May 17, 2023

Financial Breakthroughs and 100 Fold Return with Apostle Jonathan Ferguson (S:3 - Ep 29)

Financial Breakthroughs and 100 Fold Return with Apostle Jonathan Ferguson  (S:3 - Ep 29)
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Exploring the Marketplace

Today on Exploring the Marketplace, Shawn Bolz and Bob Hasson interview Jonathan Ferguson.  Jonathan is a preacher, author of eight books, and travels extensively teaching and preaching. Jonathan’s ministry is marked by the evident demonstration of the supernatural presence and power of God, merging its reality in everyday practical living. Tune in as Shawn, Bob and Jonathan discuss how he had visitations with angels of finance and how God taught him about the numbering system of Heaven.  Jonathan shares how he hears from God for individuals' businesses and how supernatural miracles and breakthroughs follow him.  Jonathan shares what God is doing right now in the midst of economic hardships, and how he now sees financial breakthroughs in his gatherings that are becoming a normal occurrence.  God is always providing for us and He has more than enough.  You won’t be in lack…you will have plenty.  Tune in!