May 17, 2022

Prophecy, Revival, Reformation and More with Bishop Bill Hamon

Prophecy, Revival, Reformation and More with Bishop Bill Hamon
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Expect A Miracle with Richard Roberts

Join Richard and Bishop Bill Hamon for a fascinating discussion on prophecy, revival, church history, and more. As you take in this detailed account of major movements within Christianity, you will be amazed at what the Lord has done in and through the church. Bishop Hamon, a father in the prophetic movement, also gives a summary of how the prophetic ministry has developed in the church. As the podcast closes in prayer, Bishop Hamon has a powerfully anointed and encouraging word for you – you won’t want to miss it!

-To learn more about Oral Roberts Ministries, go to

-For prayer, go to or call 1-918-495-7777

-To learn more about Bishop Bill Hamon and to order his books, go to