Jan. 3, 2023

God's Dream for Your Life is Bigger than Your Own

God's Dream for Your Life is Bigger than Your Own
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Expect A Miracle with Richard Roberts

God has placed gifts and talents in you that you may or may not be aware of. He has reserved a place in His plan just for you. If you have wondered if there is hope for your future – the answer is YES. Join Richard Roberts and Pastor Joel Osteen in this powerful interview as they share practical ways to stay encouraged and focused as you go through the difficulties of life. You will be empowered and motivated to continue in the good fight of faith, trusting God with the outcome. Join us for this hope-filled uplifting podcast today!

-To learn more about Richard Roberts Ministries, go to www.richardroberts.org    
-For prayer, go to www.richardroberts.org/prayer or call 1-918-495-7777
-To order Joel Osteen’s book, Peaceful on Purpose, go to www.JoelOsteen.com
-facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RichardRobertsOfficial    
-YouTube: www.YouTube.com/RichardRobertsMinistries  
-instagram: @richardrobertsofficial