemic. So you're seeing basically three different scenes or three different acts

00:19:09,600 --> 00:19:15,280
of this. Yeah. Well, and just to your point, like, what does AI have to do with this? It's the prophets

00:19:15,280 --> 00:19:21,120
of Baal versus Elijah, whenever there's the fake, like, hey, we're going to call down fire from heaven,

00:19:21,120 --> 00:19:27,680
then God will divinely interrupt and say, Okay, let's, let's see who's God is the real God. And

00:19:27,680 --> 00:19:33,520
so it's like prophets of Baal versus Elijah is going to be AI versus the Holy Spirit, and God

00:19:33,520 --> 00:19:39,600
will never be outmatched. There's no way he's never going to be outdone. And so as sin in the world

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increases, as and I say increase, because I mean, I think I talk about this all the time. But this

00:19:46,640 --> 00:19:51,920
goes with the domino revival, what people can expect things are getting darker. I mean, if you

00:19:51,920 --> 00:19:57,600
go back to the 80s and 90s, in order to even view pornography, you'd have had to purchase it and

00:19:57,600 --> 00:20:02,320
order it to come to your home through the mail and hope that your spouse doesn't open the mail,

00:20:02,320 --> 00:20:08,480
or you'd had to go to the local blockbuster and go walk past the creepy section with a curtain that

00:20:08,480 --> 00:20:13,360
you'd have to actually provide an ID so that people knew what you were doing, that you were old enough

00:20:13,360 --> 00:20:19,440
to even go back there and check out a movie, accessibility was a it was there, it was available,

00:20:19,440 --> 00:20:25,120
but it was a limited accessibility to pornography, it was a little bit harder to get it. And

00:20:25,120 --> 00:20:31,120
nowadays, it's it's right at your fingertips, you have like literally a portal to hell at your

00:20:31,120 --> 00:20:35,440
fingertips. And so a lot of pastors like, Oh, everything's not a demon. It's like, yeah,

00:20:35,440 --> 00:20:40,720
but demons love for you to believe that. Because not everything you're right, sometimes it is just

00:20:40,720 --> 00:20:46,240
the flesh. We have a generation that's able to entertain perversions on their phone, that

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wouldn't even have made it into other movies or magazines 30 years ago, when you when it's ubiquitous

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in video games. And I mean, we are dealing with a level of frequent sin that goes far beyond

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just carnality, you were getting into these crazy demonic realms, not only that, but it's normalized.

00:21:05,120 --> 00:21:10,080
And then the new age, again, you go, you know, it used to be you want to see a psychic medium,

00:21:10,080 --> 00:21:14,640
you got to go walk into their place of business, they maybe they operate out of their house,

00:21:14,640 --> 00:21:20,960
paying physical cash money, there was a barrier to these experiences. Now, you go on the internet,

00:21:21,760 --> 00:21:26,640
and you can get access to psychic mediums on every social media platform, and you know, different

00:21:26,640 --> 00:21:35,920
websites and things. So again, as the phone gave people, like unfettered access, so the sin is just

00:21:35,920 --> 00:21:41,920
multiplying because you can satisfy whatever desire, whether it's the new age, occult practices,

00:21:41,920 --> 00:21:48,800
voodoo, witchcraft, or, you know, lust, perversion, whatever. And so now what does God do as that's

00:21:48,800 --> 00:21:55,200
increasing, the Bible says that the Lord will lift up a standard against so that just means however,

00:21:55,200 --> 00:22:02,080
wherever sin abounds, grace is actually greater. So we now have the conditions for greater grace,

00:22:02,080 --> 00:22:07,360
we now have the conditions for God to lift up a standard above it. And so that's what revival is,

00:22:07,360 --> 00:22:13,040
revival essentially is things are getting worse. But because they're getting worse, it's activating

00:22:13,040 --> 00:22:18,320
greater measures of God's glory, and greater greater measures of God's power, like it's not

00:22:18,320 --> 00:22:24,480
a normal thing for fire to call, it's not a normal thing for fire to come down from heaven.

