Sept. 5, 2023

(176) “Do You Want to Know God Like Moses Did?” with Sheryl Simpers

(176) “Do You Want to Know God Like Moses Did?” with Sheryl Simpers
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Global Outpouring

“God, I want to know you like Moses did.” After Sheryl Simper’s first marriage fell apart, she was drawn to know God like never before, to know Him like Moses. So she “dated” Him for one year and found freedom from lies, healing of deep wounds, and received her true identity as His beloved daughter. She shares with the Busses some beautiful experiences from this time and explains how you, too, can draw closer to God than ever before. Sheryl also relays a call from the Lord to “examine yourself” and let Him purify you so that you will be ready for the outpouring of His Presence in these last days.




You Can Be Victorious Over Abuse, Beginning Today, Even If You Have Been Really Hurt!” with Sheryl Simpers (91)

Let Jesus Launch You into a New, Supernatural Walk with Him Today, Even if You Know You Have Baggage! with Sheryl Simpers (92)

Learning to Follow Holy Spirit with Sheryl Simpers Part 1 (143)

Learning to Follow Holy Spirit with Sheryl Simpers Part 2 (144)


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Jesus told me, he said, when I was baptized, I wasn't just baptized in water by John the Baptist.

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He said, I wasn't just baptized with fire, I was baptized with my identity when my Father,

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Father God said, you are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. And when he told that to me,

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He spoke it over me and I was baptized in my true identity as His beloved.

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God promises in Joel 2:28 to pour out His Spirit on all humanity. Welcome to Global Outpouring.

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We contend for that promised outpouring. We equip for that outpouring so that we may engage in that

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very outpouring. I'm Philip Buss and I'm Sharon Buss. Welcome to the podcast today. We're so delighted

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that you're with us and we're delighted to have with us a special guest, a dear friend of ours,

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Sheryl Simpers. And if you've been listening to us for very long, you've heard some of her

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testimonies before, but today we're going to talk about how she had such a desire to know God

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and to know him in his glory and to know him like Moses did and how to start and continue in your

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walk with God. Thanks for joining us today. We're so glad that you're with us and we know that it's

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going to be a very edifying podcast. This is going to help you to get into a deeper place in God

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because you're probably wanting to do that. Otherwise you wouldn't be listening to this

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podcast. So before we get started, we want to encourage you to go to our website and make sure

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that you have signed up for our email lists because we want to be able to stay in touch with you.

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Even if something happens where things get disrupted and it makes it harder to reach you,

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that way we can stay in touch with you. And you can also find events that we have coming up and

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you can find our bookstore and just lots of things that are going to help you grow in your

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walk with God, which is what we're going to talk about today with our dear friend Sheryl Simpers.

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Cheryl, thank you so much for joining us today. What a pleasure it is. We always have a good

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time together wherever we are together. We go to church together and we do lots of things together

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and you come to events here. And we haven't yet gone, have we gone to the mission field together?

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Twice with you. Okay. All right. But you've been going to the mission field a lot, lots of different

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nations. I'm getting ready to go on my 19th and it's to Bosnia. Wonderful. Wonderful. So you've

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shared with us before and we will put a link in our show notes about your testimonies of how you

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came to know the Lord and what things you went through and how you were raised in a home of a

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Bible teacher and you learned all this stuff in your head, but it hadn't gotten to your heart yet.

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That's right.

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So just give us a really brief version of how you got to that place where you said,

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all right, God, I'm going to date you for a year.

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Yeah. I had just come out of a divorce after a marriage of 25 years and it was devastating

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and there was sin on both sides, but I was so broken after that marriage ended that

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I came to repentance first and then I just cried out to the Lord. And then I said, okay,

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here's the deal, Lord, I want to know you. I want to know you not in my head, but in my heart.

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I want to know you like Moses and I want to see you like Moses wanted to see you. And God took me

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to right then, because right then I had two open visions of the Lord. And from that point on,

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and I went to work the next day, lost my job and I told him, I'm going to date you for a year

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to get to know you. And I got to spend a whole year with the Lord after I lost my job,

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right after the day after I had prayed that prayer. And so God really-

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He took you seriously.

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Yeah, he took it seriously. And the first thing he did with me was he said, turn off all noise,

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all distractions, not even worship music. He said, I just want you to just sit in my presence.

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And it really literally, it took three weeks before I thought I wasn't going to go crazy from

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the quiet because to me, it was like I had a ringing in my ears and I didn't know how to sit

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still for hours, three weeks in order for me to hear the voice of the Lord. But after that three

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weeks, I was able to sit there with peace. And the Lord started to take me on a journey in

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his presence where I lost track of time. I mean, it would be like 10 minutes. I thought it would

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only been 10 minutes and I looked at the clock and 12 hours had passed. He was doing a cleanup job.

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He was exposing lies of the enemy that came in. He took me into my childhood and showed me where

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I'd taken lies of the enemy, which really formed my life because the one that he really highlighted

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was when I was about six years old, I would make love cards to my parents on just construction

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paper and then I'd like tape my five cent allowance onto it and shove it under their

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bedroom door and just wait for them to come out and come out of the door and then take me in their

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arms and tell me how much I was loved and speak words of affirmation. And when they would come out,

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they'd smile with that note in their hand, but they never told me they loved me or took me in

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their arms. And my heart craved that and I didn't realize until I read the book, The Five Love

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Languages that that was a very special love language to me. So God showed me how I took a lie

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from that point that said that I was not loved, would never be loved and was not lovely.

