Feb. 14, 2023

Prayer for Healing from Cancer

Prayer for Healing from Cancer
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Expect A Miracle with Richard Roberts

According to 3 John 2, it is God’s will for you to be well. In this special episode of the Expect a Miracle podcast, you will hear an uplifting, healing message followed by a powerful time of healing prayer for anyone who has received a diagnosis of cancer. 

-To learn more about Richard Roberts Ministries, go to http://www.RichardRoberts.org

-Text Giving is now available! If you are in the USA, text RRM to 833-881-6442 and follow the prompts. If you are in CANADA, text RRM Canada to 77977.  Thank you for your giving. Your generosity makes a difference.      

-For prayer, go to http://www.RichardRoberts.org/prayer or call 1-918-495-7777 

-Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RichardRobertsOfficial

-YouTube: http://www.YouTube.com/RichardRobertsMinistries 

-Instagram: @richardrobertsofficial