
Feb. 9, 2023

The Fear of the Lord

Proverbs says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” We are in the presence of a holy, just, and almighty God who is to be taken seriously. I want you to know that when God sends you and gives you an assignment…
Feb. 2, 2023

Renew Hope

The enemy would want nothing more than for you to replay every bad thing you ever did in your life. If you recall your mistakes and are trapped in the pain of it, God has a reminder for you: If you surrender to Him, He says …
Jan. 26, 2023

Fresh Start

Host Rosalinda Rivera admits, “I began to let anger slip in my heart, and I didn't know how to get my joy back. But I wanted to feel God again. And I would see people come to the altar and I would see them pray and God was g…
Dec. 15, 2022


Are you feeling stuck? The enemy would want nothing more than for you to stay in your pain, your conflict, your unforgiveness, but your Father desires to pull you out of that pit and put your feet on a rock.
Nov. 3, 2022

Power Surge

If you have ever felt overwhelmed, instead of running to unreliable, ungodly sources for help, remember that the Lord is your hiding place. It's in your hiding place where you receive a surge of power to overpower the overwh…
Oct. 27, 2022

Power Up

When the body of Christ comes together in clear agreement, visible unity, and extraordinary prayer —That is what is going to cause the next great awakening.
Oct. 6, 2022

Trust & Obey: Gideon, Part 2

Rosalinda Rivera continues in Judges 6-8 with Gideon’s story of winning against all odds.
Sept. 29, 2022

Trust & Obey: Gideon, Part 1

Rosalinda Rivera is in Judges 6 in this series on Gideon’s example of trust and obedience. At first look, Gideon is unimpressive; then when he is outmanned and outgunned, he chooses to trust God and abandon his tactical mili…
Sept. 22, 2022

Connected and Committed

Do you beat yourself up when you mess up? The Bible says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). If you blew it, you need to repent, shake it off, and get yourself back with the Lord. Do not …
Sept. 15, 2022

What in the Word

On last week’s episode, Rosalinda Rivera highlighted a few lessons from the book of James. Let’s continue what we started and see the power in our words and our thoughts. “God has big things for you. He's got great tomorrow …
Sept. 8, 2022

Help From James

If there's an internal conversion, there's going to be an external proof. If you have an internal encounter with Jesus, there's an external proof and fruit of your encounter with the Lord a man because you can't be meeting J…
June 23, 2022

In the Light

Rosalinda Rivera packs this episode with the Word of God as she shows us how to be a light to the people in your world.
June 16, 2022

Perspective and The Promise

Opinions are plentiful, and perspective is personal. When your faith looks crazy to your friends; when your family says, “There is no way this will work out,” you stand firm. Open your mouth and declare, Oh, there might not …
June 9, 2022

Ignite Your Faith

Rosalinda digs into John’s account of the woman at the well in this episode of Faith Fuel. “Sometimes we go back to the world thinking we're going to be fulfilled. We go back after money, addictions, relationships, or materi…
June 2, 2022

When All Hell Breaks Loose

What do you do when you're going through a hellish trial? This episode is for the person who is up against more than the usual disappointments and dilemmas of daily life. This is for the one who got the news from the doctor.…
May 26, 2022

Stay Sharp

When you are going against trials, you had better go out to win. Pull out the Sword of the Spirit and know that God is your refuge and your strength; “an ever-present help in times of trouble” (Psalm 46:1). The Word of God i…
May 19, 2022


“I want you to know that no matter what comes your way, God is not surprised by your situation. He did not send it or allow it in order to defeat you but to increase you. You are meant for greater things; you will do greater…
May 12, 2022

If the Shoe Fits

Here’s the thing about shoes: You cannot just wear the same shoes to every occasion. It’s the same with your responses and how God uses you. Maybe you're stuck in the past, wearing a shoe that no longer fits; your foot has g…
May 5, 2022

Mom’s Special Recipe

When the enemy tries to come against your family and your children, do not believe the negativity! Moms have a special recipe of prayer and passion that refuses to give up. Host Rosalinda Rivera says, “Declare the Word of G…
April 28, 2022

Success Through Self-Sacrifice

“When you sow in obedience, it's not just for you. Your sacrifice impacts the next generation and the next generation, your children and their children.” Rosalinda Rivera shows us how our lives and our legacy are secured in …
April 21, 2022


Rosalinda Rivera teaches from Jeremiah in this episode of Faith Fuel. But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the s…
April 14, 2022


Rosalinda Rivera warns, “The enemy is wanting to trap you and pull your mind away. You're going to see stuff all your life that is a temptation. That's not the problem; you can’t avoid temptation. But it's when you connect t…
April 7, 2022

The God of Many Chances

Can you think of a time you wished you had a do-over? A mulligan for something you did; a take-back for something you said? The Bible is full of people with regrets — like Jonah. For every regret, God offers to resore us, re…
April 1, 2022

Instructions Included

Although Noah had never seen a flood – or rain -- he obeyed God and started building a boat. Is God telling you to step out? Maybe you're hearing the voice of God asking you to do something that you just can't fathom. Maybe …