March 9, 2023

THIS will activate God's original Plan for Miracles in YOUR life! with Samuel Rodriguez ​

THIS will activate God's original Plan for Miracles in YOUR life!  with Samuel Rodriguez ​
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Charisma News

Pastor Sam Rodriguez shares how Your Mess can become God's Miracle!

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Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, it is great to have you on Charisma News to talk about your new book,

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Your Mess, God's Miracle, but really we're in a mess right now in the United States and our world

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today and we need God's Miracle. So I think this is a very important book. I love the byline of the

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book. The process is temporary. The promise is permanent. What does that mean? Let's unpack that

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a little bit and just again, welcome. John, thank you for having me. John chapter 9,

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this very unorthodox, facilitative process where Jesus engages in arguably one of the most

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controversial sort of methodologies as it pertains to fulfilling or exercising, exhibiting,

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manifesting a miracle. He spits on the ground. Who does that? He spits on the ground and he makes

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a ball of mud with his saliva and he places it on a man who was born blind. What does that speak to

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you and I in 2023? He made a mess. I mean, literally the Bible says he spread it. He spread the mud

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and God made a mess. How about that? Isn't that pretty like antithetical to our theological

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continuum of linear sequential anal retentive A to Z perfect pristine modus operandi. He made a mess.

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God made a mess. He did and out of the mess came what? A miracle. Right now, we're living in a messy

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time politically, culturally, socially, economically, morally. We're living in a messy time. Hence,

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I wrote this book compelled by the beautiful message of the God that we serve has the power

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to make a miracle out of every single mess. Not just the messes that he may facilitate

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for the purpose of teaching us a lesson, but even self-inflicted messes, cultural messes,

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spiritual messes. Let's talk to our current landscape. Do you think, John, it's a coincidence

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we have this NFL football player who has a heart attack in the middle of a football game

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where everyone is watching, right? The number one most watched sporting event in America is football.

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And not everyone, but many Americans were watching. He literally dies of a heart attack

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live on television and people pray. Now, I mean, the players pray, the nation prays and the next

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day on ESPN, a broadcaster interrupts the broadcast live to pray. So prayer, then we have Asbury,

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this revival in Kentucky in a Methodist school. And then we have the Jesus Revolution movement.

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Do you think it's a coincidence all of this is happening at the same time? And now we're

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hearing reports in over 60 college campuses, Christian and non-Christian, of just God moving

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mightily via the conduit of his spirit. Dear John, dear Charisma, God is up to something.

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God is making a miracle out of a mess. We are about to see financial, physical, emotional,

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relational, geographical, generational, even national. We're about to see America's mess

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become God's miracle. And that's what triggered me, prompted me to write the book. It's coming

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out now, but the timing of it could not have been perfectly calculated.

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Yeah. And that's definitely God working because there's a lot of work that goes into publishing

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a book. There's a lot of editing and rewriting and all this process. And so I love the fact that

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you and so many other people like the Jesus Revolution movie, all of these things are

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culminating at the same time. I feel like God was stirring in certain people's hearts months and

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months ago, or even years ago, that this is the appointed time for a permanent promise to take

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place. And so we're just seeing the fulfillment of what God has spoken to you months ago or even a

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year ago, whatever that might have been, whenever God first said, Pastor Samuel, take your pen,

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write this down. So as you're seeing these things happening in our world today, let's talk about

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the Asbury revival and what we need to do to respond to things like that as they're coming out.

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I call this the synergy, the coming together of all these elements simultaneously can't be

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coincidence. From a mathematical probability standpoint, God is in it. But I call it this,

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John, a prophetic crescendo, a prophetic crescendo. It is all the instruments coming together

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in this great musical ensemble where they all crescendo. There's an apex, all of it coming

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together at the very same time. There is a verse in Joshua, very powerful, and I love it. It's

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Joshua chapter one, verse two, and here's the wording in the NLT. The time has come. The time

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has come. Galatians chapter six, verse nine, do not grow weary of doing what is right. At the

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appointed time, when God says the time has come, he will unleash a harvest of blessings for those

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that have not given up. I love Isaiah, Isaiah 60 22, at the right time, I, the Lord, will make

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it happen. The apostle Paul says the time has come for salvation. This is the time. This is the time.