00:22:24,480 --> 00:22:30,080
But it is when there's hundreds of prophets of Baal masquerading around with bad theology,

00:22:30,080 --> 00:22:35,840
you know what I mean? Like, oh, it's like, like, okay, here's the bad news, Elijah, you have

00:22:35,840 --> 00:22:40,720
hundreds of hundreds of prophets of Baal who want to kill you. And they're trying to recruit, actively

00:22:40,720 --> 00:22:46,560
recruit the people of God. That's the bad news. The good news is, though that level of persecution

00:22:46,560 --> 00:22:51,840
is actually going to produce some of the greatest miraculous things ever recorded. So that's what

00:22:51,840 --> 00:22:57,440
revival is. It's like, hey, America, we are more confused than we've ever been about our identity

00:22:57,440 --> 00:23:03,680
and sexuality. But that's just the conditions for God's power being released to a degree we've never

00:23:03,680 --> 00:23:12,560
seen before. Yeah. So this this film, though, you've had you have life basis, you started this before

00:23:12,560 --> 00:23:18,400
the pandemic. So this has been a long, long process that you've been going through. So just

00:23:18,400 --> 00:23:23,760
tell us about some of these documented miracles that you have captured on film.

00:23:24,560 --> 00:23:31,600
Yeah, we we we filmed everything with the thought that like one day people are going to want to see

00:23:31,600 --> 00:23:37,360
this. But it's also because I was a big fan of the G the original Jesus movement. And I was a big fan

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of there's like there's one kind of like one documentary that actually exists from back in

00:23:42,000 --> 00:23:47,920
the day. It's very hard to find it though, because it was never like mass produced and released. And

00:23:47,920 --> 00:23:53,600
I remember watching that footage and seeing how they would evangelize in the streets, and how they

00:23:53,600 --> 00:23:58,320
just they were finding new ways. And I remember thinking, oh, like, we're doing our version of

00:23:58,320 --> 00:24:04,000
that today. You know, I live here in New York City, and David Wilkerson was really big into media.

00:24:04,000 --> 00:24:09,120
And I've watched so much footage of David Wilkerson in the streets of New York City just doing

00:24:09,120 --> 00:24:14,800
ministry. And I'm so thankful for that heritage. And so anyways, that's kind of how this started.

00:24:14,800 --> 00:24:21,760
So pre pandemic, I started filming, then then during the pandemic, I was continuing to film then

00:24:21,760 --> 00:24:25,840
sort of like the tail end of the pandemic till today, is when I've been traveling all around

00:24:25,840 --> 00:24:29,920
the world saying I want to meet these people in person that are always in my comment sections. And

00:24:30,720 --> 00:24:35,440
one of the one of the stories is we were in Huntington Beach. And we had over 1000 people

00:24:35,440 --> 00:24:40,800
gather in Huntington Beach at a pavilion. And I was taking everybody through forgiveness.

00:24:40,800 --> 00:24:46,400
And you know, you don't forgive because the other person deserves it. You forgive because you deserve

00:24:46,400 --> 00:24:51,360
to be free. And a lot of people hold on to unforgiveness. The Bible says bitterness will

00:24:51,360 --> 00:24:56,960
rot your bones. And so there's physical conditions that I believe that are connected to unforgiveness.

