Episode #286
Ryan discusses why over 100 faith leaders from Iowa, along with Dr. Ben Carson, are endorsing Donald Trump for President. Ryan first warns of Christian votes being exploited by leaders who abandon Biblical values once elected. He then shares how Trump has an extensive track record of defending religious liberty, the unborn, parental rights in schools, and much more.
Referenced article: Dr. Ben Carson and Over 100 Iowa Faith Leaders Endorse President Donald J. Trump (check out Ryan's name toward the bottom!)
Ryan also shares the simplified proper role of government - to punish evil and promote good. Trump has affirmed these timeless moral truths, while other political leaders further erode America’s Christian heritage.
Christian political engagement stems from the church's mandate as the pillar and foundation of truth. As culture falls, the church must speak into the public realm to uphold what is right and good. Christians shouldn't expect perfection, but discern the leader who best champions just and Biblical policies. Trump has proven willingness to stand amidst massive opposition. We can pray godly advisers continue to guide him.
Ryan calls followers of Jesus to humbly support the leader God as part of His plan to steer the nation back to Him.
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