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And all my life then I was looking for whether that lie was truth or was it a lie. So it caused

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me to try to identify with that lie and not with the truth of God that I was his beloved and would

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always be his beloved and I would always be loved and I would be lovely to him. So it was very

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powerful to get that understanding just sitting there in the presence of God in that year that I

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dated him. And to get that depth of knowledge of his love for me and for others was life changing.

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It was life empowering. And he also in that whole year of giving me my true identity as his beloved,

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he was showing me how many people have taken that same lie and how it causes people to make choices

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because every one of us want to be loved and every one of us is loved. So that place in us

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that's empty, that's wanting affirmed, it's going to the Lord to have him fill that place and to

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speak that into us. And Jesus told me, he said, when I was baptized, I wasn't just baptized

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in water by John the Baptist. He said, I wasn't just baptized with fire, I was baptized with fire

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and I was baptized with my identity when my father, father God said, you are my beloved son

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in whom I am well pleased. And when he told that to me, he spoke it over me and I was baptized in

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my true identity as his beloved. Beautiful. Beautiful. Yes. Beautiful. You know, that reminds

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me of Psalm 27 10 that says, when my father and my mother forsake me, the Lord will take me up.

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It's life changing. Yeah. Yeah. And parents as good as they can be, as good as they might be,

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or as bad as they might be, we're still human and we're not, most of us are not successful in really

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showing the fullness of the love of God. Yes. You know, you might, maybe you felt loved,

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maybe you didn't, but your heavenly father loves you more than you can imagine. Yes. And he's

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looking for every possible way to get the word to you that you are loved by him and that you have,

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you have a place in him that only you can fill. He's the father of all of us, but he would do for

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you exactly the same as he would do for anybody else and just make every kind of provision that

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you need. So, speaking of provision, during that year, God made provision for you, didn't he? He

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did. He made provision for me and I'll have to say that when we turn to the Lord with our whole

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heart, when we're seeking him, it says, seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,

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and all these things will be added unto you. And I had firsthand experience of him doing that,

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not just then, but when in March 2016, my second husband was killed by a drunk driver and he

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didn't have a will. And then God was calling me back onto the mission field and I hadn't been

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since 2007 and he's calling me, but I was stripped of everything, house, land, bank, account, and my

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husband in one day. But I was learning and when he called me to the mission field, I was like,

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I commit to go, you make the way. And he's made the way every single time. Not just on the monies

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to go to the mission field, but my expenses. I'll never forget the time that it was a Thursday and

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I had two bills that added up to a thousand dollars due the next day. And I said, Lord,

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I said, I believe you're going to have somebody give me a check for a thousand dollars.

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And so, I went to check the mailbox that afternoon and there was nothing in there.

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There was no check for a thousand dollars, but I kept standing and pretty soon I heard a knock

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in the late afternoon on my door and there is the woman that watches my cats when I go on the

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mission field. What a wonderful woman of God. And she said, I just want to tell you, I don't take

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my checkbook anywhere. She said, but God told me to bring it with me. She tore a check out of it.

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She folded it, put it on the coffee table. We talked and prayed for a couple of hours. She left.

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I opened that check. It was a check for a thousand dollars.

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Glory to God.

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Thank you, Jesus.

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He's so faithful.

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Yes. I've seen God do extraordinary things to take care of me. You know, I'm doing what he has

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called me to do and going to the nations is expensive as you know, but it's vital. It's my

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call. And some people, like my first mission trip to Africa, I would have people say, well,

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you know, there's lots of things to do here in America. I said, well, I'm already doing

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prison ministry, homeless ministry, two days a week in prayer ministry. And I just say,

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what are you doing? And they stopped asking the question. I said, I'm called to this. Every one

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of us is called to something. And it's in that time of when I was dating the Lord actually,

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that the Lord started to speak to me about my destiny to go to the nations. And when I was

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reading Jeremiah 1.5, when it talks about, I knew you before I put you in the womb and I called you

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as a prophet to the nations, I was reading that and the Lord said, this is what I've called you

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to. And he took that time, not just to clean me up, to bring revelation I needed, things that,

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you know, like I said, exposing lies of the enemy, but also to take me into such a relationship with

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him and also in the word so strong. Cause in the beginning when I used to read the word every day,

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but I didn't enjoy it. I didn't, you know, I didn't understand a lot of it. It was a chore to read

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it, but if I stopped reading it, I felt it in my spirit being that I was missing it. And so it's

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when I got baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues that I was given such a hunger. I

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already was getting a hunger so strong for him in that dating him for a year that I knew something

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was missing, but I didn't know what it was. I went into a Christian bookstore and there was a book

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there called Drawing Near. And I hadn't planned on buying that book, but it was like in the spirit,

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it grew like two feet tall. And I was like, wow. So I took it off the shelf and I read the back,

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it was Drawing Near by John Bevere. And when I read the back, I said, oh my goodness, this is

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exactly what I've been asking the Lord about is about the baptism of the Holy Spirit in speaking

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in tongues. And I already knew I had the Holy Spirit was with me, but I didn't have the filling

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of the Holy Spirit with the speaking in tongues yet. And so when I read it, I knew this is what

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was missing. And so I said, okay, Lord, I was taught against this. And I said, yes, you know,

