Sept. 23, 2024

They Failed Again! He Survived But Can Trump STOP The Next Civil War?

They Failed Again! He Survived But Can Trump STOP The Next Civil War?
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Charisma News

This episode was released on September 16, 2024.

In this insightful interview, John Matarazzo and Troy Anderson discuss the alarming details surrounding the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. They explore the potential political and spiritual implications of this event, including the growing tensions that could lead to a civil war in America.

Troy Anderson, author of "The Trump Code," provides historical context and biblical parallels, warning that the current climate is reminiscent of the civil war era. He emphasizes the need for prayer, fasting, and vigilant voting to influence the nation's future.

This conversation delves into the media's role in shaping public perception, the Democratic party's alleged plans to prevent Trump's return to office, and the global forces that may be at play. Viewers will gain a deeper understanding of the pivotal moment America is facing and the importance of seeking God's guidance during these unprecedented times.

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Yesterday on September 15th, we all started getting alerts saying that there was a second

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assassination attempt on the life of former President Donald J.

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Trump. This time he was out golfing and the Secret Service were able to protect him and actually

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stop the guy from the attack. He had an AK-47, a scope, a GoPro and a lot of things. He fled the

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scene. The police and the authorities have caught him and we're going to talk more about this.

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As it appears that we are heading more and more towards the brinks of a civil war. With me today

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is Troy Anderson, the author of the coming book, The Trump Code, which actually breaks down an old,

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old book about the Ingersoll Lockwood Chronicles of Baron Trump. And the last book in that series

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is called The Last President, which actually leads to a civil war breaking out. So Troy,

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with what has just happened, you and I have talked after the first presidential assassination

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attempt and praise the Lord that that was just an attempt. And now here's another one. Help us kind

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of understand what is going on here. Yeah, John, I think what this indicates is that the

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media has repeated the Democratic line that Trump is a threat to democracy so much that

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we don't know all the details about this guy that had the AK-47 and was sticking it through

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the bushes one hole away from President Trump on this golf course yesterday. But we know that he

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is a pro-Ukraine supporter. He went to Ukraine in 2022. The Daily Mail just had a story saying he

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wrote a book urging Iran to assassinate Trump. So whether he's, I mean, there's rumors of maybe

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alphabet agencies could be involved with, we just don't know. Or he's just inspired by all the

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rhetoric out there. And so the Trump Code delves into these Baron Trump novels. It was written in

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the 1890s. And the last one is called The Last President. It says this populist president is

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elected. Mobs of anarchists and socialists converge on Castle Trump in New York City,

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shouting death to the rich man. And then a civil war breaks out. And so was it prophetic? Perhaps.

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But we've now had a second attempted assassination on President Trump. And we know that there's

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no very powerful forces that don't want him to become president. He opposes globalism. He

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opposes the deep state. And so there's all kinds of questions about exactly what's going on. Why

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has there been two attempted assassinations now? Two attempted assassination attempts is a lot

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more than the average for sure, because the average is zero. And my goodness, I recently

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came across an article saying that a historian warns that four out of five major predictors for

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a civil war in the United States have already happened. And just to list those, it's the debt

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crisis, WMD attack, weapons of mass destruction attack, pandemic, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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Now, the fifth one, the fifth of the major predictors is a nullification crisis where

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states reject federal regulations, potentially leading to a succession or a secession. And so

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we've seen four of these five, and it seems that the fuse is lit for this nullification process.

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If the election doesn't turn out the way that half of the country wants.

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This book, The Fourth Turning, I mean, they outline what could lead to some kind of civil

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war in America. And as you mentioned, you had the Tea Party upset over the debt crisis. Now we have

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mounting, every 100 days we're going on a trillion dollars in debt. You have 9-11, the pandemic,

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and now we have this very divisive nation. And so regardless of how this election turns out,

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half the country is going to be very upset. Tensions are running high. And so could we have

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some kind of civil war breakout or states moving to nullify federal laws and that kind of thing?

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It's a possibility now. And so we're living in a, it's a very volatile time. We have Russia has

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attacked Ukraine. You've got the possibility of China attacking Taiwan, the explosive Middle East

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situation. It just seems that Bible prophecy is in various stages of fulfillment everywhere we look

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now. And America is in Israel, sort of the center of this whole thing. And the only thing standing

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between us and this, essentially the World Economic Forum's great reset plan, you'll own nothing to be

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happy. United Nations agenda 2030 is President Trump, as flawed of a man he is, he is what's

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standing between us and them trying to move forward with this new global system, which the

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apostle, we don't know if this is it or not, but the apostle John Warren about the mark of the beast,

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the antichrist, those kinds of things. And are we on the verge of that? Only God knows, but

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Jesus told us to watch for signs of his return. It seems like we're seeing a lot of those signs.

