Nov. 1, 2023

Here's How To Conquer Bitterness (Episode 31)

Here's How To Conquer Bitterness (Episode 31)
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Gems For The Journey with Matthew and Stephanie Gerrity

Every day, we see potential end-time world events being paraded in the news media. Such headlines depict wars, rumors of wars, pestilence, natural disasters, unrest, riots, and persecution in many nations. Interestingly enough, we are also in the Hebrew month of Cheshvan, a bitter time throughout history for the Jewish people. Is the love of many beginning to grow cold as the Bible warns us would happen in the last days? Are followers of Christ becoming bitter under all this pressure? The Word of God offers a divine strategy to conquer every aspect of bitterness in our lives. Let's talk about it!

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Matthew's book, "Holy Spirit: The Sevenfold Spirit of God."

  • Purchase this book through the publisher here: Salem Books
  • Purchase this book through the marketplace here: Amazon

About Us:

Matthew and Stephanie have been separated unto the Lord from before their birth to proclaim the Name and the Reign of Jesus Christ. They carry the Glory of God and move in a powerful breakthrough anointing that brings liberty to many. God has graced them with an apostolic mantle coupled with the heart of David and a prophetic edge in preaching and teaching the Word of God. They flow mightily in the gifts of the Spirit, especially as skilled minstrels/psalmists. Their apostolic mandate from the Lord is three-fold. It is to restore and rebuild altars of worship and prayer. It is to equip and empower the Church. It is to revive and heal the nations, calling forth the army of God for such a time as this. Their ministry is marked by humility and compassion, and it is known for mighty signs, wonders, miracles, healing, freedom, and deliverance in The Name of Jesus.