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it might be from the enemy I would be told. But it says in God's word, if you ask for that blessing,

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he's not gonna give you something that's from the enemy. It's a gift from God. It's a beautiful gift

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from God because it opened my eyes of understanding. And I started then, he was taking me into a place

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of learning how to pray. And there's different ways to pray. When I was dating him, I said, okay,

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I'm tired of the enemy stealing, killing, and destroying. I wanna be on the front line of

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battle. And then it was like all these attacks started coming out. So what is up, Lord? And he

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said, if you wanna be on the front line of battle, I'm gonna teach you how to stand and how to fight

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the enemy. And so he taught me a lot in that year's time. And ever since that time, it's a

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growth process. And you go deeper and you go higher in the things of God when he's always teaching,

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he's always imparting if you will seek him. It is such a blessing when I spend time with him,

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when he starts bringing revelation or in his word. And a lot of times I weep my way through the word

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because I am getting his heart when I'm reading the word. So when it's where his children are

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concerned and they're being rebellious and stiff-necked and they're not listening to what... And

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he's sending messengers, he's sending prophets out of his love for them, not to bring condemnation,

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but to turn them back to him because that's where we were created to be.

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In a deep relationship with him. And man always turns aside when the man turns away from the Lord

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and turns away from what he says, then it opens the door to the enemy. So the Lord's always working

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to draw us back to him. And he's got his arms wide open for us to come into his presence.

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Very true.

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And I remember one of the visions he gave me in that beginning part when I'm dating him was,

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I saw myself as a young, very young girl. I was so messed up. And I know I've shared this before,

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but I was so messed up. In the vision, my hair was a ratted mess. My feet were muddy, filthy.

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My hands were filthy. And I saw the throne room of Father God, I saw the door to it. And in this

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vision, I whip that door open and I go running into that throne room of his and I see Father God

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ahead of me. And God's allowing me to see this in vision form to impart something to me. So I see

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him ahead of me and his back is to me and he's in the middle of a very important meeting. Yet he

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hears me and he stops this very important meeting and he turns around and he opens his arms.

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And I went running into his arms.

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And he took me into his arms and sat me on his lap. And I proceeded to tell him all the good,

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the bad, and the ugly in my life, which he already knew. It was for my benefit to run into his arms,

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sit on his lap, and share everything on my heart. All the times I'd been wounded,

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all the times I'd messed up. At the end of sharing all these things, I had a peace

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that passes all human understanding. It was like I was cleansed. I just felt loved in the midst of it

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and such peace. And the Hebrew word on peace is shalom, nothing missing, nothing broken,

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and that's how I felt. And I didn't realize until I got up to leave him and I hug him

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and I go to leave, I turn around and look and his pristine white garment was covered in my mess.

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It was covered in my ears. It was covered in snot. And I was horrified. I'm thinking,

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oh, I'm in trouble because I didn't have the right understanding of Father God.

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And instead, when I looked at his face, I saw his perfect love, no condemnation. It was this love

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and this smile that was coming out of his whole being that his daughter came to him

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in her brokenness, in her need, came to sit on his lap. And he was able to impart to me

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that healing and that peace that I needed to be cleansed of all that. He took it. Now,

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he took it by his son, Jesus, but he and Jesus and the Spirit are one.

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Absolutely. And so, he was showing me his heart as a father for his beloved daughter.

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And this was, again, part of the being, him imparting my identity as his beloved,

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because I used to have very low self-esteem. And when he stopped that important meeting

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and that vision for me, which he'll do for each one of us, it's because of that love for us

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personally. That was wonderful impartation and revelation I got in that vision. And that was

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from spending time with him. Okay. I have a question for you now.

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Okay. So, you started dating him, and after three weeks, you finally could sit still,

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and you weren't bothered by the silence, and you could finally be still. First of all, when did you

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start having visions, and when did you receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit? So, I started having

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visions immediately. I prayed that prayer. Wow.

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It was two visions right from the beginning, even before I went to work the next day and lost my job

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for a year. He took it seriously when I said I wanted to date him. And when I said I wanted

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to date him, it wasn't like we think of dating. It was very much, I want to know you're real for me,

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and I want a relationship. It's not in my head. It's out of my heart. And to know his heart

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in that relationship. So, I started dating him not too long after my divorce. And the divorce

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happened in May of 2004, if I remember right. So, it wasn't too long after that. But then,

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towards the end of that year is when he was putting on my heart the baptism of the Holy Spirit

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and speaking in tongues. That's when I got that book from the bookstore, a Christian bookstore

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in the St. Louis area in O'Fallon. And then I'm like, okay, God, I want to hear this.

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I want to hear it because I've not heard it. Or if I did, I didn't remember.

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And so, he brought me to a meeting at a church there I was going to on Friday nights. And

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Marilyn Hickey was there after the service was ended that night. And it was two weeks into the

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year 2005. And she was there and at the end she said, anybody that wants to be baptized in the

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Holy Spirit come forward. But before that point, at New Year's Eve 2004 going into 2005 is when

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I've heard the speaking and praying in tongues because when I went to the church service to pray

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in the New Year, they were praying in tongues. And then I said, Lord, I don't understand what

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they're saying. Then the pastor started giving interpretation back and forth. And it was so

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beautiful. It was so beautiful and I was so drawn. And so, I said, well, wow, Lord, wow,

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it just really blessed me. So then two weeks later, I went to that service where Marilyn Hickey was

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preaching on a Friday night. And when she called people forward who wanted to be baptized in the

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Holy Spirit, about 100 people came forward. They took us to the side and one of their prayer

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leader actually had laid hands on me and I was immediately baptized in the Holy Spirit.