00:24:56,960 --> 00:25:01,600
So it's very common for me to take a large group of people through the process of forgiving,

00:25:01,600 --> 00:25:06,160
even saying the person's name out loud, you know, the Bible says, forgive one another that you might

00:25:06,160 --> 00:25:12,960
be healed. And so they'll say, you know, say their name out loud, I forgive and sometimes they they're

00:25:12,960 --> 00:25:17,440
they're repulsed by the idea of even saying the name, because they haven't said that name in years

00:25:17,440 --> 00:25:22,640
people have abused them in many different ways. People have hurt them. But I'll say how could you

00:25:22,640 --> 00:25:27,440
receive forgiveness from Christ, and yet hold unforgiveness against someone else you're blocking

00:25:27,440 --> 00:25:33,440
a breakthrough. So anyways, in Huntington Beach, this woman had neuropathy in her hands. So her

00:25:33,440 --> 00:25:39,360
hands were completely numb. She had lost all feeling in her hands. And immediately after we

00:25:39,360 --> 00:25:45,120
went through the forgiveness portion, and she said, I forgive blah, blah, blah, that curse was broken.

00:25:45,120 --> 00:25:49,920
And the full feeling went back in her hand, she was able to open her hands completely. And she just

00:25:49,920 --> 00:25:54,480
started waving at me. And I'm like, you this woman in the back, what happened? And she was like, I

00:25:54,480 --> 00:25:59,040
just forgave and the neuropathy left my hands and I'm completely healed. And I mean, she was

00:25:59,040 --> 00:26:03,600
screaming and crying. It was a powerful moment. Obviously, we caught that on film. And there's

00:26:03,600 --> 00:26:09,520
just so many moments like that. And usually there's a connection between repentance, renouncing,

00:26:09,520 --> 00:26:13,680
breaking curses, forgiving and then just seeing the miraculous breakout.

00:26:14,320 --> 00:26:20,960
Wow. Wow. So somebody had had healing in their hands. Yeah. So you've got you've got more though.

00:26:21,680 --> 00:26:24,640
Oh, yeah, I mean, I don't want you to I don't want you to get away everything because I want

00:26:24,640 --> 00:26:32,080
people to go on October 24 to see this film. But, you know, yeah, it's a little bit about about

00:26:32,080 --> 00:26:38,240
more. Well, yeah, one of the and I again, whenever you tell a testimony, the Bible says it becomes

00:26:38,240 --> 00:26:43,680
the spirit of prophecy declaring God do it again. But that's like when you tell testimonies, it's

00:26:43,680 --> 00:26:49,520
it's literally someone's testimony is someone else's prophecy of what God's about to do. So

00:26:49,520 --> 00:26:55,120
anyways, the Lord. So there's this song that is really big right now that the lyrics say day and

00:26:55,120 --> 00:27:01,520
night, night and day, let incense arise. And we were doing that song one at one event and the Lord

00:27:01,520 --> 00:27:09,040
told me so day and night, night and day, let incense arise. So what is that? It's it's a sign

00:27:09,040 --> 00:27:15,040
that there should be a perpetual incense before the Lord of prayer, supplication and thanksgiving.

00:27:15,040 --> 00:27:23,840
Yeah. So the Bible says pray without ceasing. So what is the demonic counterfeit? It's chronic pain.

00:27:24,560 --> 00:27:30,800
So there's chronic praise, then there's chronic pain. And so people are hurting all day and night

00:27:30,800 --> 00:27:36,720
physically in their body. There's chronic illness. So the Lord told me put on that song and every

00:27:36,720 --> 00:27:41,600
single event you do, I'm going to exchange chronic, chronic pain for chronic praise.

00:27:41,600 --> 00:27:46,400
And we started I did a call for people with chronic illness. And I just started watching

00:27:46,400 --> 00:27:52,640
people get healed all over the United States of chronic illness. So lupus, Hashimoto's,

00:27:54,560 --> 00:27:57,280
all kinds of just what do they call it?

