Nov. 23, 2023

The Real History & Meaning of Thanksgiving Day

The Real History & Meaning of Thanksgiving Day

Episode #284

Ryan shares the true history and meaning of Thanksgiving Day. He also highlights the true Christian heritage of America. In 1789, George Washington established Thanksgiving Day in a proclamation filled with references to God, providence, and America’s blessings. His words reveal the spiritual foundation the holiday was built upon.

The first Thanksgiving dates back to 1620 when the pilgrims celebrated successful harvests and friendships with Native tribes. They feasted and prayed for 3 days – setting the tone for the tradition. This Christian beginning deeply shaped America.

Yet some attack this history today, claiming oppression and racism marred early relationships. The truth is pilgrims and natives forged an alliance that first fall and winter. Without goodwill, the small band of colonists would not have survived.

Rather than guilt, early settlers gained from gratitude. We must push back on distortions and celebrate the Christian roots of Thanksgiving. This holiday remains vital because even amidst hardship, we recognize God’s provision. For blessings great and small, we must remember to offer thanks to the Lord.

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