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And to me that was like icing on the cake of dating the Lord because I started getting much

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more revelation, not just when I'm sitting silent with the Lord now, I'm getting a lot more, like

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depths. It was like deep calling into deep. And it was just continued through the whole process of

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the dating and beyond even to now of having these encounters with the Lord. I still have many

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encounters with the Lord. All I have to do is start thinking about Him. I go in the Spirit and I see

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the Lord. And He'll give me visions, not just in my relationship with Him because I've had many

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visions of being in heaven with Him and just walking with Him. And it's just like extraordinary.

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It's so beautiful. The thing that gets to me every time I have one of those encounters is His love.

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There is nowhere you can walk in heaven where you are not just enveloped and you experience

00:23:38,640 --> 00:23:46,160
His perfect love. I can't even describe it in our natural realm. It is so beautiful.

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It gives you the greatest experience of wellbeing you can ever imagine. And you get that for

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eternity. There is nowhere you can walk where you're not getting that presence of the Lord that is so

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beautiful. His love and His, oh, wow, it's just so beautiful. So this was all, again, part of my

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being serious about wanting to know Him and wanting to see Him. And it's very important to

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Him because it says in Hosea 4-6, my people perish for lack of knowledge. It also says in the word

00:24:24,800 --> 00:24:32,800
that my people don't even seek me to know me. And He is a God who created us for relationship.

00:24:32,800 --> 00:24:41,520
Absolutely. And what so many people are into, so many things that are so, what He calls evil,

00:24:41,520 --> 00:24:47,760
and it is evil because He calls it evil, but they are empty and they're seeking for something.

00:24:48,640 --> 00:24:55,200
They're seeking the wrong things, but God is always there. He has people and He has angels

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on assignment worldwide to bring people to Him in that relationship. But so many churches even,

00:25:04,080 --> 00:25:11,440
they're not even preaching on that this is what He wants. That He wants a heart-to-heart relationship

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with people. And that's what we were created for. And we have to have it for these days we're living

00:25:17,920 --> 00:25:26,080
in because as we're just watching evil get more evil, you want to put it that way. It's just like

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there's new realms of evil that have just been coming out. But when the enemy comes in like a

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flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up that standard. And that's even though we're not seeing

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it maybe on a national level, we're seeing on an individual level. Yes. And that's just the

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beginning of the grassroots level. We're about to see an outpouring that nobody has even

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hardly imagined what God is going to do. What has the Lord showed you about that, Cheryl?

00:25:54,800 --> 00:26:02,000
What's coming? Well, one thing that He has been showing me is He's highlighting the words,

00:26:02,000 --> 00:26:09,040
examine yourself. In 1 Corinthians 11, when He's talking about communion, He said, examine yourself

00:26:09,040 --> 00:26:17,280
because He is putting things in order. He's coming as a refiner's fire to refine the people

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who are calling themselves by His name because He said, many people are, there's so much mixture

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in the church. They are doing things that if you read His word, a lot of them are abominations

00:26:29,520 --> 00:26:38,080
to Him. He said, woe to those who call evil good and good evil. And so He is very grieved. So He

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said, I am coming as a refiner's fire. But at the same time that all this darkness is getting

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darker and gross darkness on the people that talks about in Isaiah 60, the beginning verses, He says,

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but arise and shine for the glory of God has risen upon you. And in the midst of Him purifying,

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getting us ready for His presence in measures we've never even experienced before. And I have

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experienced the presence of God. I mean, when you're in His presence over and over, and you're

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encountering Him over and over, I experience His glory. But there are times where I literally,

00:27:13,840 --> 00:27:19,680
I can't stand up. I'm on my face. Even in the Spirit, I can't stand up. I'm on my face in front

00:27:19,680 --> 00:27:27,280
of the Lord. And I remember when I was in Ethiopia, then we were at this service and the presence of

00:27:27,280 --> 00:27:33,040
God was so strong. I mean, I literally saw, it was like Pentecost. I saw fireballs coming from

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people's heads. And they were not little flames from a little candle. They were big. And the

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presence of God was so strong, He used me to give some words from His heart to the people. But I had

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an angel on each side of me just to keep me from falling down because His presence was so heavy,

00:27:51,920 --> 00:27:59,360
so beautiful and that glory of His. And so He's preparing us. This preparing us and coming as a

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refiner's fire is not a bad thing. It's actually a beautiful thing so that we can handle His

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presence when He comes. Because I saw there will be people in the church that He's been dealing

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with and they have not listened to turn away from sinful things, to seek Him, to know that they're

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sinful things. They're participating in things that the rest of the world are participating in.

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And I have had open visions of people dying in services because His glory comes in and sin

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cannot stay in the presence of His glory. So you're either going to run to the altar, fall in your

00:28:39,200 --> 00:28:47,200
face and repent, or I saw people who literally they died. And that's a serious thing. It's serious

00:28:47,200 --> 00:28:54,000
with the Lord. So He's getting people ready for it and He's saying, examine yourself. I remember

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when in 2018 He had me in Haggai for seven months straight. It's only two chapters,

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but He's talking twice in the second chapter. It talks about the shaking of the nations.