00:27:58,640 --> 00:28:04,960
Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking. Thank you. Autoimmune disease, a lot of autoimmune

00:28:04,960 --> 00:28:10,080
disease like and you know, it's funny, some of that stuff is undiagnosable or you know, mysterious

00:28:10,080 --> 00:28:15,600
to doctors, they can't find a cause. And sometimes it's a spirit of infirmity. You know, sometimes

00:28:15,600 --> 00:28:23,680
it's biological, we have had viruses in people's body that died, you know, like lupus, but we just

00:28:23,680 --> 00:28:28,480
saw healings. And what's crazy is we still are receiving testimonies from people that we prayed

00:28:28,480 --> 00:28:34,160
for six months ago, that now have gotten the third medical verification that they it's completely

00:28:34,160 --> 00:28:40,960
gone. So just seeing that, yeah, seeing chronic illness healed on film and got dealing with that

00:28:41,200 --> 00:28:48,560
is just amazing. That's really cool. And so in amongst this film, you're still having conferences

00:28:48,560 --> 00:28:53,120
and you're still doing things. I just you had one recently that you were just telling me about.

00:28:54,000 --> 00:29:00,320
Yeah, the breakers conference, which is a great way for people to get the breakers app to get

00:29:00,320 --> 00:29:07,280
trained to get equipped, so that you too can be a part of this team to reach out and evangelize

00:29:07,280 --> 00:29:12,560
the world and be ready for deliverance and especially after this film, which we're expecting

00:29:12,560 --> 00:29:19,520
great things at the end of that on October 24, the Domino revival, be ready, so get the breakers app.

00:29:19,520 --> 00:29:25,040
But you just had this breakers conference, which is a V one church conference. Tell us about some

00:29:25,040 --> 00:29:26,640
of the things that happened there.

00:29:26,640 --> 00:29:32,320
Yeah, well, you know, I'm based out of New York City and we are currently kind of marching our way

00:29:32,320 --> 00:29:38,160
towards a stadium sized event out here. Each year it gets bigger. So I was in one of the larger

00:29:38,160 --> 00:29:45,200
events or event spaces in New Jersey, and we just encountered a lot of demonic resistance. And quite

00:29:45,200 --> 00:29:50,800
frankly, we just felt like we were being squeezed that they were sabotaging the event to try to get

00:29:50,800 --> 00:29:56,240
us to end it at whatever cost. I think what they didn't account for is that people are so hard

00:29:56,240 --> 00:30:03,120
are so hungry for a legitimate move of God and revival in this country that we refuse to shut it

00:30:03,120 --> 00:30:09,360
down unnecessarily. And we just saw God move. I mean, thousands of people delivered hundreds and

00:30:09,360 --> 00:30:14,480
hundreds of medically verifiable miracles, the testimonies are still rolling in. And even the

00:30:14,480 --> 00:30:20,800
venue, it was a two day event Saturday and Sunday, we do it every year. And they canceled the contract

00:30:20,800 --> 00:30:25,840
for the next day for the Sunday, which again, if you're not in a head on collision with the

00:30:25,840 --> 00:30:29,760
devil, it's because you're running the same direction. They canceled the contract while you

00:30:29,760 --> 00:30:35,440
were in the middle of the conference. Yeah. And they said, we will not allow you to meet day two.

00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:42,160
And I took it as a badge of honor because we operate with excellence. Our team is elite. I

00:30:42,160 --> 00:30:47,040
mean, we have the best worship team. My worship team is on a record label just to give you an

00:30:47,040 --> 00:30:53,040
idea of the caliber of worship and the technology. We had very renowned people there working on

00:30:53,040 --> 00:30:59,600
things. So this was no fault of our own, or any of the leaders or speakers. It was just a political

00:30:59,600 --> 00:31:05,440
and religious opposition that we experienced in the Northeast, which as you guys know, is not the

00:31:05,440 --> 00:31:11,280
Bible Belt. And they canceled our contract for Sunday. And so what I did was I opened up our

00:31:11,280 --> 00:31:18,160
Brooklyn space, which we meet in for our Brooklyn campus. Thankfully, it has about 1000 person

00:31:18,160 --> 00:31:24,000
capacity. So we were just able to do multiple services and get everybody in. And God moved.

00:31:24,000 --> 00:31:29,920
It was actually day two, I think was more powerful in the end. God just showed off in a major way.

00:31:29,920 --> 00:31:36,320
So, but you know what it was? That persecution became a rallying point. It became a unifier

00:31:36,320 --> 00:31:41,840
and God use it. So because persecution puts you on the map, you know, persecution. Once people

00:31:41,840 --> 00:31:46,000
started to see what was happening, they rallied behind it. They said, no, like, you know, this is

00:31:46,000 --> 00:31:53,120
the breakers. Let's break through. Yeah, that's really cool. I'm glad that you were able to have

00:31:53,120 --> 00:31:59,440
a solution for that. And quickly, which is really good, because that could be that could be a big

00:31:59,440 --> 00:32:05,200
stressor there. But I think that ties back into what we were talking about earlier with Elijah and

00:32:05,200 --> 00:32:11,760
the prophets of Baal. I mean, he was up against all this opposition that was false. But we know,

00:32:11,760 --> 00:32:16,800
I mean, he had just himself and he he was the one that called down fire from heaven, because,

00:32:17,440 --> 00:32:23,520
you know, God is the true God. And so you had that type of opposite opposition, where it was

00:32:23,520 --> 00:32:28,080
insurmountable odds, and they were trying to get you to stop. And you're you just figured out another

00:32:28,080 --> 00:32:33,920
solution and kept going. Yeah. So kudos to you. I mean, that's that's, that's really, that's really

00:32:33,920 --> 00:32:40,560
good. Well, yeah, I just want to shout out my team, because, you know, wherever there's a big

00:32:40,560 --> 00:32:47,200
sacrifice, there's a big fire. God never releases fire independent of sacrifice. It's like we there's

00:32:47,200 --> 00:32:53,840
it's fire is a response to sacrifice. And it just took hundreds of volunteers sacrificing to say,

00:32:53,840 --> 00:32:58,960
we're going to get very little or no sleep, we're going to, I mean, we had to pack the entire venue,

00:32:58,960 --> 00:33:04,800
imagine packing an entire venue's worth of equipment in just a few hours at night,

00:33:04,800 --> 00:33:09,920
because your contract gets canceled, and then having to shift it over 30 miles east

00:33:09,920 --> 00:33:14,560
over the state lines. And if you know anything about New Jersey, New York City, it's very

00:33:14,560 --> 00:33:20,160
difficult to drive trucks and things of that nature through that. I mean, all the odds were against us.

00:33:20,160 --> 00:33:25,440
And shout out to the team, because behind every leader is an even better team. And they made it

00:33:25,440 --> 00:33:31,280
happen. But again, we call ourselves the wild ones. And we say we are the wild ones, like you won't

00:33:31,280 --> 00:33:36,560
stop us, we'll do this in a parking lot, I don't care, because you're not going to stop revival.

00:33:36,560 --> 00:33:42,080
And, you know, I, as for as much as as a leader, I hate the way that things went down. I know that

00:33:42,080 --> 00:33:47,200
I couldn't change them, because God was sovereignly on the move. Amen. Amen. You know, Pastor Michael,

00:33:47,200 --> 00:33:52,480
we're wrapping up here, we promised at the beginning of this interview that you have a

00:33:53,120 --> 00:33:59,600
word that you recently released on your Facebook page, which is close to a half a million views

00:33:59,600 --> 00:34:05,600
and a lot of shares and likes. But I mean, that's, I mean, it's not just because, you know, people

00:34:05,600 --> 00:34:10,320
were encouraged by that, obviously, as if God has a word for the masses, he's going to get it out

00:34:10,320 --> 00:34:16,320
there. Like it says in Isaiah 55, that his word goes forth, and it will accomplish what his what

00:34:16,320 --> 00:34:22,560
his intention is. And so I'm just going to ask you to kind of recap that word and share that with our

00:34:22,560 --> 00:34:28,080
with our audience that have been able to stick with us this far. Yeah, absolutely. This word, I

