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The Millionaire Mom drops so much in these episodes. So many gems that can be applied to family, business, as well as finances, and, more importantly, FAITH. Iโ€™m a wife, mom of four, and entrepreneur. Before finding Lenika Scott, I felt like I was navigating my journey alone with little to no mentors that genuinely understood my journey with the much that had been given to me. Iโ€™m so grateful that God commissioned her assignment. Thank you so much, Lenika, for answering the call. To God be the glory for what he is doing in your life.

Mantles Episode
On time and very much needed. ๐Ÿ’œ

Encouraged and Motivated
I have loved every episode of this podcast! This is truly a woman of God. There are so many valuable gems dropped here that are life changing! Iโ€™ve listened to many of the episodes more than once and find new things to focus on each time. Itโ€™s so meaty!

This episode was so encouraging. I was laying on my couch feeling terrible with Covid, finances in a bad place, and discouraged BUT I turned this episode on and felt the strength of God! Lenika Scott your words have ignited my faith! I have strength to believe again! I have strength to dream again!

Right on Time!!
Thank you for being obedient to God. Both episodes have been right on time for me. I have been feeling like angels have been trying to speak to me, I see 444 all the time and I looked up what those numbers mean and it confirms all that you just spoke about in addition the second episode is something I have been dealing with all my life, self sabotage. I am learning to believe that I am worthy and that I need to stop my self sabotage behaviors. I know that I am destined for more and that I need to walk in it! Thank you again!!

I am ready for the Supernatural to be apart of my daily lives!
You are so right! We, believers, need to learn about Angels and the role they are playing in our lives. So many believers are missing out on tapping into the supernatural. I love this podcast so far and your book Angelic Allies.

Iโ€™m so blessed to be under this amazing WOG as a student in all things God. Yes you can be a millionaire and be a child of the Most High God. I thank God for the favor on her and her familyโ€™s life. If you want to grow in God and your finances get under this anointing. Check out her Inner Circle Coaching class. Itโ€™s gonna bless your life.

Angelic Helpers
This podcast was excellent in breaking down how Angels are assigned to assist us in our daily walk of life! Lenika Scott you have taught well on this podcast. I canโ€™t wait until the next one. ๐Ÿ˜ God bless you and your family. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ

I had no idea that angels had colors! Lenika is an amazing teacher. She makes the principles of the word plain, easy to understand and gives instructions for practical application in our lives.

Living Waters Lenika Scott
This pod-cast was the most rewarding part of my Morning! I enjoyed listening and receiving the glory of the Lord! Bless the Scott Family!

Wow!!! Right on time
Thank you for this episode. All of my life Iโ€™ve heard about Angels . Unfortunately I had not realized that I needed to do the things to activate my Angels . Thank you so much for this ! Now I can experience the flow of the supernatural power in my life . From seeing the natural to the supernatural in my life .Iโ€™m so excited because I know this was for me ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