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Revival comes in all shapes and sizes. Whatever the church is ready for, he will bring to them.
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I'm grateful to run with pastors and leaders that hear the Lord's voice and knowing when to quit.
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Nick Walker, it's great to have you here on Charisma News. You have been in the midst of
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a revival that has just kept on going. And in fact, nothing can stop this revival because
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we were trying to actually talk about this a couple weeks ago. And right as we were ready to
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record our interview about what God was doing to share all that, there was a lightning hit that
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knocked out the power, knocked out the internet, and we just had to reschedule this. But that was
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a couple weeks ago. But the revival that you've been a part of has just kept on going. And tell
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me about what God has been doing. And man, that's exciting. Well, thank you, John and Charisma for
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having me today. You said we tried to do this about three weeks ago. And maybe the Lord wanted
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us to talk about what's happened for the last three weeks. I don't know. I think so. We've been in
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Sandusky, Ohio since September 24th. And it was supposed to end on September 27th. We usually go
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Sunday to Wednesday. And we just kept it going. And so we just ended it last night. And it's been
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a powerful move of the Spirit, filled with repentance. I always bring a... Maybe we can
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talk about this a little more. I usually bring a horse trough with me in a trailer. And we do
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spontaneous baptisms. That's just a big part of our evangelism ministry. And so we always put it
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right in front of the pulpit and give a call to spontaneous baptism, rededication, repentance.
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And I have seen... I was telling the pastor here, Dustin Hours, I have seen more families get in
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this horse trough at this revival than any other revival. I think we've baptized nine or ten
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families of four at one time. And so the Lord is doing some really amazing things here with
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the family unit. Last night was the final revival service. I have a teen service tonight at seven,
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but last night was the last revival night. And we saw lots of high school students come and get
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baptized. We're seeing signs and wonders, confirmed healings and miracles. And so the Lord's doing
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some amazing things here. We had on Monday night, a woman brought her infant child. I guess he's
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less than a year old, but he was born at 26 weeks. And so he's had a feeding tube since he was born.
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He was more of the hole in his heart. And so they came on Monday night and we laid hands on this
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baby. They came back last night and we're baptizing people. And the mother, or I think it was the aunt
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got in my ear and she said, I've got to tell you what happened today. I said, okay. And she had the
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baby. And I said, I recognize that baby. And she says, yes, we went to the doctor and had some
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tests run today. They were supposed to put a feeding tube in this child permanently. In fact,
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he was deemed, I think the phrase they gave me was incompatible with life. And so he was supposed to
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have a permanent feeding tube put in. So not only did they take the feeding tube out permanently,
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but the hole in his heart closed. And so we've seen some really wild miracles at this revival
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from infants to one of the founding members of this church. She turns 90 this year and she
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received some physical manifestations of healing. And so the Lord is healing every generation. It's
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been a great revival here. So kind of sad to see it come to an end. We've been baptized almost 130
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people. And so it's been a great one. Wow. You know, Nick, I've got so many things to say about
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that. First off, I rejoice with you about those miracles that you just shared and just how Dr.
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Jesus is showing up big time and doing things that only he can do. I mean, to have a hole in the heart
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close in an infant without surgery is nothing short of a miracle. We know that Jesus heals today.
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He's healed in the past and he will continue to heal in the future. And that is a powerful testimony
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of this baby that was incompatible with life. I mean, talk about that label that has been put
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over that child's life and how God miraculously in an instant is able to turn that child's destiny
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around. Because, my goodness, whatever was meant for evil is now being used as a testimony for the
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glory of God in this child's life forever. Amen. Yes, that's right. We were talking about things
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last night. The Lord had me ministering from Matthew 8 when Jesus touched the leper. And we
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know he's Jesus. He didn't have to touch the leper. And of course, leprosy is very contagious. And so
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you read where he touched the leper, but he didn't have to. He could have spoken the word.
