Aug. 11, 2023

You are a love letter from God (“The Epistle of Christ”) (183)

You are a love letter from God (“The Epistle of Christ”) (183)
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Discover Your Spiritual Identity with Mike Shreve

An epistle is a letter to an individual or a group. Twenty-one of the twenty-seven books in the New Testament are epistles, small portions of the total written Word. But believers are small portions of the total LIVING WORD. They are LIVING EPISTLES (epistles of Christ, love letters from the Messiah to a hurting and broken world). What a high calling! What a beautiful truth!

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Get Mike Shreve’s book revealing the spiritual identity of the sons and daughters of God:
WHO AM I? Dynamic Declarations of Who You Are in Christ

Mike Shreve’s other podcast
Revealing the True Light—a study on comparative religion subjects, as well as mysterious or controversial biblical subjects:

Mail: P.O. Box 4260, Cleveland, TN 37320 / Phone: 423-478-2843