June 13, 2023

Getting Your Prayers Answered

Getting Your Prayers Answered
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Expect A Miracle with Richard Roberts

In this episode of the Expect a Miracle podcast, you will learn about seeing answers to your prayers. Prayer has the power to change dire situations and, in this message, you will hear both biblical and modern examples of prayer that made a difference.  You won’t want to miss this powerful message!

-To learn more about Richard Roberts Ministries, go to http://www.RichardRoberts.org

-For more information about The Healing Network, go to http://www.RichardRoberts.org/thehealingnetwork

-Text Giving is now available! If you are in the USA, text RRM to 833-881-6442 and follow the prompts. If you are in CANADA, text RRM Canada to 77977.  Thank you for your giving. Your generosity makes a difference.      

-For prayer, go to http://www.RichardRoberts.org/prayer or call 1-918-495-7777 

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-YouTube: http://www.YouTube.com/RichardRobertsMinistries 

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