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He could have done it any other way, but he chose to touch someone that society had called
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untouchable. And so that's what the Lord was doing with this child, things that make him
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incompatible with life, otherwise untouchable. And the Lord is just demonstrating in this
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generation only he can touch the things that we've called untouchable. Amen. Amen. You know, Nick,
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I do have a question for you. You said that last night was the last night of the revival itself,
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but you've got it. You're going to be speaking at the youth service again tonight. So it's not
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really over. It's just kind of changing a little bit. Just shifting gears. How does one come up
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with the like basically, how do you know if a revival is time to stop or if it was a revival
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or was it just really good meetings or tell me about the decision for it to change directions,
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I guess. Like how did how did this come about? Because I would want to keep a revival going and
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going and going. Oh, yes. Tell me about that because that has to be I mean, the leaders that
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God has put in charge, they need to hear from him. How do you hear from God about about something
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like that? That for me, that that is the hardest thing to do is is know when to go. And so I always
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always leave that decision up to the pastor. And we always have discussions. And I've never had,
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I don't recall ever having a revival season come to a close where the pastor and I didn't come to
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an agreement on something. And really, it depends. It depends on the church and and what and what
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they're ready for. You know, if you have, for example, if you have maybe a revival meeting
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where 200 people get saved in two weeks, the church now has the has the responsibility of
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discipling perhaps 200 people. And so the question you have to ask is, is the church ready?
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Are the church's nets ready for that that catch a fish, so to speak, without without the boat
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sinking? And I don't think that the Lord would ever want to bring it outpouring so heavy that
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it causes a church to quote, sink revival can be dangerous if we if we just kind of let it go,
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go and go. And this church in particular, the one in Sandusky here, they they are ready for what
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they've experienced in the last three weeks. You know, there's there's been a hundred and
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right at one hundred and thirty people baptized, maybe a little less, but most of them are
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rededications. And so they're getting rebaptized. You know, Revelation two would tell us if you've
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left your first love, you can return to your first love by doing your first works over again.
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Of course, which is repentance and water baptism, right, reference to the annex, too. And so there's
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a lot of rededications, but there have been a lot of maybe an equal amount of fresh, fresh first
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time salvations. And so the Lord is giving this church what they've been praying and fasting for.
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We've had revivals like this go three weeks. Last year we had one go 15 weeks in Huntington,
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West Virginia. And I think that the Lord would would pour out what the church is ready for. But
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it's a difficult thing to know when to go. And the difference, I think, between a
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just a series of good meetings and genuine revival, that revival is always filled with repentance.
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That's the essence of revival because you're because the the dead is coming back to life,
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the sleeper is being awakened. And that's that's always how revival is referenced,
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whether it's a series of three services or or three weeks of services. And you saw it,
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you saw it in Asbury earlier in the year where there was no preaching and there was no like
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services. It was just 24, 24, seven. I got to go experience one of those, just a moment of that.
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And so revival comes in all shapes and sizes, whatever the church is ready for, he will he
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will bring to them. I'm grateful to to run with pastors and leaders that that hear the Lord's
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voice and knowing when to quit. Yeah, we're gonna talk about one of those pastors that
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that you run with and that being Perry Stone. And we'll talk about that in just a little bit,
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how God has connected you guys. But I think what you said is is worth diving in a little
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bit deeper about to about how basically the foundation determines the amount of revival
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that we can have the foundation of the church and how you are ready to receive what God is
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is entrusting you with. I think that's a really important thing that we need to be to be aware
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of. And we need to be preparing because if we're not prepared for the next great harvest that God
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has, we're going to have I mean, I'm reminded of Mark chapter four and how the good all this
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good seed falls on two four different types of ground. You've got this, the trail, you've got
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the road, you've got rocky soil, you've got the weeds, and you've got good ground. You know, and
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I always like to say, like to add on that, you know, if a good farmer sees a seed that's out of
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place, he's going to make sure he puts it in a good ground. He's not just going to leave it there.
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But I mean, regardless, there's only one fourth of that that is going to bear fruit and continue
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to grow in that good soil. But we need to make sure that the soil is prepared. I mean, that's
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what a that's what a farmer does. I mean, they don't just go willy nilly and plant. I mean,
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you're out in Sandusky, Ohio. And I know that's there's a lot of corn fields and farmland around
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that area. It's been a running joke at this revive. I had no idea how much farmland was up here.
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But but a farmer is going to till the soil, they're going to prepare it, they're going to water it,
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they're going to take care of it, you know, they're going to know when to plant and they're going to
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know when to reap. And, you know, if we're if we just throw seed wherever we think it's wherever we
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would like it to go, rather than the store that that's been prepared, we're going to not have the
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harvest that we want. But if we prepare, and the church is ready to receive that harvest,
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then you're ready to do what God's called you to do. Do you think the reason that we're not having
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widespread revival is because the church isn't ready for it?
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Yes, in a nutshell, yes. I'm almost reminded of I believe it's Matthew nine where Jesus talks about
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it's a fasting passage, but you could you could correlate it to this as well where he talks about
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the wine skin. And he says if you pour new wine into old wine skin, and the big because what
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happens is you would if you were making new wine, you pour it into a fresh wine skin and there and
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new wine skin has an elasticity to it, because they would pour this wine in and seal it off.