00:34:29,120 --> 00:34:34,240
had such a strong prompting that I grabbed my phone. And when you see the video on Facebook,

00:34:34,240 --> 00:34:40,400
it's just me walking through New York's New York City neighborhood. But I was just amazed that it

00:34:40,400 --> 00:34:48,160
got over 30,000 likes, and it's got like 32,000 comments, which my mind can't even fathom 32,000

00:34:48,160 --> 00:34:54,320
comments. But I believe that that was a sign that it was resonating with so many people,

00:34:54,960 --> 00:34:59,520
that it was hitting the mark. And it's a very simple word. And I believe this word is more for

00:34:59,520 --> 00:35:04,800
just the body of Christ out large. It's very simple, very, very simple. But I heard the Lord saying

00:35:04,800 --> 00:35:11,520
that it's time to remind yourself of what he's already done. There's something about a new

00:35:11,520 --> 00:35:17,600
opposition or a new struggle that is causing the body of Christ to forget the old miracle,

00:35:17,600 --> 00:35:23,600
the old healing. And so if you feel like there's a struggle in your body, remember the last time he

00:35:23,600 --> 00:35:28,480
healed you, because he hasn't changed. He's still the healer. The last time you came up against a

00:35:28,480 --> 00:35:32,800
financial obstacle and you said, I don't know how I'm going to make it through this financially.

00:35:32,800 --> 00:35:39,280
Well, remind yourself of the last time he was faithful in your finances, you serve the same God.

00:35:39,280 --> 00:35:44,880
And so I believe that the body of Christ is facing some new challenges right now. But it's just a

00:35:44,880 --> 00:35:50,560
very simple word. But I feel like the Lord was telling me, remind them of who I am, remind them

00:35:50,560 --> 00:35:55,840
of what I've already done, remind them of my goodness. And if you'll go back to that posture

00:35:55,840 --> 00:36:02,080
and say, God, I know who you are. You're faithful to the end. You're faithful in my finances,

00:36:02,080 --> 00:36:06,880
faithful in my health. You're faithful with the dreams and vision and the destiny. You gave me

00:36:06,880 --> 00:36:12,480
these other opportunities. You open these other doors. You directed my path. The last time I was

00:36:12,480 --> 00:36:17,360
confused, the last time I didn't know what to do. You've always been there because if they'll get

00:36:17,360 --> 00:36:24,720
in that position, I feel like the body of Christ is at a juncture, like a fork in the road. And on

00:36:24,720 --> 00:36:31,360
one side, it's going to doubt, go into fear, go into anxiety, go into depression, go deeper into

00:36:31,360 --> 00:36:38,160
unbelief, or that the other road is to say, no, God, it's almost like this Davidic word.

00:36:38,160 --> 00:36:42,960
You delivered me from the paw of the lion and the bear. Surely you'll deliver me from this

00:36:42,960 --> 00:36:49,120
uncircumcised Philistine. So it's a new challenge, but there's an old victory that's going to bring

00:36:49,120 --> 00:36:55,040
faith for the new challenge. And so God's really trying to help it because if we'll go into this

00:36:55,040 --> 00:36:59,920
other route, then what will happen is that we're on the precipice of a major breakthrough.

00:36:59,920 --> 00:37:04,800
And right now we're in the month of July, which I believe that July, there's been a lot of prophetic

00:37:04,800 --> 00:37:11,280
words about new, new things, new, new, new. I think what many prophets failed to diagnose is that new

00:37:11,280 --> 00:37:18,960
opportunities always bring new opposition. And so like, and so for as much was prophesied about the

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month of July, new opportunities, new this, new that, I agree, but also new opposition because in

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the month of August, September, October, I see like a three month span that is actually going to

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bring major breakthrough into these higher levels. And people who have been working on things in the

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summer and toiling on things, even the season before the summer, like so spring, I saw that

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the people of God have been working on things and it's almost like, God, is this going to work?