00:29:04,240 --> 00:29:09,440
And in 2018 He said to me, you're going to see the shaking of the nations. And He said,

00:29:09,440 --> 00:29:14,560
but you're going to see the shaking of the church and it will be seen who stands on me and my word

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and who does not. This is not a one-time thing. He showed me things loosed in the earth. When COVID

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was loosed, He said, this is the thing that I showed you that was going to be loosed.

00:29:27,680 --> 00:29:34,560
But it's being used by the enemy. They're lying. Anyway, they're trying to push things that are

00:29:34,560 --> 00:29:40,960
very harmful. And God showed me that. He showed me something worse than COVID was coming. And

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honestly, when the shots came, He said, this is it. He said, people are taking it innocently

00:29:46,960 --> 00:29:55,360
and with faith in those shots. But He's saying, turn to me. And the more and more things are going

00:29:55,360 --> 00:30:01,120
to be loosed in the earth because darkness is getting darker, but God's light is shining brighter

00:30:01,120 --> 00:30:06,080
in the midst of that darkness and in the midst of gross darkness on people. And He's wanting us to

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pray for those people. When I see these things and these people that are acting out in such wickedness,

00:30:14,480 --> 00:30:21,280
I get grieved in my heart, but I'll go into praying for them because God loves them. God so loved

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the world, the whole world, that He gave His only begotten son to die for all of us. That if we

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would believe on Him and what He did, the gift He gave through His son, He paid the price. He became

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sin who knew no sin so that we could become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. It's faith

00:30:43,600 --> 00:30:48,880
in Jesus. It's a gift and people don't understand that. So here they're involved in so much

00:30:48,880 --> 00:30:54,080
wickedness and it just seems to be getting more and more wicked, which it is. But now it's because

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it's so blatant. It's just out there and the enemy knows it's his time issue. And so, I'm

00:31:01,280 --> 00:31:09,920
short. Part of this great awakening that's coming is I've seen people come in drawn by the Holy

00:31:09,920 --> 00:31:15,360
Spirit, having open visions while I'm in prayer, them coming into the places where God's presence

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is and them just sitting there and the Lord healing them and speaking to them, giving them

00:31:22,400 --> 00:31:28,560
revelation, giving them peace where they have not had any peace and they didn't want to move. And

00:31:28,560 --> 00:31:34,800
it's like when I was dating God and even from that point, when I'm in the presence of God,

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it's so peaceful. You just want to stay there. And He's drawing people there. And He told me when I

00:31:44,240 --> 00:31:49,120
was head of prayer at a little church in St. Louis area, I would go in there and pray in the

00:31:49,120 --> 00:31:55,520
Spirit four or five days a week, an hour each time. And He showed me how many people He's going to be

00:31:55,520 --> 00:32:03,120
bringing out of those hard, wicked things, out of brokenness, out of lies. And He said,

00:32:03,120 --> 00:32:08,240
I'm going to be bringing them into my kingdom and they are going to be so on fire for me because

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they're going to understand what I've done for them. The woman caught in the act of adultery,

00:32:15,360 --> 00:32:22,480
she knew it. He says in one part when he's at a dinner and this woman comes and anoints him

00:32:22,480 --> 00:32:30,080
with oil and then his host is thinking if he were a prophet, he would know who she is and what she's

00:32:30,080 --> 00:32:39,280
done. But then he addresses that and he says, the one who has been forgiven the most is the one that

00:32:39,280 --> 00:32:47,440
loves the most. He showed me this in prayer that as He's bringing these broken, lost, messed up ones,

00:32:47,440 --> 00:32:54,320
really messed up ones, He said, they're going to come to a place of such love for me when they

00:32:54,320 --> 00:33:01,600
understand what I've done for them. Beautiful. Beautiful. Well, that's kind of really what

00:33:01,600 --> 00:33:10,000
happened to you when you said, I want to date you Lord. He dealt with your stuff. He dealt with

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the cleansing and all the deliverance and getting free from lies and all of those kind of things,

00:33:18,080 --> 00:33:26,400
which is really the beginning of the walk. You've been walking with Him, what, nearly 20 years now

00:33:27,200 --> 00:33:33,680
in this, did I get the math right? Yes. Now, I was raised in the church and like I said,

00:33:33,680 --> 00:33:38,480
my father, a Bible teacher, and he taught us every day and he didn't just read it,

00:33:38,480 --> 00:33:45,840
he questioned us. So, that was the foundation. But it was very surface relationship with him.

00:33:45,840 --> 00:33:52,240
But I always knew, I always talked to the Father. For some reason, it was always Father God I went

00:33:52,240 --> 00:33:58,400
to talk to. And He answered your prayers. I remember having that, but it was always very

00:33:59,600 --> 00:34:05,840
childish, like the focus on what I needed, never thinking about what He wanted or needed.

00:34:05,840 --> 00:34:11,840
And so, He had to bring me out of being a child, a spiritual child for many years. That's why when

00:34:11,840 --> 00:34:17,440
I saw that vision of going into the throne room of the Father and sitting on His lap,

00:34:18,160 --> 00:34:25,520
it's because spiritually, I was a young girl for most of my life. Sure. And so, He had to take me

00:34:25,520 --> 00:34:30,880
to a place to be able to mature. Yes. And He gave me a lot of revelation that helped me in that

00:34:30,880 --> 00:34:37,040
maturing. Right. Well, it's about coming into bridal relationship, really. That's really what

00:34:37,040 --> 00:34:44,480
He's after for all of us is to bring us into that kind of intimacy where you'll kind of lose

00:34:44,480 --> 00:34:50,000
yourself into Him. And yet, in losing yourself into Him, you're actually getting your identity.