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And the new wine always is producing gas bubbles and it causes the skin to expand. And so Jesus
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was saying here that if you're if you're wine skin, if your heart is not ready to expand,
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and take on the things of God, an old wine skin will bust because it has no elasticity. It's like
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an old rubber band. And so Jesus said you don't put you don't put new wine and old wine skin,
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because when the gas bubbles start to cause expansion, your heart will bust. And I see the
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same thing with with revival. And again, that was a fasting passage preparing our hearts for what the
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Lord wants to do in us personally, but this could be applied corporately. You know, if our church
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is not ready for the expansion that God would like to bring, then if he would try to pour new wine
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into your church, it would bust. And that's the that's one of the reasons I kind of felt like the
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Lord was going to do something like this here in Sandusky. Pastor Dustin called me in July. So two
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months before this and he said, man, he said, we've been we've been praying and fasting and just
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seeking his face. And he said, I don't know how this goes. But like what happens when a revival
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gets extended? It was already on his heart. And he said, I'm not I'm not saying the Lord told me
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it's going to get extended, but I just want to be ready. And he said, we've been praying and fasting
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like weekly. And then the week leading up to the revival, I think they went through an entire week
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of prayer fasting and just in preparation. And so there there is a there's a standard to being ready
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for the outpouring of God's Spirit. We hear it a lot with John Kilpatrick and Brownsville in the
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90s, of course, where they they prayed for two and a half years and got a five year revival.
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And so there's always these prayer and fasting things that come before revival, not afterwards.
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It's the people being prepared for what God's pouring out. And so I guess that's the long
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answer to your to your question there. But the short answer is, yes, there's a there is a religious
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spirit in our land that keeps us from from experiencing the fullness of what he would like
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to bring. Wow. Wow. So one of the things that you've done to prepare yourself for your calling is
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you've God's enabled you to be connected with another powerful man of God who's been walking
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the walk and talking the talk for many years. And that is Perry Stone. Tell us about how God has
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connected the two of you guys and how what that has meant to you in a leadership way, but also a
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spiritual way. Perry has been I've called him dad for the last six or seven years. So I'm from
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southern West Virginia. I actually live on on site down there in Cleveland, Tennessee. Now I live
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next to his the ramp OCI, which is the church building there. And I just moved there in December
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21. But Perry and I go back to actually July of 2016. And there was a great revival movement that
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was happening in the coalfields of southern West Virginia. And I was playing college football. So
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I was home for the summer and I came back and I watched Perry Stone on YouTube and other things
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since I was probably 12 years old. My dad showed me a lot of Perry Stone and John Hagee and those
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type of men growing up. And so that was my upbringing was John Hagee and Perry Stone prophecy
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teaching. And I always thought, man, that guy's prophecy stuff is really cool.
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So he jumps on Facebook one morning and says, I'm coming to West Virginia to have a prayer
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meeting in Bluefield. And I called dad and I said, man, Perry Stone's come, we've got to go, you
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know, we got I've never seen it. We got to go. Yeah. So we drive out there and it was just like
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a very spontaneous on the spot prayer meeting people, people left work and came to this, to
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this armory in Bluefield. And he's he starts praying and asked for the minister to come and
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and asked for the ministers to come forward. He wanted to pray for the pastors. And I had just
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accepted a youth pastor position at my, at my Pentecostal hole in his church in Mullins. And
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so dad goes, well, you're, you're a pastor now. I was a pastor for like five days, but you're a
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pastor. I was 19. And so I went up there and I was, I was by a long shot, the youngest pastor up
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there. If you wanted to call me a pastor and I'm standing up there and he looks down and he says,
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son, how old are you? And I said, I'm 19. And he said, when I crossed the border into West Virginia,
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the Lord told me a young preacher would be here that I needed to connect with. Now, Perry and I,
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he, he was born of course in West Virginia. His family grew up about 40 minutes from where I grew
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up. And so there's this, I guess there's this West Virginia connection, this mountain blood we have.
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I don't know, but I'm sure you've had these, these things where you, you meet someone and it feels
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like you've known him for 20 years. And that's, that's really the way it was for, for Perry and
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I, it didn't even feel like that we had to get to know each other. It kind of felt like we already
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did. And so after we had this moment in Bluefield, we, we exchanged phone numbers and he just wanted
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to stay connected. So I brought him, uh, where I was youth pastoring, I brought him to our church
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in Mullins, West Virginia in, in January of 17 for a, just a weekend revival. And, uh, he,
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he released a prophetic word over, over my life about an evangelism ministry that I did not see
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coming. I didn't, I didn't anticipate it would be full-time ministry. I was in nursing school. So
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a lot of, a lot of shifts and changes I did. I quit college football. I quit nursing school,
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switched to elementary education and Perry has been, uh, mentoring me since, since that night.