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And you can argue, you know, the pushback that I get on this, the pushback I get is, you know,

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you're talking about revival and awakening and Asbury and the power of God and making room for

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the glory. Hey, Sam, we're living in the last days. You're wasting your time. Things are going to get

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darker. More people are not going to get saved. You know, things are going to get bleak. It's the

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last day, Sam. I'm fully cognizant of the exhaustive list that the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy in

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Second Timothy chapter three. Likewise, the gospel of Matthew chapter 24. I've read the list.

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In the last days, people become lovers of themselves. We call that narcissism in the last days.

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Men and women will leave their natural desires. We call that the entire state of California.

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So it is what it is, right? I'm aware of that, but there's a last day promise, John, they cannot be

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denied. It's beautiful. It's Joe 228 and acts to 17. It's repeated. What is that last day promise?

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Amen. What is that last day promise? He said in the last days, not I might, not I may,

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not I hope to, not I'm inclined to. He never even said if the following five conditions are met.

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He said, I will definitively pour out my spirit upon all flesh.

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This is that my friend, we are seeing an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Asbury was beautiful,

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continues to be beautiful in its derivative manifestations now, but it triggered something

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in churches across America. Remember how Pugh and Gallup and even Lifeway and God bless them all.

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They're all beautiful people, but they were doubling down on 30% of Christians left the

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church since COVID and are not coming back. Not in the past few weeks, my friend. We're hearing

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reports all around the country that churches are literally increasing, not only back to pre-COVID

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numbers, some of them are exceeding pre-COVID numbers. Who does that? God has the final word.

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God has the final word. One more thing here, John, you know how every and not every, but Pugh and

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Gallup, I referenced those two polls because they were so critical, how they talked about how

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Generation Z was the most anti-Christian. By anti-Christian, I mean they had great anti-Christian

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angst with our Judeo-Christian value system, did not identify as Christians. The least Christian

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identified generation in American history is Generation Z. And we heard all these surveys

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come out during COVID and all of a sudden God says, repeat that survey again, please just do

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it again. Generation Z is the most anti-Christian generation. Let me go to Kentucky, 18 to 21 year

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olds. Let me hit, let me talk to Generation Z and all of a sudden guess which generation is most

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impacted by this fresh awakening in the move of God, Generation Z. I love that. God will make

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a miracle out of every single mess. Even a generational mess can be God's generational

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miracle. I believe it will be. It's emerging as God's generational miracle. Amen, amen. I truly

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believe that and it's wonderful to see all these reports of different universities seeing

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whether they are, whether we use the term revival or whatever. I mean if people are going to go

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with a fine tooth comb and try to say, well this isn't a revival because this happened or

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this isn't happening the way that we think it should be right now. No, the students are saying

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if that happened in Asbury, it can happen here. I'm sorry, that's a match striking the, you know,

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striking tinder and that is saying if it happened there, let's do it here. And God goes where his

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people are hungry and he says if you draw near to me, I will draw near to you. And so that's just

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an example that hey it happened in Asbury, why can't it happen here? And then you see students

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and other people and churches and people saying all over the place, revival is happening here,

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revival is happening here. We need to stop saying, well I'm not sure if it's a real revival or not.

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Praise the Lord, people are seeking revival. Go John, preach. I'm your echo chamber right here.