00:37:47,600 --> 00:37:53,520
Is this, did you, did you call me to this? Is this not going to work? Or are the results going to be

00:37:53,520 --> 00:37:58,800
minimal? Because I thought the results were going to be exponential. And I really believe that right

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now we're like in a pivot in July, because August, September, October, we're going to start to see the

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answer like, no, no, no, it is exponential return. No, no, no, it is going to be the maximums, not the

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minimums. No, no. And then by November, it's actually November is going to feel like a major

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celebration point. Like, November is the victory lap. November is the vindication. November is like,

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I told you so. I told you, you know, I so right now it's like July is the the crossroads.

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For those who go correctly into the right direction of remembering, staying in a posture of

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gratitude, staying in a posture of faith and believing, then August, September, October,

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they begin to see things happen. And then by November, they're celebrating it publicly.

00:38:45,360 --> 00:38:50,480
So that that's kind of the word that the Lord gave me, but some bonus. But I know you guys can

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watch the rest by going to the original broadcast. Yeah, you know, Mike, as you were talking about

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that, I think it's really important that everybody that's watching this, I want to encourage you to

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in the comments of this video, to write what it is that you're believing God for. Yeah, and that we

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can believe with you, but also write in another comment of what it is that God has done that's

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you're you're using that to remind yourself of his faithfulness of who he's been. So write two

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comments there. First one is what you're believing for. And we can believe with you, everybody that's

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watching this everybody that's that's you know, myself and Mike, as we read the comments, we'll

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but we're going to pray and we're going to believe with you that we're going to see God do these

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things, but rehearse the the past miracles rehearse the past things that God has done, and let others

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respond to that as well. Because we're going to build faith as you rehearse what God has done

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there. Mike, does that does that resonate with you? That's hated to give that challenge there.

00:39:54,320 --> 00:39:59,200
Yeah, absolutely. Well, because you have to declare a thing. You know, the first book of the Bible,

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the oldest is actually Job, not Genesis. And people don't know that chronologically, it was

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canonized for Genesis to be first. But Job's the oldest book of the Bible. And there's a verse that

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says I will decree a thing, and it will be established unto me. So when you go into the

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comment section, and you're decreeing it, you're operating in a realm of faith to begin to mobilize

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that thing because the just will walk by faith will live by faith, it's impossible to please God

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without faith. So those comment sections, they're more than just a social media comment section,

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it's a declaration section. It's a decree section. This is where the work happens, you know, so do

00:40:37,920 --> 00:40:44,560
your homework, level up. Yeah. Well, Mike, I appreciate every time that we get a chance to

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talk together and share what's going on in in the world that God has you in up in New York, and

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actually, really, you're around the world, which is great. Because you've been to Brazil recently,

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you've been traveling a lot. And so it's great that I was able to connect with you here to talk

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about your upcoming film, which is October 24, you got to get tickets ahead of time. Make sure

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it's gonna it's gonna sell out. We've seen other Christian films selling out. I mean, we've got

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things like Sound of Freedom that are doing phenomenal. We've got the Jesus Revolution,

00:41:19,520 --> 00:41:23,680
we've got Come Out in Jesus Name, which, you know, it was in the theaters way longer than

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anybody expected. But it's because God is moving in the big screen. And you got to get a part of

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this next one, which is the Domino revival. So you can actually kind of see like a prequel

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to Come Out in Jesus Name and a prequel to even Jenny Weaver's film Deborah's Arise. And so

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just kind of like because God spoke to Mike a while ago, start this project. And now we're

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going to get to see a greater story and give God more glory with that. So Mike Signorelli,

00:41:54,400 --> 00:41:58,800
it's great to have you here on Charisma News. Thanks, John. I really appreciate it. This was

00:41:58,800 --> 00:42:19,440
an awesome broadcast. Thank you, brother. God bless. God bless.