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And so he's been a, he's been a really heavy voice of influence in, in my life and ministry. It's,
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it's a, it's a great blessing to be able to pick up the phone and call Perry and say, man, how,
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how did you handle this when you were, when you were this age? And so, but, but the Lord's blessed
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me with, with multiple spiritual fathers, him being one of the most prevalent, of course. And
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so it's, it's been a, been a great seven year stretch with him. Yeah. You know, it reminds me
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of the story of Elijah calling out Elisha and just how, you know, when Elisha received that call,
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he quickly, um, it killed the ox and that he was, uh, that he was driving actually had 12,
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you know, 12 teams of them. And he got, he cut up the, uh, the, the yolks as well. So there was no
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turning back for him. And you did the, you did similar things with that too. You laid down
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football, you laid down, uh, nursing school and you went full on in what God's called you to do.
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Have you ever looked back and said, was that the right decision?
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I've, a lot of people would say, yes, honestly, I have not, uh, maybe, okay. So I, I, I called
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the coach and quit and then, uh, switched schools so I could youth pastor. And that was about five
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days before I met Perry. I didn't even know he was coming to West Virginia. I quit the team and then
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he came the next week. So probably for that five day stretch, I could remember saying, man, I,
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Lord, I don't know if I made the right decision. I had it made, uh, you know, full ride football,
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scholarship, nursing school. I was excited. I was already accepted into the program. Uh, uh,
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straight a student. I was, I was, I was pretty set by, by carnal measures. I was set, you know?
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And so it would have been, it would have been a fun journey. And so I didn't know why the Lord was
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asking that of me. And, and part of me was like, Lord, you, you gave this to me. You allowed me to
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have this. And why did you allow me to have this only to take it away from me after a year? So
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there were some questions. And then when I met Perry and stepped into ministry, you couldn't pay
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me to go back. So you actually have the story kind of, you know, backwards from Elijah calling
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out Elisha. It was, it would have been like, if Elisha didn't even see Elijah coming, but God just
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spoke to him, kill the ox, kill, you know, break up the yolk and make that sacrifice right now.
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And then Elijah comes, you know, that, so you took that a step of faith, a big time.
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Yeah, it was, um, I, I, I've ministered on and off there while I was playing college ball. I
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started preaching when I was 17. So it was, you know, in school clubs and this and that, and a,
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I had a minister tell me, uh, right after I graduated high school, he said, the Lord's called
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you to preach to the nations. He said, you're, you're going to get your, you're going to get a
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degree, but you're not going to use it. And I laughed at him. I was like, yeah, buddy. I said,
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I, I was doing this like as a weekend hobby thing. I didn't, I didn't even know that it was
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possible to do this at a full time capacity. It was just not in my framework. Um, every minister
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I knew from Southern West Virginia, of course, is, you know, it's a bivocational thing because
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it says the small towns. And so, um, and we, we see in scripture that even Paul was bivocational.
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And so I just didn't even see that as a, I didn't have a framework for that. And so the Lord
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obviously has had other plans. I did, I got an elementary education degree in, uh, graduated in
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2019. And of course I do not use that. This is what I do now. The Lord has used that degree in
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other ways though, cause we're able to go and minister in the school systems. And we've seen
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thousands of young people saved in the last four or five years in school buildings. And so, uh,
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whatever, uh, whatever I've obtained with degrees, the Lord's using, you know,
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Yeah. He's using it in a way that he can multiply it as you, as you've laid it down for him,
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you know, Nick, as we're, as we're wrapping up here, I'm going to ask you to pray for the
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people that are watching here, the people that are saying, you know, I want to be used in this
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next revival that's coming. We feel it. We feel that there's birth pains in the world right now.