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You know, I've been hearing about this plot to, that if Trump wins, the Democrats plan to evoke

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section three of the 14th amendment to prevent him from taking office. And so they've already kind of

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laid out plans on how even if he does win, that they're not going to let him take that. And

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apparently there needs to be two thirds of both the House and the Senate to support it. And really

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that means that just based on projections right now, that is what if 78 Republicans join the

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Democrats, there could be, they could actually keep him from the White House. If he wins,

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he's going to be the White House. What do you know about this? I mean, it seems like an

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insurrection attempt itself. Yeah. We're living in unprecedented times. We've never seen anything

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like this, except perhaps the civil war in the 1850s, where we did have a very divided country

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and not an actual war breakout. But it seems doubtful that that many Republicans would go along with

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something like this. But we definitely need to pray for our country, pray for president Trump.

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That's why he survived both these assassinations. That says God, he's got angels protecting him.

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The prayers of the saints are keeping him alive. And we just need to pray for our country, go out

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and vote record numbers and fast, fast and repent before God. Because I did this interview with

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Billy Graham in 2013 and he said, when God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to warn them of

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judgment, the King and the people repented and he believed the same thing could happen again,

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but he didn't believe the same thing. And he said, well, it's a great time in America. And we just

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had this eclipse on April 8th with all these towns called Nineveh. So I wrote a story for

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Chris, the great North American eclipse. Is this our Nineveh moment? I mean, if there's ever a time

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to get right with God and get involved with our country, today's the day. Yeah. This truly is a

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Nineveh moment. And I was actually just in a meeting earlier today and we were talking about

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the two within a month. And so there's a lot of things that we are, we just need to be aware of.

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And there's been, you know, a lot of times people just say, oh, this eclipse meant nothing and you

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can't really point to things. You can't point things to that or connect or make those connections,

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but it definitely appears that this year seems to be a more pivotal year than an average year. And

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in my estimation, you know, with this individual that was arrested and is being held in connection

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to the attempt on Trump's life, there's a lot of things that we are going to be finding out about

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him because of the fact that he is still alive. Now, I know a lot of things on his social media

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accounts have, before they were taken down, there was a lot of people that did do screen recordings

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of those posts. And it does, there's some very interesting theology or at least the way that he

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breaks down and understands the world. What are some things that you think we might be finding out

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or discovering about him and other people like him? If it turns out that he's simply been inspired

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by all the political rhetoric and radicalized in that fashion, we need to think about what kind of

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impact all the media coverage is having on this, the kind of messages that the Democrats are putting

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out that are fueling this anger and this rage across the country against President Trump

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and Republicans. And so we enter this time where all these messages are having a big impact on

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people. We don't know a lot about this guy, but from what we do know, I mean, that could be the

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case here. And so all this heated rhetoric can have serious consequences, not just for President

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Trump, but for the future of this country. And so I think we need to take a close look at the kind

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of rhetoric that the political parties are using and people in general are using. Do you think

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that there will be another attempt on his life before the election? I mean, we just had two

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within a two month span, so I mean, it's not outside of realm of possibility. Hopefully,

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the Secret Service will beef up their resources and President Trump probably should be very,

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very careful about going out on golf courses in public places and that kind of thing. He's in

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the middle of an election campaign, but they definitely need to tighten up security.

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Yeah, they absolutely need to tighten up security and protect him. I mean, I look at things and say,

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in my own life, if I'm facing obstacles and there's things that just seem to be of supernatural

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origin against me, I know that I'm making a difference for the kingdom of God because the

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devil wouldn't be paying attention to me if I wasn't interfering with what he's trying to do.

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And so whether you like him or not, it seems that Donald Trump is ruffling a lot of feathers and

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potentially the feathers that need to be ruffled. So, Troy, as we're wrapping up here, I want to

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encourage everybody to get the book, The Trump Code, Exploring Time Travel, Nikola Tesla,

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The Trump Lineage and America's Future. Very important read and will help give insight into

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this coming election and the season that is not just here for the election, but beyond that.

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Troy, any closing thoughts here? Yeah, just re-emphasize, I truly believe,

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just like Billy Graham showed us and told us, this is our notable moment. This is a

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critical election. We need to pray, intercede, fast for our nation, fast for President Trump,

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and go out and vote in record numbers and overwhelm the Democratic vote here because

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the fate of America and the world is hanging in the balance. But I believe God wants to have

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a great future for us. He wants to see these pockets revival, grow, and perhaps he's going

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to give us another reprieve here. Get your copy of The Trump Code here and check out other videos

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that I've done with Troy right here, as well as what YouTube is recommending that you would

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like from this channel right here.