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I didn't mean to preach. No, no, no, no, I'm your echo chamber. Completely agree. Why, how in the

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world can we be, how can we be critical? We should be embracing this. How anyone can be critical,

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it's just, it's just nonsensical to me. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It's intellectually,

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spiritually and prophetically incoherent for you to be critical. You should be embracing,

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thankful, grateful for God saying here it is. And stop focusing on the minutiae, whether or not

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they're speaking in tongues or not. Well stop, get over it man. People are repenting. There's

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worship. People are praying in the spirit. They may not be doing that on a microphone.

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Come on. I mean, just God is moving mightily and it's beautiful. It's beautiful. We've seen so much

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mess in the past few years. We have the mess of moral relativism. We have the mess of deconstructionism.

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We have the mess of fluidity. Everything is fluid. We have the mess of identity, moratorium and

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ambiguity. We have the mess of false definitions. We have so many messes and all of a sudden God says,

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I'm going to make a miracle out of this mess. You know what I love about this biblical passage

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that Jesus literally placed his DNA, literally. That's not figuratively speaking or metaphorically.

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He literally took Jesus DNA, his saliva. That's his DNA. He combined his DNA with the mud. Why

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did he just combine that with dirt? Because God made man out of dirt. Jesus connected his DNA to

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the original design. He went to the blueprint to the original plan. He said, basically in my original

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plan, you weren't born blind. In my original plan, your family is not bound to multi-generational

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addiction. In my original plan, pornography doesn't have you bound. In my original plan,

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diabetes, sickness and illness do not define you. In my original plan, you are blessed,

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highly favored. You are the head and not the tail. You are the righteousness of God. You are created

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in my image to house my spirit in my original plan. So God is activating his original plan.

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I wrote this book giving you through biblical orthodoxy, the biblical outline of what it looks

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to reactivate God's original plan for you and your family, your children and your children's

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children. Because when you're born again, you're born again. You reactivate, you re-engage,

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you sign on to God's original plan for you and your family. And that plan will come to pass.

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Amen. Amen. You know, Pastor Samuel, one of the things that, speaking about messes right now,

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and I think the movie, The Jesus Revolution has really highlighted this, is that back in the 70s,

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you had hippies who were the quintessential mess to the traditional church at that point.

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And you had somebody like Pastor Chuck Smith washing their feet and serving them and making

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a way for these messes, what the world would see as messes, to be able to come into the church,

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to come into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ where their lives can really be changed.

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Now we are 50 years later and we are ready to receive, or rather we need to be ready to

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receive the next batch of messes that God's bringing into the church. And you know, if they

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aren't received the way that we should be receiving them, there could be another loss and we don't want

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that to happen. As a pastor yourself and as a preacher, as an author, what must the church do

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in order to receive these messes and to help them find Jesus in their mess? We have to make room.

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We literally have to make room. It's the story of the Shunammite woman who made room for the

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prophet Elisha. She literally made a room. Subsequently, she stands before an open door

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in that very room where the prophet says, by this time next year, you're going to have in your hands

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what you've been praying for and hoping for. You have to make room. We have to make room for that

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messy generation, for messy generations, for messy marriages and homes and individuals

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to come into our churches. Our churches cannot become an echo chamber of mutual affirmation.

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Our churches cannot become the quintessential place where all we do is in a very redundant,

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reiterative way, affirm the spiritually impaired. This is not that. Our church is the most

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transformative. You need to see your church pastor and leader as the most transformative entity

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in that city, in that space. It is that clarion call that drives us. It is that clarion call that

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motivates us. I hope and pray that every single pastor will make room. Make room for the Holy

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Spirit. Make room for broken lives. Without ever watering down the gospel, it doesn't mean that you

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start preaching a watered down version of the gospel of Jesus Christ. No. You know what I

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loved about the Jesus movie? That Chuck Smith never stopped preaching the gospel of Christ.

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He kept on preaching the gospel. It was biblical orthodoxy, but he made room for those that didn't

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look like him, smell like them. Make room for the other. We can do this. It's completely doable.