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There's, there's things that are happening that just, it makes no sense in this world other than
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what we see about the prom, the coming of the end times. But brother, we, we know that God does not
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desire for anybody to perish. He, we're believing for that end time, great harvest. Yes. But we need
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to be ready. As we talked about earlier, we need to be ready to receive that. Uh, would you just
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pray that, you know, the Bible says that, you know, pray to the Lord of the harvest that he would send
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laborers out there. Um, would you pray that those laborers will be ready? Oh, certainly. Thank you,
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Lord. Well, father, we just thank you for this time together and Lord, we thank you for anyone
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who may be listening to this and maybe they feel stuck or they, they feel stale or complacent. Maybe
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they're, uh, in, in churches every week, but they feel purposeless. They feel maybe even perhaps
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without identity. Lord, we know in Matthew chapter nine, you said the harvest is so ripe. The harvest
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is plentiful. It's the laborers that have difficulty. It's the laborers that have trouble. And Lord,
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even as I, as I drive up here through Northeast Ohio and we see these beautiful, uh, beautiful,
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large pieces of farmland, I see lots of crops and then I'll see two or three workers. And so father,
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I believe the same is true in scripture. I believe the same is true in life, uh, with the spiritual
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harvest that we see today. Lord, we know that the harvest, uh, in America is right. We know that the
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harvest around the world is right as we grow closer and closer as the, the birth contractions
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of the return of Jesus draw closer. Or we know the need for laborers is dire. And so Lord, I just ask
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you right now to stir up the gift is as Paul would write to Timothy to stir up the gift that lays
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dormant and dry on the inside of every believer listening to this right now. Father, I say,
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awaken the preacher, the teacher, the evangelist, the apostle, Lord, wake up the prophet, wake up
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the worship leader. Lord, stir us to identity as sons and daughters. And from that identity,
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we minister and from that identity, we preach and pray and prophesy. Lord, I pray that you would
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even, uh, awaken, uh, students in public schools and universities to be a beacon of light and a
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beacon of hope and truth and a, and a culture that's full of chaos and a culture that's full
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of confusion and a culture that, uh, Lord, and a culture that says you can change from a man to
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a woman or a woman to a man. Lord, I pray that you would raise up young people that stand for
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truth. I pray that you would raise up, uh, professors and presidents of universities and
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teachers that stand for truth on the stand on the truth of God's word. Lord, I pray for every,
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every listener, every person watching right now that you would baptize them in fresh power. Lord,
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you said in Acts chapter one, that when the Holy ghost comes upon us, we will receive power to be
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witnesses. Lord, we can't be witnesses unless we have power. So I pray Holy spirit, uh,
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doonimus dynamic power, uh, to fall in every believer listening right now that they would,
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that they would receive this as they listen to this in the name of Jesus, Lord, that when
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power falls upon them, they would, they're, they're the gift and their innermost being would be
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stirred. Um, and Lord, I pray for, I pray for these believers listening, uh, to go and reap a
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beautiful bountiful harvest, Lord sharpen the reaping sickles, uh, mend the nets, get the boats
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ready, Lord, because there are people being one to Jesus in droves. We're seeing it in our ministry
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and everywhere we go, there are people being one to Jesus in schools and, and in churches and
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it everywhere we turn, people are looking at the things going on around the world and saying,
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it seems like Jesus is going to come back soon. And so Lord, I thank you that you're stirring
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the hearts of believers to, to reap harvest, not to, not to sit in a church and wait on the rapture,
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uh, but to, but that what Jesus prayed in Luke, I pray that you be found working. And so Lord,
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I pray that you send workers into these fields now in Jesus name, in Jesus name. Thank you, Lord.
00:25:34,720 --> 00:25:41,520
Amen. Yes. Amen. Nick, it's been great talking with you and just hearing how God is moving in
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revival, uh, what he's been doing in the last few weeks in Sandusky and how God's used you there and
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where God's calling you to, uh, to travel next and, and just how God has brought the right people
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into your life to help catapult you to his call. Nick, we're going to keep our eye on you. We're
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going to make sure that we follow you. How can people connect with you, your website or social
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media? Just let us know about that. Uh, our website is just Uh, and Facebook is Nick
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Walker ministries, uh, and make sure you don't put a C in Nick. Um, I am a, I'm a weird one. So
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it's just NIK. A lot of people don't find us for that. Uh, but again,, all of our
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stuff is on there, our itinerary. Um, I've written two books, we're about to launch a third. And so
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the Lord's doing a lot of great things here. So check out our websites and, uh, maybe there are
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pastors wanting to, uh, bring an evangelism ministry in for revival. You can, you can book us
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on there as well. Uh, all the information you would need is on there. So again,
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and Nick Walker ministries on Facebook. So thank you so much. It's been an honor to be with you
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today. Absolutely. I'm so glad that we were able to do this and I want to let every pastor know
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that if you want to have Nick come, you gotta be prepared for the revival that follows. So get
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yourself ready. God bless you.