
Sept. 16, 2024

The Passion of the Christ Revealed Day of Atonement Revealed

The Passion of the Christ Revealed Day of Atonement Revealed Experience the blood evidence - freedom in Christ from demonic dimension of deliverance.
Sept. 13, 2024

Atonement Unconcealed Calvary Revealed

Did you know that every instance in the Bible where atonement is mentioned reveals the significance of Calvary? Throughout Scripture, there are specific messianic markers that align with the cross of Calvary and the passion …
Sept. 9, 2024

Preparation for the Power of Rosh Hashanah

On today's podcast Dr. Corral will teach you how to prepare for the Power of Rosh Hashanah.
Sept. 6, 2024

Day of Destiny With Dr. Corral & Special Guest Lou Engle

Day of Destiny With Dr. Corral & Special Guest Lou Engle
Aug. 29, 2024

The Secrets of Rosh Hashanah: Rosh Hashanah Unconcealed—God's Promises Revealed

Today, Dr. Corral invites you to enter into the miraculous season that God has promised in His Word concerning the biblical New Year, which is Rosh Hashanah. You might wonder why the biblical New Year starts on 7-1. The Bibl…
Aug. 26, 2024

The Supernatural Secret of Your Name and Your Prophetic Destiny

In this captivating episode of Day of Destiny , Dr. Michelle Corral uncovers the supernatural dimensions of biblical events these divine signs align with celestial phenomena like solar eclipses and blood moons, emphasizing t…
Aug. 22, 2024

The Elijah Anointing and End Times: The Power to Repel Every Spell of the Wicked One

In this episode of Day of Destiny , Dr. Corral dives deep into the profound anointing of the prophet Elijah and its relevance in the end times. Dr. Corral will unpack the significance of this prophecy and how it relates to …
Aug. 19, 2024

The Power of Atonement and the Secrets of Tisha B'av

In this episode of The Power of Atonement and the Secrets of Tisha B'Av , we explore the profound significance of Rosh Hashanah, just seven weeks away, and its connection to end-time prophecy.
Aug. 15, 2024

The Supernatural Significance of the Jubilee Year and The Messiah

As Bible prophecy continues to unfold before us, the promises of our redemption rights become a spiritually significant tool for claiming God's promises. It is God's will that we experience divine restoration in all our trib…
Aug. 9, 2024

Unlocking the True Meaning of “I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me”

In today’s episode, we delve deep into the profound message behind the powerful scripture, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” What does it truly mean to rely on Christ for strength? Join us as we explor…
Aug. 8, 2024

Rebuilding the Ruins: Night of Hope

Have you ever asked, "When will I get my life back?" Do you feel like you are living in a place of loss? Did you know that God promises an end to your tribulation? He is the God of the impossible. There is a time to tear dow…
July 25, 2024

Unstoppable Faith

Did you know that lacking faith can derail your destiny? On today's podcast, this teaching will help break the cycle of going around the same mountain year after year.
July 19, 2024

Dates with Destiny

In todays episode, Dr. Corral will teach how to claim your shift in season, Uncover the power of the prophetic word amidst trials and the unwavering faith in God's promises. Join us on a journey of spiritual depth and transf…
July 14, 2024

Jesus Heals: Deep Deliverance and Healing Service

Jesus said to his disciples at the great commission in Mark 16 verse 17. "These signs shall follow them that believe in my name. they shall cast out devils, They shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents, and…
July 12, 2024

Lead us Not Into Temptation

"In today's teaching, 'Lead Us Not Into Temptation,' Dr. Corral helps us understand what Jesus meant when He said, 'Simon, Satan hath desired you to sift you like wheat.' Does the Word teach us about stages of temptation? Ho…
July 1, 2024

Deliverance From The Deception of End Times

Where is God 's Jeremiah ? False Prophets and End Times. How do false prophets operate ? Experience Deliverance From The Deception of End Times.
June 28, 2024

Rebuilding The Ruins of Revival

In today's teaching, Dr. Corral will share the supernatural secrets of rebuilding your ruins and rebuilding the ruins of revival from the book of Nehemiah. Did you know that the ancient gates of Jerusalem were burnt with fi…
June 12, 2024

Mantled For The Miraculous

Have you ever wondered why Elijah's’ mantle fell on Elisha? The text teaches the anointing on Moses was imparted to the 70 elders. Join Doctor Corral as she unveils the profound destiny dynamics behind the transfer of the an…
May 29, 2024

The Power of Pentecost

Are you thirsting to know the deeper depths of the anointing and the power of God? Today, Doctor Corral will unlock the power of Pentecost, revealed in the secrets of the wheat harvest. Throughout the Bible. The wheat harves…
May 9, 2024


Millions of people all over the world suffer various levels of grief, despair, and discouragement. Did you know that it is possible to come back after a crisis today? Join Dr. Carrol as she brings the powerful prophetic para…
April 18, 2024

Passover in Your Promised Land

Sometimes an experience can trigger a memory of our past and all of the pain that comes with it. This Passover, the Lord is inviting us to receive deliverance from our previous pain and unlock our destiny. What can we learn …
April 12, 2024

The Signature of God and the Solar Eclipse

Are all solar eclipses signs from God? On today's podcast episode, join Dr. Michelle Corral for her special teaching on the signs of the end times. This teaching will give you answers, found in the Bible concerning the upco…
April 5, 2024

The Spiritual Significance of The Coming Blood Moon

What is the spiritual significance of the blood moon. Are all lunar and solar eclipses biblical signs? Join Dr. Michelle Corral on this episode of Day of Destiny for her special teaching on what these signs are and what they…
March 22, 2024

Blood Bought Miracles of Calvary's Cross

The week that changed the world. In today's podcast, Dr. Corral, will look at the Gospel of John and provide a detailed account of the passion of our Lord.