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I live in California. I live in a cocoa puff state. I mean, I pastor in California and our church,

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by the grace of God, we're seeing just a great harvest, a great growth, but it's primarily

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millennial and Generation Z. We make room every single service. God show up, show us your glory,

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and he does. Yeah, I love it. Make room. Make room. Make room for the Holy Spirit and make room for

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the Holy Spirit serving as a magnet for broken lives. Yeah. As we make room, just like the

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Shunammite woman, you start to see that God really does show up. I love that story that she made this

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room for the prophet. He wasn't there all the time, but there was room for him when he was there.

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If he's going to be in that town, he's going to live there and be with them because they've made

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room for him. Whether there's a Motel 6 down the street or a Hilton Hotel, whatever it is,

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he's going to go live with the person who is making a room for him. And that's what the

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Holy Spirit is doing. He's not going to go stay at a hotel somewhere else. He's going to stay with

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the people who are making room for him. Every person, every life, every home and every church.

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So we're in 2023 right now. We've got the far left, the far right. We've got up, we've got down.

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We've got people that don't know whether they're male or female. It seems like there's nothing but

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a mess. Where are you seeing hope of the gospel? Where are you seeing hope? Give me some stories,

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personal stories even, of how God has taken a situation in your life, taken a mess, and turned

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it into a miracle. The book I wrote, You're a Mess God's Miracle, is basically a biopic. It's a

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biopic. I have seen it's an autobiography to a great degree. I have seen on multiple occasions

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Sam Rodriguez's mess become God's miracle. Either a mess that was placed on me or a self-inflicted

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mess because of immaturity and just nonsense. I saw God's miracle come out of just the mess

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from my daughter almost dying of COVID, through my engagement with multiple political administrations.

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Just a number of things in my life growing up in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, my early years of ministry

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where I knew I had a God-given gift, but the influence was emerging. But I didn't have the

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I didn't have the majority, the bandwidth to manage the gift in my early years. And all of that I

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write about in the book. And I've seen it on multiple occasions. I'm seeing messes become

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miracles everywhere I look, everywhere I speak. It really is something transformative, measurable,

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tangible, palpable. I'm seeing it in communities across America. Some supernatural occurrences

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taking place that are pretty amazing. It just happened last week. I was speaking in Terraholt,

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Indiana at a conference called The Outpouring. 150 pastors, over a thousand people in that

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conference, but in the outskirts of Indiana, like 45 minutes from Indianapolis actually.

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And I was there in the middle of the sermon. God gave me a word, a specific word about

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a day gone of sickness collapsing in the middle of the message. And a pastor that was visiting

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yelled out when we went to the book table, yelled out in the lobby that prompted security to just

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say, hey, what's going on here? And he said, read this text. His brother was diagnosed with a tumor

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in his spine. And by coincidence, nah, the very same moment we declared a day gone of sickness,

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driven by the Holy Spirit, collapsed, they got the MRI results of the one that came in on Friday

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when I spoke. The doctor's report was, can't explain it, the tumor has completely disappeared.

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And it came in the same moment we declared the day gone of sickness. And that sort of thing,

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it just, we're seeing signs and wonders, legitimate, measurable, verifiable, scientifically

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validated signs and wonders, healings and miracles, seeing God making miracles out of messes.

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This is that time. It really is that time. And you and I both referenced, it's all about making room.

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One final note here, John, on this John chapter 9 narrative. Jesus places his DNA, mixes it with

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the original blueprint. You know what Jesus did subsequently, which to me is intriguing,

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and it's counterintuitive to what we think he would have done. You would assume Jesus would say,

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now let me wash you since I made this mess, let me wash him. He didn't. You know what he said?

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He said, now that I've placed this on you, my job is done, sunshine, go wash yourself.

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There's something you got to do. It really pushes back on entitlement. It pushes back on this

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perpetual victimization mentality. It pushes back on A to Z, God has to do it all. He already did

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it on the cross, John 19 30, Hebrews 7 22. So now it's up to you to take the next step. Go wash

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yourself. There are things you got to have to do by yourself. You're going to have to learn to pray

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when no one else is praying for you. Pray for yourself. You're going to have to learn to

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prophesy and speak a word over yourself. If you're saying, I'm waiting for God to give me a word.

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Well, why don't you give yourself a word? Ready? I'll teach you how to do it. Dear me, I say a 50

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for 17, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. There it is. That's a word. It's a word of God.

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Can't miss. So learn to speak over yourself, to pray over yourself, to pick yourself up,

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learn to do these things because you already have everything you need. Jesus already deposited in

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you and upon you everything you need to open up your eyes, to see what you have never seen before.

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I love that. He was born blind. Jesus was not restoring his sight. He was not restoring something

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he lost like Lazarus or the woman of the issue of blood or the other blind man in the gospel of Mark.

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He gave this man what he never had before. Stop asking God to restore your past. Stop asking God

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to renovate your past when what he wants to really do is release your future. Open your eyes to what

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you have never seen before. Amen. Amen. You need to connect with Jesus's DNA.

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So that you can get back to his original design. Yes. You can be released for your future.

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Don't settle for what you lost. Settle for the original design of what God has for your future

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and fall in line with that. That's what I'm taking away from our conversation here, Pastor Samuel.

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And I don't want to miss this opportunity to have you to ask you to just release a word and prayer

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over the viewers here, over the listeners, and that they would be touched. That they would really

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see that their mess can be God's miracle. Heavenly Father, we are about to see what we have

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never seen before. That's not prophetic spaghetti on the wall. That's your promise from 1 Corinthians

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2, 9, Jeremiah chapter 33. You said that if we call upon you, you will show us what we've never seen

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before. 1 Corinthians 2, 9, my eye has yet to see, my ear has yet to hear, my mind has yet to imagine

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the wonderful things you have in store for me and for each and every one of us because we love you.

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We are about to see what we've never seen before in our families, our homes, our marriages, our

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ministries, our callings, our children, our children's children, in our health, our finances,

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in our generation. We are about to see the glory of the risen Christ like we've never seen before.

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In the name of Jesus, we unleash this word, we come in agreement with your word, your will, and your way

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and believe for every single person who interacts with this right now that their mess right now will

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become your miracle. Family messes, mental messes, emotional messes, physical messes will become God's

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miracle. We believe it. We come in agreement. We decree and declare it by the authority of God's

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word driven by the Holy Spirit in the mighty, sovereign, powerful, triumphant, victorious name

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of Jesus. Every single mess at the sound of my voice becomes God's miracle in the name of Jesus.

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Amen. Amen. Your mess, God's miracle, the process is temporary. The promise is permanent. What a

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promise that is. And Pastor Samuel, how can people get ahold of this book? How can they get ahold of

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you? Please give us a website or whatever. John, so cool. Listen, your mess, God's miracle. And

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what's cool about this book, English and Spanish, everyone needs a Hispanic friend. We all need a

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Latino friend. It makes life a lot more exciting, exciting and a lot more vociferous and a little

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bit more passionate. And the food, the food. So everyone, here it is. Your mess, God's miracle

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and Milagros en el Desorden. That's the Spanish version. And I have a study guide, by the way,

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first book that I write with a study guide. So you could purchase all three on different platforms,

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as you well know, Amazon, Walmart, Target, Books A Million, you name it, all available. Get it today.

00:25:31,360 --> 00:25:39,920
And our website is, And yeah, go to my Instagram page, my Facebook

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page, my YouTube channel, subscribe. You can watch us, of course, on TBN and Daystar Roku,

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on Fox News constantly. And yeah, together, the mess becomes a miracle. And we'll do one thing

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together in His name. We will change the world. Amen. Amen. We will change the world. Pastor Samuel,

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thank you so much for being here on Charisma News. Thank you for having me.