June 30, 2023

Are All Believers SAINTS? (177)

Are All Believers SAINTS? (177)
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Discover Your Spiritual Identity with Mike Shreve

Are you a saint? The majority of professing Christians would probably stall before attempting to answer that question—because most of them assume that only those who achieve a high degree of spirituality and religious devotion could ever be described that way. But what does the Bible say? You may be surprised to see how God refers to all His people. This revelation will carry you from eternity past to eternity future. Get ready to be edified!

Ministry website: www.shreveministries.org
Comparative religion website: www.thetruelight.net
Video channel: www.YouTube.com/mikeshreveministries
All audio-podcasts are shared in a video format on our YouTube channel.

Get Mike Shreve’s book revealing the spiritual identity of the sons and daughters of God:
WHO AM I? Dynamic Declarations of Who You Are in Christ

Mike Shreve’s other podcast
Revealing the True Light—a study on comparative religion subjects, as well as mysterious or controversial biblical subjects: 

Mail: P.O. Box 4260, Cleveland, TN 37320 / Phone: 423-478-2843