Feb. 25, 2022

Finding Favor with the King

Finding Favor with the King
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Day of Destiny with Dr. Michelle Corral

Have you ever had something happen to you that completely displaced you from your normal life? Or learned new information that completely took you away from your previous perspective on things? No matter how big or small, almost everyone has experienced a feeling of total displacement.

In times when we feel completely out of place or consumed with uncertainty and unfamiliar surroundings, it is very easy to forget to ground ourselves in God’s word or to continue to stay strong in our faith.

However, the times where we are the most uncomfortable are the greatest opportunities for growth.

In this week’s podcast listen in to learn about how displacement can lead to destiny. In the book of Esther, we learn that she was captured, displaced, and uncomfortable on her journey before coming to reign. However, her time of displacement was her time of destiny. Listen to learn how to lean into your destiny and what Esther’s journey teaches us about faith and destiny.