00:34:50,000 --> 00:35:00,880
Yes. And you get His heart for all of us, but really, He's wanting that revelation, that

00:35:01,440 --> 00:35:13,440
impartation to each person who comes to Him. That they were created out of such love. And the depth

00:35:13,440 --> 00:35:19,920
of His love for us, we have not gone to the depths of understanding of His love. And so,

00:35:19,920 --> 00:35:26,320
we're… But it says if we come to that place of knowing His love that's beyond knowing in the

00:35:26,320 --> 00:35:34,320
natural, then we will come into the fullness of God. Like, wow. And so, to me, this whole

00:35:35,040 --> 00:35:42,960
drawing closer and closer to Him and He is wooing, He's drawing. I can feel it in the spirit. I can

00:35:42,960 --> 00:35:49,280
feel it in services where I'm at. I can feel it in prayer when I'm praying for people. This drawing

00:35:49,280 --> 00:35:56,320
of Him. When I'm in the nations, the presence of God is so strong to draw people to Him in relationship,

00:35:56,320 --> 00:36:04,080
not in religion. That one-on-one relationship with Him. It's powerful, it's beautiful, there's

00:36:04,080 --> 00:36:11,120
nothing like it. Any stronghold or addiction any person has, if they come into a relationship with

00:36:11,120 --> 00:36:18,880
the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father by His Spirit, all that stuff will be like nothing in comparison.

00:36:18,880 --> 00:36:24,640
It changes everything. It does. Because His presence, there's nothing like His presence.

00:36:25,760 --> 00:36:33,680
Wow. Yes. Like, I can feel Him right now so strong as I'm even just talking about His presence.

00:36:34,640 --> 00:36:42,320
And I'm just praying right now that anybody that's listening to this, that they feel that drawing of

00:36:42,320 --> 00:36:49,280
the Lord to Himself, to His heart, that they start being given revelation, dreams and visions.

00:36:49,280 --> 00:36:54,560
That they start to take that time. I called it dating the Lord, but it was taking that time

00:36:54,560 --> 00:37:01,600
to spend with Him, to get to know His heart of love. That He didn't send us, you know, John 3 16,

00:37:01,600 --> 00:37:07,600
I quoted it for He loved the world so much He gave His only begotten Son. Whoever would believe in

00:37:07,600 --> 00:37:12,800
Him would not perish but have everlasting life. But the next verse, John 3 17 is so powerful

00:37:12,800 --> 00:37:17,760
because it says, He didn't send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world

00:37:17,760 --> 00:37:23,360
through His Son would be saved. Amen. Man, when you come into a place that's not about religion,

00:37:23,360 --> 00:37:30,960
about what you have to do, you know, but about what He did because we couldn't do it. And He did it

00:37:30,960 --> 00:37:38,080
through Jesus, the perfect sacrifice for us. It's so powerful. It's so beautiful. When you understand

00:37:38,080 --> 00:37:46,400
the heart of the Father in sending His Son is that gift, that sacrifice. It is so powerful.

00:37:47,680 --> 00:37:52,080
It's so life-giving. It's like, I get the joy when I even think about it.

00:37:54,240 --> 00:37:58,960
You know, I want to dance, I want to sing, I want to shout like, wow, people wake up,

00:37:58,960 --> 00:38:04,800
get this. It's so good. Yes. Don't run away from the gift, run to the gift.

00:38:04,800 --> 00:38:13,760
Exactly. And for every single person, they're going to have their own unique calling and identity.

00:38:13,760 --> 00:38:18,240
They're probably not all going to be called to the nations like you were, but they're called to

00:38:18,240 --> 00:38:24,960
whatever God has put on their heart, whatever giftings He's given them and whatever. There's

00:38:24,960 --> 00:38:31,520
just something unique about every single person that every single person has a voice pattern that

00:38:31,520 --> 00:38:36,560
is like nobody else. Every one of us thinks a little bit different than everybody else. You'll

00:38:36,560 --> 00:38:43,760
never find anybody that you're 100% eye to eye with on every single thing. But every single person

00:38:44,560 --> 00:38:53,920
needs to have their own individual intimate walk with the Lord, with Jesus as the lover of our

00:38:53,920 --> 00:39:00,960
soul, with our Father God as our loving heavenly Father, with the Holy Spirit as our best friend,

00:39:00,960 --> 00:39:08,160
as our helper, as the one who helps us remember what we're supposed to do next and coaches us.

00:39:08,160 --> 00:39:12,640
He's like a coach. Yeah. It's like that song we sang the other day, you know, Jesus at the center

00:39:12,640 --> 00:39:20,160
of it all. Amen. Yeah. And you know, one thing I remember, and I've spoken of this before, being in

00:39:20,160 --> 00:39:29,040
a maximum security prison where we were doing a conference on the power of purity. And there is a

00:39:29,040 --> 00:39:34,320
power of purity ministry out there. You can look it up. But the thing is, many of them in there were

00:39:34,320 --> 00:39:39,520
in there for life, for heinous crimes, a lot of them heinous sexual crimes, even against children.

