Feb. 4, 2022

Are You Talking To Angels Or Demons? Find out! (Episode 13)

Are You Talking To Angels Or Demons? Find out! (Episode 13)
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Gems For The Journey with Matthew and Stephanie Gerrity

In the book of Revelation, John is captivated by the revelation he receives of Jesus Christ and reacts by falling at the feet of an angel to worship him. However, the angel immediately tells John to get up and not worship him or any other angelic hosts. These days many love the idea of worship, the supernatural, angelic visitation, and ministering in the spiritual realm, but is everything labeled as Divine truly from the Lord? Are the visitations and communications many receive genuinely coming from God, or are they counterfeits sent by the enemy? Is the Church still the House of God and the Gate of Heaven, or have counterfeits crept in? We'll answer these questions and more on this week's podcast.

   In this podcast, Matthew will invite the listener to explore and discover... 

  • The Gems - Angels, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church
  • How to apply these Gems to your daily journey 
  • Ways to test if the prophecy you received from an individual is true biblical prophecy
  • Strategies to implement today so that you will not be deceived in the last days

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Your financial gift or monthly partnership of any amount will help us continue to support those in need and allow us to launch high-quality recorded radio broadcasts, podcasts, and teachings that are available to anyone with internet access. With your prayers and financial support, we can continue to record, produce, and upload powerful messages that will reach millions in our generation and hundreds of millions in generations to come. Thank you for partnering with us!

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Make sure to pick up your copy of Matthew's first book "Holy Spirit: The Sevenfold Spirit of God" 

Purchase this book through the publisher here: Salem Books 

Purchase this book through the marketplace here: Amazon