Feb. 28, 2024

Unlocking All You Were Created To Be with Steve Chua (S:3 - Ep 70)

Unlocking All You Were Created To Be with Steve Chua (S:3 - Ep 70)
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Exploring the Marketplace

Best of Season 3! Today on Exploring the Marketplace, Shawn Bolz and Bob Hasson interview Steve Chua.  Steve, alongside his wife Barbara, serves as the Founding Pastor of Life as One Church in Claremont, California. He is passionate about transformation on an individual and societal level and carries a powerful message of identity and destiny. Steve has taken his experience and wisdom into the marketplace as an executive life and leadership coach has been used to bring Kingdom insights, strategies and wisdom to executive leaders of multi-million and billion dollar companies. Tune in as Shawn, Bob and Steve discuss how to navigate during difficult times and bring Heaven into your situation. The harvest is in the marketplace and we need to learn to translate heaven to earth to people who are looking for Kingdom wisdom.  Steve shares how he has been positioned to serve in the marketplace influencing leaders to transform their lives so that they can transform the world. If you are needing a breakthrough in your life, tune in!