00:39:40,480 --> 00:39:46,000
And He gave me a word and the love of God was so strong in there that I teared up. And then the

00:39:46,000 --> 00:39:51,760
pastor said, Cheryl, come forward to pray. And when I did, the Lord said, share with them what

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I shared with you. And I said, God is not holding you bound by your past. He is taking you to the

00:39:59,120 --> 00:40:06,640
future He created you for. And I remember in ministering the word of God, a Bible study to

00:40:06,640 --> 00:40:12,960
women coming out of prison and addictions, most of them, was for eight years, I was their Bible

00:40:12,960 --> 00:40:19,200
teacher. And I would tell you that I kept telling them, He's not trying to beat you up. I said,

00:40:19,200 --> 00:40:26,560
He didn't come to beat you up. He took the beating for you. He came to draw you and to raise you up.

00:40:27,600 --> 00:40:34,000
This was one of the biggest things I got out of spending that year with Him was coming into that

00:40:34,000 --> 00:40:39,680
place where it wasn't about what I had to do to be right with Him. I'm already right with Him by what

00:40:39,680 --> 00:40:46,640
Jesus did. It was because of what He did. I get to come boldly to the throne of grace, obtain mercy,

00:40:46,640 --> 00:40:54,240
find grace in my hour of need because of His love for me. I can go there without feeling condemned.

00:40:54,240 --> 00:41:00,560
I can go there and be honest and real with Him. I have been very honest and real. You know, there's

00:41:00,560 --> 00:41:07,920
times I have just like, I mean, I've just laid it all out there, but then He can share with me truth

00:41:07,920 --> 00:41:14,000
that I didn't know. He can share His heart bringing me through to that better place that I was

00:41:14,000 --> 00:41:22,880
desiring and freeing me of all my past, all the garbage, all the stinking thinking as well,

00:41:22,880 --> 00:41:28,560
and the wrong understanding. And I needed a lot of that. It was to be freed of all that

00:41:29,280 --> 00:41:35,360
because I was raised with the do's and don'ts, the 10 commandments. So it was more about a works

00:41:35,360 --> 00:41:40,240
than it was about the grace of God, the gift of Jesus to us.

00:41:40,240 --> 00:41:41,600
Beautiful. Yeah.

00:41:41,600 --> 00:41:50,240
Beautiful. So since the time that you started with this walk, like did you just arrive at the end of

00:41:50,240 --> 00:41:55,680
a year and you've been at the same level ever since or what has happened? Have you had milestones

00:41:55,680 --> 00:42:02,560
along the way? Yes. And in spending that year and being blessed to spend that year with the Lord and

00:42:02,560 --> 00:42:10,640
Him taking care of me, I realized this is a forever relationship. It doesn't end when I leave my

00:42:10,640 --> 00:42:19,120
physical body. I will always be learning even when I go to heaven to be with the Lord because He has

00:42:19,120 --> 00:42:27,920
so much to impart to us. Even for our eternity with Him, it will be beautiful of learning things.

00:42:27,920 --> 00:42:37,360
We're going to be wowed forever. You're going to learn forever. You're going to grow forever.

00:42:37,360 --> 00:42:41,840
If you're staying in one place, you're not growing, then you're not in the right place.

00:42:42,640 --> 00:42:48,480
And you need to be thinking and drawing close to Him and saying, okay, I want to know you.

00:42:49,040 --> 00:42:55,280
I want to know you like Moses wanted to know you. I want to see you just like I said. I want to see

00:42:55,280 --> 00:43:02,480
you like Moses and watch what happens. And doing that, it's been a blessing because I can't even

00:43:02,480 --> 00:43:07,120
begin to tell you how many people I've ministered to and the things that He imparted and revealed

00:43:07,120 --> 00:43:15,120
to me, I'm able to impart to them. And His presence is so powerful. I mean, sometimes His presence

00:43:15,120 --> 00:43:22,480
comes so powerfully that like I remember in Ethiopia and I'm praying, I'm teaching, as I'm

00:43:22,480 --> 00:43:27,360
ministering to people and the presence of God was so strong that they would go on their faces,

00:43:28,080 --> 00:43:34,640
just worshiping the Lord. And like, wow, but that's how it's going to be for eternity. It's not

00:43:34,640 --> 00:43:41,600
something that's forced. It is out of our hearts, this worship of who He is and what He's done for

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us. It's life-changing. Amen. Amen. And so this has just continued. I spend time with Him.

00:43:51,280 --> 00:44:00,160
Honestly, this is probably the sixth year that I read the Bible front to back, but I'm not doing

00:44:00,160 --> 00:44:07,760
it in order, but I'm reading the whole thing twice a year. And I'm reading it because I get revelation

00:44:07,760 --> 00:44:15,280
in that. Or I might have visions while I'm reading the Bible. Or I might get understanding and

00:44:15,280 --> 00:44:22,080
visions of things in the future, but really I'm getting a revelation of His heart for us

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and for me personally too. And I don't want to give that up. I'm drawn to Him. And then being

00:44:30,240 --> 00:44:37,280
drawn to Him, I'm drawn to His word because it says Jesus is the Word. How can you know Him

00:44:37,280 --> 00:44:44,080
personally apart from the Word? You can't. And anybody that says you don't need the Word of God

00:44:44,080 --> 00:44:49,600
is you need to run from them. If you go to church like that and says you don't need to read the

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Word, you're not in the right place. I'm going to tell you flat out, you are not in the right place.

