Sept. 28, 2023

Our Calling to Be GOLDEN LAMPSTANDS (190)

Our Calling to Be GOLDEN LAMPSTANDS (190)
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Discover Your Spiritual Identity with Mike Shreve

In the book of the Revelation, the seven churches of Asia are symbolized by seven menorah lampstands, similar to the ones that lit the holy place in the temple of God, two thousand years ago. There are five facets to a seven-branched lampstand, and each represents an important prophetic truth: the vessel, the oil, the wick, the fire, and the light. You will learn the poetic and symbolic way that the mind of God works. An amazing study!

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Get Mike Shreve’s book revealing the spiritual identity of the sons and daughters of God:

WHO AM I? Dynamic Declarations of Who You Are in Christ

Mike Shreve’s other podcast Revealing the True Light—a study on comparative religion subjects, as well as mysterious or controversial biblical subjects:

Mail: P.O. Box 4260, Cleveland, TN 37320 / Phone: 423-478-2843