July 29, 2022

God’s New Covenant People Are “A Holy Priesthood” (133)

God’s New Covenant People Are “A Holy Priesthood” (133)
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Discover Your Spiritual Identity with Mike Shreve

In 1 Peter 2:4-5, born-again believers are named “a holy priesthood” who offer up “spiritual sacrifices” to God. The word “priest” is from the Hebrew kohen meaning one who draws near (one who has access into the presence of God). In this New Covenant era, God has abolished an exclusive priesthood that was assigned to only a select few. Instead, all who have been washed in the blood of Jesus are granted this supreme privilege. Learn the seven spiritual sacrifices that we offer up now as a “holy priesthood” before God and start functioning in this God-given role.

Ministry website: www.shreveministries.org
Comparative religion website: www.thetruelight.net
Video channel: www.YouTube.com/mikeshreveministries
Comparative religion podcast: “Revealing the True Light” https://www.charismapodcastnetwork.com/show/revealingthetruelight