00:44:55,600 --> 00:44:56,640
Amen. Wow.

00:44:56,640 --> 00:45:00,000
And if you're in the wrong place, you're not going to grow and mature.

00:45:00,000 --> 00:45:01,040

00:45:01,040 --> 00:45:07,200
If you're being fed things that are not true. But you know what? God is a revealer. So you can go

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to Him and ask for wisdom, ask for revelation. He gives it abundantly, it says in James chapter 1.

00:45:13,360 --> 00:45:14,640

00:45:14,640 --> 00:45:20,480
He's not keeping anything back from us. It's ready for us to come to Him and get revelation and get

00:45:20,480 --> 00:45:28,000
to know Him and get impartation of things. Like you said, He's got books written about every one of us.

00:45:29,040 --> 00:45:33,440
Psalm 139 when David's talking, he says, there's a book written about me that

00:45:33,440 --> 00:45:38,160
every page was written before there was one day of my life. Well, that's true for every one of us.

00:45:38,160 --> 00:45:44,720
He has a book written about each one of us, our purpose, our God destiny, our pathway.

00:45:44,720 --> 00:45:50,720
And the enemy has come from the very beginning, even many of us when we were in our mother's womb

00:45:50,720 --> 00:45:56,720
to try to take us out, to try to get us away from our God destinies, our God purposes.

00:45:56,720 --> 00:46:02,880
And when you enter fully into your purpose and you're flowing in that, and it's not something

00:46:02,880 --> 00:46:09,120
that you've come up with, it's a calling on each person's life. When you get into that,

00:46:09,840 --> 00:46:16,720
there is joy with that in doing God's will that is His joy, inexpressible and full of glory.

00:46:17,280 --> 00:46:18,560

00:46:18,560 --> 00:46:23,440
There's nothing like being in the will of God. People say, aren't you afraid to go to some of

00:46:23,440 --> 00:46:28,080
these countries? I said, I have no fear. I have no fear of death. And many people are afraid of death.

00:46:28,080 --> 00:46:33,840
Why did so many people take these shots that were not truly tested when COVID came? It's

00:46:33,840 --> 00:46:39,360
because they were fearing death. They're fearing getting COVID and dying. Well, I don't have any

00:46:39,360 --> 00:46:44,640
of that fear because I know where I'm going to be. And I've had so many heavenly experiences

00:46:45,280 --> 00:46:51,360
that I know when I leave this physical body, I'm going to be with the Lord. And it's beautiful.

00:46:51,360 --> 00:46:57,040
I have no fear of that. But I also know I'm here to fulfill a purpose of God and I'm not going to

00:46:57,040 --> 00:47:04,320
be out of here before I'm born. I don't want to be out of here until I want to be with the Lord,

00:47:04,320 --> 00:47:10,160
but I can be with the Lord anytime I want. I can be in the presence of God going in the Spirit

00:47:10,160 --> 00:47:15,280
and there He is and we will walk together. We will talk together. Praise God.

00:47:16,160 --> 00:47:22,480
So I encourage people to get into that place where you're not operating by your soul,

00:47:22,480 --> 00:47:28,160
which is your mind, will and emotions in your flesh. You have a relationship with God

00:47:28,160 --> 00:47:32,000
by your spirit man, your real person. Amen. Amen.

00:47:32,000 --> 00:47:34,640
Well, would you pray for our listeners to have that very thing?

00:47:35,520 --> 00:47:44,080
Yes. Father God, I just lift up every person that hears this podcast, Lord, that you would touch

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them. You would draw them. You would open their eyes of understanding that there's so much more,

00:47:49,920 --> 00:47:56,480
so much more you have for every single person that they would feel that your presence just light up

00:47:56,480 --> 00:48:02,560
their spirit being like, wow. And they would be drawn into having this relationship with you,

00:48:02,560 --> 00:48:08,240
taking the time with you and also being in the Word where you can speak to them and show them

00:48:08,240 --> 00:48:14,080
great and mighty things that they know not. And as it says in Jeremiah 33, three, and thank you,

00:48:14,080 --> 00:48:22,320
Lord, that you are working so powerfully in that drawing people to you and sharing your heart with

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them, bringing revelation upon revelation that it doesn't just stay with them. You give them a heart

00:48:28,880 --> 00:48:35,760
to share what you have done for each one of us in sending your son Jesus to reconcile us in this

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beautiful relationship with you, Father God, in beautiful relationship with you, Jesus,

00:48:41,120 --> 00:48:47,520
all by your Holy Spirit working through us and in us. And thank you, Lord. This is such a gift.

00:48:47,520 --> 00:48:54,000
I thank you that you're touching the people that listen to this podcast, even if it's days down

00:48:54,000 --> 00:48:58,640
the line that they're going to be touched, they're going to be drawn, they're going to have dreams

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and visions and revelations from you and the night watches. You're going to make yourself so real to

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them that they want, you're giving them a want, a want inside their innermost being to have that

00:49:13,760 --> 00:49:24,000
beautiful love relationship with you. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray this, I speak it, I declare

00:49:24,000 --> 00:49:36,080
and decree it. It will be so in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.

00:49:36,080 --> 00:49:42,240
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You can also browse our web store for life-changing anointed books. Until next time, this is Sharon

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Buss and I'm Philip Buss. God bless you with this overwhelming loving presence.