March 3, 2023

The Mystery of the Tetragrammaton (162)

The Mystery of the Tetragrammaton (162)
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Discover Your Spiritual Identity with Mike Shreve

In the Old Testament, in the original Hebrew, the primary revealed name of God is only four letters long—equivalent in English to YHWH. There is a great mystery attached to this sacred, ineffable name. It appears 6828 times in most of our English Bibles simply translated LORD. That is truly insufficient and there is a simple reason. This is the third episode in a series on our calling to be “a people for His name.”

Ministry website:
Comparative religion website:
Video channel:
Mail: P.O. Box 4260, Cleveland, TN 37320 / Phone: 423-478-2843

Mike Shreve’s other podcast on comparative religion, “Revealing the True Light”: