Feb. 11, 2022

When the King Extends The Scepter of Influence

When the King Extends The Scepter of Influence
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Day of Destiny with Dr. Michelle Corral

What is your platform? How are you using that platform for the betterment of your community, family, or just simply the people that surround you in your day-to-day life? 

A platform is something that is to be used as a launching pad to do what is right. Everyone has a calling and with that calling comes responsibility, a purpose, and a platform. It is up to us to lean into the destiny God has called us to. Because by leaning into that destiny we discover our purpose, our platform, and what our responsibility is that comes with that. 

In the Book of Esther, we see how Esther uses her platform to save the Jews. Even though there was great risk with doing so, she trusted in the Lord, leaned into her destiny, and proceeded accordingly to do what she was called to do. 

This week, our teaching comes from the Book of Esther. How can we learn to be as fearless as Esther when it comes to using our platform to fulfill our calling? Esther is the example of what amazing things can happen when we fully lean into our destiny and do what God has called us to do. By using her platform, she was able to free her people. Imagine what amazing things you can accomplish if you partner with God, lean into your destiny, and use your platform. Listen to this week’s episode to learn more about unlocking your destiny and using your platform for a greater purpose.